#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Initialise a repository # 2010-01-29 Erik Schnetter use strict; $#ARGV == 1 or die; my ($git_cmd, $git_repo) = @ARGV; my $silent = $ENV{'SILENT'}; $silent = 'yes' if ! defined $silent; $silent = $silent !~ /^no$/i; my $silencer = $silent ? '> /dev/null 2>&1' : ''; # If the repository exists already, do nothing if (-e "$git_repo/.git") { exit; } print "Formaline: Creating git repository...\n"; # Create the directory for the repository mkdir $git_repo; $ENV{'GIT_DIR'} = "$git_repo/.git"; # Create the repository print "Executing: $git_cmd init-db\n" unless $silent; system "$git_cmd init-db $silencer"; if ($?) { die "Formaline: WARNING: Error while initialising git repository\nCommand was\n $git_cmd init-db"; } print "Executing: $git_cmd config receive.denyCurrentBranch false\n" unless $silent; system "$git_cmd config receive.denyCurrentBranch false $silencer"; if ($?) { die "Formaline: WARNING: Error while configuring git repository\nCommand was\n $git_cmd config receive.denyCurrentBranch false"; } # Add a README open README, "> $git_repo/README" or die; my $today = `date`; print README "\ This directory $git_repo is not empty -- it contains a git repository with the Cactus source trees of all previous builds, starting on $today. You can use the command \"git branch\" to list all configurations that are stored in this repository. The history of each branch is the sequence in which the configuration was built. The most recent build is stored in the branch head, as usual. In order to check out a certain branch into a directory , issue the following commands: cd mkdir cd git init git pull $git_repo You can also use the command \"git tag -l\" to list all builds that are stored in this repository. This keeps the source tree for each build directly accessible. In order to check out a certain tag into a directory , issue the following commands: cd git clone -o $git_repo git checkout " or die; close README or die;