CVS info : $Header$ Cactus Code Thorn Formaline Thorn Author(s) : Erik Schnetter Thorn Maintainer(s) : Erik Schnetter -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn: Send meta information about a run to a server, so that it is kept there forever. The information sent is e.g. the parameter file, date, time, machine, and user id of the run, location of the output data, number of iterations, an efficiency summary, etc. Meaning and pronunciation. Formaline (or: formalin) is a solution of formaldehyde (methanal) in water. The chemical formula of formaldehyde is H_2CO. Formaline is commonly used to preserve biological specimen. It is pronounced "fOrmaleen". TODO: put unique job IDs into all output files done for Carpet output but not yet after restarting BSD tar: read files from file: -I filename tar: don't use -z; use tar and gzip AIX: tar is GNU tar, but uses -L instead of -T use GNU tar, and autodetect it properly follow symbolic links (maybe: respect hard links) IOUtil should not depend on anything (MoL should not depend on NaNChecker) use a configuration script to amend all thorns' make.code.deps files to create the tarballs when the thorns are compiled put arrangement name into thorn source name use subdirectories for arrangements use strings instead of chars for data announce: maybe use for parameter arrays maybe use 20100302T00:00:00 for dates and times put the output files into the build directory instead of the scratch directory output grid variables register as output method implement reductions implement missing data types output only if value has changed update the source tarballs not only when the thorn library changes, but also when a *.ccl or make.* file changes. do not necessarily update them all when the bindings change. fork (or spawn a thread) before announcing, so that the simulation does not have to wait make sure to kill the old spawn before a new is created make max_warn_level and output_info steerable register with Portal/Announce as information provider [Tom/Ian want to make Announce accept a table instead of XMLRPC] prevent connecting to the wrong simulation, if a simulation is outdated, and a new simulation uses the same hostname/port combination: the portal can store the job id, and if there is a new port id for the same hostname/port combination, deactivate the old link. rebuild the flesh tarball when the ThornList changes announce in the background, maybe with a larger timeout