#ifndef __SOCKIOWRITER_HH_ #define __SOCKIOWRITER_HH_ #include "IO.hh" #include "Arch.h" #include "RawTCP.H" #include "PortMux.H" /*==================================================== class: sockIOwriter description: This class extends the IO & IEEEIO architecture to write data across a newtork socket. Please consult http://bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/IEEEIO for details on how IEEEIO works. This interface only works for *writing* data (write-only interface). The writer opens a socket to the destination address and then ships data to the destination processor whenever a write occurs. Sending is immediate. There is no local caching (all caching is on the client/reader-side). It could be double-buffered but this would cause problems for MPI jobs on distributed memory machines like the T3E and SP2. problems: All sends are in the foreground. This can hurt application performance, but we can't afford double-buffering because of the memory limitations of distributed memory machines. (a background send would require double buffering but we can't afford the memory to do that on a distributed memory machine). ======================================================*/ class SockIOwriter : public IObase { enum RecordType {DataRecord=1,AnnotationRecord,AttributeRecord}; #ifdef __hpux // silly HPUX compiler won't give FileHdr access to btorder... public: #endif union btorder { char c[4]; // write as int, read as int Int i; }; struct FileHdr { // do magic twice so we can figure out which byte-order // the current machine is in addition (without hardcoding) in // addition to which byte order the file is in btorder magic; btorder byteorder; Long ndatasets; short majorversion; short minorversion; static int write(FileHdr &rec, RawTCPclient *clientsock){ #ifdef T3E // T3E pads structures and Unions (even if embedded in other structures). // So we can't simply write the entire structure in-place. Must write // each component of the structure independently. // do it the stupid way first // would be smarter to pack buffers really int r=0; r+=clientsock->write((char *)(rec.magic.c),4); r+=clientsock->write((char *)(rec.byteorder.c),4); r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.ndatasets),4); // this may be incorrect, but it will work for now // It assumes the low order bytes will be first to // be written. r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.majorversion),2); r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.minorversion),2); return r; #else // problem if this includes pointers to static methods // will require an extra degree of inheritance. (inherit // from a base structure. return clientsock->write((char *)&rec,sizeof(FileHdr)); #endif } }; struct RecordHdr { Int recordtype; Long recordsize; Int sequenceID; static int write(RecordHdr &rec,RawTCPclient *clientsock){ #ifdef T3E // do it the stupid way first // would be smarter to pack buffers really int r=0; r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.recordtype),4); r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.recordsize),4); r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.sequenceID),4); return r; #else return clientsock->write((char *)&rec,sizeof(RecordHdr)); #endif } }; struct DataRecordHdr { Long datasize; Int numbertype; Int rank; static int write(DataRecordHdr &rec, RawTCPclient *clientsock){ #ifdef T3E // do it the stupid way first // would be smarter to pack buffers really int r=0; r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.datasize),4); r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.numbertype),4); r+=clientsock->write((char *)&(rec.rank),4); return r; #else return clientsock->write((char *)&rec,sizeof(DataRecordHdr)); #endif } }; struct AttributeRecordHdr { Long datasize; Int numbertype; Int namesize; // attributes are named /// Alignment-save write int write(RawTCPclient *clientsock) { /// shouldn't there be some hton() conversion?? int r = clientsock->write(&datasize , 4); r+= clientsock->write(&numbertype, 4); r+= clientsock->write(&namesize , 4); return r; } static int size() { return 12; } }; virtual int readInfo(IObase::DataType &typeID,int &rank,int *dims,int maxdims=3){ return 0; } virtual int read(void *data){ return 0; } virtual int seek(int dataset_index){ return 0; } virtual int nDatasets() { return 0; } virtual int readAnnotationInfo(int number,int &length){ return 0; } // returns length (-1 if none left) virtual int readAnnotation(int number,char *annotation,int maxsize=128){ return 0; } virtual int nAnnotations(){ return 0; } // returns number virtual int readAttributeInfo(int number,char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem,int maxnamelen=128) { return 0; } virtual int readAttributeInfo(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem){ return 0; } // returns number virtual int readAttribute(int number,void *data){ return 0; } virtual int nAttributes(){ return 0; } virtual int readChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data){ return 0; } virtual int readStream(void *data,int length){return 0;} RawTCPclient *clientsock; int ndatasets,datasetnumber; RecordHdr current_rec; public: //------------------------core stuff..................... SockIOwriter(CONST char *hostname,int port); SockIOwriter(CONST char *hostname,int port,int tcpwindowsize); virtual ~SockIOwriter(); virtual int isValid(); // could use overloading to differentiate type here... (but I'm going simple) virtual int write(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims,void *data); virtual int writeAnnotation(CONST char *annotation); virtual int writeAttribute(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType typeID,Long length,void *data); //-----------------Chunking Utilities.................. virtual int reserveChunk(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims){ return 0; // this will require a fourth data descriptor type } virtual int reserveStream(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims){ return 0; // this will require a fourth data descriptor type } virtual int writeChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data){ // need to fix this return 0; } virtual int writeStream(void *data,int length){return 0;} RawTCPclient*TCPclient() const { return clientsock; } }; #endif