#ifndef __H5IO_HH_ #define __H5IO_HH_ #include "Arch.h" #include "IO.hh" /* H5stream for networking & message passing! This is not the same as HDF5 because you cannot ask for a subset of the data that arrives. You can only ask what is in the pipe and recieve it or dump it. This is only for marshalling and unmarshalling datastructures into a network pipe for transport in a platform independent manner (ie. use the HDF5 data translation mechanisms) Should have pluggable transport layer! Just provide a VFT with read/write/connect/terminate perhaps block/nonblock/and poll for connections too? If we can make do with blocking that should be sufficient Also need an exception handling mechanism in the embeded/pluggable transport. Transport policies should also be pluggable. They would be * periodic (timer-based) * synchronous/rendezvous (MPI or Occam-like) * transport on write (active message push) * transport on read (on-demand-based active message request w/ round-trip) * virtual shared memory background async transport (implicit sync on read or sync on write, or explicit sync or no-sync) Query Policy * Blocking * nonblocking Buffer Policy * WriteBufferSize * ReadBufferSize */ /* Some macros to fix compatibility issues as long as 1.8.0 is in beta phase */ #define H5_USE_16_API 1 #include class H5IO : public IObase { // *** Flags for usage of each type char filevalid,datasetvalid,datatypevalid,dataspacevalid; IObase::DataType currentdatatype; hid_t file, dataset; /* file and dataset handles */ hid_t datatype, dataspace; /* handles */ hsize_t dimsf[5],rankf; /* current dataset dimensions */ herr_t status; hid_t DataType2H5(IObase::DataType nt); // in-memory type is *always* native // IObase::DataType H52DataType(hid_t &nt); IObase::DataType H5DataType2DataType(hid_t nt); int createdataspace(int rank,CONST int *dims); int createdatatype(IObase::DataType dt); int selectdataset(int i); // void selectdataset(char *name); int createdataset(char *name,IObase::DataType nt, int rank,CONST int *dims); int createdataset(IObase::DataType nt,int rank,CONST int *dims); int getdatasetinfo(int &rank, int *dims, IObase::DataType &nt); void enddataspace(); void enddatatype(); void enddataset(); int getndatasets(); void getdatasetname(int _index, // in char *name); int chunkdims[5]; int hasread; public: H5IO(CONST char *fname,AccessMode access); virtual ~H5IO(); virtual int isValid(); virtual int write(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims,const void *data); // virtual int write(char *name,IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims,void *data); virtual int readInfo(IObase::DataType &typeID,int &rank,int *dims,int maxdims=3); virtual int readInfo(char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,int &rank,int *dims,int maxdims=3); virtual int read(void *data); virtual int seek(int i); virtual int nDatasets(); virtual int writeAnnotation(CONST char *annotation); virtual int readAnnotationInfo(int number,int &length); // NEW virtual int readAnnotation(int index,char *annotation,int maxlen); // changed virtual int nAnnotations(); // New virtual int writeAttribute(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType typeID,Long length,const void *data); // New virtual int readAttributeInfo(int number,char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem,int maxnamelen=128); // New virtual int readAttributeInfo(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem); // New virtual int readAttribute(int number,void *data); // New // virtual Long readAttribute(CONST char *name,void *data); virtual int nAttributes(); // New //-----------------Chunking Utilities.................. virtual int reserveChunk(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims); virtual int writeChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,const void *data); virtual int readChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data); //-----------------Streaming interface (for PANDA, Sockets & MPIO)......... virtual int reserveStream(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims) {return -1; } virtual int writeStream(const void *data,int length){ return -1; } // not implemented yet virtual int readStream(void *data,int length) { return -1; } // not implemented yet //----------------Special HDF5-specific methods......... // will put some hyperslab definition stuff here }; #define f_h5_open F77NAME(h5_open_,h5_open,H5_OPEN) #define f_h5_openr F77NAME(h5_openr_,h5_openr,H5_OPENR) #define f_h5_openw F77NAME(h5_openw_,h5_openw,H5_OPENW) #define f_h5_opena F77NAME(h5_opena_,h5_opena,H5_OPENA) extern "C" { #if defined(CRAY) && defined(T3E) // Note: This isn't really implemented yet... #include Long8 f_h5_open(_fcd fcfilename,_fcd accessname); Long8 f_h5_openr(_fcd fcfilename); Long8 f_h5_openw(_fcd fcfilename); Long8 f_h5_opena(_fcd fcfilename); #else Long8 f_h5_open(char *file,char *access,int flen,int alen); Long8 f_h5_openr(char *file,int flen); Long8 f_h5_openw(char *file,int flen); Long8 f_h5_opena(char *file,int flen); #endif #include "H5IO.h" } /* long io_open_ieee_(constCONST char *file,constCONST char *access,int flen,int alen); */ #endif