UCD Writer

The UCD Writer stores finite-element cell-connectivity data. The UCD format is used by popular FEM simulation packages like ABAQUS and by visualization systems like AVS and Explorer. It is also a useful format to store AMR data into for visualization systems since virtually no visualization system understands heirarchial grids.

The writer API has a lot of beginSomething() and endSomething() statements. This is because there may be several independent lists of nodes and cells at a given timestep in a completely arbitrary UCD dataset. This interface allows this to be dealt with in pieces.


C++ Interface
constructor UCDwriter::UCDWriter( IObase &iofile, IObase::DataType defaultnodetype=IObase::Float32, IObase::DataType defaultcelltype=IObase::Int32 )
The filehandle is an already open IEEEIO or HDFIO file. This initializes the reader and attaches it to that datafile. You can optionally set the datatype for the node/vertex coordinates and the cell indices. Normally these would be Float32 and Int32 respectively.
destructor UCDwriter::~UCDwriter()
This flushes all of the necessary file buffers and destroys the UCDwriter object. The filehandle that the writer was bound to must be closed separately though.

John Shalf
Last modified: Wed May 7 13:32:18 MDT