path: root/src/MPIOspeed.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/MPIOspeed.cc')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/MPIOspeed.cc b/src/MPIOspeed.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ad0019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MPIOspeed.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "vatoi.hh"
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#include "MPIutils.hh"
+#include "MPIO.hh"
+#include "Timer.hh"
+int StupidProcLayoutSeive(int np,int decomp[3]){
+ // Brute-Force method
+ // stupidly attempts all decomposition combinations
+ // and filters out unusable combinations.
+ // trys to select minimum surface area processor arrangement
+ int minarea = np*np*np; // impossibly high value
+ for(int i=1;i<=np;i++){
+ for(int j=1;i*j<=np;j++){
+ for(int k=1;i*j*k<=np;k++){
+ if(i*j*k!=np) continue;
+ int area = i+j+k; // area metric (optimizing this weakly minimizes surface area)
+ if(area<minarea) {
+ minarea=area;
+ decomp[0]=i;
+ decomp[1]=j;
+ decomp[2]=k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return minarea;
+class CommandLine {
+ enum DimType {Local,Global};
+ int verbose,dims[3],dimtype;
+ char *programname;
+ int bufsize;
+ int ntrials;
+ int syncsends;
+ void setDefaults(){
+ verbose=0;
+ ntrials=40;
+ dims[0]=dims[1]=dims[2]=20;
+ dimtype = Local;
+ bufsize=0;
+ syncsends=1; // default for now because it does so much better
+ }
+ CommandLine(int argc,char *argv[],MPIcomm *comm){
+ setDefaults();
+ parse(argc,argv,comm);
+ }
+ void parse(int argc,char *argv[],MPIcomm *comm){
+ programname=argv[0];
+ for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
+ char *flag = argv[i],*val=argv[i+1];
+ if(*flag=='-') flag++;
+ else continue; // ignore non-flags
+ if(*flag=='v') {verbose=1;}
+ else if(!strcmp(flag,"dimtype")){
+ if((++i<argc) && (!strcmp(val,"global") || !strcmp(val,"Global")))
+ dimtype=Global;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(flag,"dims")){
+ if(++i<argc) sscanf(val,"%u,%u,%u",dims,dims+1,dims+2);
+ }
+ else if(*flag=='n'){
+ ntrials = atoi(val);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if(*flag=='s'){
+ syncsends=1;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(flag,"buffer")) {
+ if(++i<argc)
+ bufsize = vatoi(val);
+ }
+ else if(*flag=='h' && !comm->rank()) usage();
+ }
+ }
+ void usage(){
+ printf("Usage: %s <-verbose> <-dims int,int,int> <-dimtype global|local>",
+ programname);
+ printf("\tverbose: Opens file for reading after complete and prints all values.\n");
+ printf("\tdims: Set the dimensions of the dataset. By default this is per-cpu.\n");
+ printf("\t\tThis can be Global dimensions if you use -dimtype flag.\n");
+ printf("\t\tDefault is 20,20,20.\n");
+ printf("\tdimtype: \'global\' makes dimensions apply to the overall dataset\n");
+ printf("\t\tregardless of number of processors and \'local\' is per-processor.\n");
+ printf("\t\tThe default is per-processor.\n");
+ }
+ void printStatus(FILE *f=stdout){
+ fprintf(f,"%s: verbose=%u dims=%u,%u,%u dimtype=%s\n",
+ programname,verbose,
+ dims[0],dims[1],dims[2],
+ (dimtype==Local)?"Local":"Global");
+ fprintf(f,"\t Buffer Cache is at %u bytes\n",bufsize);
+ }
+int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
+ MPIenv env(argc,argv); // start MPI threads
+ MPIcomm *comm = env.getComm();
+ CommandLine cmdln(argc,argv,comm);
+ int origin[3],dims[3];
+ int proclayout[3],area;
+ int nghost=1;
+ area=StupidProcLayoutSeive(comm->numProcs(),proclayout);
+ // if(!comm->rank()) {
+ cmdln.printStatus();
+ fprintf(stderr,"Proclayout = %u : %u,%u,%u\n",area,
+ proclayout[0],proclayout[1],proclayout[2]);
+ //}
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++) dims[i]=cmdln.dims[i];
+ if(cmdln.dimtype==CommandLine::Global)
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++) dims[i]/=proclayout[i]; // create dims for layout computation
+ for(int p=0,k=0;k<proclayout[2];k++){
+ for(int j=0;j<proclayout[1];j++){
+ for(int i=0;i<proclayout[0];i++,p++){
+ if(p==comm->rank()){
+ // assumes same dims per process
+ origin[0]=dims[0]*i;
+ origin[1]=dims[1]*j;
+ origin[2]=dims[2]*k;
+ for(int n=0;n<3;n++){
+ if(origin[n]-nghost>0) {origin[n]-=nghost; dims[n]+=(nghost);}
+ dims[n]+=nghost;
+ }
+ if(cmdln.dimtype==CommandLine::Global){
+ // compute remainder for globaldims
+ if(k==(proclayout[2]-1))
+ dims[2]=cmdln.dims[2]-origin[2];
+ if(j==(proclayout[1]-1))
+ dims[1]=cmdln.dims[1]-origin[1];
+ if(i==(proclayout[0]-1))
+ dims[0]=cmdln.dims[0]-origin[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"PE(%u) origin{%u,%u,%u} localdims{%u,%u,%u} nghost=%u\n",
+ comm->rank(),origin[0],origin[1],origin[2],
+ dims[0],dims[1],dims[2],nghost);
+ int size=1;
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++) size*=dims[i];
+ // Everybody allocates their own local data
+ float *data = new float[size];
+ for(int i=0;i<size;i++) data[i] = (float)i;
+ IEEEIO *file=0;
+ if(!comm->rank()){ // only PE0 needs to open a file
+ IEEEIO *iofile;
+ file = iofile = new IEEEIO("mpdata.raw",IObase::Write);
+ if(cmdln.bufsize>0)
+ iofile->bufferOn(cmdln.bufsize);
+ }
+ else file=0; // else it is null
+ MPIO *pfile = new MPIO(file,*comm); // but everyone creates the pfile
+ pfile->setLocalDims(3,origin,dims);
+ // if(cmdln.syncsends) pfile->useSyncrhonousSend();
+ // puts("Write");
+ comm->barrier();
+ double stime = MPI_Wtime(); // start timing
+ //Timer t;
+ // t.start();
+ for(int i=0;i<cmdln.ntrials;i++){
+ // if(comm->rank()==0) fprintf(stderr,"Trial %4u\n",i);
+ comm->barrier();
+ pfile->write(data);
+ }
+ comm->barrier(); // synchronize completion
+ double etime = MPI_Wtime();
+ // t.end();
+ if(!comm->rank()){
+ printf("\nElapsed time to write=%lf\n",etime-stime);
+ }
+ puts("done writing");
+ delete pfile;
+ if(file) delete file;
+ delete data;
+ if(!comm->rank()){
+ file = new IEEEIO("mpdata.raw",IObase::Read);
+ int ndims[3],nrank;
+ IObase::DataType dt;
+ file->readInfo(dt,nrank,ndims);
+ printf("IO performance = %f Megabytes/sec\n",
+ (float)(cmdln.ntrials)*(float)(IObase::nBytes(dt,nrank,ndims))/(1024*1024*(etime-stime)));
+ printf("Read mpdata.raw: rank=%u dims=%u,%u,%u\n",nrank,ndims[0],ndims[1],ndims[2]);
+ if(cmdln.verbose){ // dangerous on T3E
+ data = new float[IObase::nElements(nrank,ndims)];
+ file->read(data);
+ for(int k=0,p=0;k<ndims[2];k++)
+ for(int j=0;j<ndims[1];j++)
+ for(int i=0;i<ndims[0];i++,p++)
+ printf("data[%u:%u:%u](%u) = %f\n",i,j,k,p,data[p]);
+ delete data;
+ }
+ delete file;
+ }
+ return 0;