path: root/src/AmrUcdCompute.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/AmrUcdCompute.cc')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/AmrUcdCompute.cc b/src/AmrUcdCompute.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eae19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AmrUcdCompute.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+/* *****************************************/
+/* Includes and Global Defs */
+/* *****************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <avs/avs_math.h>
+#include <avs/avs.h>
+#include <avs/port.h>
+#include <avs/field.h>
+#include <avs/ucd_defs.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ucd_defs.h>
+// #include "config.h"
+#include "FlexArrayTmpl.H"
+#include <IEEEIO.hh>
+#include "AmrNode.hh"
+// #include "AmrConvert.hh"
+#include "AmrUcdFileReader.hh"
+void DumpUCD(UCD_structure *u);
+extern "C"
+ int amrucd_compute(UCD_structure **Output,char *Filename,int Hold,int Threshold,
+ int GenerateLevelData, int Step,float *Min,float *Max,
+ char *VisibleLevels);
+ void amrucd_destroy();
+void amrucd_destroy(){
+ puts("Destroyed AmrUcd"); // erase UCD datastructures?
+void GenerateFakeUCD(int Step,FlexArray<AmrNode *> &nodes,FlexArray<int> &cells){
+ float data[128];
+ int i,index;
+ //********* Generate some fake data (nsds quads in the z direction)
+ for(i=0;i<128;i++) data[i]=(float)i;
+ for(index=index=i=0;i<Step+2;i++){
+ int z = i;
+ for(int y=0;y<2;y++){
+ for(int x=0;x<2;x++,index++){
+ AmrNode *node=new AmrNode;
+ node->location.cartesian.x=(float)x;
+ node->location.cartesian.y=(float)y;
+ node->location.cartesian.z=-(float)z;
+ node->data = data+index;
+ node->index=index;
+ nodes.append(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(index=i=0;i<Step+1;i++){
+ int connectmap[4]={0,1,3,2};
+ for(int y=0;y<4;y++){
+ cells.append(connectmap[y]+index);
+ }
+ index+=4;
+ for(y=0;y<4;y++){
+ cells.append(connectmap[y]+index);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Ncellentries = %u /8 = %u: nnodes=%u /4 = %u\n",
+ cells.getSize(),cells.getSize()/8,nodes.getSize(), nodes.getSize()/4);
+ /*
+ for(i=0;i<nodes.getSize();i++){
+ printf("node[%3u]: %f:%f:%f\n",i,
+ (nodes[i])->location.cartesian.x,
+ (nodes[i])->location.cartesian.y,
+ (nodes[i])->location.cartesian.z);
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<cells.getSize();i++){
+ if(!(i%8)) printf("\ncell[%3u]:",i);
+ printf("%2u,",cells[i]);
+ //if(!((i+1)%8)) puts("");
+ }
+ */
+ puts("");
+int amrucd_compute (UCD_structure **Output,char *Filename,int Hold,int Threshold,
+ int GenerateLevelData, int Step,float *Min,float *Max,
+ char *VisibleLevels){
+ static IObase *datafile; // Need Global Delete
+ static AmrUcdFileReader *convertor; // Need Global Delete
+ static FlexArray<char> VisibleLevelString;
+ // must be pointers to nodes because some are possibly shared...
+ FlexArray<AmrNode *> nodes; // the nodes with their data values
+ FlexArray<int> cells; // connectivity between the nodes
+ //AVSfield *GenerateFakeData();
+ //AVSfield *ReadHDF();
+ UCD_structure *ConvertToUCD(FlexArray<AmrNode*> &,FlexArray<int> &,int);
+ if(AVSparameter_changed("Filename")){
+ int mintime,maxtime;
+ IObase *newfile = new IEEEIO(Filename,IObase::Read);
+ if(!newfile->isValid()){
+ printf("AmrUcd: Error opening datafile %s\n",Filename);
+ delete newfile;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(datafile) delete datafile;
+ datafile=newfile; // make current file
+ if(convertor) delete convertor;
+ convertor = new AmrUcdFileReader(*datafile);
+ // convertor->printGridInfo();
+ convertor->getTimeRange(mintime,maxtime);
+ if((maxtime-mintime)<=1){
+ AVSmodify_parameter("Step",AVS_VALUE|AVS_MINVAL|AVS_MAXVAL,mintime,mintime,maxtime+1);
+ AVSparameter_visible("Step",0);
+ }
+ else {
+ AVSmodify_parameter("Step",AVS_MINVAL|AVS_MAXVAL|AVS_VALUE,mintime,mintime,maxtime);
+ AVSparameter_visible("Step",1);
+ }
+ Step=mintime;
+ // Now setup the VisibleLevelString
+ if(VisibleLevelString.getSize()>0)
+ VisibleLevelString.purge();
+ for(int i=0;i<convertor->nLevels();i++){
+ char buffer[12];
+ sprintf(buffer,"*Level %2u:",i);
+ // Only display first 3 levels
+ if(i>=3) {
+ *buffer='.';
+ convertor->hideLevel(i);
+ }
+ buffer[10]='\0';
+ VisibleLevelString.append(buffer,10);
+ }
+ VisibleLevelString[convertor->nLevels()*10 - 1]='\0'; // cap the string off
+ // Now assign the string for the choice widget
+ AVSmodify_parameter("VisibleLevels",AVS_MINVAL|AVS_MAXVAL|AVS_VALUE,
+ "*Level 0",VisibleLevelString.getData(),":");
+ }
+ if(!datafile || !convertor){
+ puts("No valid datafile or convertor exists. No action taken.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(AVSparameter_changed("VisibleLevels")){
+ int choicenum = AVSchoice_number("VisibleLevels",VisibleLevels) - 1;
+ if(choicenum>=0){
+ if(VisibleLevelString[choicenum*10]=='*'){ // toggle off
+ VisibleLevelString[choicenum*10]='.';
+ convertor->hideLevel(choicenum);
+ }
+ else {
+ VisibleLevelString[choicenum*10]='*';
+ convertor->showLevel(choicenum);
+ }
+ AVSmodify_parameter("VisibleLevels",AVS_VALUE|AVS_MINVAL|AVS_MAXVAL,
+ VisibleLevels,VisibleLevelString.getData(),":");
+ }
+ }
+ if(Hold) return 0; // no change as of yet
+ // GenerateFakeUCD(Step,nodes,cells);
+ if(*Output){
+ puts("FREE UCD");
+ DumpUCD(*Output);
+ UCDstructure_free(*Output);
+ }
+ // *Output=NULL;
+ convertor->setTime(Step);
+ convertor->getUcd(nodes,cells);
+ *Output=ConvertToUCD(nodes,cells,GenerateLevelData); // final gen of output
+ if(!*Output) return 0;
+ // Now if thresholding is there
+ if(Threshold){
+ int idx;
+ if(GenerateLevelData) idx=1;
+ else idx=0;
+ (*Output)->min_node_data[idx]=*Min;
+ (*Output)->max_node_data[idx]=*Max;
+ for(int n=0;n<(*Output)->node_veclen;n++){
+ printf("Component[%u] min/max data=%f:%f\n",
+ n,(*Output)->min_node_data[n],(*Output)->max_node_data[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ //for(int i=0;i<nodes.getSize();i++) {delete nodes[i]; nodes[i]=0;}
+ return 1;
+UCD_structure *ConvertToUCD(FlexArray<AmrNode*> &nodes,FlexArray<int> &cells,
+ int GenerateLevelData){
+ int i,j,k;
+ int util_flag,ucd_flags;/* define which components will be availible in structure */
+ int num_cells,num_nodes;
+ char model_name[65];
+ int cell_tsize, node_csize;
+ int num_model_data, num_cell_data, num_node_data;
+ int node_comp_list[10], num_node_comp,nodelist[8],active_node_list[10];
+ float min_ext[3],max_ext[3],node_data_max[10],node_data_min[10],*xc,*yc,*zc;
+ int cell,node;
+ UCD_structure *output;
+ printf("Convert to UCD\n");
+ strcpy(model_name,"AMRUCD model");
+ /*********************************/
+ /* establish the UCD structure */
+ /*********************************/
+ ucd_flags = UCD_INT;
+ num_cells = cells.getSize()/8;
+ num_nodes = nodes.getSize();
+ printf("So numcells=%u and numnodes=%u\n",num_cells,num_nodes);
+ /* node connectivity, and only scalar nodal data */
+ num_model_data = 0;
+ num_cell_data = 0; /* scalar cell data */
+ util_flag = 0; /* no cell-edge connectivity */
+ /* or should it be total size */
+ cell_tsize = num_cells*8; // This is tested to be correct (will warn)
+ node_csize = 0; // no node connectivity
+ if(GenerateLevelData){
+ num_node_data = 2; /* how much ??? */
+ node_comp_list[0]=1;
+ node_comp_list[1]=1;
+ num_node_comp = 2; /* no nodal data */
+ }
+ else{
+ num_node_data = 1; /* how much ??? */
+ node_comp_list[0]=1;
+ node_comp_list[1]=0;
+ num_node_comp = 1;
+ }
+ printf("Allocate UCD structure\n");
+ printf("Params:\n\tmodel_name: %s\n\t\
+num_model_data: %u\n\t\
+ucd_flags: %u\n\t\
+num_cells: %u\n\t\
+cell_tsize: %u\n\t\
+num_cell_data: %u\n\t\
+num_nodes: %u\n\t\
+node_csize: %u\n\t\
+num_node_data: %u\n\t\
+util_flag: %u\n",model_name,
+ num_model_data,
+ ucd_flags,
+ num_cells,
+ cell_tsize,
+ num_cell_data,
+ num_nodes,
+ node_csize,
+ // num_node_data,
+ num_node_comp,
+ util_flag);
+ output = (UCD_structure *)UCDstructure_alloc (model_name,
+ num_model_data,
+ ucd_flags,
+ num_cells,
+ cell_tsize,
+ num_cell_data,
+ num_nodes,
+ node_csize,
+ num_node_data,
+ util_flag);
+ DumpUCD(output);
+ if(!output){
+ puts("AmrUcdCompute: UCD structure Allocation Failed!!!!");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // printf("Address of struct is %u\n",(unsigned)output);
+ // should copy directly
+ xc = new float[num_nodes];
+ yc = new float[num_nodes];
+ zc = new float[num_nodes];
+ puts("Set Node connectivity and coords");
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ min_ext[i]=max_ext[i]=(nodes[0])->location.array[i];
+ for(node=0;node < nodes.getSize();node++){
+ float x,y,z;
+ int clist[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ AmrNode *n=nodes[node];
+ xc[node]=x=n->location.cartesian.x;
+ if(x<min_ext[0]) min_ext[0]=x;
+ if(x>max_ext[0]) max_ext[0]=x;
+ yc[node]=y=n->location.cartesian.y;
+ if(y<min_ext[1]) min_ext[1]=y;
+ if(y>max_ext[1]) max_ext[1]=y;
+ zc[node]=z=n->location.cartesian.z;
+ if(z<min_ext[2]) min_ext[2]=z;
+ if(z>max_ext[2]) max_ext[2]=z;
+ // was (char *) node+1
+ if(!UCDnode_set_information(output,node,(char *)(node+1),0,clist)){
+ puts("Error setting node information!!!!");
+ }
+ }
+ printf("need to store %u positions\n",node);
+ printf("set positions in 3-space minext=%f:%f:%f\tmaxext=%f:%f:%f\n",
+ min_ext[0],min_ext[1],min_ext[2],
+ max_ext[0],max_ext[1],max_ext[2]);
+ //for(i=0;i<3;i++) min_ext[i]=max_ext[i]=0.0;
+ if(!UCDstructure_set_node_positions(output,xc,yc,zc)){
+ puts("Error setting node positions!!!!");
+ }
+ //printf("Now free the pointers");
+ //for(i=0;i<nodes.getSize();i++)
+ // xc[i]=yc[i]=zc[i]=0;
+ delete xc;
+ delete yc;
+ delete zc;
+ puts("Set Extents");
+ printf("Set Extents-> %u\n",
+ UCDstructure_set_extent(output,min_ext,max_ext));
+ /* now cell topology */
+ puts("Set cell connectivity");
+ int cellidx;
+ for(cell=cellidx=0;cell<cells.getSize();cell+=8,cellidx++){
+ int nodelist[8];
+ for(i=0;i<8;i++) nodelist[i]=cells[cell+i]; // superfluous copy
+ UCDcell_set_information(output,cellidx,
+ // (char *)(cellidx+1),"hex", // was (char *)(cellidx+1)
+ (char*)cellidx,"hex",
+ 1/*material ID*/,
+ 0/*no mid-edged nodes*/,
+ nodelist);
+ if(cellidx>=num_cells || cell>=cells.getSize()) puts("Error!!!! Too many Cells");
+ }
+ puts("now set the data");
+ /* Order of operations
+ for each node position
+ UCDnode_set_information(*output,nodenumber,nodenumber+1,*/
+ /* Now Set the node/vertex data */
+ /* nodedata is in the field */
+ printf("set node Data numcomp=%u compsize=%u:%u\n",
+ num_node_comp,node_comp_list[0],node_comp_list[1]);
+ UCDstructure_set_node_components(output,node_comp_list,num_node_comp);
+ // Just manually set stuff in the data structure
+ printf("util_flag=%u\n",output->util_flag);
+ printf("max_ext[2]=%u\n",output->max_extent[2]);
+ active_node_list[0]=1; active_node_list[1]=0;
+ UCDstructure_set_node_active(output,active_node_list);
+ int dataindex;
+ if(GenerateLevelData){
+ UCDstructure_set_node_labels(output,"level.data",".");
+ node_data_min[0]=node_data_max[0]=(float)((nodes[0])->level);
+ node_data_min[1]=node_data_max[1]=(float)((nodes[0])->data[0]);
+ dataindex=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ UCDstructure_set_node_labels(output,"data",".");
+ //node_data_min[0]=node_data_max[0]=(float)((nodes[0])->level);
+ node_data_min[0]=node_data_max[0]=(float)((nodes[0])->data[0]);
+ dataindex=0;
+ }
+ // KLUDGE!!! Possibly redundant malloc
+ float *node_data = new float[nodes.getSize()*num_node_data];
+ // Crash!!
+ printf("Num Node Data= %u floats\n",nodes.getSize());
+ int index=0;
+ // Colorize by GridID??? wah?
+ if(GenerateLevelData){
+ for(i=0,index=0;i<nodes.getSize();i++,index++){
+ float val = (float)((nodes[i])->level); // need level later!!!
+ // printf("index[%u] valI=%u val=%f\n",i,nodes[i]->gridID,val);
+ if(node_data_max[0]<val) node_data_max[0]=val;
+ if(node_data_min[0]>val) node_data_min[0]=val;
+ if(val>6) printf("index[%u] valI=%u val=%f\n",i,nodes[i]->gridID,val);
+ node_data[index]=val;
+ } // Crash here
+ printf("node_data_max[0]=%f node_data_min[0]=%f\n",node_data_max[0],node_data_min[0]);
+ puts("done setting levelinfo");
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<nodes.getSize();i++,index++){
+ float *valptr = (nodes[i])->data;
+ //printf("DataPtr[%u]=%lu val=%f\r",i,valptr,*valptr);
+ float val = *valptr;
+ if(node_data_max[dataindex]<val) node_data_max[dataindex]=val;
+ if(node_data_min[dataindex]>val) node_data_min[dataindex]=val;
+ node_data[index]=val;
+ }
+ puts("\nset node data");
+ printf("UCDstructure_set_node_data->%u\n",
+ UCDstructure_set_node_data(output,node_data));
+ printf("After set node data util_flag=%u\n",output->util_flag);
+ printf("max_ext[2]=%u\n",output->max_extent[2]);
+ printf("UCDstructure_set_node_minmax->%u\n",
+ UCDstructure_set_node_minmax(output,node_data_min,node_data_max));
+ printf("Set Data min:max %f:%f %f:%f\n",
+ node_data_min[0],node_data_max[0],
+ node_data_min[1],node_data_max[1]);
+ // for(i=0;i<nodes.getSize();i++) node_data[i]=0.0; // see if clobbering data
+ delete node_data;
+ // Just manually set stuff in the data structure
+ printf("util_flag=%u\n",output->util_flag);
+ printf("max_ext[2]=%u\n",output->max_extent[0]);
+ //output->util_flag=0;
+ DumpUCD(output);
+ return output;
+void DumpUCD(UCD_structure *u){
+ if(u->name) printf("UCD_Structure: name=%s\n",u->name);
+ else printf("UCD_Structure: <no name>\n");
+ printf("\tnameflag=%u util_flag=%u ncells=%u nnodes=%u\n",
+ u->name_flag,u->util_flag,
+ u->ncells,u->nnodes);
+ printf("\tmin:max extent %f,%f,%f:%f,%f,%f\n",
+ u->min_extent[0], u->min_extent[1], u->min_extent[2],
+ u->max_extent[0], u->max_extent[1], u->max_extent[2]);
+ printf("\tStructure data=%lu\n",(unsigned long)(u->data));
+ if(u->cell_name) printf("Has Cell Names\n");
+ else printf("<no cell names>\n");
+ printf("\tCell: veclen=%u, node_conn_size=%u last_cell=%u\n",
+ u->cell_veclen,u->node_conn_size,u->ucd_last_cell);
+ if(u->node_conn_size){
+ if(u->node_list) {
+ printf("\thas cell list %lu\n",u->node_list);
+ }
+ if(u->node_list_ptr){
+ printf("\thas node list pointer %lu\n",u->node_list_ptr);
+ printf("\tFirstNode %u:%u ++ %u:%u 8th node = %u:%u\n",
+ u->node_list[0],u->node_list_ptr[0],
+ u->node_list[1],u->node_list_ptr[1],
+ u->node_list[8],u->node_list_ptr[8]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(u->node_name) printf("\tHas Node Names\n");
+ else printf("\t<no node names>\n");
+ printf("\tNode: veclen=%u, cell__conn_size=%u last_node=%u\n",
+ u->node_veclen,u->cell_conn_size,u->ucd_last_node);
+ if(u->cell_conn_size){
+ if(u->cell_list) {
+ printf("\thas cell list %lu\n",u->cell_list);
+ }
+ if(u->cell_list_ptr){
+ printf("\thas cell list pointer %lu\n",u->cell_list_ptr);
+ printf("\tFirstCell %u:%u ++ %u:%u 8th cell = %u:%u\n",
+ u->cell_list[0],u->cell_list_ptr[0],
+ u->cell_list[1],u->cell_list_ptr[1],
+ u->cell_list[8],u->cell_list_ptr[8]);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\trefcount=%u shm_base=%lu\n",u->refcnt,(unsigned long)(u->shm_base));