path: root/src/AMRPlus
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/AMRPlus')
27 files changed, 2589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRPlusConv.C b/src/AMRPlus/AMRPlusConv.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7785342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRPlusConv.C
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.00
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#include "AmrFileReader.hh"
+#include "AMRwriterPlus.h"
+#include "AMRgridPlus.h"
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ IObase *ifile, *ofile;
+ AMRwriterPlus *writer;
+ AmrGridReader *reader;
+ AmrFileReader *freader;
+ int maxlev;
+ if (argc!=2){
+ cerr<<"Usage: addscalars <filename>"<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ char *fname=strdup(argv[1]);
+ ifile=new IEEEIO(fname, IObase::Read);
+ if (!ifile->isValid()){
+ cerr<<fname<<" is not a valid IEEEIO file."<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ freader=new AmrFileReader(*ifile);
+ maxlev=freader->nLevels();
+ reader=new AmrGridReader(*ifile);
+ if (reader==NULL){
+ cerr<<fname<<" is not a valid AMR file."<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ char *outname=(char *)malloc(strlen(fname)+5);
+ strcpy(outname, fname);
+ strcat(outname, "plus");
+ ofile=new IEEEIO(outname, IObase::Create);
+ if (!ofile->isValid()){
+ cerr<<"Cannot create "<<outname<<" for output."<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ writer = new AMRwriterPlus(*ofile);
+ if (writer==NULL){
+ cerr<<"Something is fishy in denmark. (i.e. at line "<<__LINE__<<")"<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ AMRgridPlus grid;
+ // unsigned long numgrids=reader->getNumGrids();
+ unsigned long datasz;
+ //prime things:
+ reader->getGridInfo(grid, 0);
+ grid.data=malloc(grid.nbytes);
+ datasz=grid.nbytes;
+ FlexArray< AmrGrid> gridlist;
+ int tmin, tmax;
+ int numlev = freader->getNumLevels();
+ FlexArray<int> levmask;
+ int lcnt=numlev, tflag=2, tstep=0;
+ double t1, t2, tdiff=0, finetimeref=1.0;
+ int ts1;
+ levmask.setSize(numlev);
+ for(int ii=0;ii<numlev;ii++) levmask[ii]=0;
+ int idx=0;
+ int fixtime=0, fixtimeval;
+ AmrGrid *tgrid;
+ while ( (tgrid=reader->getGridInfo(grid, idx))!=NULL && (lcnt || tflag)){
+ IObase::DataType atype;
+ int length;
+ int attrnum;
+ if ((grid.level==0) && tflag){
+ //Getll the time of root grid...
+ double tm;
+ attrnum=ifile->readAttributeInfo("time",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0) ifile->readAttribute(attrnum,&tm);
+ if (tflag==2){
+ t1=tm;
+ ts1=grid.timestep;
+ tflag=1;
+ } else { //tflag==1;
+ t2=tm;
+ tdiff=(t2-t1)/(grid.timestep-(float)ts1);
+ tstep=grid.timestep;
+ if (tdiff!=0) tflag=0;
+ }
+ }
+ //If this is a level we havent already seen...
+ if (levmask[grid.level]==0){
+ //Get all the refinement info...
+ attrnum=ifile->readAttributeInfo("time_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ ifile->readAttribute(attrnum,&(grid.timeref));
+ }
+ attrnum=ifile->readAttributeInfo("spatial_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ ifile->readAttribute(attrnum,&(grid.spaceref));
+ }
+ attrnum=ifile->readAttributeInfo("grid_placement_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ ifile->readAttribute(attrnum,&(grid.placeref));
+ }
+ //feed the refinement info to the writer...
+ writer->setLevelRefinement(grid.level,
+ grid.timeref, grid.spaceref, grid.placeref);
+ //and mark the level as done.
+ if (grid.level==numlev-1)finetimeref=grid.timeref;
+ levmask[grid.level]=1;
+ lcnt--;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ tdiff/=finetimeref;
+ //Coarse steps should be composed of
+ if (finetimeref!=tstep &&(tstep!=0)){
+ cout<<"Mismatch between max time refinement and timesteps"<<endl;
+ cout<<"Timeref="<<finetimeref<<" | Coarse step="<<tstep<<endl;
+ cout<<"Should I adjust: (C)oarse timestep, or "<<endl;
+ cout<<"should I (I)gnore it?"<<endl;
+ char c=cin.get();
+ if (c=='C' || c=='c') fixtime=1;
+ fixtimeval=tstep/finetimeref;
+ }
+ freader->getTimeRange(tmin, tmax);
+ ii=0;
+ tgrid=reader->getGridInfo(grid, 0);
+ writer->setType((IObase::DataType)grid.datatype);
+ writer->setTopLevelParameters(grid.rank, grid.origin, grid.delta, tdiff, maxlev);
+ while (tgrid!=NULL){
+ if (grid.nbytes>datasz) {
+ datasz=grid.nbytes;
+ grid.data=realloc(grid.data, datasz);
+ }
+ reader->getGridData(grid, ii);
+ if (fixtime) grid.timestep/=fixtimeval;
+ writer->write(&grid, 1); //calc scalars & write
+ ii++;
+ tgrid=reader->getGridInfo(grid, ii);
+ }
+ delete ifile;
+ delete ofile;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRTree.C b/src/AMRPlus/AMRTree.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab86d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRTree.C
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include "AMRTree.h"
+void AMRNode::AMRNode(AMRgridPlus *first){
+ subtimes.setsize(first->timeref)
+void AMRNode::buildtree(AMRTree *t, int &idx){
+ AMRgridPlus *g=grids.getData+idx;
+ int clev=g->level;
+ int ctime=c->time;
+ while (g->level==clev && g->time=ctime){
+ idxs.append(idx);
+ idx++;
+ }
+AMRTree::AMRTree(GridArray *g): timenode{
+ int numlevs=g[0].maxlevel+1;
+ int timeref=g[0].timerefinement;
+ int coarsestep=timeref<<numlevs-1;
+ grids=g;
+ for (int ii=0;ii<g.getSize();ii++){
+ }
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRTree.h b/src/AMRPlus/AMRTree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420d4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRTree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef AMR_TREE_H
+#define AMR_TREE_H
+#include "FlexArrayTempl.H"
+#include "AMRgridPlus.h"
+struct idxrec {
+ int idx;
+ int datastat;
+typedef FlexArray<int> IntArray;
+typedef FlexArray<AMRgridPlus> GridArray
+typedef FlexArray<idxrec> IdxArray;
+class AMRTree;
+struct AMRNode{
+ IdxArray idxs;
+ AMRTree subtimes;
+class AMRTree: protected FlexArray<AMRNode>{
+ void buildtree(AMRTree *t, int &idx);
+ public:
+ AMRTree(GridArray *);
+ ~AMRTree();
+ private:
+ AMRNode timenode;
+ GridArray grids;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRfilereaderPlus.C b/src/AMRPlus/AMRfilereaderPlus.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17d0e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRfilereaderPlus.C
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "AMRfilereaderPlus.h"
+#include "FlexArrayTmpl.H"
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::printGridInfo(AMRgridPlus &g){
+ printf("Grid level=%u step=%u maxtime=%u\n",g.level,g.timestep,g.maxtime);
+ printf("\trank=%u dims[",g.rank);
+ for(int i=0;i<g.rank-1;i++) printf("%u,",g.dims[i]);
+ printf("%u]\n",g.dims[g.rank-1]);
+ printf("\tTimerefine=%u dx[0]=%lf origin[",g.timerefinement,g.delta[0]);
+ for(i=0;i<g.rank-1;i++) printf("%lf,",g.origin[i]);
+ printf("%lf]\n",g.origin[g.rank-1]);
+ printf("\tData Pointer is %u\n",(unsigned long)(g.data));
+ if(g.data){
+ float *fdata = (float *)(g.data);
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
+ printf("\t\tData[%u]=%f\n",i,fdata[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ void AMRfilereaderPlus::printGridInfo(){
+ // print it all out...
+ printf("MaxLevel=%u\n",maxlevel);
+ for(int i=0;i<grids.getSize();i++){
+ printf("Grid[%u]--------------------\n",i);
+ printGridInfo(grids[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ void AMRfilereaderPlus::printActiveGrids(){
+ // print it all out...
+ printf("Num Active Grids=%u\n",activeGrids.getSize());
+ for(int i = 0; i < activeGrids.getSize(); i++){
+ printf(" Grid[%u] mapped from %u --------------------\n",
+ i,activeGrids[i]);
+ printGridInfo(grids[activeGrids[i]]);
+ }
+ }
+#define MAXIMIZE(u, v) {(u)=((u)>(v))?(u):(v);}
+#define MINIMIZE(u, v) {(u)=((u)<(v))?(u):(v);}
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::buildInfoTable(){
+ // Load all grids Info
+ int index=0;
+ AMRgridPlus g;
+ while(getGridInfo(g,index++)){
+ if(this->debug) printf("buildInfoTable: getGrid index=%u\n",index);
+ if(this->debug) printGridInfo(g);
+ int i=grids.getSize();
+ g.data=0; // zero out the data
+ if(g.level>maxlevel)
+ maxlevel=g.level;
+ if(!i){
+ smin=g.scalarmin;
+ smax=g.scalarmax;
+ mintime = g.timestep;
+ maxtime = g.timestep;
+ maxtimeres = g.timerefinement;
+ maxlevel= g.level;
+ bounds[0]=g.origin[0];
+ bounds[1]=g.origin[0]+g.delta[0]*g.dims[0];
+ bounds[2]=g.origin[1];
+ bounds[3]=g.origin[1]+g.delta[1]*g.dims[1];
+ bounds[4]=g.origin[2];
+ bounds[5]=g.origin[2]+g.delta[2]*g.dims[2];
+ }
+ else{
+ MINIMIZE(smin, g.scalarmin);
+ MAXIMIZE(smax, g.scalarmax);
+ if (g.level==0){
+ MINIMIZE(bounds[0], g.origin[0]);
+ MAXIMIZE(bounds[1], g.origin[0]+g.delta[0]*g.dims[0]);
+ MINIMIZE(bounds[2], g.origin[1]);
+ MAXIMIZE(bounds[3], g.origin[1]+g.delta[1]*g.dims[1]);
+ MINIMIZE(bounds[4], g.origin[2]);
+ MAXIMIZE(bounds[5], g.origin[2]+g.delta[2]*g.dims[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(g.timestep<mintime)
+ mintime=g.timestep;
+ if(g.timestep>maxtime)
+ maxtime=g.timestep;
+ if(g.timerefinement>maxtimeres)
+ maxtimeres=g.timerefinement;
+ grids.append(g);
+ }
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::loadGrids(){
+ if(!gridloading) return;
+ for(int i=0;i<activeGrids.getSize();i++){
+ if(this->debug) printf("buildInfoTable: getGrid index=%u activegridindex %u\n",i,activeGrids[i]);
+ if(this->debug) printGridInfo(grids[activeGrids[i]]);
+ getGridData(grids[activeGrids[i]],activeGrids[i]);
+ }
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::reclaimGrids(){
+ if(!gridloading) return;
+ for(int i=0;i<grids.getSize();i++){
+ int f=0;
+ for(int j=0;j<activeGrids.getSize();j++){
+ if(activeGrids[j]==i){
+ f=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!f){
+ free((grids[i]).data);
+ (grids[i]).data=0;
+ }
+ }
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::purgeGrids(){
+ for(int i=0;i<grids.getSize();i++){
+ if((grids[i]).data)
+ free((grids[i]).data);
+ (grids[i]).data=0;
+ }
+AMRfilereaderPlus::AMRfilereaderPlus(IObase &f):AMRgridreaderPlus(f),debug(0),gridloading(1){
+ // we need to build a table from the file
+ // then select grids based on the timestep
+ buildInfoTable(); // initialize the convertor
+ levelmask.setSize(maxlevel+1);
+ for(int i=0;i<=maxlevel;i++)
+ levelmask[i]=1; // all levels visible is default
+ showAllLevels();
+ setTime(mintime);
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::setTime(int timestep){
+ // Make Grid Selections
+ if(timestep<mintime || timestep>maxtime){
+ printf("timestep %u is out of range %u:%u\n",
+ timestep,mintime,maxtime);
+ return;
+ }
+ activeGrids.purge();
+ current_time=timestep;
+ if(this->debug) printf("setTime(%u): mintime=%u maxtime=%u\n",current_time,mintime,maxtime);
+ for(int i=0;i<grids.getSize();i++){
+ if(this->debug) printf("\tgrids[%u].timestep=%u maxtime=%u\n",i,grids[i].timestep,
+ grids[i].maxtime);
+ if(current_time>=grids[i].timestep &&
+ current_time<grids[i].maxtime && levelmask[grids[i].level]){
+ activeGrids.append(i);
+ if(this->debug) printf("\t\tAppendGrid number %u\n",i);
+ }
+ }
+ if(this->debug) puts("load grids");
+ loadGrids();
+ if(this->debug) puts("reclaim grids");
+ reclaimGrids();
+void AMRfilereaderPlus::showAllLevels(){
+ for(int i=0;i<levelmask.getSize();i++) levelmask[i]=1;
+// For C interface
+int AMRfilereaderPlus::getGrids(AMRgridPlus *g){ // assumes number of
+ for(int i=0;i<grids.getSize();i++)
+ g[i]=grids[activeGrids[i]];
+ return activeGrids.getSize();
+// For C++ interface
+int AMRfilereaderPlus::getGrids(FlexArray<AMRgridPlus> &g){
+ g.setSize(activeGrids.getSize());
+ for(int i=0;i<g.getSize();i++)
+ g[i]=grids[activeGrids[i]];
+ return activeGrids.getSize();
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRfilereaderPlus.h b/src/AMRPlus/AMRfilereaderPlus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a90569d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRfilereaderPlus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// AmrFileReader
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <IO.hh>
+#include "AMRgridreaderPlus.h"
+#include "FlexArrayTmpl.H"
+class AMRfilereaderPlus : public AMRgridreaderPlus {
+ int gridloading;
+ FlexArray<int> activeGrids;
+ FlexArray<AMRgridPlus> grids;
+ FlexArray<int> levelmask;
+ IObase::DataType datatype;
+ int maxlevel,maxtimeres,mintime,maxtime;
+ double smax, smin;
+ double bounds[6];
+ int current_time;
+ // Internal Utility methods
+ void buildInfoTable();
+ void loadGrids();
+ void reclaimGrids();
+ void purgeGrids();
+ void printGridInfo(AMRgridPlus &g);
+ int debug;
+ void printGridInfo();
+ void printActiveGrids();
+ AMRfilereaderPlus(IObase &f);
+ int getNumLevels(){ return maxlevel+1; }
+ void getTimeRange(int &min,int &max){
+ min=mintime;
+ max=maxtime;
+ }
+ void getScalarRange(double &min, double &max){
+ min=smin;max=smax;
+ }
+ void getBounds(double *bnds){for (int ii=0;ii<6;ii++){bnds[ii]=bounds[ii];}}
+ void setTime(int timestep);
+ // starts out with all selected
+ void showLevel(int level=-1){ // default is all (-1)
+ if(level>=levelmask.getSize() || level<0){
+ printf("AmrConvert::showLevel(%u) : Level out of range 0:%u\n",
+ level,levelmask.getSize()-1);
+ }
+ else
+ levelmask[level]=1;
+ }
+ void showAllLevels();
+ void hideAllLevels(){for (int ii=0;ii<maxlevel+1;ii++)hideLevel(ii);}
+ void hideLevel(int level=-1){ // default is all (-1)
+ if(level>=levelmask.getSize() || level<0){
+ printf("AmrConvert::showLevel(%u) : Level out of range 0:%u\n",
+ level,levelmask.getSize()-1);
+ }
+ else
+ levelmask[level]=0;
+ }
+ int nLevels(){ return maxlevel+1; }
+ IObase::DataType getDataType(){return datatype;}
+ // For C interface
+ int getNumGrids(){ // number of active grids
+ return activeGrids.getSize();
+ }
+ int getActiveIndex(int ii){ return activeGrids[ii];}
+ int getGrids(AMRgridPlus *g);
+ // For C++ interface
+ int getGrids(FlexArray<AMRgridPlus> &g);
+ void setDataLoadingOff(){ gridloading=0; purgeGrids();}
+ void setDataLoadingOn(){ gridloading=1; loadGrids();}
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridPlus.h b/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridPlus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8f866c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridPlus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#ifndef __AMR_GRID_HH_
+#define __AMR_GRID_HH_
+#include "AmrGrid.h"
+#include "flexset.h"
+struct AMRgridPlus : public AmrGrid {
+ double time;
+ int timeref, spaceref[3], placeref[3];
+ double scalarmin,scalarmax;
+struct idxrec{
+ int idx;
+ idxrec(int first=0){idx=first;}
+ int operator<(const idxrec &other)const {return idx<other.idx;}
+ int operator==(const idxrec &other)const {return idx==other.idx;}
+typedef flexset<idxrec> IdxSet;
+typedef flexarray<AMRgridPlus > GridArray;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridreaderPlus.C b/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridreaderPlus.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de131d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridreaderPlus.C
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "AMRgridreaderPlus.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+AMRgridPlus *AMRgridreaderPlus::getGridInfo(AMRgridPlus &g,int index){
+ g.dataveclen=1;
+ if(file.seek(index)<index)
+ return 0; // fail if index past end
+ IObase::DataType dt;
+ file.readInfo(dt,g.rank,g.dims);
+ g.datatype = dt;
+ g.nbytes = IObase::nBytes(dt,g.rank,g.dims);
+ // find the deepest level (finest time resolution)
+ // Attrib Names?
+ IObase::DataType atype;
+ int length;
+ int attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("level",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ int lev; // should be Int level
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&lev);
+ if(lev>g.maxlevel) g.maxlevel=lev;
+ g.level=lev;
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("time",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.time));
+ }attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("time_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.timerefinement));
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("timestep",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.timestep));
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("origin",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0)
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,(g.origin));
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("delta",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0)
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,(g.delta));
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("persistence",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.persistence));
+ g.maxtime = g.timestep + g.persistence;
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("time_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.timeref));
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("spatial_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.spaceref));
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("grid_placement_refinement",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&(g.placeref));
+ }
+ attrnum=file.readAttributeInfo("range",atype,length);
+ if(attrnum>=0){
+ double range[2];
+ file.readAttribute(attrnum,&range);
+ g.scalarmin=range[0]; g.scalarmax=range[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ cout<<"Please convert this file with AMRPlusConv"<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ g.data=0;
+ return &g;
+} // done
+AMRgridPlus *AMRgridreaderPlus::getGridData(AMRgridPlus &g,int index){
+ IObase::DataType atype;
+ // if(data) free(data); data=0; // make certain it is empty first
+ g.data = malloc(g.nbytes);
+ file.seek(index);
+ file.readInfo(atype,g.rank,g.dims);
+ g.datatype=atype;
+ file.read(g.data);
+ return &g;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridreaderPlus.h b/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridreaderPlus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6f797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRgridreaderPlus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <IO.hh>
+#include "AMRgridPlus.h"
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+class AMRgridreaderPlus {
+ IObase &file;
+ AMRgridreaderPlus(IObase &f) : file(f){};
+ ~AMRgridreaderPlus(){};
+ /*
+ * Low level grid/info fetching routines
+ */
+ AMRgridPlus *getGrid(AMRgridPlus &g,int index){
+ if(file.seek(index)<index)
+ return 0; // don't load past end
+ getGridInfo(g,index);
+ getGridData(g,index);
+ return &g;
+ }
+ AMRgridPlus *getGrid(int index){
+ AMRgridPlus *g=new AMRgridPlus;
+ return this->getGrid(*g,index);
+ }
+ AMRgridPlus *getGridInfo(AMRgridPlus &g,int index);
+ AMRgridPlus *getGridData(AMRgridPlus &g,int index);
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRreaderPlus.C b/src/AMRPlus/AMRreaderPlus.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc47e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRreaderPlus.C
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#include "AMRreaderPlus.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+AMRreaderPlus::AMRreaderPlus(IObase &f) : AMRgridreaderPlus(f), grids(),
+ activeset(), timemask(), levelmask(), realtimes()
+ init();
+ selectTimeStep(0);
+ for (int ii=0;ii<=maxlevel;ii++) showLevel(ii);
+ modflag=1;
+void AMRreaderPlus::init(){
+ maxlevel=maxtimeres=maxtime=0;
+ smin=smax=0.0;
+ numgrids=0;
+ build_info();
+void AMRreaderPlus::build_info(){
+ AMRgridPlus *res, newg;
+ res=getGridInfo(newg, 0);
+ if (res==NULL) return;
+ maxlevel=0;
+ maxtime=0;
+ numgrids=0;
+ smin=newg.scalarmin;
+ smax=newg.scalarmax;
+ datatype=newg.datatype;
+ while (res!=NULL){ //Load all grid info
+ grids.append(newg);
+ realtimes.insert(newg.time);
+ maxlevel=(maxlevel>newg.level)?maxlevel:newg.level;
+ maxtime=(maxtime>newg.timestep)?maxtime:newg.timestep;
+ smax=smax>newg.scalarmax?smax:newg.scalarmax;
+ smin=smin<newg.scalarmin?smin:newg.scalarmin;
+ numgrids++;
+ res=getGridInfo(newg, numgrids);
+ }
+ levelmask.fill(0, maxlevel+1);
+ timemask.fill(0, maxtime+1);
+ leveltimes= new flexmatrix<IdxArray> (maxlevel+1, maxtime+1);
+ AMRgridPlus *g= grids.getData(0);
+ for(int ii=0;ii<grids.getSize();ii++){//Extract basic info
+ for (int jj=g->timestep;jj<g->timestep+g->persistence;jj++){
+ if (jj<=maxtime){
+ idxrec trec(ii);
+ (*leveltimes)(g->level, jj).append(trec.idx);
+ }
+ }
+ g++;
+ }
+ cout<<realtimes.getSize()<<" "<<numgrids<<endl<<endl;
+void AMRreaderPlus::build_active(){
+ IdxSet newset, delset;
+ //Calculate what the set should be
+ for (int ii=0;ii<=maxtime;ii++)
+ for (int jj=0;jj<=maxlevel;jj++)
+ if (timemask[ii]&&levelmask[jj]){
+ for (int kk=0;kk<(*leveltimes)(jj, ii).getSize();kk++){
+ newset.insert((*leveltimes)(jj, ii)[kk]);
+ }
+ }
+ //remove all the unneeded grids
+ setdifference(activeset, newset, delset);
+ for (ii=0;ii<delset.getSize();ii++)
+ if (grids[delset[ii].idx].data!=NULL){
+ free(grids[delset[ii].idx].data);
+ grids[delset[ii].idx].data=NULL;
+ }
+ activeset=newset;
+void AMRreaderPlus::modify(){modflag=1;}
+void AMRreaderPlus::getActive(IdxSet &grids){
+ if (modflag!=0){
+ build_active();
+ modflag=0;
+ }
+ grids=activeset;
+void AMRreaderPlus::loadData(IdxSet &loadset){
+ if (modflag!=0){
+ build_active();
+ modflag=0;
+ }
+ if (!activeset.contains(loadset)){
+ cout<<"Trying to load non-active grids. Hmmmm."<<endl;
+ }
+ for (int ii=0;ii<loadset.getSize();ii++){
+ if (grids[loadset[ii].idx].data==NULL){
+ cout<<"Loaded "<<loadset[ii].idx<<endl;
+ getGridData(grids[loadset[ii].idx], loadset[ii].idx);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRreaderPlus.h b/src/AMRPlus/AMRreaderPlus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bd3387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRreaderPlus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <IO.hh>
+#include "AMRgridreaderPlus.h"
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#include "flexmatrix.h"
+#include "flexset.h"
+#define kNoData 0
+#define kHasData 1
+/* Method for calculating scalar range - the global range,
+range per fine timestep, per coarse, or per (current) root. */
+typedef enum {kGlobal,kFine,kCoarse,kRoot} ScalarMode;
+using namespace std;
+typedef flexarray<int> IntArray;
+typedef flexarray<int> IdxArray;
+class AMRreaderPlus : public AMRgridreaderPlus {
+ public:
+ int datatype;
+ int numgrids;
+ int maxlevel,maxtimeres,maxtime;
+ double smin,smax;
+ int modflag;
+ IdxSet activeset;
+ flexset<float> realtimes;
+ flexmatrix<IdxArray> *leveltimes;
+ GridArray grids;
+ IntArray levelmask, timemask;
+ void init();
+ void build_info();
+ void build_active();
+ void modify(); //Flag that tells when active set has changed
+ AMRreaderPlus(IObase &f);
+ ~AMRreaderPlus();
+ int getNumLevels(){return maxlevel+1;}
+ int getNumTimesteps(){return maxtime+1;}
+ int getNumGrids(){return numgrids;}
+ int getDataType(){return datatype;}
+ void showTimeStep(int ts){
+ if (ts>=0 && ts<=maxtime) {timemask[ts]=1; modify();}
+ else cout<<"Timestep out of range: "<<ts<<endl;
+ }
+ void hideTimeStep(int ts){
+ if (ts>=0 && ts<=maxtime) {timemask[ts]=0; modify();}
+ else cout<<"Timestep out of range: "<<ts<<endl;
+ }
+ void selectTimeStep(int ts) //Shortcut- hides all times but ts
+ { for (int ii=0;ii<=maxtime;ii++) timemask[ii]=(ii==ts)?1:0;modify();}
+ void showLevel(int lev){
+ if (lev>=0 && lev<=maxlevel) {levelmask[lev]=1; modify();}
+ else cout<<"Level out of range: "<<lev<<endl;
+ }
+ void hideLevel(int lev){
+ if (lev>=0 && lev<=maxlevel) {levelmask[lev]=0; modify();}
+ else cout<<"Level out of range: "<<lev<<endl;
+ }
+ GridArray *getGridSet(){return &grids;}
+ void getActive(IdxSet &grids);
+ void loadData(IdxSet &loadset);
+ void loadData(){loadData(activeset);}
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRwriterPlus.C b/src/AMRPlus/AMRwriterPlus.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856a356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRwriterPlus.C
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include "AMRwriterPlus.h"
+AMRwriterPlus::AMRwriterPlus(IObase &descriptor) : AMRwriter(descriptor){
+ scalarFlag=0;
+ curscalarmin=curscalarmax=0;
+void AMRwriterPlus::calcScalarRange(void *data){
+ long numelts=1;
+ for (int ii=0;ii<drank;ii++) numelts*=ddims[ii];
+ switch(this->dtypeID){
+ case IObase::Byte:{
+ char *dptr=(char *)data;
+ curscalarmin=curscalarmax=*dptr;
+ for (long kk=0;kk<numelts;kk++){
+ curscalarmin=(curscalarmin<dptr[kk])?curscalarmin:dptr[kk];
+ curscalarmax=(curscalarmax>=dptr[kk])?curscalarmax:dptr[kk];
+ }
+ } break;
+ case IObase::Float32:{
+ float *fptr=(float *)data;
+ curscalarmin=curscalarmax=*fptr;
+ for (long jj=0;jj<numelts;jj++){
+ curscalarmin=(curscalarmin<fptr[jj])?curscalarmin:fptr[jj];
+ curscalarmax=(curscalarmax>=fptr[jj])?curscalarmax:fptr[jj];
+ }
+ } break;
+ case IObase::Float64:{
+ double *dptr=(double *)data;
+ curscalarmin=curscalarmax=*dptr;
+ for (long kk=0;kk<numelts;kk++){
+ curscalarmin=(curscalarmin<dptr[kk])?curscalarmin:dptr[kk];
+ curscalarmax=(curscalarmax>=dptr[kk])?curscalarmax:dptr[kk];
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+void AMRwriterPlus::writePlusattributes(){
+ double range[2];
+ range[0]=curscalarmin;
+ range[1]=curscalarmax;
+ file.writeAttribute("range", IObase::Float64, 2, range);
+ scalarFlag=0; //reset the flag
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/AMRwriterPlus.h b/src/AMRPlus/AMRwriterPlus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c47ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/AMRwriterPlus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "AMRwriter.hh"
+#include "AMRgridPlus.h"
+ * AMRwriterPlus:
+ * A subclass of AMRwriter which adds a scalar range attribute
+ * to each dataset. The AMRwriter interface is unchanged, however
+ * for convenience, you can:
+ *
+ * Set the top level parameters or write a dataset by passing a
+ * pointer to an AMRgridPlus datastructure to ::setTopLevelParameters
+ * or ::write respectively
+ *
+ * Set the scalar range of the dataset explicitly (before writing)
+ * with ::setScalarRange. If this is not called, the scalar range will
+ * be computed from within ::write. Useful (and timesaving) if you
+ * have already computed the range.
+ */
+class AMRwriterPlus : public AMRwriter{
+ public:
+ AMRwriterPlus(IObase &descriptor);
+ virtual void setTopLevelParameters(AMRgridPlus *g){
+ AMRwriter::setTopLevelParameters(g->rank, g->origin, g->delta, \
+ g->timestep, g->maxlevel);
+ }
+ // CC forces me to re-overload this inherited method!
+ virtual void setTopLevelParameters(int rank,double *origin,
+ double *delta,double timestep,int maxdepth){
+ AMRwriter::setTopLevelParameters(rank, origin, delta, timestep, maxdepth);
+ }
+ void setScalarRange(double smin,double smax){
+ curscalarmin=smin;curscalarmax=smax;scalarFlag=1;}
+ void write(int *origin,int *dims,void *data){
+ AMRwriter::write(origin, dims, data);
+ if (!scalarFlag) calcScalarRange(data);
+ writePlusattributes();
+ }
+ void write(float *origin,int *dims,void *data){
+ AMRwriter::write(origin, dims, data);
+ if (!scalarFlag) calcScalarRange(data);
+ writePlusattributes();
+ }
+ void write(double *origin,int *dims,void *data){
+ AMRwriter::write(origin, dims, data);
+ if (!scalarFlag) calcScalarRange(data);
+ writePlusattributes();
+ }
+ virtual void write(AMRgridPlus *g, int calcscalars=0){
+ setType((IObase::DataType)g->datatype);
+ setLevel(g->level);
+ setTime(g->timestep);
+ write(g->origin, g->dims, g->data);
+ }
+ protected:
+ void writePlusattributes();
+ private:
+ void calcScalarRange(void *data);
+ double curscalarmin, curscalarmax;
+ int scalarFlag;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/Dpndfile b/src/AMRPlus/Dpndfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1535d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/Dpndfile
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+AMRwriterPlus.o: AMRwriterPlus.C AMRwriterPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AMRwriter.hh \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Arch.h /usr/include/sys/types.h \
+ /usr/include/features.h /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h \
+ /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h /usr/include/bits/types.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/include/time.h /usr/include/endian.h /usr/include/bits/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/select.h /usr/include/bits/select.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sigset.h /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h \
+ /usr/include/string.h /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.hh \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Writer.hh \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Writer.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AMRwriter.h AMRgridPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AmrGrid.h flexset.h flexarrays.h \
+ /usr/include/stdlib.h /usr/include/alloca.h
+AMRgridreaderPlus.o: AMRgridreaderPlus.C AMRgridreaderPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.hh /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Arch.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/features.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/types.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/include/time.h /usr/include/endian.h /usr/include/bits/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/select.h /usr/include/bits/select.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sigset.h /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h \
+ /usr/include/string.h /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.h AMRgridPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AmrGrid.h flexset.h flexarrays.h \
+ /usr/include/stdlib.h /usr/include/alloca.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.hh /usr/include/stdio.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stdarg.h \
+ /usr/include/libio.h /usr/include/_G_config.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h /usr/include/unistd.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/posix_opt.h /usr/include/bits/confname.h \
+ /usr/include/getopt.h /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/fcntl.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/fcntl.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIOWinDllApi.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H /usr/include/sys/stat.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/stat.h /usr/include/strings.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/iostream.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/streambuf.h
+AMRfilereaderPlus.o: AMRfilereaderPlus.C /usr/include/stdio.h \
+ /usr/include/features.h /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h \
+ /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stdarg.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/types.h /usr/include/libio.h \
+ /usr/include/_G_config.h /usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/stdlib.h /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/time.h \
+ /usr/include/endian.h /usr/include/bits/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/select.h /usr/include/bits/select.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sigset.h /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h \
+ /usr/include/alloca.h AMRfilereaderPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.hh /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Arch.h \
+ /usr/include/string.h /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.h \
+ AMRgridreaderPlus.h AMRgridPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AmrGrid.h flexset.h flexarrays.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.hh /usr/include/unistd.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/posix_opt.h /usr/include/bits/confname.h \
+ /usr/include/getopt.h /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/fcntl.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/fcntl.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIOWinDllApi.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H /usr/include/sys/stat.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/stat.h /usr/include/strings.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.h
+flexset.o: flexset.C flexset.h flexarrays.h /usr/include/string.h \
+ /usr/include/features.h /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h \
+ /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/include/stdlib.h /usr/include/sys/types.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/types.h /usr/include/time.h /usr/include/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/endian.h /usr/include/sys/select.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/select.h /usr/include/bits/sigset.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h /usr/include/alloca.h
+AMRreaderPlus.o: AMRreaderPlus.C AMRreaderPlus.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/set \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_tree.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_algobase.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_config.h \
+ /usr/include/_G_config.h /usr/include/bits/types.h \
+ /usr/include/features.h /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h \
+ /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_relops.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_pair.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/type_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/string.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/limits.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/syslimits.h \
+ /usr/include/limits.h /usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/local_lim.h /usr/include/linux/limits.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h /usr/include/stdlib.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/time.h /usr/include/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/endian.h /usr/include/sys/select.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/select.h /usr/include/bits/sigset.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h /usr/include/alloca.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/new.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/new \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/exception \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/iostream.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/streambuf.h \
+ /usr/include/libio.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stdarg.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_iterator.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_alloc.h \
+ /usr/include/assert.h /usr/include/pthread.h /usr/include/sched.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sched.h /usr/include/bits/time.h \
+ /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sigthread.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_construct.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_function.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_set.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_multiset.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/vector \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_uninitialized.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_vector.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_bvector.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.hh /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Arch.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.h AMRgridreaderPlus.h AMRgridPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AmrGrid.h flexset.h flexarrays.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.hh /usr/include/stdio.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h /usr/include/unistd.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/posix_opt.h /usr/include/bits/confname.h \
+ /usr/include/getopt.h /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/fcntl.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/fcntl.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIOWinDllApi.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H /usr/include/sys/stat.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/stat.h /usr/include/strings.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.h flexmatrix.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/algorithm \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_tempbuf.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_algo.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_heap.h
+readtest.o: readtest.C /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/features.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/stdarg.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/types.h /usr/include/libio.h \
+ /usr/include/_G_config.h /usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/stdlib.h /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/time.h \
+ /usr/include/endian.h /usr/include/bits/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/sys/select.h /usr/include/bits/select.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sigset.h /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h \
+ /usr/include/alloca.h /usr/include/math.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/huge_val.h /usr/include/bits/mathdef.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/float.h \
+ /usr/include/string.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/iostream.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/streambuf.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.hh /usr/include/unistd.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/posix_opt.h /usr/include/bits/confname.h \
+ /usr/include/getopt.h /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/fcntl.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/fcntl.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIOWinDllApi.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.hh /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/Arch.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IO.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H /usr/include/sys/stat.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/stat.h /usr/include/strings.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/IEEEIO.h AMRreaderPlus.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/set \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_tree.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_algobase.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_config.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_relops.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_pair.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/type_traits.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/limits.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/syslimits.h \
+ /usr/include/limits.h /usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/local_lim.h /usr/include/linux/limits.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/posix2_lim.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/new.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/new \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/include/exception \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_iterator.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_alloc.h \
+ /usr/include/assert.h /usr/include/pthread.h /usr/include/sched.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sched.h /usr/include/bits/time.h \
+ /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h \
+ /usr/include/bits/sigthread.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_construct.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_function.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_set.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_multiset.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/vector \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_uninitialized.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_vector.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.95.2/../../../../include/g++-3/stl_bvector.h \
+ AMRgridreaderPlus.h AMRgridPlus.h \
+ /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO/AmrGrid.h flexset.h flexarrays.h \
+ flexmatrix.h
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/FlexSetTempl.h b/src/AMRPlus/FlexSetTempl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27f0d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/FlexSetTempl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+template <class T>
+class FlexSetOrdered{
+ FlexArray arr;
+ FlexSetOrdered() : arr(){};
+ int insert(T &item){
+ int a=0;b=getSize()-1, c;
+ if (arr[a]==item || arr[b]==item) return 0;
+ while (a!=b){
+ c=(a+b)/2;
+ if (arr[c]==item) return 0;
+ if (arr[c]<item) a=c; else b=c;
+ }
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/filereadtest.C b/src/AMRPlus/filereadtest.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5036f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/filereadtest.C
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.00
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#include "AMRfilereaderPlus.h"
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ IObase *ifile, *ofile;
+ AMRfilereaderPlus *reader;
+ if (argc!=2){
+ cerr<<"Usage: <filename>"<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ char *fname=strdup(argv[1]);
+ ifile=new IEEEIO(fname, IObase::Read);
+ if (!ifile->isValid()){
+ cerr<<fname<<" is not a valid IEEEIO file."<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ reader=new AMRfilereaderPlus(*ifile);
+ int ii=0;
+ AMRgridPlus grid, *tgrid;
+ //reader->setTime(0);
+ for (ii=0;ii<reader->getNumGrids();ii++){
+ reader->getGrid(grid, reader->getActiveIndex(ii));
+ cout<<"Level: "<<grid.level<<endl;
+ }
+ delete ifile;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h b/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e713e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#ifndef ARRAYS_HDR
+#define ARRAYS_HDR
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//For Shared Objects:
+//#include "SafeList.h"
+//#define TAG :public shObj
+//#define GetMem CAVEMalloc
+//#define FreeMem CAVEFree
+//For Non-shared Objects:
+#define TAG
+/* An flexarray is a dynamic flexarray of objecs. No upper limit,
+ * the ability to add and remove objects on the fly, etc.
+ *
+ * Rundown of routines:
+ * Constructor - initializes an empty flexarray with increment 10
+ * Destructor - Deletes the flexarray. Does NOT delete objects in the flexarray
+ * copy constructor/ = :deep copy (override X::operator= if you need
+ * deep copies of the elements)
+ *
+ * Information:
+ * int getLength()/getSize() - returns #objects
+ * int getActualSize() - returns #slots allocated
+ * int getIncrement() - returns #slots allocated at a time
+ * int empty() - true if no elts
+ *
+ * Access:
+ * X& [idx] - return indexed reference, unsafe
+ * X* getData(idx) - Ptr to indexed elt.
+ * X* getDataConst - same as above, but everything is const qualified
+ *
+ * Manip:
+ * setIncrement(int) -
+ * clear() - empties the array
+ * fill(X&, N) - sets the array to N copies of the X
+ * setData(X&, idx) - change entry at index
+ * insertElement(X&, idx) - insert element BEFORE index
+ * (if index=-1, append element);
+ * append(X&) - duh.
+ * InsertElements(start, X*, N) - insert #elements before
+ * start... read values from X*.
+ * removeElements(start, N) - remove N elements starting with start
+ */
+template <class X>
+class flexarray TAG {
+ int Length, Size, Increment;
+ X* data;
+ public:
+ flexarray(){Length=Size=0; Increment=10;data=NULL;}
+ flexarray(const flexarray<X> &src){
+ Length=src.Length;Size=src.Size;Increment=src.Increment;
+ if (Size==0) data=NULL;
+ else {
+ data=getNewArray(Size);
+ memcpy(this->data, src.data, this->Length*sizeof(X));
+ }
+ }
+ ~flexarray(){if (data) delete[] data;}
+ flexarray<X> &operator=(const flexarray<X> &src){
+ if (data!=NULL) delete[] data;
+ Length=src.Length;Size=src.Size;Increment=src.Increment;
+ if (Size==0) data=NULL;
+ else {
+ data=getNewArray(Size);
+ memcpy(this->data, src.data, this->Length*sizeof(X));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ int getActualSize() const{return Size;}
+ int getSize() const{return Length;}
+ int getLength() const{return Length;}
+ int getIncrement() const{return Increment;}
+ int empty() const{return (Size==0);}
+ const X & operator()(int idx) const{return data[idx];}
+ X & operator[](int idx) const{return data[idx];}
+ X* getData(int idx)const{
+ if (idx==-1) idx=Length-1;
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<Length)
+ return data+idx;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ X* getDataConst(int idx) const{
+ if (idx==-1) idx=Length-1;
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<Length)
+ return data+idx;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ void setIncrement(int ninc){Increment=ninc;}
+ void clear(){Length=Size=0; if(data) delete[] data;data=NULL;}
+ void fill(const X &elt, int howmany){
+ clear();
+ Length=howmany;
+ Size=Increment * ((Length+howmany)/Increment +1);
+ data=getNewArray(Size);
+ for (int ii=0;ii<howmany;ii++)
+ data[ii]=elt;
+ }
+ void setData(int idx, const X &ndata){
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<Length)
+ data[idx]=ndata;
+ }
+ void insertElement( const X &elt, int atidx=-1){
+ insertElements(atidx, &elt, 1);
+ }
+ void append( const X &elt){
+ insertElements(-1, &elt, 1);
+ }
+ void insertElements(int startidx, const X* elts, int howmany){
+ if (howmany<=0) return;
+ if (startidx<-1 || startidx>Length) return;
+ if (startidx==-1) startidx=Length;
+ if (this->data==NULL) data=getNewArray(Increment);
+ if (Size<Length+howmany){
+ Size=Increment * ((Length+howmany)/Increment +1);
+ X* tflexarray=getNewArray(Size);
+ if (startidx>0)
+ memcpy(tflexarray, data, startidx*sizeof(X));
+ if (startidx<Length)
+ memcpy(tflexarray+startidx+howmany, data+startidx, \
+ ((Length-startidx)*sizeof(X)));
+ delete[] data;
+ data=tflexarray;
+ }
+ else
+ if (startidx<Length)
+ memcpy(data+startidx+howmany, data+startidx, \
+ (Length-startidx)*sizeof(X));
+ memcpy(data+startidx, elts, howmany*sizeof(X));
+ Length+=howmany;
+ }
+ void removeElements(int startidx, int howmany){
+ if (howmany<=0 || startidx<-1 || startidx>=Length) return;
+ if (startidx==-1) startidx=Length-1;
+ if (startidx+howmany>=Length) howmany=Length-startidx;
+ memcpy(data+startidx, data+startidx+howmany,
+ (Length-(startidx+howmany))*sizeof(X));
+ Length-=howmany;
+ }
+ private:
+ X* getNewArray(int newSize){
+ return new X [newSize];
+ }
+ void resizeArray(int startidx, int numelts){
+ int NSize=Length+numelts;
+ if (NSize>Size){
+ Size=Increment * (NSize/Increment +1);
+ X* tflexarray=getNewArray(Size);
+ if (startidx>0)
+ memcpy(tflexarray, data, startidx*sizeof(X));
+ if (startidx<Length)
+ memcpy(tflexarray+startidx+numelts, data+startidx, \
+ ((Length-startidx)*sizeof(X)));
+ delete[] data;
+ data=tflexarray;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/flexmatrix.h b/src/AMRPlus/flexmatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b052e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/flexmatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef FLEX_MATRIX_H
+#define FLEX_MATRIX_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+template <class X>
+class flexmatrix{
+ X* data;
+ int M, N;
+ public:
+ flexmatrix(int m, int n){
+ M=m;N=n; if (M*N==0) cout<<"Serious Problem! "<<endl;
+ data=new X [M*N];
+ }
+ ~flexmatrix(){delete[] data;}
+ X& operator()(int m, int n){return data[m*N+n];}
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/flexset.C b/src/AMRPlus/flexset.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529fb1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/flexset.C
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#include "flexset.h"
+template <class X>
+void setunion(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result){
+ int idxA=0, idxB=0;
+ int sizeA=A.getSize(), sizeB=B.getSize();
+ if (A.empty()) {result=B;return;}
+ if (B.empty()) {result=A;return;}
+ result.clear();
+ do {
+ //I dont like to rely on shortcut boolean operators, so
+ //that's why I use double ifs
+ X *whichadd=NULL; //1,2,3 (A,B, or both)
+ if (idxA<sizeA && idxB<sizeB){
+ if (A(idxA)<B(idxB)) {
+ whichadd=&A(idxA); idxA++;
+ }
+ else if (B(idxB)<A(idxA)){
+ whichadd=&B(idxB); idxB++;
+ }
+ else {
+ whichadd=A(idxA);
+ idxA++; idxB++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (idxA<sizeA){whichadd=&A(idxA); idxA++;}
+ else if (idxB<sizeB){whichadd=&B(idxB); idxB++;}
+ }
+ if (whichadd!=NULL)
+ result.append(*whichadd);
+ } while (idxA<sizeA || idxB<sizeB);
+template <class X>
+void setunion(flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B){
+ flexset<X> tmp=A;
+ setunion(tmp, B, A);
+template <class X>
+void setintersection(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result){
+ int idxA=0, idxB=0;
+ int sizeA=A.getSize(), sizeB=B.getSize();
+ result.clear();
+ if (A.empty() || B.empty()) return; //result={}
+ do {
+ //I dont like to rely on shortcut boolean operators, so
+ //that's why I use double ifs
+ X *whichadd=NULL; //1,2,3 (A,B, or both)
+ if (idxA<sizeA && idxB<sizeB){
+ if (A(idxA)<B(idxB)) {
+ idxA++;
+ }
+ else if (B(idxB)<A(idxA)){
+ idxB++;
+ }
+ else {
+ whichadd=&A[idxA];
+ idxA++; idxB++;
+ }
+ }
+ else return; //if we've finished off one set, then no more elts in intersection
+ if (whichadd!=NULL)
+ result.append(*whichadd);
+ } while (idxA<sizeA || idxB<sizeB);
+template <class X>
+void setsymmetricdifference(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result){
+ int idxA=0, idxB=0;
+ int sizeA=A.getSize(), sizeB=B.getSize();
+ if (A.empty()) {result.clear(); return;}
+ if (B.empty()) {result=A;return;}
+ result.clear();
+ do {
+ //I dont like to rely on shortcut boolean operators, so
+ //that's why I use double ifs
+ X *whichadd=NULL; //1,2,3 (A,B, or both)
+ if (idxA<sizeA && idxB<sizeB){
+ if (A(idxA)<B(idxB)) {
+ whichadd=&A(idxA); idxA++;
+ }
+ else if (B(idxB)<A(idxA)){
+ whichadd=&B(idxB); idxB++;
+ }
+ else {
+ idxA++; idxB++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (idxA<sizeA){whichadd=&A(idxA); idxA++;}
+ else if (idxB<sizeB){whichadd=&B(idxB); idxB++;}
+ }
+ if (whichadd!=NULL)
+ result.append(*whichadd);
+ } while (idxA<sizeA || idxB<sizeB);
+template <class X>
+void setdifference(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result){
+ int idxA=0, idxB=0;
+ int sizeA=A.getSize(), sizeB=B.getSize();
+ if (A.empty()) {result=A; return;}
+ if (B.empty()) {result=A;return;}
+ result.clear();
+ do {
+ //I dont like to rely on shortcut boolean operators, so
+ //that's why I use double ifs
+ X *whichadd=NULL; //1,2,3 (A,B, or both)
+ if (idxA<sizeA && idxB<sizeB){
+ if (A(idxA)<B(idxB)) {
+ whichadd=&A[idxA]; idxA++;
+ }
+ else if (B(idxB)<A(idxA)){
+ idxB++;
+ }
+ else {
+ idxA++; idxB++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (idxA<sizeA){whichadd=&A[idxA]; idxA++;}
+ else if (idxB<sizeB){idxB++;}
+ }
+ if (whichadd!=NULL)
+ result.append(*whichadd);
+ } while (idxA<sizeA || idxB<sizeB);
+template <class X>
+void setdifferences(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &AMB,flexset<X> &BMA){
+ int idxA=0, idxB=0;
+ int sizeA=A.getSize(), sizeB=B.getSize();
+ if (A.empty()) {AMB.clear();BMA=B; return;}
+ if (B.empty()) {BMA.clear();AMB=A;return;}
+ AMB.clear();
+ BMA.clear();
+ do {
+ X *whichaddA=NULL;
+ X *whichaddB=NULL;
+ if (idxA<sizeA && idxB<sizeB){
+ if (A(idxA)<B(idxB)) {
+ whichaddA=&A[idxA]; idxA++;
+ }
+ else if (B(idxB)<A(idxA)){
+ whichaddB=&B[idxB];idxB++;
+ }
+ else {
+ idxA++; idxB++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (idxA<sizeA){whichaddA=&A[idxA]; idxA++;}
+ else if (idxB<sizeB){whichaddB=&B[idxB];idxB++;}
+ }
+ if (whichaddA!=NULL)
+ AMB.append(*whichaddA);
+ if (whichaddB!=NULL)
+ BMA.append(*whichaddB);
+ } while (idxA<sizeA || idxB<sizeB);
+template <class X>
+void setconvert(flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B){
+ int idxA=0, idxB=0;
+ int sizeA=A.getSize(), sizeB=B.getSize();
+ if (A.empty()) {return;}
+ if (B.empty()) {
+ cout<<"SetConvert - UHOH! A is not contained in B!"<<endl;
+ return;}
+ do {
+ //I dont like to rely on shortcut boolean operators, so
+ //that's why I use double ifs
+ if (idxA<sizeA && idxB<sizeB){
+ if (A(idxA)<B(idxB)) {
+ cout<<"SetConvert - UHOH! A is not contained in B!"<<endl;
+ A.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (B(idxB)<A(idxA)){
+ idxB++;
+ }
+ else {
+ (A[idxA])=B(idxB);
+ idxA++; idxB++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (idxA<sizeA){
+ cout<<"SetConvert - UHOH! A is not contained in B!"<<endl;
+ A.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (idxA<sizeA || idxB<sizeB);
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/flexset.h b/src/AMRPlus/flexset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e486d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/flexset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#ifndef FLEX_SET_H
+#define FLEX_SET_H
+#include "flexarrays.h"
+ * A flexset is a set datastructure. Fast insertion/deletion (O(logN)),
+ * and basic set operations (union, difference, etc...). This set is
+ * not completely generalized - you must either use native (non-pointer)
+ * types, or use a class with operators < and == implemented
+ * (i.e: inline int operator<(const X&) const{...};) This is what allows
+ * log time access, and linear time set operations.
+ * Routines:
+ * Constructor/Destructor/copy constructor...
+ *
+ * Information:
+ * int getSize() - returns size of set.
+ * int find(X& x) - return position of x, or -1 if x isn't in the set
+ * int contains(X& x) - boolean version of above
+ * int contains(flexset &s) - returns 1 if s is a subset
+ *
+ * Manipulation:
+ * insert(X& x) - add x to the set. If x is already in the set
+ * (technically, x==e for some e in the set) nothing happens.
+ * remove(X& x) - remove x (only if x is inside, of course);
+ * X& [int idx] - access element by index. Index will change with insertion
+ * buldSubset(flexset<X> &x, int (* test)(X& y)) - creates a subset consisting
+ * of all elements in the set for which 'test' returns true.
+ *
+ * Operations:
+ * [all of form: set<oper>(X& A, X& B, X& result){ result= A <oper> B}]
+ * setunion(A=AUB, or C=AUB), setintersection, setdifference, setsymmetricdifference
+ * setdifferences (returns A-B and B-A in one go)
+ * NOTE: The result of intersection or difference will consist only
+ * of items taken from A. (Important if you are comparing sets with
+ * similar keys and dissimilar data
+ */
+class flexset;
+template <class X> setiter{
+ public:
+ setiter(flexset *nset){itsset=nset; idx=(nset->empty())?-1:0;}
+ operator++(){idx++; if (idx>itsset->getSize()-1) idx=-1;}
+ operator--(){idx--; if (idx<0) idx=-1;}
+ int ok(){return idx!=-1;}
+ X &operator*(){if (idx==-1) return itsset[0]; return itsset[idx];}
+ private:
+ flexset *itsset;
+ int idx;
+template <class X>
+class flexset : protected flexarray<X>{
+ public:
+ flexset(): flexarray<X>(){};
+ flexset(const flexset<X> &src): flexarray<X>(src){};
+ ~flexset(){};
+ //by all accounts, this should inherit flexarray operator=
+ int getSize() const{return flexarray<X>::getSize();}
+ int findpos(const X &elt, int start=0, int end=-1) const{
+ if (start<0) start=0;
+ if (end==-1) end=getLength()-1;
+ int a=start, b=end, e;
+ if (empty()) return 0;
+ if (elt<(*this)(a)) return a;
+ if (elt==(*this)(a)) return a; //don't depend on <= being implemented
+ if (elt==(*this)(b)) return b;
+ if (!(elt<(*this)(b))) return b+1; //given above line, equiv to elt>data[b]
+ if ((a+b)&1) e=(a+b+1)/2; //e odd
+ else e=(a+b)/2;
+ while ((b-a>1)){
+ if (elt==(*this)(e)) return e;
+ if (elt<(*this)(e)) b=e;
+ else a=e;
+ if ((a+b)&1) e=(a+b+1)/2; //e odd
+ else e=(a+b)/2;
+ }
+ if (elt<(*this)(e)) return e;
+ if (elt==(*this)(e)) return e;
+ else return e+1;
+ }
+//If elt is in the set, return its index, otherwise return -1
+ int find(const X &elt, int start=0, int end=-1) const{
+ if (empty()) return -1;
+ int result=findpos(elt, start, end);
+ if (result<getSize() && elt==*getDataConst(result)) return result;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int contains(const X &elt) const{return (find(elt)!=-1);}
+ int contains(const flexset<X> &iset) const{
+ if (iset.empty()) return 1; //Empty set is in everything!
+ int a=find(iset(0));
+ if (a<0)return 0;
+ for (int ii=1;ii<iset.getSize();ii++){
+ if ((a=find(iset(ii), a))<0) return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ void clear(){
+ flexarray<X>::clear();
+ }
+ int empty() const {return flexarray<X>::empty();}
+ void buildSubset(flexset<X> &A, int (* test)(const X&)){
+ A.clear();
+ for (int ii=0;ii<getSize();ii++)
+ if (test((*this)[ii])) A.append((*this)[ii]);
+ }
+//Insert elt into the set. If elt is already in, do nothing
+ void insert(const X &elt){
+ int pos=findpos(elt);
+ if (pos<getSize())
+ if (elt==*getData(pos)) return;
+ insertElement(elt, pos);
+ };
+ void remove(const X &elt){
+ if (empty()) return;
+ int pos=findpos(elt);
+ if (pos<getSize())
+ if (elt==*getData(pos)) removeElements(pos, 1);
+ }
+ //Indexed removal preserves set ordering, and it's O(1),
+ //so it is safe to include
+ void indexremove(int idx){
+ if (empty()||idx<0||idx>=getSize()) return;
+ removeElements(idx, 1);
+ }
+ void append(const X &elt){
+ if (empty()) {
+ insertElement(elt, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ X *tmp=&(*this)[getSize()-1];
+ if ((*tmp)<elt) insertElement(elt, -1);
+ else if (!((*tmp)==elt)) cout<<"BAD APPEND!"<<endl;
+ }
+ void prepend(const X &elt){
+ if (empty()) {
+ insertElement(elt, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ X *tmp=&(*this)[getSize()-1];
+ if (elt<(*tmp)) insertElement(elt, 0);
+ else if (!((*tmp)==elt)) cout<<"BAD PREPEND!"<<endl;
+ }
+ X &operator[](int idx) const{return *getData(idx);}
+ const X &operator()(int idx)const {return *getDataConst(idx);}
+void setunion(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+void setintersection(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+void setsymmetricdifference(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+void setdifference(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+void setdifferences(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &AMB,flexset<X> &BMA);
+void setconvert(flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B);
+template <class X>
+void setunion(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+template <class X>
+void setunion(flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B);
+template <class X>
+void setintersection(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+template <class X>
+void setsymmetricdifference(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+template <class X>
+void setdifference(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &result);
+template <class X>
+void setdifferences(const flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B,flexset<X> &AMB,flexset<X> &BMA);
+template <class X>
+void setconvert(flexset<X> &A, const flexset<X> &B);
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/gridreadtest.C b/src/AMRPlus/gridreadtest.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8321d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/gridreadtest.C
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.00
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#include "AMRgridreaderPlus.h"
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ IObase *ifile, *ofile;
+ AMRgridreaderPlus *reader;
+ if (argc!=2){
+ cerr<<"Usage: <filename>"<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ char *fname=strdup(argv[1]);
+ ifile=new IEEEIO(fname, IObase::Read);
+ if (!ifile->isValid()){
+ cerr<<fname<<" is not a valid IEEEIO file."<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ reader=new AMRgridreaderPlus(*ifile);
+ int ii=0;
+ AMRgridPlus grid, *tgrid;
+ while ((tgrid=reader->getGridInfo(grid, ii))!=NULL){
+ cout<<"ScalarRange: "<<grid.scalarmin<<" to "<<grid.scalarmax<<endl;
+ ii++;
+ }
+ delete ifile;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/jerror.h b/src/AMRPlus/jerror.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc2fffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/jerror.h
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ * jerror.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
+ * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
+ *
+ * This file defines the error and message codes for the JPEG library.
+ * Edit this file to add new codes, or to translate the message strings to
+ * some other language.
+ * A set of error-reporting macros are defined too. Some applications using
+ * the JPEG library may wish to include this file to get the error codes
+ * and/or the macros.
+ */
+ * To define the enum list of message codes, include this file without
+ * defining macro JMESSAGE. To create a message string table, include it
+ * again with a suitable JMESSAGE definition (see jerror.c for an example).
+ */
+#ifndef JMESSAGE
+#ifndef JERROR_H
+/* First time through, define the enum list */
+/* Repeated inclusions of this file are no-ops unless JMESSAGE is defined */
+#define JMESSAGE(code,string)
+#endif /* JERROR_H */
+#endif /* JMESSAGE */
+typedef enum {
+#define JMESSAGE(code,string) code ,
+#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
+JMESSAGE(JMSG_NOMESSAGE, "Bogus message code %d") /* Must be first entry! */
+/* For maintenance convenience, list is alphabetical by message code name */
+ "Sorry, there are legal restrictions on arithmetic coding")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_BUFFER_MODE, "Bogus buffer control mode")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_COMPONENT_ID, "Invalid component ID %d in SOS")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCT_COEF, "DCT coefficient out of range")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCTSIZE, "IDCT output block size %d not supported")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_HUFF_TABLE, "Bogus Huffman table definition")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_IN_COLORSPACE, "Bogus input colorspace")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_LENGTH, "Bogus marker length")
+ "Wrong JPEG library version: library is %d, caller expects %d")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_MCU_SIZE, "Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_POOL_ID, "Invalid memory pool code %d")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_PRECISION, "Unsupported JPEG data precision %d")
+ "Invalid progressive parameters Ss=%d Se=%d Ah=%d Al=%d")
+ "Invalid progressive parameters at scan script entry %d")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SAMPLING, "Bogus sampling factors")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SCAN_SCRIPT, "Invalid scan script at entry %d")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_STATE, "Improper call to JPEG library in state %d")
+ "JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is %u, caller expects %u")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_VIRTUAL_ACCESS, "Bogus virtual array access")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_BUFFER_SIZE, "Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_CANT_SUSPEND, "Suspension not allowed here")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_CCIR601_NOTIMPL, "CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_COMPONENT_COUNT, "Too many color components: %d, max %d")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_CONVERSION_NOTIMPL, "Unsupported color conversion request")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_DAC_VALUE, "Bogus DAC value 0x%x")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_EMPTY_IMAGE, "Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_EMS_READ, "Read from EMS failed")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_EMS_WRITE, "Write to EMS failed")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_EOI_EXPECTED, "Didn't expect more than one scan")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_READ, "Input file read error")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_WRITE, "Output file write error --- out of disk space?")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL, "Fractional sampling not implemented yet")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_CLEN_OVERFLOW, "Huffman code size table overflow")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_MISSING_CODE, "Missing Huffman code table entry")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_IMAGE_TOO_BIG, "Maximum supported image dimension is %u pixels")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EMPTY, "Empty input file")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EOF, "Premature end of input file")
+ "Cannot transcode due to multiple use of quantization table %d")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_MISSING_DATA, "Scan script does not transmit all data")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_MODE_CHANGE, "Invalid color quantization mode change")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NOTIMPL, "Not implemented yet")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NOT_COMPILED, "Requested feature was omitted at compile time")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_BACKING_STORE, "Backing store not supported")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, "Huffman table 0x%02x was not defined")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_IMAGE, "JPEG datastream contains no image")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_QUANT_TABLE, "Quantization table 0x%02x was not defined")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_SOI, "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Insufficient memory (case %d)")
+ "Cannot quantize more than %d color components")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_FEW_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to fewer than %d colors")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_MANY_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to more than %d colors")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_NO_SOS, "Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_SOI_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_SOS_NO_SOF, "Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_CREATE, "Failed to create temporary file %s")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_READ, "Read failed on temporary file")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_SEEK, "Seek failed on temporary file")
+ "Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_TOO_LITTLE_DATA, "Application transferred too few scanlines")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_UNKNOWN_MARKER, "Unsupported marker type 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_VIRTUAL_BUG, "Virtual array controller messed up")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_WIDTH_OVERFLOW, "Image too wide for this implementation")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_XMS_READ, "Read from XMS failed")
+JMESSAGE(JERR_XMS_WRITE, "Write to XMS failed")
+ "Caution: quantization tables are too coarse for baseline JPEG")
+ "Adobe APP14 marker: version %d, flags 0x%04x 0x%04x, transform %d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP0, "Unknown APP0 marker (not JFIF), length %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP14, "Unknown APP14 marker (not Adobe), length %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_DAC, "Define Arithmetic Table 0x%02x: 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_DHT, "Define Huffman Table 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_DQT, "Define Quantization Table %d precision %d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_DRI, "Define Restart Interval %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_EMS_CLOSE, "Freed EMS handle %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_EMS_OPEN, "Obtained EMS handle %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_HUFFBITS, " %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF, "JFIF APP0 marker: version %d.%02d, density %dx%d %d")
+ "Warning: thumbnail image size does not match data length %u")
+ "JFIF extension marker: type 0x%02x, length %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF_THUMBNAIL, " with %d x %d thumbnail image")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_MISC_MARKER, "Miscellaneous marker 0x%02x, length %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_PARMLESS_MARKER, "Unexpected marker 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANTVALS, " %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_3_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d = %d*%d*%d colors")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d colors")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_SELECTED, "Selected %d colors for quantization")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_RECOVERY_ACTION, "At marker 0x%02x, recovery action %d")
+ "Smoothing not supported with nonstandard sampling ratios")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF, "Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF_COMPONENT, " Component %d: %dhx%dv q=%d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOI, "Start of Image")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS, "Start Of Scan: %d components")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_COMPONENT, " Component %d: dc=%d ac=%d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_PARAMS, " Ss=%d, Se=%d, Ah=%d, Al=%d")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_CLOSE, "Closed temporary file %s")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_OPEN, "Opened temporary file %s")
+ "JFIF extension marker: JPEG-compressed thumbnail image, length %u")
+ "JFIF extension marker: palette thumbnail image, length %u")
+ "JFIF extension marker: RGB thumbnail image, length %u")
+ "Unrecognized component IDs %d %d %d, assuming YCbCr")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_XMS_CLOSE, "Freed XMS handle %u")
+JMESSAGE(JTRC_XMS_OPEN, "Obtained XMS handle %u")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_ADOBE_XFORM, "Unknown Adobe color transform code %d")
+ "Inconsistent progression sequence for component %d coefficient %d")
+ "Corrupt JPEG data: %u extraneous bytes before marker 0x%02x")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_HIT_MARKER, "Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_HUFF_BAD_CODE, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_JFIF_MAJOR, "Warning: unknown JFIF revision number %d.%02d")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_JPEG_EOF, "Premature end of JPEG file")
+ "Corrupt JPEG data: found marker 0x%02x instead of RST%d")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_NOT_SEQUENTIAL, "Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG")
+JMESSAGE(JWRN_TOO_MUCH_DATA, "Application transferred too many scanlines")
+#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
+/* Zap JMESSAGE macro so that future re-inclusions do nothing by default */
+#undef JMESSAGE
+#ifndef JERROR_H
+#define JERROR_H
+/* Macros to simplify using the error and trace message stuff */
+/* The first parameter is either type of cinfo pointer */
+/* Fatal errors (print message and exit) */
+#define ERREXIT(cinfo,code) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+#define ERREXIT1(cinfo,code,p1) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+#define ERREXIT2(cinfo,code,p1,p2) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+#define ERREXIT3(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+#define ERREXIT4(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3,p4) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[3] = (p4), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+#define ERREXITS(cinfo,code,str) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+#define MAKESTMT(stuff) do { stuff } while (0)
+/* Nonfatal errors (we can keep going, but the data is probably corrupt) */
+#define WARNMS(cinfo,code) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
+#define WARNMS1(cinfo,code,p1) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
+#define WARNMS2(cinfo,code,p1,p2) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
+/* Informational/debugging messages */
+#define TRACEMS(cinfo,lvl,code) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
+#define TRACEMS1(cinfo,lvl,code,p1) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
+#define TRACEMS2(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
+#define TRACEMS3(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3) \
+ MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
+ _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
+#define TRACEMS4(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4) \
+ MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
+ _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
+#define TRACEMS5(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) \
+ MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
+ _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
+ _mp[4] = (p5); \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
+#define TRACEMS8(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8) \
+ MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
+ _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
+ _mp[4] = (p5); _mp[5] = (p6); _mp[6] = (p7); _mp[7] = (p8); \
+ (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
+#define TRACEMSS(cinfo,lvl,code,str) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
+#endif /* JERROR_H */
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/makefile b/src/AMRPlus/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b24de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+SRCS= \
+ AMRwriterPlus.C \
+ AMRgridreaderPlus.C \
+ AMRfilereaderPlus.C \
+ flexset.C \
+ AMRreaderPlus.C
+OBJS = $(SRCS:.C=.o)
+DEPEND = Dpndfile
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+ALL_INC = -I$(IEEE_ROOT)/include -I$(HDF_ROOT)/include
+CC = cc
+#COMP_FLAGS = -n32 -mips4 -LNO -IPA -Ofast
+COMP_FLAGS = -64 -mips4 -g
+CFLAGS = -c -float ${COMP_FLAGS} -DOPENGL \
+ -I$(IEEE_ROOT)/include \
+ -DVTK21 $(VTKINCD) -noinline -woff 1681-1682,3322
+LINK = ${CPP}
+LIBS = -L$(IEEE_ROOT)/lib -L$(HDF_ROOT)/lib -L. \
+ -lhlio -lieeeio -lAMR \
+ -lX11 -lm \
+ -lGL -lICE -lXt
+.C: $@.o ${OBJS}
+ $(CXX) ${COMP_FLAGS} -o $@ \
+ ${OBJS} $@.o $(LIBS)
+include $(DEPEND)
+AMRPlusConv: AMRPlusConv.o libAMRPlus.a
+ $(CXX) ${COMP_FLAGS} -o $@ \
+ $@.o -lAMRPlus $(LIBS)
+gridreadtest: gridreadtest.o libAMRPlus.a
+ $(CXX) ${COMP_FLAGS} -o $@ \
+ $@.o -lAMRPlus $(LIBS)
+readtest: readtest.o libAMRPlus.a
+ $(CXX) ${COMP_FLAGS} -o $@ \
+ $@.o -lAMRPlus $(LIBS)
+filereadtest:filereadtest.o libAMRPlus.a
+ $(CXX) ${COMP_FLAGS} -o $@ \
+ $@.o -lAMRPlus $(LIBS)
+libAMRPlus.a: ${OBJS}
+ rm -f libAMRPlus
+ ar r libAMRPlus.a ${OBJS}
+dep: $(SRCS)
+ CC -M ${ALL_INC} $(SRCS) readtest.C > $(DEPEND)
+ smake
+ rm *.o
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/ordarrays.h b/src/AMRPlus/ordarrays.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b830984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/ordarrays.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "arrays.h"
+template <class X>
+class flexset : private array<X>{
+ public:
+ ordarray(): array<X>(){};
+ ~ordarray(){};
+ int insert(const X &elt){
+ int a=0, b=getLength()-1;
+ X* data=this->getData(0);
+ if (elt==data[0]) this->insertElement(elt, 0);
+ if (elt==data[b]) insertElement(elt, b);
+ int c=(a+b)/2;
+ while (elt!=data[c]){
+ if (a==b) {insertElement(elt, a); return a;}
+ if (elt<data[c])
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/readtest.C b/src/AMRPlus/readtest.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..001441b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/readtest.C
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.00
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#include "AMRreaderPlus.h"
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ IObase *ifile, *ofile;
+ AMRreaderPlus *reader;
+ if (argc!=2){
+ cerr<<"Usage: <filename>"<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ char *fname=strdup(argv[1]);
+ ifile=new IEEEIO(fname, IObase::Read);
+ if (!ifile->isValid()){
+ cerr<<fname<<" is not a valid IEEEIO file."<<endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ reader=new AMRreaderPlus(*ifile);
+ IdxSet thegs;
+ reader->getActive(thegs);
+ for (int ii=0;ii<thegs.getSize();ii++){
+ cout<<"Grid #"<<ii<<" : Level="<<reader->grids(thegs[ii].idx).level<<endl;
+ }
+ /*
+ for (int ii=0;ii<reader->maxtime+1;ii++){
+ cout<<endl<<"Timestep #"<<ii<<": "<<endl;
+ for (int jj=0;jj<reader->maxlevel+1;jj++){
+ cout<<"\nLevel #"<<jj<<" grids: ";
+ for (int kk=0;kk<(*reader->leveltimes)(jj, ii).getSize();kk++){
+ cout<<" "<<(*reader->leveltimes)(jj, ii)[kk].idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ reader->loadData();
+ delete ifile;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/settst.C b/src/AMRPlus/settst.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743791b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/settst.C
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include "flexset.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+int iseven(const int &y){return !(y&1);}
+struct orec;
+struct irec{
+ int key, data;
+ irec(int nkey=0, int ndata=0){key=nkey;data=ndata;}
+ int operator<(const irec &b) const{return key<b.key;}
+ int operator==(const irec &b) const{return key==b.key;}
+ int operator<(const orec &b) const;
+ int operator==(const orec &b) const;
+struct orec{
+ int key;
+ char *str;
+ orec(int nkey=0){key=nkey;}
+ int operator<(const orec &b) const{return key<b.key;}
+ int operator==(const orec &b) const{return key==b.key;}
+ int operator<(const irec &b) const{return key<b.key;}
+ int operator==(const irec &b) const{return key==b.key;}
+int irec::operator<(const orec &b) const{return key<b.key;};
+int irec::operator==(const orec &b) const{return key<b.key;};
+void main(){
+ flexset<irec> arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4, arr5;
+ flexset<orec> iarr1, iarr2;
+ irec tst;
+ int ii;
+ for (ii=0;ii<20;ii++){
+ tst.key=rand()%20;
+ tst.data=ii;
+ arr1.insert(tst);
+ }
+ for (ii=0;ii<20;ii++){
+ iarr1.insert(rand()%20);
+ }
+ setdifferences(arr1, iarr1, arr2, iarr2);
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr1.getSize();ii++)
+ cout<<arr1[ii].key<<" : "<<arr1[ii].data<<endl;
+ cout<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<iarr1.getSize();ii++)
+ cout<<iarr1[ii].key<<endl;
+ cout<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr2.getSize();ii++)
+ cout<<arr2[ii].key<<" : "<<arr2[ii].data<<endl;
+ cout<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<iarr2.getSize();ii++)
+ cout<<iarr2[ii].key<<endl;
+ cout<<endl;
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/testread.C b/src/AMRPlus/testread.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b7c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/testread.C
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.00
+#include <vtk.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "vtkAMRStructuredPointsReader.h"
+vtkRenderer *renderer;
+vtkRenderWindow* renWin;
+vtkOutlineFilter *outline;
+vtkContourFilter *contour;
+vtkPolyDataMapper *outlineMapper;
+vtkPolyDataMapper *contMapper;
+vtkActor *outlineActor;
+vtkActor *contActor;
+vtkPolyData *t, *outlineOut, *contOut, *t1;
+vtkStructuredPoints *temp, *out;
+vtkAMRStructuredPointsReader* spr=0;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ // Make a window to put the rendering window in. FLTK interface.
+ // Fl_Window* w;
+ //{ Fl_Window* o = w = MainWin =
+ // new Fl_Window(500, 500, "AMRTest");
+ // w = o;
+ // o->end();
+ // }
+ //renWin = vtkFlRenderWindow::New();
+ renderer = vtkRenderer::New();
+ // uncomment this to use the VTK rendering window
+ //renderer->SetBackground(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New();
+ renWin->AddRenderer(renderer);
+ // uncomment this to use VTK event handler
+ vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
+ iren->SetRenderWindow(renWin);
+ //create a reader and open the file "amr.raw"
+ spr = vtkAMRStructuredPointsReader::New();
+ spr->SetFileName("/nfs/zeus/lcascr1/pushkare/work/amr.raw");
+ cout<<"NLevels: "<<spr->GetNumLevels()<<endl;
+ cout<<"NTime: "<<spr->GetNumTimeSteps()<<endl;
+ int nlevel=0;
+ if (argc>1) nlevel=atoi(argv[1]);
+ spr->SelectLevel(nlevel);
+ spr->SelectTimeStep(0);
+ spr->Update();
+ int n = spr->GetNumDatasets();
+ cout<<"NDataSets: "<<n<<endl;
+ //initialize the filters for isosurface and bounding box
+ outline = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
+ contour = vtkContourFilter::New();
+ //initialize the data collections to collect data in the various stages of
+ //the pipeline
+ vtkDataSetCollection *Data = vtkDataSetCollection::New();
+ vtkPolyDataCollection *PolyData = vtkPolyDataCollection::New();
+ vtkPolyDataCollection *Outlines = vtkPolyDataCollection::New();
+ // This loop reads the grids from a file and puts them into Data, the
+ //dataset collection.
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ spr->SelectDataset(i);
+ spr->Update();
+ out = spr->GetOutput();
+ temp = (vtkStructuredPoints*)out->MakeObject();
+ temp->CopyStructure(out);
+ temp->GetPointData()->DeepCopy(out->GetPointData());
+ temp->GetCellData()->DeepCopy(out->GetCellData());
+ temp->ForceUpdate();
+ Data->AddItem(temp);
+ }
+ int NContours = 0;
+ Data->InitTraversal();
+ // This loop takes the grids from Data and processes them to get an outline
+ // and isosurface for each grid. The isovalue for the dataset is set to 0.86
+ // for now.
+ for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
+ {
+ float *x1, Iso;
+ temp = (vtkStructuredPoints*)Data->GetNextItem();
+ x1 = temp->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetRange();
+ Iso = 0.86;
+ //if the isovalue is out of bounds for a particular grid, then just
+ //ignore that grid.
+ if (Iso < x1[0] || Iso > x1[1])
+ continue;
+ NContours++;
+ //produce the isosurface and stick it into the PolyData collection.
+ contour->SetInput(temp);
+ contour->SetValue(0, Iso);
+ contour->Update();
+ contOut = contour->GetOutput();
+ t = (vtkPolyData*)contOut->MakeObject();
+ t->CopyStructure(contOut);
+ t->GetPointData()->DeepCopy(contOut->GetPointData());
+ t->GetCellData()->DeepCopy(contOut->GetCellData());
+ t->ForceUpdate();
+ PolyData->AddItem(t);
+ //produce a bounding box and put it into an Outlines collection
+ outline->SetInput(temp);
+ outline->Update();
+ outlineOut = outline->GetOutput();
+ t1 = (vtkPolyData*)outlineOut->MakeObject();
+ t1->CopyStructure(outlineOut);
+ Outlines->AddItem(t1);
+ }
+ PolyData->InitTraversal();
+ Outlines->InitTraversal();
+ //This loop takes care of the final mapper and actor steps of the pipeline
+ for (int k=0; k<NContours; k++)
+ {
+ //produce and add the isosurface actor
+ contMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ contMapper->SetInput(PolyData->GetNextItem());
+ contMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn();
+ contActor = vtkActor::New();
+ contActor->SetMapper(contMapper);
+ contActor->GetProperty()->SetRepresentationToSurface();
+ renderer->AddActor(contActor);
+ //produce and add the bounding box actor, which is colored RED
+ outlineMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
+ outlineMapper->SetInput(Outlines->GetNextItem());
+ outlineActor = vtkActor::New();
+ outlineActor->SetMapper(outlineMapper);
+ outlineActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ renderer->AddActor(outlineActor);
+ }
+ // this part makes sure that something actually does show up on the screen
+ // w->show(argc, argv);
+ // w->begin();
+ // vtkwin = new Fl_vtk_Window( renWin, 1, 1, 498, 498);
+ // vtkwin->show(1, argv);
+ //w->end();
+ //return Fl::run();
+ //uncomment this and comment the FLTK stuff to use VTK window and event loop.
+ renWin->Render();
+ iren->Start();
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/tst.C b/src/AMRPlus/tst.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc9f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/tst.C
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include "flexset.h"
+void main(){
+ flexset<int> arr1, arr2;
+ int tst;
+ int ii;
+ for (ii=0;ii<15;ii++){
+ tst=rand() %10;
+ arr1.insert(tst);
+ }
+ for (ii=0;ii<15;ii++){
+ tst=rand() %10;
+ arr2.insert(tst);
+ }
+ flexset<int> arr3;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr1.getSize();ii++){cout<<arr1[ii]<<endl;}
+ cout<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr2.getSize();ii++){cout<<arr2[ii]<<endl;}
+ cout<<endl;
+ setunion(arr1, arr2, arr3);
+ cout<<endl;<<"Union: "<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr3.getSize();ii++){cout<<arr3[ii]<<endl;}
+ setintersection(arr1, arr2, arr3);
+ cout<<endl;<<"Intersection: "<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr3.getSize();ii++){cout<<arr3[ii]<<endl;}
+ setdifference(arr1, arr2, arr3);
+ cout<<endl;<<"Difference: "<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr3.getSize();ii++){cout<<arr3[ii]<<endl;}
+ setsymmetricdifference(arr1, arr2, arr3);
+ cout<<endl;<<"Symmetric Difference: "<<endl;
+ for (ii=0;ii<arr3.getSize();ii++){cout<<arr3[ii]<<endl;}