# Parameter definitions for thorn Extract # $Header$ shares: grid USES KEYWORD domain shares: io USES STRING out_dir shares: ADMBase USES KEYWORD metric_type private: KEYWORD timecoord "Which time coordinate to use" { "proper" :: "" "coordinate" :: "" "both" :: "" } "both" BOOLEAN all_modes "Extract: all l,m modes up to l" { } "yes" BOOLEAN Cauchy "Do Cauchy data extraction at given timestep" { } "no" BOOLEAN verbose "Say what is happening" { } "no" BOOLEAN doADMmass "Calculate ADM mass at extraction radii" { } "no" BOOLEAN do_momentum "Calculate momentum at extraction radii" { } "no" BOOLEAN do_spin "Calculate spin at extraction radii" { } "no" INT itout "How often to extract, in iterations" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0:* :: "" } 1 INT l_mode "l mode" { 0:* :: "" } 2 INT m_mode "m mode (ignore if extracting all modes" { 0:* :: "" } 0 INT Nt "Number of theta divisions" { 0:* :: "" } 100 INT Np "Number of phi divisions" { 0:* :: "" } 100 INT Cauchy_timestep "Timestep for Cauchy data extraction" { 0:* :: "" } 0 INT num_detectors "Number of detectors" { 0:* :: "" } 0 REAL detector1 "Coordinate radius of detector 1" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector2 "Coordinate radius of detector 2" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector3 "Coordinate radius of detector 3" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector4 "Coordinate radius of detector 4" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector5 "Coordinate radius of detector 5" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector6 "Coordinate radius of detector 6" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector7 "Coordinate radius of detector 7" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector8 "Coordinate radius of detector 8" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL detector9 "Coordinate radius of detector 9" { 0:* :: "" } 5.0 REAL origin_x "x-origin to extract about" { *:* :: "" } 0.0 REAL origin_y "y-origin to extract about" { *:* :: "" } 0.0 REAL origin_z "z-origin to extract about" { *:* :: "" } 0.0 REAL Cauchy_r1 "First radius for Cauchy data extraction" { *:* :: "" } 1.0 REAL Cauchy_dr "Gridspacing for Cauchy data extraction" { *:* :: "" } 0.2 STRING interpolation_operator "Interpolation operator to use (check LocalInterp)" { .+ :: "" } "Lagrange polynomial interpolation" INT interpolation_order "Order for interpolation" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1:4 :: "Choose between first and forth order interpolation" } 1