Description of files in this directory ====================================== $Header$ This directory contains the main top-level files for thorn Exact. There are subdirectories include/ include files (n.b. all the code for the stress-energy tensor lives here) metrics/ individual 4-metrics for the various models The files in this directory are as follows: Startup.c This is scheduled at STARTUP to register our slicing. ParamCheck.c This is scheduled at PARAMCHECK to do some basic consistency checks on the parameters. decode_pars.F77 This is scheduled at INITIAL to decode/copy our parameters into protected grid scalars, for the benefit of the stress-energy tensor code in "include/". In particular, this code decodes the keyword parameter exact_model into the integer decoded_exact_model (which has one of the values #defined in include/ ). initialize.F77 This contains the subroutine Exact__initialize(), which is top-level routine scheduled at INITIAL to set up an initial slice. This basically just calls Exact__Bona_Masso_data() at each grid point, discarding everything it computes other than the 3-metric, the extrinsic curvature, and possibly the conformal factor and its spatial derivatives. gauge.F77 This contains code to set the lapse/shift from an exact solution either on the initial slice, or at each time step of an evolution. This works by calling Exact__Bona_Masso_data() at each grid point, discarding everything it computes except the lapse and the shift. Bona_Masso_data.F77 This contains the subroutine Exact__Bona_Masso_data(), which computes the ADM variables (3-metric, extrinsic curvature, lapse, shift) and some of their spatial derivatives (1st derivatives of the 3-metric and the lapse, 2nd derivatives of the conformal factor and the shift vector) by calling Exact__metric() and finite differencing. [using a hard-coded 1.0e-6 grid spacing :( ] Note that despite the name and comments referring to the Bona-Masso variables, this subroutine doesn't appear to actually use the Bona-Masso variables (!). boost.F77 This contains the subroutine Exact__metric(), which calls Exact__metric_for_model() and then applies an optional Lorentz boost to the resulting 4-metric and its inverse. metric.F77 This contains the subroutine Exact__metric_for_model(); this decodes the decoded_exact_model parameter and calls the appropriate Exact___() subroutine to compute the 4-metric and its inverse at a point. See the metrics/ subdirectory for these computations for the various models. boundary.F77 This is the top-level routine scheduled at POSTSTEP to implement exact-solution boundary conditions. blended_boundary.F77 xyz_blended_boundary.F77 These files implement the blended boundary conditions described in "doc/slice_evolver.tex". slice_initialize.F slice_evolve.F slice_data.F linear_extrap_one_bndry.F These routines are scheduled at INITIAL and EVOL to allow the computing of exact data on arbitrary slices. See "doc/slice_evolver.tex" for details.