# parameter definitions for thorn Exact # $Header$ shares: admbase ################################################################################ ##### keyword parameters from other thorns ##################################### ################################################################################ USES KEYWORD metric_type EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_data { "exact" :: "Initial data from exact solution" "slice" :: "Initial data from exact solution on arbitrary slice" } EXTENDS KEYWORD lapse_evolution_method { "exact" :: "Use lapse from exact solution" } EXTENDS KEYWORD shift_evolution_method { "exact" :: "Use shift from exact solution" } EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_lapse { "exact" :: "Initial lapse from exact solution" } EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_shift { "exact" :: "Initial shift from exact solution" } EXTENDS KEYWORD evolution_method { "slice" :: "Evolve arbitrary slice and extract Cauchy data" } ################################################################################ ##### parameters for the blended boundary conditions ########################### ################################################################################ private: BOOLEAN exblend_Ks "Blend the K variables with the exact solution?" { } "yes" BOOLEAN exblend_gs "Blend the g variables with6~6~ the exact solution?" { } "yes" BOOLEAN exblend_gauge "Blend the lapse and shift with the exact solution?" { } "yes" REAL exblend_rout "Outer boundary of blending region" { : :: "Positive means radial value, negative means use outer bound of grid" } -1.0 REAL exblend_width "Width of blending zone" { : :: "Positive means width in radius, negative means width = exbeldn_width*dx" } -3.0 ################################################################################ ##### parameters for slice initialize ########################################## ################################################################################ private: REAL slice_Gauss_ampl "Amplitude of Gauss slice in exact" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 0.0 REAL slice_Gauss_width "Width of Gauss slice in exact" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 1.0 # this parameter is used directly in our schedule.ccl file KEYWORD overwrite_boundary "Overwrite g and K on the boundary" { "no" :: "Do nothing" "exact" :: "Use boundary data from an exact solution on a trivial slice" } "no" ################################################################################ ##### general comments ######################################################### ################################################################################ # # All remaining parameters *should* be visible only to this thorn # and its friends. In particular, the stress-energy tensor code in # src/include/Scalar_CalcTmunu.inc needs to look at various parameters to # see what to do... and (via the magic of #include and the Cactus # USES INCLUDE SOURCE mechanism) this code is effectively part of # various evolution thorns. # # Alas, Cactus doesn't (yet) provide any way for a (this) thorn to "push" # parameters into friends without the friends having to know where the # pushed parameters came from... and we don't want the evolution thorns # themselves to have to know our name and those of all the other thorns # which provide pieces of the stress-energy tensor. # # Instead, we use a kludge: we copy all the relevant parameters # (exact_model and all those for models which have stress-energy tensor # computations) into restricted grid scalars. These _are_ "pushed" into # friends... and because friendship is transitive, it suffices for us to # be friends of ADMCoupling. # # Since grid scalars can't be varying-length character strings, we also # have to decode keyword parameters into integers in this process. The # values for those integers are given by #define constants in # src/include/param_defs.inc . # ################################################################################ # # ***** naming conventions ***** # # A "model" refers to the combination of a spacetime and a coordinate # system; we use the model name "spacetime/coordinates" in cases where # we have the same spacetime in different coordinate systems. # # We use "spacetime+Lambda" to describe a with-cosmological-constant # variant of a given spacetime. # # All the parameters for individual models have names which begin # with the model name (with any '/' or '-' characters converted to '_'), # followed by '__'. The description comment for each parameter begins # with the model name followed by ':'. For example: # # REAL Schwarzschild_EF__mass "Schwarzschild/EF: BH mass" # { # *:* :: "any real number" # } 1.0 # ################################################################################ ##### exact_model ############################################################## ################################################################################ private: # # see the file doc/how_to_add_a_new_model for instructions on adding # a new model # KEYWORD exact_model "The exact solution/coordinates used in thorn exact" { # # Minkowski spacetime # "Minkowski" :: "Minkowski spacetime" "Minkowski/shift" :: "Minkowski spacetime with time-dependent shift vector" "Minkowski/funny" :: "Minkowski spacetime in non-trivial spatial coordinates" "Minkowski/gauge wave" :: "Minkowski spacetime in gauge-wave coordinates" # # black hole spacetimes # "Schwarzschild/EF" :: "Schwarzschild spacetime in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates" "Schwarzschild/PG" :: "Schwarzschild spacetime in Painleve-Gullstrand coordinates" "Schwarzschild/Novikov":: "Schwarzschild spacetime in Novikov coordinates" "Schwarzschild-Lemaitre":: "Schwarzschild metric in Schwarzschild coordinates, with cosmological constant" "Kerr/Boyer-Lindquist" :: "Kerr spacetime in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates" "Kerr/Kerr-Schild" :: "Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates" "multi-BH" :: "Majumdar-Papapetrou or Kastor-Traschen maximally charged multi BH solutions" "Alvi" :: "Alvi post-Newtonian 2BH spacetime (not fully implemented yet)" "Thorne-fakebinary" :: "Thorne's fake-binary spacetime (non-Einstein)" # # cosmological spacetimes # "Lemaitre" :: "Lemaitre-type spacetime" "Robertson-Walker" :: "Robertson-Walker spacetime" "de Sitter" :: "de Sitter spacetime (R-W cosmology, near t=0, p=0)" "de Sitter+Lambda" :: "de Sitter spacetime with cosmological constant" "anti-de Sitter+Lambda":: "anti-de Sitter spacetime with cosmological constant" "Bianchi I" :: "approximate Bianchi type I spacetime" "Goedel" :: "Goedel spacetime" "Bertotti" :: "Bertotti spacetime" "Kasner-like" :: "Kasner-like spacetime" "Kasner-axisymmetric" :: "axisymmetric Kasner spacetime" "Kasner-generalized" :: "generalized Kasner spacetime" "Milne" :: "Milne spacetime for pre-big-bang cosmology" # # miscelaneous spacetimes # "boost-rotation symmetric":: "boost-rotation symmetric spacetime" "bowl" :: "bowl (bag-of-gold) spacetime (non-Einstein)" "constant density star":: "constant density (Schwarzschild) star" } "Minkowski" ################################################################################ ##### Minkowski spacetime ###################################################### ################################################################################ # # parameters for Minkowski spacetime (trivial txyz coordinates) # # there are no parameters ################################################################################ # # parameters for Minkowski spacetime with time-dependent shift vector # REAL Minkowski_shift__amplitude "Minkowski/shift: amplitude of Gaussian" { (-1:1) :: "any real number < 1 in absolute value" } 0.5 REAL Minkowski_shift__sigma "Minkowski/shift: width of Gaussian" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Minkowski spacetime with non-trivial spatial coordinates # # FIXME: can this also be negative, i.e. range (-1,1)? REAL Minkowski_funny__amplitude "Minkowski/funny: amplitude of Gaussian" { [0.0:1.0 :: "any real number in the range [0,1)" } 0.5 REAL Minkowski_funny__sigma "Minkowski/funny: width of Gaussian" { (0.0: :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Minkowski spacetime in gauge-wave coordinates # KEYWORD Minkowski_gauge_wave__what_fn \ "Minkowski/gauge wave: what function to use" { "sin" :: "1-a*sin(x)" "expsin" :: "exp(a*sin(x)*cos(t))" "Gaussian":: "1-a*exp(-x**2)" }"sin" REAL Minkowski_gauge_wave__amplitude \ "Minkowski/gauge wave: amplitude of the wave" { (-1:1) :: "any real number with absolute value < 1" }0.5 REAL Minkowski_gauge_wave__omega \ "Minkowski/gauge wave: angular frequency of the wave in time" { *:* :: "any real number" }1.0 BOOLEAN Minkowski_gauge_wave__diagonal \ "Minkowski/gauge wave: should the wave run diagonally across the grid?" { } "no" REAL Minkowski_gauge_wave__lambda \ "Minkowski/gauge wave: wavelength of waves" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.5 REAL Minkowski_gauge_wave__phase \ "Minkowski/gauge wave: phase shift of wave" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 ################################################################################ ##### black hole spacetimes #################################################### ################################################################################ # # parameters for Schwarzschild metric in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates # REAL Schwarzschild_EF__mass "Schwarzschild/EF: BH mass" { *:* :: "any real number" } 1.0 REAL Schwarzschild_EF__epsilon "Schwarzschild/EF: numerical fudge" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0.0" } 1.e-16 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Schwarzschild metric in Painleve-Gustrand coordinates # REAL Schwarzschild_PG__mass "Schwarzschild/PG: BH mass" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 1.0 REAL Schwarzschild_PG__epsilon "Schwarzschild/PG: numerical fudge" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0.0" } 1.e-16 ################################################################################ # parameters for Schwarzschild metric in Novikov coordinates REAL Schwarzschild_Novikov__mass "Schwarzschild/Novikov: BH mass" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 1.0 REAL Schwarzschild_Novikov__epsilon "Schwarzschild/Novikov: numerical fudge" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0.0" } 1.e-16 ################################################################################ # parameters for Schwarzschild-Lemaitre metric # (Schwarzschild black hole with cosmological constant) REAL Schwarzschild_Lemaitre__Lambda "Schwarzschild-Lemaitre: cosmological constant" { *:* :: "any real number" } 1.0 REAL Schwarzschild_Lemaitre__mass "Schwarzschild-Lemaitre: BH mass" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 ################################################################################ # parameters for Kerr metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates REAL Kerr_BoyerLindquist__spin "Kerr/Boyer-Lindquist: spin parameter a = J/m^2" { -1.0:1.0 :: "spin parameter for Kerr black hole" } 0.6 REAL Kerr_BoyerLindquist__mass "Kerr/Boyer-Lindquist: BH mass" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Kerr metric in Kerr-Schild coordinates # REAL Kerr_KerrSchild__boost_v "Kerr/Kerr-Schild: boost velocity of black hole" { (-1:1) :: "any real number with absolute value < 1" } 0.0 REAL Kerr_KerrSchild__epsilon "Kerr/Kerr-Schild: numerical fudge" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0.0" } 1.e-16 REAL Kerr_KerrSchild__mass "Kerr/Kerr-Schild: BH mass" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 REAL Kerr_KerrSchild__spin "Kerr/Kerr-Schild: spin parameter a = J/m^2" { -1.0:1.0 :: "spin parameter for Kerr black hole" } 0.6 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Majumdar-Papapetrou or Kastor-Traschen # maximally-charged multiple black hole solution # INT multi_BH__nBH "multi-BH: number of black holes 0-4" { 0:4 :: "any integer in the range [0,4]" } 0 REAL multi_BH__Hubble "multi-BH: Hubble constant = +/- sqrt{Lambda/3}" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 # black hole #1 REAL multi_BH__mass1 "multi-BH: mass of black hole number 1" { 0.0: :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__x1 "multi-BH: x coord of black hole number 1" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__y1 "multi-BH: y coord of black hole number 1" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__z1 "multi-BH: z coord of black hole number 1" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 # black hole #2 REAL multi_BH__mass2 "multi-BH: mass of black hole number 2" { 0.0: :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__x2 "multi-BH: x coord of black hole number 2" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__y2 "multi-BH: y coord of black hole number 2" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__z2 "multi-BH: z coord of black hole number 2" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 # black hole #3 REAL multi_BH__mass3 "multi-BH: mass of black hole number 3" { 0.0: :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__x3 "multi-BH: x coord of black hole number 3" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__y3 "multi-BH: y coord of black hole number 3" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__z3 "multi-BH: z coord of black hole number 3" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 # black hole #4 REAL multi_BH__mass4 "multi-BH: mass of black hole number 4" { 0.0: :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__x4 "multi-BH: x coord of black hole number 4" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__y4 "multi-BH: y coord of black hole number 4" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 REAL multi_BH__z4 "multi-BH: z coord of black hole number 4" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Alvi spacetime # REAL Alvi__mass1 "Alvi: mass of BH number 1" { 0.0: :: "any real number >= 0" } 1.0 REAL Alvi__mass2 "Alvi: mass of BH number 2" { 0.0: :: "any real number >= 0" } 1.0 REAL Alvi__separation "Alvi: spatial separation of the black holes" { 0.0:* :: "must be greater than m1+m2 + 2 sqrt(m1 m2)" } 20.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Thorne's fake binary solution # KEYWORD Thorne_fakebinary__atype "Thorne-fakebinary: binary type" { "constant" :: "" "quadrupole :: "" } "constant" BOOLEAN Thorne_fakebinary__retarded "Thorne-fakebinary: use retarded time?" { } "no" # FIXME: can this really be exactly 0.0? REAL Thorne_fakebinary__epsilon "Thorne-fakebinary: numerical fudge" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0.0" } 1.e-16 REAL Thorne_fakebinary__separation "Thorne-fakebinary: initial separation" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 5.0 REAL Thorne_fakebinary__Omega0 "Thorne-fakebinary: initial angular frequency" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 REAL Thorne_fakebinary__mass "Thorne-fakebinary: mass" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0 # FIXME: can this really be exactly 0.0? REAL Thorne_fakebinary__smoothing \ "Thorne-fakebinary: smoothing for Newtonian potential" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.0 ################################################################################ ##### cosmological spacetimes ################################################## ################################################################################ # # parameters for Lemaitre-type spacetime # REAL Lemaitre__kappa "Lemaitre: multiplicative factor in equation of state" { *:* :: "any real number" } -0.5 REAL Lemaitre__Lambda "Lemaitre: cosmological constant" { *:* :: "any real number" } 1.0 REAL Lemaitre__epsilon0 "Lemaitre: density of the universe at time t=0" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0" } 1.0 REAL Lemaitre__R0 "Lemaitre: scale factor (radius) of the universe at time t=0" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Robertson-Walker spacetime # REAL Robertson_Walker__R0 \ "Robertson-Walker: scale factor (radius) of the universe at time t=0" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 REAL Robertson_Walker__rho "Robertson-Walker: density parameter" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.1 INT Robertson_Walker__k "Robertson-Walker: geometry type parameter" { -1:1:1 :: "one of the values -1, 0, 1" } 0 # true ==> include pressure terms (radiation-dominated universe) # false ==> don't include pressure terms (matter-dominated universe) BOOLEAN Robertson_Walker__pressure \ "Robertson-Walker: are pressure terms included?" { } "true" ################################################################################ # # parameters for de Sitter spacetime # REAL de_Sitter__scale "de Sitter: multiplicative scale factor" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 ################################################################################ # # parameters for de Sitter spacetime with cosmological constant # REAL de_Sitter_Lambda__scale "de Sitter+Lambda: multiplicative scale factor" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 ################################################################################ # # parameters for anti-de Sitter spacetime with cosmological constant # REAL anti_de_Sitter_Lambda__scale \ "anti-de Sitter+Lambda: multiplicative scale factor" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Bianchi type I cosmology # REAL Bianchi_I__scale "Bianchi I: multiplicative scale factor" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Goedel spacetime # REAL Goedel__scale "Goedel: multiplicative scale factor" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Bertotti spacetime # REAL Bertotti__Lambda "Bertotti: cosmological constant" { *:* :: "any real number" } -1.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Kasner-like spacetime # # FIXME: can we somehow use the expression 2.0/3.0 for the default value? REAL Kasner_like__q "Kasner-like: q parameter" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.66666666666666666666 ################################################################################ # # parameters for axisymmetric Kasner spacetime # # there are no parameters ################################################################################ # # parameters for generalized Kasner spacetime # REAL Kasner_generalized__p1 "Kasner-generalized: x exponent parameter" { [-1.0:1.0] :: "any real number in the range [-1,1]" } 0.1 REAL Kasner_generalized__p2 "Kasner-generalized: y exponent parameter" { [-1.0:1.0] :: "any real number in the range [-1,1]" } 0.1 ################################################################################ # # parameters for Milne spacetime # # there are no parameters ################################################################################ ##### miscellaneous spacetimes ################################################# ################################################################################ # # parameters for boost-rotation symmetricmetric spacetime # REAL boost_rotation_symmetric__scale "boost-rotation symmetric: length scale" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 1.0 REAL boost_rotation_symmetric__amp \ "boost-rotation symmetric: dimensionless amplitude" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 0.1 REAL boost_rotation_symmetric__min_d \ "boost-rotation symmetric: dimensionless safety distance" { (0.0: :: "any positive real number" } 0.01 ################################################################################ # # parameters for bowl (bag-of-gold) spacetime (non-Einstein) # KEYWORD bowl__shape "bowl: what shape of bowl should we use?" { "Gaussian" :: "Gaussian bowl" "Fermi" :: "Fermi-function bowl" } "Gaussian" BOOLEAN bowl__evolve "bowl: are we evolving the metric?" { } "false" # FIXME: can this really be arbitrarily large? # FIXME: can this be negative? REAL bowl__strength "bowl: deformation strength" { 0.0:* :: "any real number >= 0" } 0.5 REAL bowl__center "bowl: deformation center" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 2.5 # n.b. for bowl__shape = "Gaussian", this parameter is actually # sqrt(2) times the standard deviation of the Gaussian REAL bowl__sigma "bowl: width of deformation" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 REAL bowl__x_scale "bowl: scale for x coordinate" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 REAL bowl__y_scale "bowl: scale for y coordinate" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 REAL bowl__z_scale "bowl: scale for z coordinate" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 REAL bowl__t0 "bowl: center of Fermi step in time" { *:* :: "any real number" } 1.0 REAL bowl__sigma_t "bowl: width of Fermi step in time" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for constant density (Schwarzschild) star # REAL constant_density_star__mass "constant density star: mass of star" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 # FIXME: is this default value ok? (does it give a star or a BH?) REAL constant_density_star__radius "constant density star: radius of star" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0 ################################################################################