#include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Flesh.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusElliptic_EllPETSc_petsc_wrapper_c) /* The wrapper functions for the core PETSc solver, that performs the actual solve. One wrapper function for each class, because these functions are registered with a fixed set up arguments. Still, they all call petsc_confmetric_solver as the core solver. */ /* Wrapper function for the class of ellitpic equations that needs a metric */ void petsc_metric(cGH *GH, int *MetricI, int FieldIndex, int MIndex, int NIndex, CCTK_REAL *AbsTol, CCTK_REAL *RelTol) { /* Arrays for the M/N size info */ void petsc_confmetric_solver(cGH *GH, int *MetricI, int MetricISize, int FieldIndex, int MIndex, int NIndex, CCTK_REAL *AbsTol, CCTK_REAL *RelTol); if (GH->cctk_dim>3) CCTK_WARN(0,"This elliptic solver implementation does not do dimension>3!"); petsc_confmetric_solver(GH, MetricI, 6, FieldIndex, MIndex, NIndex, AbsTol, RelTol); } /* wrapper function for the class of elliptic equations, that needs a conf. factor */ void petsc_confmetric(cGH *GH, int *MetricPsiI, int FieldIndex, int MIndex, int NIndex, CCTK_REAL *AbsTol, CCTK_REAL *RelTol) { void petsc_confmetric_solver(cGH *GH, int *MetricI, int MetricSize, int FieldIndex, int MIndex, int NIndex, CCTK_REAL *AbsTol, CCTK_REAL *RelTol); /* petsc_confmetric_solver expects an metric array, in the case of this equation class, needs conf.factor as last entry -> size 7 */ petsc_confmetric_solver(GH, MetricPsiI, 7, FieldIndex, MIndex, NIndex, AbsTol, RelTol); }