subroutine findtemp(lr,lt0,y,epsin,keyerrt,rfeps) use eosmodule implicit none real*8 lr,lt0,y,epsin real*8 eps,lt,ldt real*8 tol real*8 d1,d2,d3 real*8 eps0,eps1,lt1 real*8 ltn,ltmax,ltmin real*8 tinput,rfeps integer :: rl = 0 integer itmax,i,keyerrt integer ii,jj,kk keyerrt=0 tol=rfeps ! need to find energy to less than 1 in 10^10 itmax=20 ! use at most 20 iterations, then bomb lt=lt0 lt1=lt eps0=epsin eps1=eps0 ltmax=logtemp(ntemp) ltmin=logtemp(1) ! Note: We are using Ewald's Lagrangian interpolator here! !preconditioning 1: do we already have the right temperature? call findthis(lr,lt,y,eps,alltables(:,:,:,2),d1,d2,d3) if (abs(eps-eps0).lt.tol*abs(eps0)) then return endif lt1=lt eps1=eps ! write(*,"(i4,1P12E19.10)") 0,lr,lt0,y,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0,d2 ! write(*,"(i4,1P12E19.10)") 0,lr,lt0,y,ltmin,ltmax do i=1,itmax !d2 is the derivative deps/dlogtemp; ldt = -(eps - eps0)/d2 ! if( ltmin=lt ! if(ldt.le.0.d0) ltmax=lt ltn = lt+ldt ltn = min(ltn,ltmax) ltn = max(ltn,ltmin) lt1=lt lt=ltn eps1=eps ! write(*,"(i4,1P12E19.10)") i,lr,lt0,y,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0,d2,ldt call findthis(lr,lt,y,eps,alltables(:,:,:,2),d1,d2,d3) ! call findthis(lr,lt,y,eps,epst,d1,d2,d3) if (abs(eps - eps0).lt.tol*abs(eps0)) then ! write(*,"(1P12E19.10)") tol,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0 exit endif !setup new d2 ! if we are closer than 10^-2 to the ! root (eps-eps0)=0, we are switching to ! the secant method, since the table is rather coarse and the ! derivatives may be garbage. if(abs(eps-eps0).lt.1.0d-3*abs(eps0)) then d2 = (eps-eps1)/(lt-lt1) endif ! if( then ! write(*,*) "EOS: Did not converge in findtemp!" ! write(*,*) "rl,logrho,logtemp0,ye,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0" ! if( then ! write(*,"(i4,1P10E22.14)") i,lr,lt0,y,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0 ! endif enddo if( then keyerrt=667 call bisection(lr,lt0,y,eps0,lt,alltables(:,:,:,2),keyerrt,1) if(keyerrt.eq.667) then if( then ! handling for too high temperatures lt = log10(t_max_hack) keyerrt=0 goto 12 else if(abs(lt-log10(t_max_hack))/log10(t_max_hack).lt.0.025d0) then lt0 = min(lt,log10(t_max_hack)) keyerrt=0 goto 12 else #if 0 ! total failure write(*,*) "EOS: Did not converge in findtemp!" write(*,*) "rl,logrho,logtemp0,ye,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0" write(*,"(i4,i4,1P10E19.10)") i,rl,lr,lt0,y,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0 write(*,*) "Tried calling bisection... didn't help... :-/" write(*,*) "Bisection error: ",keyerrt #endif endif endif lt0=min(lt,log10(t_max_hack)) return endif 12 continue lt0=min(lt,log10(t_max_hack)) end subroutine findtemp subroutine findtemp_entropy(lr,lt0,y,sin,keyerrt,rfeps) ! This routine finds the new temperature based ! on rho, Y_e, entropy use eosmodule implicit none real*8 lr,lt0,y,sin real*8 s,lt,ldt real*8 tol real*8 d1,d2,d3 real*8 s0,s1,lt1 real*8 ltn,ltmax,ltmin real*8 tinput,rfeps integer :: rl = 0 integer itmax,i,keyerrt integer ii,jj,kk keyerrt=0 tol=rfeps ! need to find energy to less than 1 in 10^-10 itmax=20 ! use at most 20 iterations, then bomb lt=lt0 lt1=lt s0=sin s1=s0 ltmax=logtemp(ntemp) ltmin=logtemp(1) !preconditioning 1: do we already have the right temperature? call findthis(lr,lt,y,s,alltables(:,:,:,3),d1,d2,d3) if (abs(s-s0).lt.tol*abs(s0)) then return endif lt1=lt s1=s do i=1,itmax !d2 is the derivative ds/dlogtemp; ldt = -(s - s0)/d2 ltn = lt+ldt ltn = min(ltn,ltmax) ltn = max(ltn,ltmin) lt1=lt lt=ltn s1=s call findthis(lr,lt,y,s,alltables(:,:,:,3),d1,d2,d3) if (abs(s - s0).lt.tol*abs(s0)) then exit endif !setup new d2 ! if we are closer than 10^-2 to the ! root (eps-eps0)=0, we are switching to ! the secant method, since the table is rather coarse and the ! derivatives may be garbage. if(abs(s-s0).lt.1.0d-3*abs(s0)) then d2 = (s-s1)/(lt-lt1) endif enddo if( then keyerrt=667 call bisection(lr,lt0,y,s0,lt,alltables(:,:,:,3),keyerrt,2) if(keyerrt.eq.667) then write(*,*) "EOS: Did not converge in findtemp_entropy!" write(*,*) "rl,logrho,logtemp0,ye,lt,s,s0,abs(s-s0)/s0" write(*,"(i4,i4,1P10E19.10)") i,rl,lr,lt0,y,lt,s,s0,abs(s-s0)/s0 write(*,*) "Tried calling bisection... didn't help... :-/" write(*,*) "Bisection error: ",keyerrt endif lt0=lt return endif lt0=lt end subroutine findtemp_entropy