# Parameter definitions for thorn EOS_Omni restricted: # poly EOS REAL poly_gamma "Adiabatic Index for poly EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 2.0 REAL poly_gamma_ini "Initial Adiabatic Index for poly EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 2.0 REAL poly_k "Polytropic constant in c=G=Msun=1" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 100.0 # gamma-law EOS REAL gl_gamma "Adiabatic Index for gamma-law EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 2.0 REAL gl_k "Polytropic constant in c=G=Msun=1 for gamma-law EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 100.0 # hybrid EOS REAL hybrid_gamma1 "subnuclear adiabatic Index for hybrid EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 1.325 REAL hybrid_gamma2 "subnuclear adiabatic Index for hybrid EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 2.5 REAL hybrid_gamma_th "Thermal gamma for hybrid EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 1.5 REAL hybrid_k1 "Polytropic constant in c=G=Msun=1 for hybrid EOS" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 0.4640517 REAL hybrid_rho_nuc "Density at which to switch between gammas; c=G=Msun=1" STEERABLE=RECOVER { : :: "" } 3.238607e-4 ################ Finite-Temperature Nuclear EOS BOOLEAN nuceos_read_table "Read in EOS table?" STEERABLE=RECOVER { } "No" BOOLEAN do_energy_shift "shift energies around?" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { } "yes" BOOLEAN dump_nuceos_table "Dump table in ASCII at beginning" STEERABLE=RECOVER { } "No" STRING dump_nuceos_table_name "nuceos dump table name (ASCII)" STEERABLE=RECOVER { .* :: "Can be anything" } "blah.asc" STRING nuceos_table_name "nuceos table name (hdf5)" STEERABLE=RECOVER { .* :: "Can be anything" } "blah.h5" BOOLEAN read_table_on_single_process "read table on one process only and bcast data" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { } "no" INT reader_process "read table on this process and bcast data" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { 0:* :: "read on process N" } 0 shares: IO USES STRING out_dir