path: root/src
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3 files changed, 228 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90 b/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
index ec35cfe..25be0a2 100644
--- a/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
+++ b/src/EOS_Omni_MultiVarCalls.F90
@@ -82,3 +82,123 @@ subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_short(eoskey,keytemp,rf_precision,npoints,&
end subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_short
+subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_dpderho_dpdrhoe(eoskey,keytemp,rf_precision,npoints,&
+ rho,eps,temp,ye,dpderho,dpdrhoe,keyerr,anyerr)
+ use EOS_Omni_Module
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT, intent(in) :: eoskey,keytemp,npoints
+ CCTK_INT, intent(out) :: keyerr(npoints)
+ CCTK_INT, intent(out) :: anyerr
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: rf_precision
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: rho(npoints),ye(npoints)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(inout) :: eps(npoints), temp(npoints)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dpderho(npoints)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dpdrhoe(npoints)
+ ! local vars
+ integer :: i
+ character(256) :: warnstring
+ real*8 :: hybrid_local_gamma
+ real*8 :: hybrid_local_k_cgs
+ real*8 :: hybrid_dp_poly,hybrid_dp_th1,hybrid_dp_th2
+ ! temporary vars for nuc_eos
+ real*8 :: xrho,xye,xtemp,xenr,xent
+ real*8 :: xprs,xmunu,xcs2
+ real*8 :: xdedt,xdpderho,xdpdrhoe
+ anyerr = 0
+ keyerr(:) = 0
+ select case (eoskey)
+ case (1)
+ ! polytropic EOS
+ if(keytemp.eq.1) then
+ do i=1,npoints
+ eps(i) = press_gf * poly_k_cgs * &
+ (rho(i)*inv_rho_gf)**(poly_gamma) / &
+ (poly_gamma - 1.0d0) / rho(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ do i=1,npoints
+ dpdrhoe(i) = press_gf * poly_k_cgs * &
+ poly_gamma * inv_rho_gf * &
+ (rho(i)*inv_rho_gf) ** (poly_gamma - 1.d0)
+ dpderho(i) = 0.0d0
+ enddo
+ case (2)
+ ! gamma-law EOS
+ if(keytemp.eq.1) then
+ do i=1,npoints
+ eps(i) = press_gf * gl_k_cgs * &
+ (rho(i)*inv_rho_gf)**(gl_gamma) / &
+ (gl_gamma - 1.0d0) / rho(i)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ do i=1,npoints
+ dpdrhoe(i) = (gl_gamma-1.0d0) * &
+ eps(i)
+ dpderho(i) = (gl_gamma - 1.0d0) * &
+ rho(i)
+ enddo
+ case (3)
+ ! hybrid EOS
+ do i=1,npoints
+ if(rho(i).gt.hybrid_rho_nuc) then
+ hybrid_local_gamma = hybrid_gamma2
+ hybrid_local_k_cgs = hybrid_k2_cgs
+ else
+ hybrid_local_gamma = hybrid_gamma1
+ hybrid_local_k_cgs = hybrid_k1_cgs
+ endif
+ hybrid_dp_poly = hybrid_local_gamma * press_gf * &
+ hybrid_local_k_cgs * rho(i)**(hybrid_local_gamma - 1.0d0) * &
+ inv_rho_gf**hybrid_local_gamma
+ hybrid_dp_th1 = - hybrid_local_gamma * press_gf * hybrid_local_k_cgs * &
+ (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.d0) / (hybrid_local_gamma - 1.d0) * &
+ rho(i)**(hybrid_local_gamma - 1.d0) * inv_rho_gf**hybrid_local_gamma
+ hybrid_dp_th2 = (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.d0) * eps(i) &
+ - (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.d0) * (hybrid_local_gamma - hybrid_gamma1) / &
+ (hybrid_gamma1 - 1.d0) / (hybrid_gamma2 - 1.d0) * &
+ press_gf * hybrid_k1_cgs * inv_rho_gf**hybrid_gamma1 * &
+ hybrid_rho_nuc**(hybrid_gamma1 - 1.d0)
+ dpdrhoe(i) = hybrid_dp_poly + hybrid_dp_th1 + hybrid_dp_th2
+ dpderho(i) = (hybrid_gamma_th - 1.0d0) * rho(i)
+ enddo
+ case (4)
+ do i=1,npoints
+ xrho = rho(i) * inv_rho_gf
+ xtemp = temp(i)
+ xye = ye(i)
+ xenr = eps(i) * inv_eps_gf
+ call nuc_eos_dpdr_dpde(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xdpdrhoe,&
+ xdpderho,&
+ keytemp,keyerr(i),rf_precision)
+ if(keyerr(i).ne.0) then
+ anyerr = 1
+ endif
+ if(keytemp.eq.1) then
+ eps(i) = xenr * eps_gf
+ else
+ temp(i) = xtemp
+ endif
+ dpdrhoe(i) = xdpdrhoe * press_gf * inv_rho_gf
+ dpderho(i) = xdpderho * press_gf * inv_eps_gf
+ enddo
+ case DEFAULT
+ write(warnstring,*) "eoskey ",eoskey," not implemented!"
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,warnstring)
+ end select
+ end subroutine EOS_Omni_EOS_dpderho_dpdrhoe
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90
index d208a5f..646994d 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ subroutine findtemp(lr,lt0,y,epsin,keyerrt,rfeps)
integer :: rl = 0
integer itmax,i,keyerrt
integer ii,jj,kk
- tol=rfeps ! need to find energy to less than 1 in 10^-10
+ tol=rfeps ! need to find energy to less than 1 in 10^10
itmax=20 ! use at most 20 iterations, then bomb
@@ -95,12 +95,14 @@ subroutine findtemp(lr,lt0,y,epsin,keyerrt,rfeps)
goto 12
+#if 0
! total failure
write(*,*) "EOS: Did not converge in findtemp!"
write(*,*) "rl,logrho,logtemp0,ye,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0"
write(*,"(i4,i4,1P10E19.10)") i,rl,lr,lt0,y,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0
write(*,*) "Tried calling bisection... didn't help... :-/"
write(*,*) "Bisection error: ",keyerrt
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90
index e84ac82..399d89b 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90
@@ -348,6 +348,91 @@ subroutine nuc_eos_press_eps(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xprs,&
end subroutine nuc_eos_press_eps
+subroutine nuc_eos_dpdr_dpde(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xdpdrhoe,&
+ xdpderho,&
+ keytemp,keyerr,rfeps)
+ use eosmodule
+ implicit none
+ real*8, intent(in) :: xrho,xye
+ real*8, intent(inout) :: xtemp,xenr
+ real*8, intent(in) :: rfeps
+ real*8, intent(out) :: xdpdrhoe,xdpderho
+ integer, intent(in) :: keytemp
+ integer, intent(out) :: keyerr
+ ! local variables
+ real*8 :: xcs2,xprs
+ real*8 :: lr,lt,y,xx,xeps,leps,xs
+ real*8 :: d1,d2,d3,ff(8)
+ integer :: keyerrt = 0
+ if(xrho.gt.eos_rhomax) then
+ stop "nuc_eos: rho > rhomax"
+ endif
+ if(xrho.lt.eos_rhomin*1.2d0) then
+ call nuc_low_eos(xrho,xenr,xprs,xcs2,xdpderho,xdpdrhoe,keytemp)
+ return
+ endif
+ if(xye.gt.eos_yemax) then
+ stop "nuc_eos: ye > yemax"
+ endif
+ if(xye.lt.eos_yemin) then
+ keyerr = 102
+ write(6,*) "ye: ", xye
+ stop "nuc_eos ye < yemin"
+ endif
+ if(keytemp.eq.1) then
+ if(xtemp.gt.eos_tempmax) then
+ stop "nuc_eos: temp > tempmax"
+ endif
+ if(xtemp.lt.eos_tempmin) then
+ call nuc_low_eos(xrho,xenr,xprs,xcs2,xdpderho,xdpdrhoe,keytemp)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ lr = log10(xrho)
+ lt = log10(xtemp)
+ y = xye
+ xeps = xenr + energy_shift
+ leps = log10(max(xeps,1.0d0))
+ keyerr = 0
+ if(keytemp.eq.0) then
+ !need to find temperature based on xeps
+ call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ if(keyerrt.ne.0) then
+ keyerr = keyerrt
+ return
+ endif
+ xtemp = 10.0d0**lt
+ elseif(keytemp.eq.2) then
+ stop "eos_nuc_press does not support keytemp.eq.2"
+ endif
+ ! have temperature, proceed:
+ call findall_dpdr_dpde(lr,lt,y,ff)
+ xdpdrhoe = 10.0d0**ff(1)
+ xdpderho = 10.0d0**ff(2)
+ if((keytemp.eq.1).or.(keytemp.eq.2)) then
+ call findthis(lr,lt,y,xeps,alltables(:,:,:,2),d1,d2,d3)
+ xeps = 10.0d0**xeps - energy_shift
+ xenr = xeps
+ endif
+end subroutine nuc_eos_dpdr_dpde
subroutine findthis(lr,lt,y,value,array,d1,d2,d3)
@@ -426,3 +511,22 @@ subroutine findall_press_eps(lr,lt,y,ff)
ff(:) = ffx(:,1)
end subroutine findall_press_eps
+subroutine findall_dpdr_dpde(lr,lt,y,ff)
+ use eosmodule
+ implicit none
+ real*8 ffx(8,1)
+ real*8 ff(8)
+ real*8 lr,lt,y
+ integer i
+ integer :: nvarsx = 2
+! Ewald's interpolator
+ call intp3d_many(lr,lt,y,ffx,1,alltables(:,:,:,7:8), &
+ nrho,ntemp,nye,nvarsx,logrho,logtemp,ye)
+ ff(:) = ffx(:,1)
+end subroutine findall_dpdr_dpde