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authorrhaas <rhaas@8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9>2014-03-13 03:01:00 +0000
committerrhaas <rhaas@8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9>2014-03-13 03:01:00 +0000
commitffb61459fdab022a5cc107c5239a41f0b049e5e8 (patch)
parente05fc50b643b4f6bfe576b9dd775087c1d9bdf6c (diff)
* Major bug fix in EOS_Omni/nuc_eos. In the code (before the fix),
offending specific internal energies where limited and the EOS returned seemingly fine, but thermodynamically inconsistent data. This has been fixed. This fix also makes isolated microphysical NS simulations not work anymore. Why this is the case, we are still investigating From: Christian Ott <cott@tapir.caltech.edu> git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinEOS/EOS_Omni/trunk@89 8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9
5 files changed, 190 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/eosmodule.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/eosmodule.F90
index 7ac049c..174d817 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/eosmodule.F90
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/eosmodule.F90
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
! basics
integer, parameter :: nvars = 19
real*8,pointer :: alltables(:,:,:,:)
+ real*8,allocatable :: epstable(:,:,:)
! index variable mapping:
! 1 -> logpress
! 2 -> logenergy
@@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ subroutine setup_eosmodule(nrho_, ntemp_, nye_, alltables_, logrho_, logtemp_, y
logtemp => logtemp_
ye => ye_
+ allocate(epstable(nrho,ntemp,nye))
+ epstable(1:nrho,1:ntemp,1:nye) = 10.0d0**alltables(1:nrho,1:ntemp,1:nye,2)
energy_shift = energy_shift_
if(do_energy_shift.ne.1) then
@@ -103,5 +106,6 @@ subroutine setup_eosmodule(nrho_, ntemp_, nye_, alltables_, logrho_, logtemp_, y
eos_tempmin = 10.0d0**logtemp(1)
eos_tempmax = 10.0d0**logtemp(ntemp)
end subroutine setup_eosmodule
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90
index 125b0cd..4c42a21 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/findtemp.F90
@@ -1,3 +1,107 @@
+subroutine findtemp_deb(lr,lt0,y,epsin,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ use eosmodule
+ implicit none
+ real*8 lr,lt0,y,epsin
+ real*8 eps,lt,ldt
+ real*8 tol
+ real*8 d1,d2,d3
+ real*8 eps0,eps1,lt1
+ real*8 ltn,ltmax,ltmin
+ real*8 tinput,rfeps
+ integer :: rl = 0
+ integer itmax,i,keyerrt
+ integer ii,jj,kk
+ keyerrt=0
+ tol=rfeps ! precision to which we need to find temp
+ itmax=20 ! use at most 20 iterations, then bomb
+ lt=lt0
+ lt1=lt
+ eps0=epsin
+ eps1=eps0
+ ltmax=logtemp(ntemp)
+ ltmin=logtemp(1)
+ ! Note: We are using Ewald's Lagrangian interpolator here!
+ !preconditioning 1: do we already have the right temperature?
+ call findthis(lr,lt,y,eps,alltables(:,:,:,2),d1,d2,d3)
+ if (abs(eps-eps0).lt.tol*abs(eps0)) then
+ return
+ endif
+ lt1=lt
+ eps1=eps
+ do i=1,itmax
+ !d2 is the derivative deps/dlogtemp;
+ ldt = -(eps - eps0)/d2
+ ltn = lt+ldt
+ ltn = min(ltn,ltmax)
+ ltn = max(ltn,ltmin)
+ lt1=lt
+ lt=ltn
+ eps1=eps
+ call findthis(lr,lt,y,eps,alltables(:,:,:,2),d1,d2,d3)
+ if (abs(eps - eps0).lt.tol*abs(eps0)) then
+ exit
+ endif
+ !setup new d2
+ ! if we are closer than 10^-2 to the
+ ! root (eps-eps0)=0, we are switching to
+ ! the secant method, since the table is rather coarse and the
+ ! derivatives may be garbage.
+ if(abs(eps-eps0).lt.1.0d-3*abs(eps0)) then
+ d2 = (eps-eps1)/(lt-lt1)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if(i.ge.itmax) then
+ keyerrt=667
+ call bisection(lr,lt0,y,eps0,lt,alltables(:,:,:,2),keyerrt,1)
+ if(keyerrt.eq.667) then
+ if(lt.ge.log10(t_max_hack)) then
+ ! handling for too high temperatures
+ lt = log10(t_max_hack)
+ keyerrt=0
+ goto 12
+ else if(abs(lt-log10(t_max_hack))/log10(t_max_hack).lt.0.025d0) then
+ lt0 = min(lt,log10(t_max_hack))
+ keyerrt=0
+ goto 12
+ else
+#if 0
+ ! total failure
+ write(*,*) "EOS: Did not converge in findtemp!"
+ write(*,*) "rl,logrho,logtemp0,ye,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0"
+ write(*,"(i4,i4,1P10E19.10)") i,rl,lr,lt0,y,lt,eps,eps0,abs(eps-eps0)/eps0
+ write(*,*) "Tried calling bisection... didn't help... :-/"
+ write(*,*) "Bisection error: ",keyerrt
+ endif
+ endif
+ lt0=min(lt,log10(t_max_hack))
+ return
+ endif
+12 continue
+ lt0=min(lt,log10(t_max_hack))
+end subroutine findtemp_deb
subroutine findtemp(lr,lt0,y,epsin,keyerrt,rfeps)
use eosmodule
@@ -206,77 +310,34 @@ subroutine findtemp_low(lr,t0,y,epsin,keyerrt,rfeps)
implicit none
- real*8 lr,t0,y,epsin
- real*8 eps,t,dt
- real*8 tol
- real*8 dlepsdt
- real*8 eps0,eps1,t1
+ real*8 lr,t0,y,epsin,rfeps,dlepsdt
+ integer :: keyerrt
- real*8 tn,tmin,tmax
- real*8 tinput,rfeps
- integer :: rl = 0
- integer itmax,i,keyerrt
- integer ii,jj,kk
- keyerrt=0
+ real*8 :: eps2, eps1
+ real*8 :: t2, t1
+ real*8 :: m
- tol=rfeps ! need to find energy to less than 1 in 10^-10
- itmax=100 ! use at most 20 iterations, then bomb
+ keyerrt = 0
+ t2 = 10.0d0**logtemp(2)
+ t1 = 10.0d0**logtemp(1)
- t=t0
- t1=t
- eps0=epsin
- eps1=eps0
- tmax=10.0d0**logtemp(2)
- tmin=-20.0d0
- !preconditioning 1: do we already have the right temperature?
- call intp3d_linearTlow(lr,t,y,eps,1,alltables(:,:,:,2),nrho,&
- ntemp,nye,logrho,logtemp,ye,dlepsdt)
+ call intp3d_linearTlow(lr,t2,y,eps2,1,epstable,nrho,&
+ ntemp,nye,logrho,logtemp,ye,dlepsdt)
- if (abs(eps-eps0).lt.tol*abs(eps0)) then
- return
- endif
- t1=t
- eps1=eps
- do i=1,itmax
- dt = -(eps - eps0)/dlepsdt
- tn = t+dt
- if(tn >= tmax) then
- tn = tmax*0.9d0
- endif
- tn = min(tn,tmax)
- tn = max(tn,tmin)
- t1=t
- t=tn
- eps1=eps
+ call intp3d_linearTlow(lr,t1,y,eps1,1,epstable,nrho,&
+ ntemp,nye,logrho,logtemp,ye,dlepsdt)
- call intp3d_linearTlow(lr,t,y,eps,1,alltables(:,:,:,2),nrho,&
- ntemp,nye,logrho,logtemp,ye,dlepsdt)
- if (abs(eps - eps0).lt.tol*abs(eps0)) then
- exit
- endif
- ! if we are closer than 10^-2 to the
- ! root (eps-eps0)=0, we are switching to
- ! the secant method, since the table is rather coarse and the
- ! derivatives may be garbage.
- if(abs(eps-eps0).lt.1.0d-3*abs(eps0)) then
- dlepsdt = (eps-eps1)/(t-t1)
- endif
- enddo
- t0 = t
- if(i.ge.itmax) then
- keyerrt=667
- return
- endif
+ m = (t2-t1)/(eps2-eps1)
+ t0 = (epsin-eps1) * m + t1
+#if 0
+ write(6,*) t0,epsin,eps2,eps1
+ call intp3d_linearTlow(lr,t0,y,eps2,1,epstable,nrho,&
+ ntemp,nye,logrho,logtemp,ye,dlepsdt)
+ write(6,"(1P10E15.6)") abs(epsin-eps2)/epsin
end subroutine findtemp_low
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/linterp.F b/src/nuc_eos/linterp.F
index 600c11e..0a9d48a 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/linterp.F
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/linterp.F
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ c
dy = (yt(ny) - yt(1)) / FLOAT(ny-1)
dz = (zt(nz) - zt(1)) / FLOAT(nz-1)
- dxi = 1. / dx
- dyi = 1. / dy
- dzi = 1. / dz
+ dxi = 1.0d0 / dx
+ dyi = 1.0d0 / dy
+ dzi = 1.0d0 / dz
dxyi = dxi * dyi
dxzi = dxi * dzi
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/linterp_many.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/linterp_many.F90
index 1fe5983..3d6f437 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/linterp_many.F90
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/linterp_many.F90
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
dy = (yt(ny) - yt(1)) / FLOAT(ny-1)
dz = (zt(nz) - zt(1)) / FLOAT(nz-1)
- dxi = 1. / dx
- dyi = 1. / dy
- dzi = 1. / dz
+ dxi = 1.0d0 / dx
+ dyi = 1.0d0 / dy
+ dzi = 1.0d0 / dz
dxyi = dxi * dyi
dxzi = dxi * dzi
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@
dy = 10.0d0**yt(2) - 10.0d0**yt(1)
dz = (zt(nz) - zt(1)) / FLOAT(nz-1)
- dxi = 1. / dx
- dyi = 1. / dy
- dzi = 1. / dz
+ dxi = 1.0d0 / dx
+ dyi = 1.0d0 / dy
+ dzi = 1.0d0 / dz
dxyi = dxi * dyi
dxzi = dxi * dzi
@@ -304,9 +304,9 @@
dy = 10.0d0**yt(2) - 10.0d0**yt(1)
dz = (zt(nz) - zt(1)) / FLOAT(nz-1)
- dxi = 1. / dx
- dyi = 1. / dy
- dzi = 1. / dz
+ dxi = 1.0d0 / dx
+ dyi = 1.0d0 / dy
+ dzi = 1.0d0 / dz
dxyi = dxi * dyi
dxzi = dxi * dzi
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90
index 1dfb9e8..65b0562 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/nuc_eos.F90
@@ -83,13 +83,17 @@ subroutine nuc_eos_full(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xprs,xent,xcs2,xdedt,&
lt = log10(max(xtemp,eos_tempmin))
y = xye
xeps = xenr + energy_shift
- leps = log10(max(xeps,1.0d0))
keyerr = 0
if(keytemp.eq.0) then
!need to find temperature based on xeps
- call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ if(xeps .gt. 0.0d0) then
+ leps = log10(xeps)
+ call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ else
+ keyerrt = 667
+ endif
if(keyerrt.ne.0) then
call CCTK_WARN (0, "Did not find temperature")
@@ -272,18 +276,23 @@ subroutine nuc_eos_short(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xprs,xent,xcs2,xdedt,&
if(keytemp.eq.0) then
!need to find temperature based on xeps
xeps = xenr + energy_shift
- leps = log10(max(xeps,1.0d0))
- call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
- if(keyerrt.eq.667 .and. lt .lt. 10.0d0) then
+ if(xeps .gt. 0.0d0) then
+ leps = log10(xeps)
+ call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ else
+ keyerrt = 667
+ endif
+ if(keyerrt.eq.667) then
! turns out, we can still converge, but
! too a bogus, possibly negative temperature
xt = xtemp
- call findtemp_low(lr,xt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ call findtemp_low(lr,xt,y,xeps,keyerrt,rfeps)
if(keyerrt.eq.0) then
keyerrt = 668
xtemp = xt
keyerrt = 667
+ keyerr = keyerrt
keyerr = keyerrt
@@ -365,6 +374,7 @@ subroutine nuc_eos_press_eps(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xprs,&
real*8 :: lr,lt,y,xt,xx,xeps,leps,xs
real*8 :: d1,d2,d3,ff(8)
integer :: keyerrt
+ character(len=256) :: warnline
keyerrt = 0
@@ -411,20 +421,38 @@ subroutine nuc_eos_press_eps(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xprs,&
if(keytemp.eq.0) then
!need to find temperature based on xeps
xeps = xenr + energy_shift
- leps = log10(max(xeps,1.0d0))
- call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
- if(keyerrt.eq.667 .and. lt .lt. 10.0d0) then
+ if(xeps .gt. 0.0d0) then
+ leps = log10(xeps)
+ call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ else
+ keyerrt = 667
+ endif
+! if(xenr .lt. -9.00725347549139d20) then
+! if(xenr.lt.-2.28659899d20) then
+! write(warnline,"(A4,i5,1P10E15.6)") "UGGx",keyerrt,lr,lt,xt,xtemp,y,xeps,xenr
+! call CCTK_WARN(1,warnline)
+! endif
+ if(keyerrt.eq.667) then
! turns out, we can still converge, but
! too a bogus, possibly negative temperature
xt = xtemp
- call findtemp_low(lr,xt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ call findtemp_low(lr,xt,y,xeps,keyerrt,rfeps)
if(keyerrt.eq.0) then
keyerrt = 668
+ if(xeps.lt.0.0d0) then
+ keyerrt = 668 ! impossible to do anything
+ endif
xtemp = xt
keyerrt = 667
+ keyerr = keyerrt
+! if(xenr .lt. -9.00725347549139d20) then
+! if(xenr.lt.-2.28659899d20) then
+! write(warnline,"(A4,i5,1P10E15.6)") "UGG",keyerrt,lr,lt,xt,xtemp,y,xeps,xenr
+! call CCTK_WARN(0,warnline)
+! endif
keyerr = keyerrt
xtemp = 10.0d0**lt
@@ -502,20 +530,25 @@ subroutine nuc_eos_dpdr_dpde(xrho,xtemp,xye,xenr,xdpderho,&
if(keytemp.eq.0) then
!need to find temperature based on xeps
xeps = xenr + energy_shift
- leps = log10(max(xeps,1.0d0))
- call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
- if(keyerrt.eq.667 .and. lt .lt. 10.0d0) then
+ if(xeps .gt. 0.0d0) then
+ leps = log10(xeps)
+ call findtemp(lr,lt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ else
+ keyerrt = 667
+ endif
+ if(keyerrt.eq.667) then
! turns out, we can still converge, but
! too a bogus, possibly negative temperature
xt = xtemp
- call findtemp_low(lr,xt,y,leps,keyerrt,rfeps)
+ call findtemp_low(lr,xt,y,xeps,keyerrt,rfeps)
if(keyerrt.eq.0) then
keyerrt = 668
xtemp = xt
keyerrt = 667
+ keyerr = keyerrt
- endif
+ endif
keyerr = keyerrt
xtemp = 10.0d0**lt