# Parameter definitions for thorn EHFinder # $Header$ private: INT eh_number_level_sets "How many level set functions should we evolve" { 1:10 :: "Between 1 and 10" } 1 KEYWORD eh_metric_type "Do we use numerical or analytic metric information" { "numerical" :: "Read in metric from numerical data" "analytic" :: "Use external analytic metric" } "numerical" KEYWORD eh_lapse_type "Do we use numerical or analytic metric information" { "numerical" :: "Read in metric from numerical data" "analytic" :: "Use external analytic metric" } "numerical" KEYWORD eh_shift_type "Do we use numerical or analytic metric information" { "numerical" :: "Read in metric from numerical data" "analytic" :: "Use external analytic metric" } "numerical" BOOLEAN read_conformal_factor_once "Should the conformal factor only be read once" { } "yes" KEYWORD initial_f[10] "Initial surface choice" { "sphere" :: "spherical surface" "ellipsoid" :: "ellipsoidal surface" "cassini" :: "ovaloid of cassini" } "sphere" REAL initial_rad[10] "Initial radius of surface" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 1.0 REAL initial_a[10] "Initial a coefficient of ellipsoid" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 1.0 REAL initial_b[10] "Initial b coefficient of ellipsoid" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 1.0 REAL initial_c[10] "Initial c coefficient of ellipsoid" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 1.0 REAL rotation_alpha[10] "Rotation angle around z-axis of ellipsoid" { *:* :: "Everything is possible" } 0.0 REAL rotation_beta[10] "Rotation angle around y-axis of ellipsoid" { *:* :: "Everything is possible" } 0.0 REAL rotation_gamma[10] "Rotation angle around x-axis of ellipsoid" { *:* :: "Everything is possible" } 0.0 REAL translate_x[10] "Translation in x-direction" { *:* :: "Everything is possible" } 0.0 REAL translate_y[10] "Translation in y-direction" { *:* :: "Everything is possible" } 0.0 REAL translate_z[10] "Translation in z-direction" { *:* :: "Everything is possible" } 0.0 REAL cas_a[10] "Initial a coefficient of ovaloid of cassini" { : :: "Any number (negative and positive are equivalent)" } 2.0 REAL cas_b[10] "Initial b coefficient of ovaloid of cassini" { : :: "Any number (negative and positive are equivalent)" } 2.05 REAL shell_width "Width of the evolution region in units of the grid spacing" { 0.0: :: "Positive please" } 7.0 BOOLEAN use_inner_excision "Should inner excision be used?" { } "yes" BOOLEAN use_outer_excision "Should outer excision be used?" { } "yes" KEYWORD mode "Mode of operation" { "normal" :: "Find event horizons" "analysis" :: "Provide storage for f without evolving" "generator" :: "Provide storage for f and initialize without evolving" } "normal" KEYWORD upwind_type "Type of upwinding used in evolving the ehfinder equations" { "intrinsic" :: "Use the values of f itself to determine upwind direction" "shift" :: "Use the shift to determine upwind direction" "characteristic" :: "Use characteristic information" } "characteristic" KEYWORD surface_direction "Should we track outward or inward moving surfaces" { "outward" :: "Track outward moving surfaces. Use for event horizon finding." "inward" :: "Track inward moving surfaces." } "outward" BOOLEAN re_init_undo "Should re-initialization be undone at pinch-off" { } "yes" KEYWORD re_init_int_method "Integration method used in re-initialization" { "euler" :: "Standard euler scheme" "rk2" :: "Second order Runge-Kutta scheme" } "euler" INT re_init_max_iter "maximum number of iterations in the re-initialization" { 0: :: "Positive please" } 800 KEYWORD pde_differences "Type of finite diffencing used in pde re-initialization" { "centered" :: "Use 2nd order centered differences except at the boundaries" "upwind" :: "Use 1st order upwinded differences everywhere" "upwind2" :: "Use 2nd order upwinded differences everywhere" } "upwind2" INT re_initialize_every "How often to re-initialize the level set function" { 0: :: "If 0 don't re-initialize" } 10 INT last_iteration_number "The starting iteration number for the EH_Finder (last iteration number of the simulation)" { 0: :: "Positive please" } 0 INT saved_iteration_every "How often was the numerical data saved" { 1: :: "Positive please" } 1 INT ntheta "Number of points in the theta direction when finding points on the surface" { 1:*:2 :: "Positive and odd please" } 51 INT nphi "Number of points in the phi direction when finding points on the surface" { 1:*:2 :: "Positive and odd please" } 51 INT n_array_ghosts "Number of ghost points in the surface grid array" { 1: :: "Positive please" } 1 INT maximum_surface_number "The maximum number of surfaces expected in the data" { 1:* :: "Positive please" } 1 BOOLEAN use_user_center "Should the user prescribed center be used" { } "no" CCTK_REAL center_x "The x-coordinate of the center" { *:* :: "Anything" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL center_y "The y-coordinate of the center" { *:* :: "Anything" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL center_z "The z-coordinate of the center" { *:* :: "Anything" } 0.0 BOOLEAN evolve_generators "Should the generators be evolved" { } "no" CCTK_INT number_of_generators "How many generators should be evolved" { 1:* :: "Postive please" } 1 KEYWORD generator_distribution "What initial distribution should be used" { "line" :: "Put the generators on a line in the xz-plane" } "line" STRING surface_interpolator "What interpolator should be used to locate the surface" { ".+" :: "A valid interpolator name" } "Hermite polynomial interpolation" CCTK_INT surface_interpolation_order "What order should be used for the surface interpoation" { 1:* :: "A valid positive interpolation order" } 2 STRING area_interpolator "What interpolator should be used for the area" { ".+" :: "A valid interpolator name" } "Lagrange polynomial interpolation" CCTK_INT area_interpolation_order "What order should be used for the area interpoation" { 1:* :: "A valid positive interpolation order" } 3 STRING generator_interpolator "What interpolator should be used for the generators" { ".+" :: "A valid interpolator name" } "Lagrange polynomial interpolation" CCTK_INT generator_interpolation_order "What order should be used for the generator interpoation" { 1:* :: "A valid positive interpolation order" } 3 KEYWORD generator_tracking_method "What method should be used for tracking the generators" { "interpolate_before" :: "Interpolate first, then calculate" "interpolate_after" :: "Calculate first, then interpolate" } "interpolate_before" shares: grid USES KEYWORD domain USES KEYWORD quadrant_direction USES KEYWORD bitant_plane shares: admbase USES KEYWORD metric_type EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_data { "read from file" :: "Read in metric from a file" } EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_lapse { "read from file" :: "Read in lapse from a file" } EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_shift { "read from file" :: "Read in shift from a file" } shares: spacemask USES KEYWORD use_mask shares: MethodOfLines USES CCTK_INT MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars USES CCTK_INT MoL_Max_Evolved_Array_Size USES CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ArrayEvolved_Vars restricted: CCTK_INT EHFinder_MaxNumEvolvedVars "The maximum number of evolved variables used by EHFinder" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=MethodOfLines::MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars { 1:10 :: "Only evolve the level set functions" } 1 CCTK_INT EHFinder_Max_Evolved_Array_Size "The maximum size of evolved grid arrays used by EHFinder" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=MethodOfLines::MoL_Max_Evolved_Array_Size { 1:* :: "The size of the generator grid arrays" } 1 CCTK_INT EHFinder_Num_ArrayEvolved_Vars "The maximum number of evolved grid arrays used by EHFinder" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=MethodOfLines::MoL_Num_ArrayEvolved_Vars { 0:30 :: "Should be exactly zero or a multiple of three" } 3