# Interface definition for thorn EHFinder # $Header$ implements: ehfinder inherits: grid admbase coordgauge staticconformal spacemask boundary USES INCLUDE: Boundary.h CCTK_INT FUNCTION MoLRegisterEvolvedGroup(CCTK_INT IN EvolvedIndex, \ CCTK_INT IN RHSIndex) USES FUNCTION MoLRegisterEvolvedGroup public: # The scalar level set functions that defines the null surfaces. CCTK_REAL f[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=2 # Sources for the level set functions. CCTK_REAL sf[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # X-derivatives of the level set functions. CCTK_REAL dfx[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Y-derivatives of the level set functions. CCTK_REAL dfy[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Z-derivatives of the level set functions. CCTK_REAL dfz[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Squares of the derivatives of the level set functions. CCTK_REAL dfsq[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Temporary variables used in pde re-initialization. CCTK_REAL ftmp[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Temporary variables for the right hand side used in pde re-initialization. CCTK_REAL sftmp[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Temporary placeholder for the level set during re-initialization. CCTK_REAL fbak[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 CCTK_REAL g3inv TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 { g3xx, g3xy, g3xz, g3yy, g3yz, g3zz } "The inverse of the 3-metric" # Masks to define active cells. CCTK_INT eh_mask[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Temporary masks to define active cells. CCTK_INT tm_mask[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Temporary placeholders for the masks during re-initialization. CCTK_INT eh_mask_bak[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 # Control variable for while loops in re-initialization. CCTK_INT re_init_control TYPE=SCALAR # Grid function used in counting surfaces. CCTK_INT surface_index TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 { sc } # Flag to indicate succesful location of points on a surface. CCTK_INT find_surface_status TYPE=SCALAR CCTK_INT levelset_integers TYPE=SCALAR { levelset_counter more_levelsets } "Integer variables used to loop over the level sets" CCTK_INT surface_integers TYPE=SCALAR { surface_counter points_counter more_surfaces more_points integrate_counter } "Integer variables used in surface integration" CCTK_REAL surface_reals TYPE=SCALAR { sym_factor, theta_sym_factor, phi_sym_factor } "Real variables used in surface integration" CCTK_REAL surface_arrays TYPE=ARRAY DIM=2 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=ntheta,nphi GHOSTSIZE=n_array_ghosts,n_array_ghosts DISTRIB=DEFAULT { ctheta, cphi, rsurf, sintheta, costheta, sinphi, cosphi, drdtheta, drdphi, da, gtt, gtp, gpp, weights, dltheta, dlphi, thetaweights, phiweights } "Grid arrays for points on the surface" CCTK_REAL surface_tmp_arrays TYPE=ARRAY DIM=2 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=ntheta,nphi GHOSTSIZE=n_array_ghosts,n_array_ghosts DISTRIB=DEFAULT { drsurf, interp_x, interp_y, interp_z, f_interp, dfdx_interp, dfdy_interp, dfdz_interp } "Temporary grid arrays for finding points on the surface" CCTK_REAL center_arrays TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=3 DISTRIB=CONSTANT { center } "The cartesian location of the center for the spherical coordinate system" CCTK_INT surface_int_array TYPE=ARRAY DIM=2 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=ntheta,nphi GHOSTSIZE=n_array_ghosts,n_array_ghosts DISTRIB=DEFAULT { n_since_last_reduction } "Temporary integer grid array for finding points on the surface" CCTK_REAL interp_metric_arrays TYPE=ARRAY DIM=2 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=ntheta,nphi GHOSTSIZE=n_array_ghosts,n_array_ghosts DISTRIB=DEFAULT { gxxi, gxyi, gxzi, gyyi, gyzi, gzzi, psii } "Arrays for holding the interpolated metric and conformal factor" CCTK_REAL integrate_tmp_array TYPE=ARRAY DIM=2 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=ntheta,nphi GHOSTSIZE=n_array_ghosts,n_array_ghosts DISTRIB=DEFAULT { int_tmp } "Temporary array that is used in the integration of various quantities" # Storage for the event horizon areas. This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_area[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Temporary storage for the event horizon areas. CCTK_REAL eh_area2[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Storage for the event horizon x-centroids. This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_centroid_x[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Storage for the event horizon y-centroids. This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_centroid_y[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Storage for the event horizon z-centroids. This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_centroid_z[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Temporary storage for the event horizon x-centroids. CCTK_REAL eh_centroid2_x[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Temporary storage for the event horizon y-centroids. CCTK_REAL eh_centroid2_y[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Temporary storage for the event horizon z-centroids. CCTK_REAL eh_centroid2_z[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Storage for the event horizon equatorial circumferences. # This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_circ_eq[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Storage for the event horizon polar circumferences. #This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_circ_pol[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Temporary storage for the event horizon equatorial circumferences. # This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_circ_eq2[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # Temporary storage for the event horizon polar circumferences. # This is used to trigger output. CCTK_REAL eh_circ_pol2[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=maximum_surface_number GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # The X-position of the generators of the event horizons. CCTK_REAL xg[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=2 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # The Y-position of the generators of the event horizons. CCTK_REAL yg[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=2 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # The Z-position of the generators of the event horizons. CCTK_REAL zg[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=2 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # The right hand side of the X-position of the generators. CCTK_REAL dxg[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # The right hand side of the Y-position of the generators. CCTK_REAL dyg[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT # The right hand side of the Z-position of the generators. CCTK_REAL dzg[eh_number_level_sets] TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT CCTK_REAL generator_arrays TYPE=ARRAY DIM=1 TIMELEVELS=1 SIZE=number_of_generators GHOSTSIZE=0 DISTRIB=DEFAULT { alpg, betaxg, betayg, betazg, gxxg, gxyg, gxzg, gyyg, gyzg, gzzg, dfxg, dfyg, dfzg, psig } "Arrays to hold the interpolated metric, gauge and level set data" CCTK_REAL generator_gf TYPE=GF TIMELEVELS=1 { xgf, ygf, zgf } "Temporary grid function used in calculating the right hand side of the generator evolution equation"