% *======================================================================* % Cactus Thorn template for ThornGuide documentation % Author: Ian Kelley % Date: Sun Jun 02, 2002 % $Header$ % % Thorn documentation in the latex file doc/documentation.tex % will be included in ThornGuides built with the Cactus make system. % The scripts employed by the make system automatically include % pages about variables, parameters and scheduling parsed from the % relevent thorn CCL files. % % This template contains guidelines which help to assure that your % documentation will be correctly added to ThornGuides. 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The null surface is described at each time step as the 0-level iso-surface of a 3D scalar function $f$. This level set description of the surface allows, trivially, changes of the topology of the surface so it is possible to follow the merger of two (or more) black holes into a final black hole. \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction} This thorn attempts to locate the Event Horizon (EH) in an analytic or numerical spacetime by evolving a null surface backwards in time. This method depends on the fact that, except in cases where the coordinates are adapted to outgoing null geodesics, an outgoing null surface started close to the EH, when evolved forward in time, is diverging exponentially from the EH. Reversing the time evolution then means that an outgoing null surface will converge exponentially to the EH. The level set function, $f$, is evolved according to \begin{eqnarray} \partial_{t}f & = & \frac{-g^{ti}\partial_{i}f+\sqrt{(g^{ti}\partial_{i}f)^{2}- g^{tt}g^{ij}\partial_{i}f\partial_{j}f}}{g^{tt}} \nonumber \\ & = & \beta^{i}\partial_{i}f- \sqrt{\alpha^{2}\gamma^{ij}\partial_{i}f\partial_{j}f}, \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_evolve} \end{eqnarray} where in the second equation the lapse, shift and 3-metric has been substituted for the 4-metric. For more details on the theory and implementation see~\cite{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_Diener02}. This thorn uses a level set description of the null surface, \ie the surface is the 0-level isosurface of a 3D scalar function, $f$, that is negative inside and positive outside the surface. With this choice of surface description one level-set function can describe multiple surfaces at the same time, simply by having several, disconnected regions with negative values. The biggest advantage, however, is that any change of topology of the surface is handled naturally and simply by the level-set function changing sign. Therefore this {\tt EHFinder} can follow the EH during the merger of two (or more) black holes into one black hole. To find the EH in a numerical spacetime several points have to be taken into consideration. Since the null surface has to be evolved backwards in time, the {\tt EHFinder} has to be seen as a pre-processing analysis thorn. Therefore it is necessary to evolve the initial data forward in time while outputting enough 3D data, that the full 4-metric can be recovered at each timestep. The 3D data is then read back in, in reverse order, while the level-set function is evolved backwards in time. The thorn can evolve more than one level set function at a time using different initial guesses for the surfaces (NOTE: this is a quite recent feature and has not yet been tested extensively). More details about the actual use of the thorn in section~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_UseThorn} \section{Re-initialization} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_re_init} The evolution equation for $f$, equation~(\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_evolve}), causes steepening of the gradient of $f$, which is undesireble numerically. For that reason, $f$ is periodically re-initialized to a distance function. That is, the values of $f$ are changed so that the the value of $f$ in a grid point is equal to the (signed) distance from the grid point to the surface $f=0$. This is done by evolving $f$ according to the following evolution equation (in the parameter $\lambda$) \begin{equation} \frac{df}{d\lambda} = -\frac{f}{\sqrt{f^{2}+1}}\left (|\nabla f|-1\right ) \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_reinit} \end{equation} until a steady state is achieved. This method is called the {\tt pde}-method since it is basically evolving a pde. Sometimes the $f=0$ surface can be moved slightly during the re-initialization procedure. This happens when the surface develops a narrow neck just before a topology change. For that reason, there is an option to detect when this is about to happen and undo the re-initialization. There used to be another method doing the re-initialization, but it proved inferior to the {\tt pde}-method and was removed. Other methods may be implemented in the future. \section{The initial shape of the surface} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_initial} Currently three different choices for the initial shape of the surface are implemented. The simplest choice is a sphere in which case $f$ is set according to \begin{equation} f = \sqrt{(x-x_{0})^2+(y-y_{0})^2+(z-z_{0})^2} - r_{0}, \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_sphere} \end{equation} where $r_{0}$ is the radius of the sphere and $x_{0}$, $y_{0}$ and $z_{0}$ are the coordinates of the center of the sphere. The second choice is a rotated and translated ellipsoid. The basic equation is here \begin{equation} f = \sqrt{\frac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\frac{y^{2}}{b^{2}}+\frac{z^{2}}{c^{2}}} - 1 \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_ellipsoid} \end{equation} This ellipsoid is first rotated an angle $\alpha$ around the $z$-axis, then rotated an angle $\beta$ around the $y$-axis, then rotated an angle $\gamma$ around the $x$-axis and finally the rotated ellipsoid is translated to have its ``center'' at the point $(x_{0},y_{0},z_{0})$. The final possible shape of the initial surface is an ovaloid of Cassini. This was implented initially to test changing the topology in flat space. it is most likely not useful for numerical data. In this case $f$ is set according to \begin{equation} f = (x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2})^{2} + a^{4} - 2 a^{2} (x^{2}-y^{2}-z^{2})-b^{4}. \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_cassini} \end{equation} There are no translation or rotations implemented for the ovaloid of Cassini. Different initial shapes can be used for the different level set functions used in the same run. \section{Excision} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_excise} Even though the level set function, $f$, in principle can be defined everywhere it is often advantageous to only evolve it in a certain region around the surface $f=0$. Since $f$ is re-initialized regularly to become a distance function, $f$ itself can be used as a measure of the distance from a certain grid point to the surface $f=0$. The parameter {\tt ehfinder::shell\_width} specifies the size of the active region around $f=0$. However the interior and exterior excisions are handled differently. The interior excision is most simple, since here all grid points with $f<-{\mbox{\tt ehfinder::shell\_width}}$ are marked as inactive. This should work in all cases when the excised region is everywhere concave, since then all points on the boundary of the excised region will have enough neighbouring active points to be able to calculate second order accurate one sided derivatives. If the interior excised region happens to have a convex region, this might fail. To avoid a similiar problem at the outer excised boundary, this boundary is shaped as a rectangular box. The box is chosen so that all points with $f<{\mbox{\tt ehfinder::shell\_width}}$ are in the active region. This is illustrated in Figure~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_excisefig}, for the case \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8cm]{excision.eps} \end{center} \caption{Illustration of the excision regions used internally by {\tt EHFinder}. The hashed regions are excised.} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_excisefig} \end{figure} {\tt ehfinder::shell\_width = 4}, where the excised regions are hashed. Changes to the excision regions are only done after re-initialization, since it is only at this time that $f$ is a distance function. The excision regions can move across the grid, tracking the surface $f=0$. Also if the numerical run was done with excision using {\tt SpaceMask}, the {\tt EHFinder} excision region is guaranteed to completely cover the numerical excision region. The {\tt EHFinder} currently only supports the old style excision mask but the support of the new style excision mask should be trivial and fast to implement. \section{Upwinding} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_upwind} All finite differences used in the evolution of the null surface are second order one sided differences. For that reason a {\tt ghost\_size} larger or equal to 2 should always be used. It is possible to choose between three different upwinding schemes. This is done by setting the parameter {\tt ehfinder::upwind\_type} to either {\tt intrinsic}, {\tt shift} or {\tt characteristic}. The {\tt intrinsic} scheme, looks at the values of $f$ itself, to determine the direction of the stencil. This is basically in order to be able to handle situations like the one illustrated in 1D in Figure~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_upwindfig}. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8cm]{upwind.eps} \end{center} \caption{An illustration of how to choose the upwinding stencil when $f$ is not differntiable everywhere} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_upwindfig} \end{figure} If the stencil for calculating derivatives in the point labeled 1 is taken to consist of the points 1, 2 and 3', the non differentiablility of $f$ may cause problems. The algorithm detects this and instead uses the points 1, 2, 3 as the stencil. This ensures that a non differentiable feature can be maintained in the evolution. However this scheme only works in a few simple cases. For more general cases it is important to use characteristic information in order to ensure that the numerical stencil contains the domain of dependence. Therefore the {\tt characteristic} scheme was introduced. Fortunately, by using the information contained in the level set functions the characteristic of the level set function can be calculated using \begin{equation} \frac{dx^{i}}{dt}=-\beta^{i}+\frac{\alpha^{2}\gamma^{ij}\partial_{j}f} {\sqrt{\alpha^{2}\gamma^{kl}\partial_{k}f\partial_{l}f}}. \label{eq:char} \end{equation} The method estimates the characteristic direction using centered finite differences in equation~(\ref{eq:char}) and then recalculates the one sided finite differences in the appropriate direction. It might happen that the upwinding direction based on the characteristic direction results in the stencil to consist of the points 1, 2, 3' in Figure~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_upwindfig}. However, if the re-initialization is done often enough, this turns out not to cause any problems. The {\tt shift} scheme was implemented as an improvement to the {\tt intrinsic} scheme but it turned out that the {\tt characteristic} scheme was superior. Therefore {\tt shift} upwinding should not be used. It might be completely removed in future revisions. For the re-initialization the default is to use the {\tt intrinsic} second order scheme (the re-initialization doesn't depend on where the surface is moving), so {\tt characteristic} upwinding is not applicable. It is possible to use a first order {\tt intrinsic} scheme, but this is, in my experience, not accurate enough. A centered differencing scheme is also available, but is only there for testing purposes and should never be used. These alternative schemes will probably be removed in the future. \section{The most important parameters} Here the most important parameters are described. \begin{itemize} \item {\tt ehfinder::mode} \\ The mode can either be set to {\tt normal} (normal event horizon finder mode), {\tt analysis} (compare a previously calculated level set function to a small number of analytic spacetimes) and {\tt generator} (only evolve the generators while keeping the level set function fixed). The default is {\tt normal} and should normally not be changed. The other modes are only useful for debugging and testing purposes. \item{\tt ehfinder::eh\_number\_level\_sets} \\ An integer parameter specifying how many individual level set functions to evolve at a time. Currently it has to be between 1 and 10. \item {\tt ehfinder::eh\_metric\_type} \\ The metric type can either be set to {\tt numerical} or {\tt analytic}. If it is set to {\tt numerical} the {\tt EHFinder} will attempt to read in the metric from files in the directory specified by the {\tt io::recover\_dir} parameter. At present all the timesteps has to be saved in the same file. Note that if the numerical data was produced with {\tt admbase::metric\_type = "static conformal"} this parameter has to be specified again. In this case the {\tt EHFinder} will attempt to also read in the conformal factor from a file. If metric type is set to {\tt analytic} another thorn needs to set up the metric. It is possible to only set the metric on the initial slice, but it is also possible to have a thorn (like thorn {\tt Exact}) set the metric at {\tt CCTK\_PRESTEP} if the analytic metric is time dependent. The default is {\tt numerical}. \item {\tt ehfinder::eh\_lapse\_type} \\ The same for the lapse. \item {\tt ehfinder::eh\_shift\_type} \\ The same for the shift. \item {\tt initial\_f[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying the initial shape of the null surface for the individual level set functions. The initial shape can currently be chosen from {\tt sphere}, {\tt ellipsoid} and {\tt cassini} as described in section~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_initial}. The default is {\tt sphere}. \item {\tt initial\_rad[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying the radius of the initial sphere ($r_{0}$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_sphere}). The deafault is 1. \item {\tt translate\_x[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying how much to translate the initial surface in the $x$-direction ($x_{0}$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_sphere}). Also used for the initial ellipsoid. The default is 0. \item {\tt translate\_y[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying how much to translate the initial surface in the $y$-direction ($y_{0}$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_sphere}). Also used for the initial ellipsoid. The default is 0. \item {\tt translate\_z[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying how much to translate the initial surface in the $z$-direction ($z_{0}$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_sphere}). Also used for the initial ellipsoid. The default is 0. \item {\tt initial\_a[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying $a$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_ellipsoid}. The default is 1. \item {\tt initial\_b[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying $b$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_ellipsoid}. The default is 1. \item {\tt initial\_c[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying $c$ in equation~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_ellipsoid}. The default is 1. \item {\tt rotation\_alpha[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying the rotation angle $\alpha$ for the ellipsoid around the $z$-axis. The default is 0. \item {\tt rotation\_beta[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying the rotation angle $\beta$ for the ellipsoid around the $y$-axis. The default is 0. \item {\tt rotation\_gamma[i]} \\ A vector parameter specifying the rotation angle $\gamma$ for the ellipsoid around the $x$-axis. The default is 0. \item {\tt shell\_width} \\ The width of the active evolution region. Grid points more than {\tt shell\_width} gridspacings away from the $f=0$ surface are marked as inactive and are not evolved as described in section~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_excise}. The default is $7$ gridspacings. \item {\tt use\_inner\_excision} \\ A boolean parameter specifying whether the interior excision should be used or not. \item {\tt use\_outer\_excision} \\ A boolean parameter specifying whether the exterior excision should be used or not. \item {\tt upwind\_type} \\ The type of upwinding to be used (either {\tt intrinsic}, {\tt shift} or {\tt characteristic}). See the detailed description of the upwinding types in section~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_upwind}. The default is {\tt characteristic}. \item {\tt surface\_direction} \\ The code can track both outgoing and ingoing null surfaces. Choose the direction by using {\tt outward} or {\tt inward}. The default is {\tt outward}. Note that the code only works as an event horizon finder when evolving outward going null surfaces backwards in time. \item {\tt re\_init\_undo} \\ Should the re-initialization be undone just before pinch-off or not as described in section~\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_re_init}. The default is {\tt "no"}. \item {\tt re\_init\_int\_method} \\ Choose the integration method in the {\tt pde}-re-initialization method. Choose either a simple Euler ({\tt euler}) integration scheme or a second order Runge-Kutta ({\tt rk2}) scheme. Since a pde is evolved to steady state, it seems that the Euler scheme works just fine and is faster than the Runge-Kutta scheme. The default is {\tt euler}. \item {\tt re\_init\_max\_iter} \\ The maximum number of iterations in the {\tt pde}-re-initialization scheme, before giving up. Unless you are working at high resolution the default should be enough. The default is 800. \item {\tt pde\_differences} \\ Choose the type of finite differencing used in the {\tt pde} re-initialization. Don't ever use anything else than second order upwinding ({\tt upwind2}). The other choices ({\tt centered} and {\tt upwind}) are there only for testing purposes and might be removed. \item {\tt re\_initialize\_every} \\ How often to re-initialize using the {\tt pde} re-initialization. This depends on the problem. For some problems it is necessary to do it more often than for other problems. You'll have to experiment to figure out what works best. The default is 10. \item {\tt last\_iteration\_number} \\ The last iteration number of the numerical simulation that produced the metric data. Active when {\tt eh\_metric\_type} is equal to {\tt numerical}. \item {\tt saved\_iteration\_every} \\ How often was the numerical data saved? This and the above parameter is used in the code to figure out which data set iteration number to read in from file \\ ({\tt last\_iteration\_number-saved\_iteration\_every*cctk\_iteration}). \item {\tt ntheta} \\ How many points in the $\theta$-direction should be used for integrations over the surface. \item {\tt nphi} \\ How many points in the $\phi$-direction should be used for integrations over the surface. \item {\tt maximum\_surface\_number} \\ The maximal number of surfaces expected at any given time during the whole evolution. \item {\tt surface\_interpolator} \\ Which interpolator to use for the location of points on the surface. It should be the name of a valid interpolator provided by one of the available interpolators. The interpolator should be able to return both the interpolated value and derivatives. At present this is provided by {\tt AEILocalInterp}. The default is {\tt Hermite polynomial interpolation}. \item {\tt surface\_interpolation\_order} \\ The interpolation order used for finding points on the surface. Higher orders require larger number of ghost zones for parallel runs. The default value is 2 (consistent with a ghostsize of 2). \item {\tt area\_interpolator} \\ Which interpolator should be used to interpolate metric information onto the surface once the surface points have been found. The default is {\tt Lagrange polynomial interpolation}. \item {\tt area\_interpolation\_order} \\ The interpolation order used for calculating the area of the surface. The default value is 3 (consistent with a ghostsize of 2). \end{itemize} {\tt EHFinder} also extends the following parameter from {\tt admbase} in order to be able to read in initial data. \begin{itemize} \item {\tt admbase::initial\_data} is extended with {\tt "read from file"}. \item {\tt admbase::initial\_lapse} is extended with {\tt "read from file"}. \item {\tt admbase::initial\_shift} is extended with {\tt "read from file"}. \end{itemize} \section{How to use {\tt EHFinder} with numerical data} \label{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_UseThorn} In this section I will try to describe in little more detail how {\tt EHFinder} can be used to find the EH in a numerical spacetime. \subsection{Outputting numerical data} The first thing to make sure, is that enough data is output during the numerical run, to be able to reconstruct the full 4-metric. The required output therefore consists of the {\tt ADMBase::metric}, {\tt ADMBase::lapse} and {\tt ADMBase::shift}. However if the evolution was done with zero shift and/or lapse equal to one, it is not necessary to output these grid functions, as long as storage is turned on and they are set to the correct value initially when {\tt EHFinder} is run. If the evolution was done with a conformal factor then {\tt StaticConformal::psi} has to be output as well, since it is necessary in order to reconstruct the 4-metric. However it is only necessary to output this once since it is constant during the evolution. It is not necessary to output the derivatives of the conformal factor. If excision was used in the numerical run then it is also necessary to output {\tt SpaceMask::emask}\footnote{When more thorns have been converted to use {\tt SpaceMask::space\_mask} this option will also be supported.}, since {\tt EHFinder} has to make sure that its internal mask covers the space mask. At present it is necessary to output all timesteps into the same file (use {\tt IO::out\_timesteps\_per\_file = -1}, which is the default). In principle both {\tt FLEXIO} and {\tt HDF5} output should be supported, but only HDF5 output has been tested. Since {\tt EHFinder} can be run on a lot less processors compared to the spacetime evolution, it is often advantageous to either do unchuncked output or to recombine the output files, since it is then possible to read the data onto a smaller number of processors (use {\tt IO::out\_unchunked = "yes"} to write unchunked data). If the numerical run is larger than the EH containing region (hopefully that is the case; otherwise the boundaries are definitely to close in), it is possible to use hyperslabbing to just output the EH containing region (see for example {\tt CactusPUGHIO/IOHDF5} for details on this). If hyperslabbing is used it is definitely necessary to do the output unchunked or recombine afterwards. An example parameter file can be seen in the {\tt par/Misner\_2.2\_80\_3D.par}. In principle {\tt EHFinder} should also work for downsampled (in both space and time) data, but no experiments have been done so far to estimate the loss of accuracy (I have always used the full resolution and done output at every timestep). If hyperslabbing and/or downsampling is used, it is the users responsibility (by specifying the right parameters in the parameter file) to ensure that {\tt EHFinder} is run with the correct grid spacing and time step. \subsection{Tips for parameter choices} {\tt EHFinder} is still under development and testing and can as yet {\em not} be used as a black box. But still I can give some guidelines and advice on how to proceed. The first concern is to setup the initial guess for the surface. Ideally one would like to use at least two different initial surfaces. One surface completely inside the EH and one surface completely outside the EH. In practice it is often a good idea to use more than two different initial surfaces, since then the initial surfaces closest to the EH can be identified. Using the feature of evolving multiple level set functions at a time, this can be done while reading in the numerical data only once. The easiest way to get an initial surface inside the EH, is to set up the initial guess to be completely inside the apparent horizon (AH). To get an initial guess that is outside of the EH is not as easy. One way is to choose a surface, that starts to contract everywhere when evolved according to equation~(\ref{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_evolve}). However this is not a guarantee, since the EH can be expanding in the numerical coordinates. This of course means that it is necessary to do it by trial and error. Set up some initial guess evolve it for a little while, look at 3D output to determine if the surface is contracting everywhere and change the initial surface if necessary. Then comes the question of how often to do the re-initialization and how much to excise. These parameters depend on the numerical data. In principle, since the re-initialization can move the surface, one wants to do it as rarely as possible. On the other hand, re-initialization is necessary in order to keep the evolution nicely controlled (by avoiding large gradients), so a compromise has to be found. This might require some experimentation. Because movements of the surface during re-initialization, usually only occurs close to moments of topology change, it might be necessary to evolve all the way beyond the change of topology and look at 3D output to see if any problems occured. If significant movement of the surface during re-initialization near the change of topology is observed, then try again with re-initialization undo activated. How often to do the re-initialization also depends on the width of the active region. If the active region around the surface is narrow, it might be necessary to re-initialize more often, since in this case the boundaries of the active region is closer to the surface. At the boundaries the stencil direction is dictated by the geometry and not $f$ itself or the characteristics, which might cause instabilities if it is not re-initialized. Good values guesses for {\tt ehfinder::reinitialize\_every\_pde} seems to in the range 5--10 at low or medium resolutions but can usually be increased for higher resolutions. For {\tt ehfinder::shell\_width} I normally use at least 7. This documentation will be updated, as input comes in from users. Happy event horizon finding. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{AEIDevelopment_EHFinder_Diener02} {P. Diener, {\em In preparation}, (2002)} % , % 1--16. {\tt http://www.nowhere.com/}} \end{thebibliography} % Do not delete next line % END CACTUS THORNGUIDE \end{document}