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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/src/EHFinder_Sources2.F90 b/src/EHFinder_Sources2.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index df8785d..0000000
--- a/src/EHFinder_Sources2.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-! Source function for testing of pde re-parametrization with MoL
-! $Header$
-#include "cctk.h"
-#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
-#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
-subroutine EHFinder_Sources2(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
- use EHFinder_mod
- implicit none
- CCTK_INT :: i, j, k
- CCTK_REAL :: idx, idy, idz, maxf, maxdf, mindf
- idx = half / cctk_delta_space(1)
- idy = half / cctk_delta_space(2)
- idz = half / cctk_delta_space(3)
- do k = 1, nz
- do j = 1, ny
- do i = 1, nx
- if ( eh_mask(i,j,k) .ge. 0 ) then
- if ( ( .not. btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),0) ) .and. &
- ( .not. btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),1) ) ) then
- dfx(i,j,k) = idx * ( f(i+1,j,k) - f(i-1,j,k) )
- else if ( btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),0) ) then
- dfx(i,j,k) = idx * ( -three * f(i,j,k) + &
- four * f(i+1,j,k) - f(i+2,j,k) )
- else
- dfx(i,j,k) = idx * ( three * f(i,j,k) - &
- four * f(i-1,j,k) + f(i-2,j,k) )
- end if
- if ( ( .not. btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),2) ) .and. &
- ( .not. btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),3) ) ) then
- dfy(i,j,k) = idy * ( f(i,j+1,k) - f(i,j-1,k) )
- else if ( btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),2) ) then
- dfy(i,j,k) = idy * ( -three * f(i,j,k) + &
- four * f(i,j+1,k) - f(i,j+2,k) )
- else
- dfy(i,j,k) = idy * ( three * f(i,j,k) - &
- four * f(i,j-1,k) + f(i,j-2,k) )
- end if
- if ( ( .not. btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),4) ) .and. &
- ( .not. btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),5) ) ) then
- dfz(i,j,k) = idz * ( f(i,j,k+1) - f(i,j,k-1) )
- else if ( btest(eh_mask(i,j,k),4) ) then
- dfz(i,j,k) = idz * ( -three * f(i,j,k) + &
- four * f(i,j,k+1) - f(i,j,k+2) )
- else
- dfz(i,j,k) = idz * ( three * f(i,j,k) - &
- four * f(i,j,k-1) + f(i,j,k-2) )
- end if
- else
- dfx(i,j,k) = zero
- dfy(i,j,k) = zero
- dfz(i,j,k) = zero
- end if
- end do
- end do
- end do
-! NOTE. This has to be communicated since we have to use the same h on all
-! processors.
- maxf = maxval(abs(f))
- h = one / ( maxf )
- where ( eh_mask .ge. 0 )
- sf = -f * h * ( sqrt( dfx**2 + dfy**2 + dfz**2 ) - one )
- end where
- return
-end subroutine EHFinder_Sources2
diff --git a/src/EHFinder_Sources3.F90 b/src/EHFinder_Sources3.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 69c0836..0000000
--- a/src/EHFinder_Sources3.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-! Another (and better) source function for the re-parametrization with MoL.
-! $Header$
-#include "cctk.h"
-#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
-#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
-subroutine EHFinder_Sources3(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
- use EHFinder_mod
- implicit none
- CCTK_INT :: i, j, k
- CCTK_REAL :: idx, idy, idz, maxf, maxdf, mindf
- CCTK_REAL :: al, ar, bl, br, cl, cr
- CCTK_REAL :: alminus, alplus, blminus, blplus, clminus, clplus
- CCTK_REAL :: arminus, arplus, brminus, brplus, crminus, crplus
- if ( CCTK_EQUALS ( pde_differences, 'centered' ) ) then
-# include "include/centered_second.h"
- end if
- if ( CCTK_EQUALS ( pde_differences, 'upwind' ) ) then
-# include "include/upwind_first.h"
- end if
- if ( CCTK_EQUALS ( pde_differences, 'upwind2' ) ) then
-# include "include/upwind_second.h"
- end if
-! NOTE. This has to be communicated since we have to use the same h on all
-! processors.
- maxf = maxval(abs(f))
-! h = one / ( maxf )
-! h = tenth * minval(cctk_delta_space)
- h = one
- where ( eh_mask .ge. 0 )
- dfsq = sqrt ( dfx**2 + dfy**2 + dfz**2 )
- sf = -f / sqrt(sqrt(f**4+one)) * h * ( dfsq - one )
-! sf = -f * h * ( dfsq - one )
- end where
- return
-end subroutine EHFinder_Sources3