% /*@@ % @file documentation.tex % @date 16 April 2002 % @author Denis Pollney % @desc % Cartoon2D user/maintainer guide. % @enddesc % @version $Header$ % @@*/ \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \parskip = 0 pt \parindent = 0pt \oddsidemargin = 0 cm \textwidth = 16 cm \topmargin = -1 cm \textheight = 24 cm \begin{document} \title{Using Cartoon2D} \author{Denis Pollney} \date{April 2002} \maketitle \abstract{ The \texttt{Cartoon2D} thorn allows fully 3D codes to be used to model axisymmetric systems, by considering a 3D evolution which is only one plane thick and applying a rotational tensor transformation to the flat faces of the plane as a boundary condition. This allows 3D codes to be tested efficiently on 2D problems, as well as providing a means of carrying out axisymmetric evolutions in cartesian coordinates without problems at the axis. } \section{Background} The \texttt{Cartoon2D} thorn is the implementation of an idea first presented in \cite{Alcubierre-etal-2001}. The principle is to use a 3-dimensional Cartesian $(x,y,z)$ coordinate grid which covers the $y=0$ plane, but is only one finite difference molecule in width in the $y$-direction. The field variables in the $y=0$ plane can be updated using standard 3D $(x,y,z)$ coordinate finite differencing, with off-plane derivatives calculated by performing appropriate rotations of field variables using the axisymmetic assumption. This technique has the advantage of removing a number of the axis problems normally associated with axisymmetric codes. The `cartoon' method was first implemented in Cactus3 by Steve Brandt and Bernd Br\"ugmann, and was translated to Cactus4 by Sai Iyer. Details of the method can be found in \cite{Alcubierre-etal-2001}. This document provides a practical guide to using the thorn as it is currently implemented. \section{Basic usage} Only a small number of parameters need to be set to use \texttt{Cartoon2D}. \begin{description} \item[\texttt{cartoon\_active}] A flag which determines whether or not the cartoon boundary condition should be applied. This should be set to ``yes'' to use \texttt{Cartoon2D}, otherwise the evolution will be assumed to be standard 3D. \item[\texttt{order}] Determines the order of interpolations to be carried out. This will determine the number of ghost zones that you need to specify in the $y$-direction. \item[\texttt{allow\_grid\_resize}] When this flag is set to ``yes'', \texttt{Cartoon2D} is allowed to modify the grid sizes specified in the parameter file so that a cartoon-compatible grid is used. See below. \item[\texttt{verbose}] Causes \texttt{Cartoon2D} to print a lot of messages. % % FIXME: The param.ccl file also mentions a stencil parameter, which % seems not to be used in the code. % \end{description} For example, the following is a section of a parameter file which sets up a cartoon-style grid in bitant mode. \begin{verbatim} activethorns = "cartoon2d cartgrid3d pugh" cartoon2d::cartoon_active = "yes" cartoon2d::order = 3 cartoon2d::allow_grid_resize = "yes" grid::type = "byspacing" grid::domain = "bitant" grid::bitant_plane = "xy" grid::dxyz = 0.2 driver::global_nx = 16 driver::global_ny = 3 driver::global_nz = 16 driver::ghost_size_x = 2 driver::ghost_size_y = 1 driver::ghost_size_z = 2 driver::processor_topology = "manual" driver::processor_topology_3d_x = 1 driver::processor_topology_3d_y = 1 driver::processor_topology_3d_z = 2 grid::avoid_originy = "no" \end{verbatim} The following features are worth noting: \begin{itemize} \item The \texttt{order} parameter specifies that 3rd order interpolation is to be used. This requires that only one ghost zone is required in the y direction (\texttt{ghost\_size\_y}). If 4th order interpolation was specified, then two ghost zones would be required. \item The \texttt{allow\_grid\_resize} flag has been set, allowing \texttt{Cartoon2D} to modify the grid appropriately so that, for instance, it only extends a given number of ghost zones beyond the $z$-axis. \item The bitant plane should always be ``\texttt{xy}'', which means that only the positive $z$-axis is evolved and a reflection boundary is imposed along $z=0$. \item Though not necessary, it is often helpful to specify the processor topology explicitly to ensure that that only one processor is allocated to the $y$ direction, and that the processors in the $x$ and $z$ directions reflect the relative lengths of these axes (though in this example it doesn't matter which of these axes gets two processors). \item The \texttt{avoid\_originy} parameter needs to be turned off so that the cartoon plane corresponds to $y=0$. \end{itemize} Also, it is important to keep in mind that other thorns may also require their own parameters to be set in order to interact appropriately with \texttt{Cartoon2D}. For instance, see Section \ref{sec:interaction}. Examples of working parameter files can be found in the \texttt{Cartoon2D/test/} directory. \begin{figure} \centering \ifpdf \else \includegraphics[angle=0,height=8cm]{cartoon_plane.eps} \fi \caption{The cartoon plane layout. The symmetry axis is the $z$-axis, with grid functions defined on the $y=0$ plane, in this example with two ghost zones.} \end{figure} \section{Automatic grid re-sizing} \label{sec:regrid} The \texttt{Cartoon2D} thorn has some non-standard requirements of the grid which is normally set up by the \texttt{grid} implementation (for instance, by \texttt{CartGrid3D}). In particular, \begin{itemize} \item the grid in the $y$ direction should be exactly one plane in width, plus twice the number of $y$ ghost zones. \item the grid in the $x$ direction only needs to extend to the $z$-axis, plus a few extra hang-overs. The number of extra points is determined by the number of $y$ ghost zone points. \end{itemize} These requirements (in particular the second) can not be met if the grid is specified \texttt{byspacing} (ie. by giving a $dx$ value), since in this case the grid is set up assuming that the axes should be centred in each grid direction. One way to get around this is to specify the grid \texttt{byrange}, giving minimum and maximum coordinate values for each axis so that the $(dx,dy,dz)$ values are determined by dividing the range by the number of grid points. However, using this method it can be quite complicated to ensure that the grid spacing is even in each direction and that an appropriate number of ghost points extend past the $z$ axis. A simple hack to get around this complication is to specify the grid \texttt{byspacing}, but to set the \texttt{allow\_grid\_resize} parameter. In this case, the $(dx,dy,dz)$ values can be set in the parameter file, and the grid ranges will be calculated based on the above criteria. Note that this involves modifying the ``standard'' behaviour of the \texttt{CartGrid3D} thorn (to place the $z$-axis along one edge of the grid). This is accomplished by internally resetting the grid type to \texttt{byrange}, and then specifying ranges which are compatible with the cartoon conditions and with the appropriate number of grid points and ghost zones. Note that this involves a reset of otherwise non-steerable parameters, and so must be scheduled at \texttt{CCTK\_RECOVER\_PARAMETERS} and before the grid is set up. \section{Interaction with other thorns} \label{sec:interaction} Some thorns will need to know that a cartoon grid is being used in order to function properly. In principle, they should use the \texttt{cartoon\_active} parameter to check whether a cartoon grid is in use. In practice, however, to avoid dependencies on \texttt{Cartoon2D}, it is often the case that the source code for such thorns make use of \texttt{\#ifdef} statements to check whether \texttt{Cartoon2D} has been compiled in. Then, to check whether a cartoon grid is active, other thorn-specific parameters need to be set. For instance, if the \texttt{ADM\_BSSN} thorn is being used for evolution, then the parameter \begin{verbatim} adm_bssn::cartoon = "yes" \end{verbatim} must be set. Similarly, the \texttt{ADM} evolution system requires \texttt{adm::cartoon} to be set. The \texttt{AHFinder} thorn requires that the parameter \begin{verbatim} ahfinder::ahf_cartoon = "yes" \end{verbatim} be set in order to use a cartoon grid. \emph{Note that many thorns will require cartoon-specific modifications in order to be used with the \texttt{Cartoon2D} thorn. It should not be assumed that a given thorn will work with \texttt{Cartoon2D} unless it is specifically mentioned in the documentation or source code.} \section{Source code} The interface to the \texttt{Cartoon2D} thorn is through the routines contained in the \texttt{Cartoon2DBC.c} source file. These routines can be used by other thorns (eg. evolution thorns) to apply cartoon boundary conditions to grid functions whenever it is appropriate to do so. The three interface functions are: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{BndCartoon2DGN(cGH *GH, int tensortype, const char* group)}] This function applies the cartoon boundary condition to the grid functions in the group specified by the \emph{group} parameter. The \emph{tensortype} argument parameter should be one of \begin{description} \item[\texttt{TENSORTYPE\_SCALAR}] a scalar; \item[\texttt{TENSORTYPE\_U}] a vector (single, upper index); \item[\texttt{TENSORTYPE\_DDSYM}] a symmetric tensor with two lower indices. \end{description} \item[\texttt{BndCartoon2DVN(cGH *GH, int tensortype, const char *impvarname)}] This function is like \texttt{BndCartoon2DGN()}, but operates on individual grid functions rather than groups. \item[\texttt{BndCartoon2DVI(cGH *GH, int tensortype, int vi)}] This function is like \texttt{BndCartoon2DGN()}, but operates takes a grid function index to indicate the grid function to which the condition should be applied. \end{description} A corresponding Fortran wrapper for each of these functions is also included. Interpolation operators are defined in the file \texttt{interpolate.c}. The file \texttt{SetSym.c} contains routines which re-label the flat faces of the cartoon grid as \texttt{CARTOON\_NOSYM} boundaries. This prevents any other boundary condition (eg. physical or symmetry conditions) from being applied to these faces, as they are determined by the \texttt{Cartoon2D} thorn. These routines need to be scheduled before the first time boundary conditions are applied to any grid function. The file \texttt{SetGrid.c} contains the code to reset the grid dimensions in a cartoon-friendly way (see Section \ref{sec:regrid}) if the \texttt{byspacing} grid type is used. In this case, appropriate coordinate grid ranges are calculated so that the $(dx,dy,dz)$ values are preserved, and the parameters specifying the grid are reset. These are non-steerable, and so the routine must be run during the \texttt{CCTK\_RECOVER\_PARAMETERS} time bin in order to work. (This time bin is run even when checkpoint recovery is not being used.) \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{Alcubierre-etal-2001} Miguel Alcubierre, Steven Brandt, Bernd Br\"ugmann, Daniel Holz, Edward Seidel, Ryoji Takahashi, Jonathan Thornburg (2001) \emph{Symmetry without symmetry: Numerical simulation of Axisymmetric Systems using Cartesian Grids}, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, \textbf{10}, 273--289, (gr-qc/9908012). \end{thebibliography} \end{document}