/*@@ @file RobinBoundary.c @date July 6th 2000 @author Miguel Alcubierre, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanfermann @desc Routines for Robin boundary conditions @enddesc @history @hdate Tue 10 Apr 2001 @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdesc BC routines generalized for applying to arbitrary CCTK data types @endhistory @version $Id$ @@*/ #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Faces.h" #include "util_Table.h" #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_FortranString.h" #include "Symmetry.h" #include "Boundary.h" /* the rcs ID and its dummy function to use it */ static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusBase_Boundary_RobinBoundary_c); static int ApplyBndRobin (const cGH *GH, const CCTK_INT *stencil, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, int first_var, int num_vars); static int OldApplyBndRobin (const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, int first_var, int num_vars); /******************************************************************** ******************** External Routines ************************ ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine BndRobin @date 14 Feb 2003 @author David Rideout @desc Top level function which is registered as handling this boundary condition @enddesc @calls ApplyBndRobin @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var num_vars @vdesc number of variables passed in through var_indices[] @vtype CCTK_INT @vio in @endvar @var var_indices @vdesc array of variable indicies to which to apply this boundary condition @vtype CCTK_INT * @vio in @endvar @var faces @vdesc array of set of faces to which to apply the bc @vtype CCTK_INT @vio in @endvar @var widths @vdesc array of boundary widths for each variable @vtype CCTK_INT @vio in @endvar @var table_handles @vdesc array of table handles which hold extra arguments @vtype CCTK_INT @vio in @endvar @returntype CCTK_INT @returndesc return code of @seeroutine ApplyBndRobin -21 error reading boundary width array from table -22 wrong size boundary width array in table @endreturndesc @@*/ CCTK_INT BndRobin(const cGH *GH, CCTK_INT num_vars, CCTK_INT *vars, CCTK_INT *faces, CCTK_INT *widths, CCTK_INT *tables) { int i, j, k, gi, err, gdim, max_gdim, retval; /* variables to pass to ApplyBndRobin */ CCTK_INT *width_alldirs; /* width of boundary in all directions */ CCTK_REAL finf; /* value of function at infinity */ CCTK_INT npow; /* decay rate */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("BndRobin(): got passed GH=%p, num_vars=%d, var_indices[0]=%d, table_handles[0]=%d\n", (const void *) GH, num_vars, var_indices[0], table_handles[0]); #endif retval = 0; width_alldirs = NULL; max_gdim = 0; /* loop through variables, j at a time */ for (i=0; i max_gdim) { width_alldirs = realloc(width_alldirs, 2*gdim*sizeof(CCTK_INT)); max_gdim = gdim; } /* fill it with values, either from table or the boundary_width parameter */ if (widths[i]<0) { err = Util_TableGetIntArray(tables[i], gdim, width_alldirs, "BOUNDARY WIDTH"); if (err<0) { CCTK_VWarn(1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Error %d when reading boundary width array from table " "for %s", err, CCTK_VarName(vars[i])); return -21; } else if (err!=2*gdim) { CCTK_VWarn(1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Boundary width array for %s has %d elements, but %d " "expected", CCTK_VarName(vars[i]), err, 2*gdim); return -22; } } else { for (k=0; k<2*gdim; ++k) { width_alldirs[k] = widths[i]; } } /* Apply the boundary condition */ if ((retval = ApplyBndRobin(GH, width_alldirs, finf, npow, vars[i], j)) < 0) { CCTK_VWarn(1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "ApplyBndRobin() returned %d", retval); } } #ifdef DEBUG printf("BndRobin(): returning %d\n",retval); #endif free(width_alldirs); return retval; } /* prototypes for external C routines are declared in header Boundary.h here only follow the fortran wrapper prototypes */ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinGI) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, const int *gi); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinGN) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinVI) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, const int *vi); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinVN) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG); /******************************************************************** ******************** Internal Routines ************************ ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine BndRobinGI @date Tue Jul 18 18:08:28 2000 @author Gerd Lanfermann @desc Apply Robin boundary conditions by group index @enddesc @calls ApplyBndRobin @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var stencil @vdesc stencil width array @vtype int [ dimension of group ] @vio in @endvar @var finf @vdesc value of f at infimum @vtype CCTK_REAL @vio in @endvar @var npow @vdesc power of decay rate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var gi @vdesc index of group to apply boundary conditions to @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine ApplyBndRobin -1 if invalid group index was given @endreturndesc @@*/ int BndRobinGI (const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, int gi) { int first_vi, retval; first_vi = CCTK_FirstVarIndexI (gi); if (first_vi >= 0) { retval = OldApplyBndRobin (GH, stencil, finf, npow, first_vi, CCTK_NumVarsInGroupI (gi)); } else { CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Invalid group index %d in BndFlatGI", gi); retval = -1; } return (retval); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinGI) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, const int *gi) { *ierr = BndRobinGI (GH, stencil, *finf, *npow, *gi); } /*@@ @routine BndRobinGN @date Tue Jul 18 18:08:28 2000 @author Gerd Lanfermann @desc Apply Robin boundary conditions by group name @enddesc @calls BndRobinGI @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var stencil @vdesc stencil width array @vtype int [ dimension of group ] @vio in @endvar @var finf @vdesc value of f at infimum @vtype CCTK_REAL @vio in @endvar @var npow @vdesc power of decay rate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var gname @vdesc name of group to apply boundary conditions to @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine BndRobinGI
-1 if invalid group index was given @endreturndesc @@*/ int BndRobinGN (const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, const char *gname) { int gi, retval; gi = CCTK_GroupIndex (gname); if (gi >= 0) { retval = BndRobinGI (GH, stencil, finf, npow, gi); } else { CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Invalid group name '%s' in BndRobinGN", gname); retval = -1; } return (retval); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinGN) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG) { ONE_FORTSTRING_CREATE (gname) *ierr = BndRobinGN (GH, stencil, *finf, *npow, gname); free (gname); } /*@@ @routine BndRobinVI @date Tue Jul 18 18:08:28 2000 @author Gerd Lanfermann @desc Apply Robin boundary conditions by variable index @enddesc @calls ApplyBndRobin @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var stencil @vdesc stencil width array @vtype int [ dimension of variable ] @vio in @endvar @var finf @vdesc value of f at infimum @vtype CCTK_REAL @vio in @endvar @var npow @vdesc power of decay rate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var vi @vdesc index of variable to apply boundary conditions to @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine ApplyBndRobin
-1 if invalid group index was given @endreturndesc @@*/ int BndRobinVI (const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, int vi) { int retval; if (vi >= 0 && vi < CCTK_NumVars ()) { retval = OldApplyBndRobin (GH, stencil, finf, npow, vi, 1); } else { CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "BndRobinVI: Invalid variable index %d", vi); retval = -1; } return (retval); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinVI) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, const int *vi) { *ierr = BndRobinVI (GH, stencil, *finf, *npow, *vi); } /*@@ @routine BndRobinVN @date Tue Jul 18 18:08:28 2000 @author Gerd Lanfermann @desc Apply Robin boundary conditions by variable name @enddesc @calls BndRobinVI @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var stencil @vdesc stencil width array @vtype int [ dimension of variable ] @vio in @endvar @var finf @vdesc value of f at infimum @vtype CCTK_REAL @vio in @endvar @var npow @vdesc power of decay rate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var vname @vdesc name of variable to apply boundary conditions to @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine BndRobinVI
-1 if invalid group index was given @endreturndesc @@*/ int BndRobinVN (const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, const char *vname) { int vi, retval; vi = CCTK_VarIndex (vname); if (vi >= 0) { retval = BndRobinVI (GH, stencil, finf, npow, vi); } else { CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Invalid variable name '%s' in BndRobinVN", vname); retval = -1; } return (retval); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (BndRobinVN) (int *ierr, const cGH *GH, const int *stencil, const CCTK_REAL *finf, const int *npow, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG) { ONE_FORTSTRING_CREATE (vname) *ierr = BndRobinVN (GH, stencil, *finf, *npow, vname); free (vname); } /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Routines ************************* ********************************************************************/ /* maximum dimension we can deal with */ #define MAXDIM 3 /* macro to compute x*x */ #define SQR(x) ((x) * (x)) /*@@ @routine SET_LINEAR_INDICES @date Thu 7 June 2001 @author Thomas Radke @desc Macro to set the linear indices for the source and destination element of the current grid variable @enddesc @var i @vdesc x index to use @vtype int @vio in @endvar @@*/ #define SET_LINEAR_INDICES(i) \ { \ dst = CCTK_GFINDEX3D (GH, i, j, k); \ src = CCTK_GFINDEX3D (GH, i+dx, j+dy, k+dz); \ distance = dist[abs(dx) + 2*abs (dy) + 4*abs (dz)]; \ } /*@@ @routine ROBIN_BOUNDARY_TYPED_3D @date Thu 7 June 2001 @author Thomas Radke @desc Macro to apply Robin boundary conditions to a 3D variable of given datatype @enddesc @var cctk_type @vdesc CCTK datatype of the variable @vtype @vio in @endvar @@*/ #define ROBIN_BOUNDARY_TYPED_3D(cctk_type) \ { \ cctk_type *data; \ double u_src, u_dst, aux; \ \ \ /* avoid the else branch with the expensive sqrt() operation if possible */ \ if (abs (dx) + abs (dy) + abs (dz) == 1) \ { \ u_dst = fabs ((double) (dx ? x[dst] : (dy ? y[dst] : z[dst]))); \ u_src = fabs ((double) (dx ? x[src] : (dy ? y[src] : z[src]))); \ } \ else \ { \ u_dst = sqrt (SQR (dx * x[dst]) + SQR (dy * y[dst]) + SQR (dz * z[dst])); \ u_src = sqrt (SQR (dx * x[src]) + SQR (dy * y[src]) + SQR (dz * z[src])); \ } \ \ aux = decay * distance * (u_src + u_dst) / SQR (r[src] + r[dst]); \ \ data = (cctk_type *) GH->data[var][0]; \ data[dst] = (cctk_type) ((2*aux*finf + data[src]*(1 - aux)) / (1 + aux)); \ } /*@@ @routine ROBIN_BOUNDARY @date Thu 7 June 2001 @author Thomas Radke @desc Macro to apply Robin boundary conditions to a variable of a given datatype in all directions Currently it is limited up to 3D variables only. @enddesc @calls SET_LINEAR_INDICES ROBIN_BOUNDARY_TYPED_3D @var cctk_type @vdesc CCTK datatype of the variable @vtype @vio in @endvar @@*/ #define ROBIN_BOUNDARY(cctk_type) \ { \ int i, j, k; \ int dx, dy, dz; \ int src, dst; \ double distance; \ \ \ /* check the dimensionality */ \ if (gdim != 3) \ { \ CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, \ "ApplyBndRobin: variable dimension of %d not supported", \ gdim); \ return (-5); \ } \ \ /* outermost loop over all z points */ \ for (k = 0; k < GH->cctk_lsh[2]; k++) \ { \ if ((k == 0 && ! doBC[4]) || (k == GH->cctk_lsh[2]-1 && ! doBC[5])) \ { \ continue; \ } \ \ dz = 0; \ if (k == 0 && doBC[4]) \ { \ dz = +1; \ } \ else if (k == GH->cctk_lsh[2]-1 && doBC[5]) \ { \ dz = -1; \ } \ \ /* middle loop over all y points */ \ for (j = 0; j < GH->cctk_lsh[1]; j++) \ { \ dy = 0; \ if (j == 0 && doBC[2]) \ { \ dy = +1; \ } \ else if (j == GH->cctk_lsh[1]-1 && doBC[3]) \ { \ dy = -1; \ } \ \ /* lower x */ \ if (doBC[0]) \ { \ dx = +1; \ SET_LINEAR_INDICES (0); \ ROBIN_BOUNDARY_TYPED_3D (cctk_type); \ } \ \ /* lower/upper y and/or z */ \ if (dy || dz) \ { \ dx = 0; \ SET_LINEAR_INDICES (1); \ for (i = 1; i < GH->cctk_lsh[0]-1; i++, src++, dst++) \ { \ ROBIN_BOUNDARY_TYPED_3D (cctk_type); \ } \ } \ \ /* upper x */ \ if (doBC[1]) \ { \ dx = -1; \ SET_LINEAR_INDICES (GH->cctk_lsh[0]-1); \ ROBIN_BOUNDARY_TYPED_3D (cctk_type); \ } \ } \ } \ } /*@@ @routine ApplyBndRobin @date Tue Jul 18 18:08:28 2000 @author Gerd Lanfermann @desc Apply Robin boundary conditions to a group of grid functions given by their indices This routine is called by the various BndRobinXXX wrappers. Although it is currently limited to handle 3D variables only it can easily be extended for higher dimensions by adapting the appropriate macros. @enddesc @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var in_widths @vdesc boundary width array @vtype CCTK_INT [ dimension of variable ] @vio in @endvar @var finf @vdesc value of f at infinity @vtype CCTK_REAL @vio in @endvar @var npow @vdesc power of decay rate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var first_var @vdesc index of first variable to apply boundary conditions to @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var num_vars @vdesc number of variables @vtype int @vio in @endvar @calls CCTK_VarTypeI CCTK_GroupDimFromVarI ROBIN_BOUNDARY @history @hdate Tue 10 Apr 2001 @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdesc Merged separate routines for 1D, 2D, and 3D into a single generic routine @endhistory @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success -1 if variable dimension is not supported -2 if NULL pointer passed as boundary width array -3 if stencil width is other than 1 -4 if variable type is not supported -5 if variable dimension is other than 3D -6 if no coordinate information is available @endreturndesc @@*/ static int ApplyBndRobin (const cGH *GH, const CCTK_INT *in_widths, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, int first_var, int num_vars) { int var, vtype, dim, gdim; int doBC[2*MAXDIM]; SymmetryGHex *sGHex; char coord_system_name[20]; double decay; const CCTK_REAL *x, *y, *z, *r; double dist[8]; /* get the number of dimensions and the variables' type */ gdim = CCTK_GroupDimI (CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (first_var)); vtype = CCTK_VarTypeI (first_var); /* make sure we can deal with this number of dimensions */ if (gdim > MAXDIM) { CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "ApplyBndRobin: Variable dimension of %d not supported", gdim); return (-1); } /* check the boundary width */ if (! in_widths) { CCTK_WARN (1, "ApplyBndRobin: NULL pointer passed for boundary width " "array"); return (-2); } for (dim = 0; dim < 2*gdim; dim++) { if (in_widths[dim] != 1) { CCTK_WARN (1, "ApplyBndRobin: Stencil width must be 1 " "for Robin boundary conditions"); return (-3); } } /* Robin boundaries need the underlying grid coordinates */ sprintf (coord_system_name, "cart%dd", gdim); if (CCTK_CoordSystemHandle (coord_system_name) < 0) { CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "ApplyBndRobin: Couldn't get coordinates from '%s'", coord_system_name); return (-6); } x = GH->data[CCTK_CoordIndex (-1, "x", coord_system_name)][0]; y = GH->data[CCTK_CoordIndex (-1, "y", coord_system_name)][0]; z = GH->data[CCTK_CoordIndex (-1, "z", coord_system_name)][0]; sprintf (coord_system_name, "spher%dd", gdim); if (CCTK_CoordSystemHandle (coord_system_name) < 0) { CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "ApplyBndRobin: Couldn't get coordinates from '%s'", coord_system_name); return (-6); } r = GH->data[CCTK_CoordIndex (-1, "r", coord_system_name)][0]; /* see if we have a symmetry array */ sGHex = (SymmetryGHex *) CCTK_GHExtension (GH, "Symmetry"); /* get the decay rate as a double */ decay = (double) npow; /* precompute the distance to all 8 neighbors in a 3D grid */ dist[0] = 0; /* not used */ dist[1] = GH->cctk_delta_space[0]/GH->cctk_levfac[0]; dist[2] = GH->cctk_delta_space[1]/GH->cctk_levfac[1]; dist[3] = sqrt (SQR (dist[1]) + SQR (dist[2])); dist[4] = GH->cctk_delta_space[2]/GH->cctk_levfac[2]; dist[5] = sqrt (SQR (dist[1]) + SQR (dist[4])); dist[6] = sqrt (SQR (dist[2]) + SQR (dist[4])); dist[7] = sqrt (SQR (dist[1]) + SQR (dist[2]) + SQR (dist[4])); /* now loop over all variables */ for (var = first_var; var < first_var + num_vars; var++) { /* Apply condition if: + boundary is not a symmetry boundary (no symmetry or unset(=unsed)) + boundary is a physical boundary + have enough grid points */ memset (doBC, 1, sizeof (doBC)); if (sGHex) { for (dim = 0; dim < 2 * gdim; dim++) { doBC[dim] = sGHex->GFSym[var][dim] == GFSYM_NOSYM || sGHex->GFSym[var][dim] == GFSYM_UNSET; } } for (dim = 0; dim < gdim; dim++) { doBC[dim*2] &= GH->cctk_lsh[dim] > 1 && GH->cctk_bbox[dim*2]; doBC[dim*2+1] &= GH->cctk_lsh[dim] > 1 && GH->cctk_bbox[dim*2+1]; } switch (vtype) { case CCTK_VARIABLE_CHAR: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_CHAR); break; case CCTK_VARIABLE_INT: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_INT); break; case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_REAL); break; #ifdef CCTK_INT2 case CCTK_VARIABLE_INT2: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_INT2); break; #endif #ifdef CCTK_INT4 case CCTK_VARIABLE_INT4: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_INT4); break; #endif #ifdef CCTK_INT8 case CCTK_VARIABLE_INT8: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_INT8); break; #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL4 case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL4: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_REAL4); break; #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL8 case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL8: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_REAL8); break; #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL16 case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL16: ROBIN_BOUNDARY (CCTK_REAL16); break; #endif default: CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "ApplyBndRobin: Unsupported variable type %d for " "variable '%s'", CCTK_VarTypeI (var), CCTK_VarName (var)); return (-4); } } return(0); } /*@@ @routine OldApplyBndRobin @date 5 May 2003 @author David Rideout @desc The new boundary API expects a 2d-element array for the boundary_widths (d=dimension of grid variable), while the old API expects a d-element array. This function converts the old array to the new format. @enddesc @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var in_widths @vdesc boundary width array @vtype int [ dimension of variable ] @vio in @endvar @var finf @vdesc value of f at infinity @vtype CCTK_REAL @vio in @endvar @var npow @vdesc power of decay rate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var first_var @vdesc index of first variable to apply boundary conditions to @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var num_vars @vdesc number of variables @vtype int @vio in @endvar @calls CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI ApplyBndRobin @returntype int @returndesc returncode from @seeroutine ApplyBndRobin @endreturndesc @@*/ static int OldApplyBndRobin (const cGH *GH, const int *in_widths, CCTK_REAL finf, int npow, int first_var, int num_vars) { int i, dim, retval; CCTK_INT *boundary_widths; static int warned; /* Convert stencil_alldirs to new format */ dim = CCTK_GroupDimFromVarI(first_var); boundary_widths = malloc(2*dim*sizeof(CCTK_INT)); for (i=0; i<2*dim; ++i) { boundary_widths[i] = in_widths[i/2]; } /* Bug people for using the old interface */ if (!warned) { CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Copied older d-element array of boundary widths into the " "newer 2d-element format. Please use the new boundary " "interface to avoid this."); warned = 1; } /* Call ApplyBnd... with new boundary width array */ retval = ApplyBndRobin(GH, boundary_widths, finf, npow, first_var, num_vars); free(boundary_widths); return retval; }