Cactus Code Thorn Boundary Authors: Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanfermann, Miguel Alcubierre CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Purpose of the thorn This thorn provides some standard outer boundary conditions. Currently: - flat boundary conditions (a copy of the point just inside the boundary) - radiation boundary conditions 2. Additional information This thorn only currently works with a 3D Cartesian Grid The boundary conditions can be called from Fortran or C, and can be passed either groups of grid functions, or single grid variables. The flat boundary conditions work with any size stencil width, the radiation boundary conditions only currently work with a stencil width of one. To apply a flat boundary condition from Fortran call ApplyFlatBC(cctkGH,sw,"imp::group_or_var") to apply a radiative boundary condition from Fortran call ApplyRadiativeBC(cctkGH,num,sw,"imp::group_or_var","imp::group_or_var2") Where: stencil width is a dimension 3 integer array containing the stencil width in each direction num is a coefficient in the implemented radiative boundary condition that is usually one. See the documentation for more details.