# apparent horizon 2/2 # # column 1 = cctk_iteration # column 2 = cctk_time # column 3 = centroid_x # column 4 = centroid_y # column 5 = centroid_z # column 6 = min radius # column 7 = max radius # column 8 = mean radius # column 9 = quadrupole_xx # column 10 = quadrupole_xy # column 11 = quadrupole_xz # column 12 = quadrupole_yy # column 13 = quadrupole_yz # column 14 = quadrupole_zz # column 15 = min x # column 16 = max x # column 17 = min y # column 18 = max y # column 19 = min z # column 20 = max z # column 21 = xy-plane circumference # column 22 = xz-plane circumference # column 23 = yz-plane circumference # column 24 = ratio of xz/xy-plane circumferences # column 25 = ratio of yz/xy-plane circumferences # column 26 = area # column 27 = m_irreducible # column 28 = areal radius # column 29 = expansion Theta_(l) # column 30 = inner expansion Theta_(n) # column 31 = product of the expansions # column 32 = mean curvature # column 33 = gradient of the areal radius # column 34 = gradient of the expansion Theta_(l) # column 35 = gradient of the inner expansion Theta_(n) # column 36 = gradient of the product of the expansions # column 37 = gradient of the mean curvature 0 0.000 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 1.799934848 1.897350545 1.865228192 1.199966475 1.876627370e-10 0.000000000 1.199966475 0.000000000 1.079979253 -1.897258171 1.897258171 -1.897258170 1.897258170 -1.799934848 1.799934848 12.56611222 11.61734755 11.61734755 0.9244981536 0.9244981536 45.23786021 0.9486720368 1.897344074 2.035243814e-16 -1.467139979 -2.541636530e-16 0.7335699896 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1 0.050 -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.799783193 1.897393378 1.865210792 1.199941399 1.749181827e-10 0.000000000 1.199941399 -0.000000000 1.079964598 -1.897099667 1.897099667 -1.897099666 1.897099666 -1.799783193 1.799783193 12.56444119 11.61623570 11.61623570 0.9245326173 0.9245326173 45.23094994 0.9485995772 1.897199154 1.195495284e-15 -1.467347973 -1.691077936e-15 0.7336739867 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000