// patch_system.hh -- describes the (an) entire system of interlinked patches // $Id$ // // patch_system - describes a system of interlinked patches // // // prerequisites: // // // // "stdc.h" // "config.hh" // "../jtutil/util.hh" // "../jtutil/array.hh" // "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" // "coords.hh" // "grid.hh" // "fd_grid.hh" // "patch.hh" // "patch_edge.hh" // "ghost_zone.hh" // "patch_interp.hh" // "patch_info.hh" // //****************************************************************************** // // A patch_system object describes a system of interlinked patches. // Its const qualifiers refer to the gridfn data. // class patch_system { // // ***** static data & functions describing patch systems ***** // public: // what patch-system type are supported? enum patch_system_type { full_sphere_patch_system, plus_z_hemisphere_patch_system, plus_xy_quadrant_patch_system, plus_xz_quadrant_patch_system, plus_xyz_octant_patch_system }; // maximum number of patches in any patch-system type static const int max_N_patches = 6; // decode patch system type into N_patches static int N_patches_of_type(enum patch_system_type type_in); // patch system type <--> human-readable character-string name static const char* name_of_type(enum patch_system_type type_in); static enum patch_system_type type_of_name(const char* name_in); // // ***** coordinates ***** // public: // global (x,y,z) --> local (x,y,z) fp local_x_of_global_x(fp global_x) const { return global_coords_.local_x_of_global_x(global_x); } fp local_y_of_global_y(fp global_y) const { return global_coords_.local_y_of_global_y(global_y); } fp local_z_of_global_z(fp global_z) const { return global_coords_.local_z_of_global_z(global_z); } // local (x,y,z) --> global (x,y,z) fp global_x_of_local_x(fp local_x) const { return global_coords_.global_x_of_local_x(local_x); } fp global_y_of_local_y(fp local_y) const { return global_coords_.global_y_of_local_y(local_y); } fp global_z_of_local_z(fp local_z) const { return global_coords_.global_z_of_local_z(local_z); } // ... get global (x,y,z) coordinates of local origin point fp origin_x() const { return global_coords_.origin_x(); } fp origin_y() const { return global_coords_.origin_y(); } fp origin_z() const { return global_coords_.origin_z(); } // // ***** meta-info about the entire patch system ***** // public: // patch-system type enum patch_system_type type() const { return type_; } // total number of patches int N_patches() const { return N_patches_; } // get patches by patch number patch &ith_patch(int pn) const { return * all_patches_[pn]; } // find a patch by name, return patch number; error_exit() if not found int patch_number_of_name(const char* name) const; // total number of grid points int N_grid_points() const { return N_grid_points_; } int ghosted_N_grid_points() const { return ghosted_N_grid_points_; } // convert (patch,irho,isigma) <--> 1-D 0-origin grid point number (gpn) int gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(const patch& p, int irho, int isigma) const { return starting_gpn_[p.patch_number()] + p.gpn_of_irho_isigma(irho,isigma); } int ghosted_gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(const patch& p, int irho, int isigma) const { return ghosted_starting_gpn_[p.patch_number()] + p.ghosted_gpn_of_irho_isigma(irho,isigma); } // ... n.b. we return patch as a reference via the function result; // an alternative would be to have a patch*& argument patch& patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma) const; patch& ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma) const; // // ***** meta-info about gridfns ***** // public: int min_gfn() const { return ith_patch(0).min_gfn(); } int max_gfn() const { return ith_patch(0).max_gfn(); } int N_gridfns() const { return ith_patch(0).N_gridfns(); } int ghosted_min_gfn() const { return ith_patch(0).ghosted_min_gfn(); } int ghosted_max_gfn() const { return ith_patch(0).ghosted_max_gfn(); } int ghosted_N_gridfns() const { return ith_patch(0).ghosted_N_gridfns(); } // // ***** gridfn operations ***** // // dst = src void gridfn_copy(int src_gfn, int dst_gfn); // dst += delta void add_to_ghosted_gridfn(fp delta, int ghosted_dst_gfn); // // ***** access to gridfns as 1-D arrays[gpn] ***** // ... n.b. this interface implicitly assumes that gridfn data // arrays are contiguous across patches; this is ensured by // setup_gridfn_storage() (called by our constructor) // public: const fp* gridfn_data(int gfn) const { return ith_patch(0).gridfn_data_array(gfn); } fp* gridfn_data(int gfn) { return ith_patch(0).gridfn_data_array(gfn); } const fp* ghosted_gridfn_data(int ghosted_gfn) const { return ith_patch(0).ghosted_gridfn_data_array(ghosted_gfn); } fp* ghosted_gridfn_data(int ghosted_gfn) { return ith_patch(0).ghosted_gridfn_data_array(ghosted_gfn); } // // ***** I/O ***** // public: // print to a named file (newly (re)created) // output format is // dpx dpy gridfn void print_gridfn(int gfn, const char output_file_name[]) const { print_unknown_gridfn(false, gfn, false, false, 0, output_file_name, false); } void print_ghosted_gridfn(int ghosted_gfn, const char output_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones = true) const { print_unknown_gridfn(true, ghosted_gfn, false, false, 0, output_file_name, want_ghost_zones); } // print to a named file (newly (re)created) // output format is // dpx dpy gridfn global_x global_y global_z // where global_[xyz} are derived from the angular position // and a specified (unknown-grid) radius gridfn void print_gridfn_with_xyz (int gfn, bool radius_is_ghosted_flag, int unknown_radius_gfn, const char output_file_name[]) const { print_unknown_gridfn(false, gfn, true, radius_is_ghosted_flag, unknown_radius_gfn, output_file_name, false); } void print_ghosted_gridfn_with_xyz (int ghosted_gfn, bool radius_is_ghosted_flag, int unknown_radius_gfn, const char output_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones = true) const { print_unknown_gridfn(true, ghosted_gfn, true, radius_is_ghosted_flag, unknown_radius_gfn, output_file_name, want_ghost_zones); } public: // read from a named file void read_gridfn(int gfn, const char input_file_name[]) { read_unknown_gridfn(false, gfn, input_file_name, false); } void read_ghosted_gridfn(int ghosted_gfn, const char input_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones = true) { read_unknown_gridfn(true, ghosted_gfn, input_file_name, want_ghost_zones); } private: // ... internal worker functions void print_unknown_gridfn (bool ghosted_flag, int unknown_gfn, bool print_xyz_flag, bool radius_is_ghosted_flag, int unknown_radius_gfn, const char output_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones) const; void read_unknown_gridfn(bool ghosted_flag, int unknown_gfn, const char input_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones); // // ***** ghost zone operations ***** // public: // "synchronize" all ghost zones of all patches, // i.e. update the ghost-zone values of the specified gridfns // via the appropriate sequence of symmetry operations // and interpatch interpolations void synchronize(int ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, int ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync); // ... do this for all ghosted gridfns void synchronize() { synchronize(ghosted_min_gfn(), ghosted_max_gfn()); } // // compute Jacobian of synchronize() into internal buffers, // taking into account synchronize()'s full 3-phase algorithm // void compute_synchronize_Jacobian(int ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, int ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync) const; // ... do this for all ghosted gridfns void compute_synchronize_Jacobian() const { compute_synchronize_Jacobian(ghosted_min_gfn(), ghosted_max_gfn()); } // // The following functions access the Jacobian computed by // compute_synchronize_Jacobian() . Note this API has the // same implicit assumptions on the Jacobian structure documented // in the comments in "ghost_zone.hh" immediately following // ghost_zone::compute_Jacobian() . // // to which patch/edge do the y points in a Jacobian row belong? patch& synchronize_Jacobian_y_patch(const ghost_zone& xgz) const { return xgz.Jacobian_y_patch(); } const patch_edge& synchronize_Jacobian_y_edge (const ghost_zone& xgz) const { return xgz.Jacobian_y_edge(); } // what is the [min,max] range of m for a Jacobian row? int synchronize_Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m(const ghost_zone& xgz) const { return xgz.Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m(); } int synchronize_Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m(const ghost_zone& xgz) const { return xgz.Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m(); } // what is the iperp of the Jacobian y points in their (y) patch? int synchronize_Jacobian_y_iperp(const ghost_zone& xgz, int x_iperp) const { return xgz.Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp); } // what is the posn value of the y points in this Jacobian row? int synchronize_Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(const ghost_zone& xgz, int x_iperp, int x_ipar) const; // what is the Jacobian // partial synchronize() gridfn(ghosted_gfn, px, x_iperp, x_ipar) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // partial gridfn(ghosted_gfn, py, y_iperp, y_posn+y_ipar_m) // where // y_iperp = Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp) // y_posn = Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(x_iperp, x_ipar) // taking into account synchronize()'s full 3-phase algorithm fp synchronize_Jacobian(const ghost_zone& xgz, int x_iperp, int x_ipar, int y_ipar_m) const; // // ***** constructor, destructor ***** // // This constructor doesn't support the full generality of the // patch data structures (which would, eg, allow N_ghost_points // and N_extend_points and the interpolator parameters to vary // from ghost zone to ghost zone, and the grid spacings to vary // from patch to patch. But in practice we'd probably never // use that generality... // public: patch_system(fp origin_x_in, fp origin_y_in, fp origin_z_in, enum patch_system_type type_in, int N_ghost_points, int N_overlap_points, fp delta_drho_dsigma, int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in, int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in, int interp_handle_in, int interp_par_table_handle_in); ~patch_system(); // // ***** helper functions for constructor ***** // private: // construct patches as described by patch_info[] array, // and link them into the patch system // does *NOT* create ghost zones // does *NOT* set up gridfns void create_patches(const struct patch_info patch_info_in[], int N_ghost_points, int N_extend_points, fp delta_drho_dsigma); // setup all gridfns with contiguous-across-patches storage void setup_gridfn_storage (int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in, int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in); // create/interlink ghost zones void interlink_full_sphere_patch_system (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); void interlink_plus_z_hemisphere_patch_system (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); void interlink_plus_xy_quadrant_patch_system (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); void interlink_plus_xz_quadrant_patch_system (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); void interlink_plus_xyz_octant_patch_system (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); // create/interlink a pair of periodic-symmetry ghost zones static void create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones (const patch_edge& ex, const patch_edge& ey, bool ipar_map_is_plus); // construct a pair of interpatch ghost zones // ... automagically figures out which edges are adjacent static void create_interpatch_ghost_zones(patch &px, patch &py, int N_overlap_points); // finish setup of a pair of interpatch ghost zones // ... automagically figures out which edges are adjacent static void finish_interpatch_setup (patch &px, patch &py, int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); // assert() that all ghost zones of all patches are fully setup void assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup() const; private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them patch_system(const patch_system &rhs); patch_system& operator=(const patch_system &rhs); private: // local <--> global coordinate mapping global_coords global_coords_; // meta-info about patch system enum patch_system_type type_; int N_patches_; int N_grid_points_, ghosted_N_grid_points_; // [pn] = --> individual patches std::vector all_patches_; // [pn] = starting grid point number of individual patches // ... arrays are actually of size N_patches_+1, the [N_patches_] // entries are == N_grid_points_ and ghosted_N_grid_points_ std::vector starting_gpn_; std::vector ghosted_starting_gpn_; // pointers to storage blocks for all gridfns // ... patches point into these, but we own the storage blocks fp* gridfn_storage_; fp* ghosted_gridfn_storage_; };