// patch_system.cc -- describes the (an) entire system of patches // $Header$ // // patch_system::patch_system // patch_system::~patch_system // patch_system::create_patches // patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__full_sphere // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_z_hemisphere // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored // patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xyz_octant_rotating // patch_system::create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones // patch_system::create_interpatch_ghost_zones // patch_system::finish_interpatch_setup // patch_system::assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup // // patch_system::N_patches_of_type // patch_system::name_of_type // patch_system::type_of_name // patch_system::plus_or_minus_xyz_patch // patch_system::patch_number_of_name // // patch_system::patch_containing_local_xyz // // patch_system::patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn // patch_system::ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn // // patch_system::set_gridfn_to_constant // patch_system::gridfn_copy // patch_system::add_to_ghosted_gridfn // patch_system::gridfn_norms // patch_system::ghosted_gridfn_norms // patch_system::integrate_gridfn // // patch_system::print_unknown_gridfn // patch_system::read_unknown_gridfn // // patch_system::synchronize // patch_system::compute_synchronize_Jacobian // patch_system::synchronize_Jacobian_global_minmax_ym // patch_system::synchronize_Jacobian /// patch_system::fold_Jacobian /// patch_system::ghost_zone_Jacobian // #include #include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "stl_vector.hh" #include "config.h" #include "stdc.h" #include "../jtutil/util.hh" #include "../jtutil/array.hh" #include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh" #include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" using jtutil::error_exit; #include "coords.hh" #include "grid.hh" #include "fd_grid.hh" #include "patch.hh" #include "patch_edge.hh" #include "patch_interp.hh" #include "ghost_zone.hh" #include "patch_info.hh" #include "patch_system.hh" #include "patch_system_info.hh" //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function constructs a patch_system object. // // Constructor arguments: // N_ghost_points = Width in grid points of all ghost zones. // N_overlap_points = Number of grid points that adjacent // nominally-just-touching patches should overlap. // For example, with N_overlap_points == 3, here // are the grid points of two neighboring patches: // x x x x x X // | // O o o o o o // Here | marks the "just touching" boundary, // x and o the grid points before this extension, // and X and O the extra grid points added by this // extension. For this example, the N_extend_points // parameter used by some other functions would // be 1; in general // N_overlap_points = 2*N_extend_points + 1 // delta_drho_dsigma = Grid spacing (both rho and sigma) in degrees. // print_summary_msg_flag = true to print 2 lines of CCTK_VInfo messages // giving the patch system type and origin // false to skip this // print_detailed_msg_flag = true to print extensive messages tracing the // creation and initialization of various // data structures // false to skip this // patch_system::patch_system(fp origin_x_in, fp origin_y_in, fp origin_z_in, enum patch_system_type type_in, int N_ghost_points, int N_overlap_points, fp delta_drho_dsigma, int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in, int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_summary_msg_flag, bool print_detailed_msg_flag) : global_coords_(origin_x_in, origin_y_in, origin_z_in), type_(type_in), N_patches_(N_patches_of_type(type_in)), all_patches_(N_patches_), starting_gpn_(N_patches_+1), ghosted_starting_gpn_(N_patches_+1), gridfn_storage_(NULL), // set in setup_gridfn_storage() ghosted_gridfn_storage_(NULL) // set in setup_gridfn_storage() { if (! jtutil::is_odd(N_overlap_points)) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_system(): implementation restriction:\n" " N_overlap_points=%d, but we only support odd values!\n" , N_overlap_points); /*NOTREACHED*/ const int N_extend_points = N_overlap_points >> 1; if (N_ghost_points < fd_grid::molecule_radius()) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_system():\n" " must have N_ghost_points >= fd_grid::molecule_radius()\n" " but got N_ghost_points=%d fd_grid::molecule_radius()=%d!\n" " FINITE_DIFF_ORDER=%d (see #define in src/include/config.hh)\n" , N_ghost_points, fd_grid::molecule_radius(), FINITE_DIFF_ORDER); /*NOTREACHED*/ if (print_summary_msg_flag) then { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " constructing %s patch system", name_of_type(type())); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " at origin (%g,%g,%g)", double(origin_x()), double(origin_y()), double(origin_z())); } // construct/interlink the patches and ghost zones switch (type_in) { case patch_system__full_sphere: create_patches(patch_system_info::full_sphere ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__full_sphere(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; case patch_system__plus_z_hemisphere: create_patches(patch_system_info::plus_z_hemisphere ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__plus_z_hemisphere(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; case patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored: create_patches(patch_system_info::plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; case patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating: create_patches(patch_system_info::plus_xy_quadrant_rotating ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; case patch_system__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating: create_patches(patch_system_info::plus_xz_quadrant_rotating ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; case patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored: create_patches(patch_system_info::plus_xyz_octant_mirrored ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; case patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_rotating: create_patches(patch_system_info::plus_xyz_octant_rotating ::patch_info_array, N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_gridfn_storage(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, print_detailed_msg_flag); setup_ghost_zones__plus_xyz_octant_rotating(N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle, print_detailed_msg_flag); break; default: error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_system(): bad type_in=(int)%d!\n" , int(type_in)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function destroys a patch_system object. // patch_system::~patch_system() { delete ghosted_gridfn_storage_; delete gridfn_storage_; for (int pn = N_patches()-1 ; pn >= 0 ; --pn) { delete &ith_patch(pn); } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function is called from the patch_system:: constructor to // construct a set of patches as described by an array of patch_info // structures and associated arguments, and make these patches members // of this patch system. This function also correctly sets // N_grid_points_ // N_ghosted_grid_points_ // all_patches_[] // starting_gpn_[] // ghosted_starting_gpn_[] // This function does *NOT* create any of the ghost zones, and does // *NOT* set up any gridfns. // void patch_system::create_patches(const struct patch_info patch_info_in[], int N_ghost_points, int N_extend_points, fp delta_drho_dsigma, bool print_msg_flag) { N_grid_points_ = 0; ghosted_N_grid_points_ = 0; for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const struct patch_info& pi = patch_info_in[pn]; if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " constructing %s patch", pi.name); struct patch *p; switch (pi.ctype) { case 'z': p = new z_patch(*this, pn, pi.name, pi.is_plus, pi.grid_array_pars(N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma), pi.grid_pars(N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma)); break; case 'x': p = new x_patch(*this, pn, pi.name, pi.is_plus, pi.grid_array_pars(N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma), pi.grid_pars(N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma)); break; case 'y': p = new y_patch(*this, pn, pi.name, pi.is_plus, pi.grid_array_pars(N_ghost_points, N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma), pi.grid_pars(N_extend_points, delta_drho_dsigma)); break; default: error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::create_patches():\n" " unknown patch_info_in[pn=%d].ctype=0x%02d='%c'!\n" , pn, pi.ctype, pi.ctype); /*NOTREACHED*/ } // these record number of grid points in *previous* patches, // i.e. they do *not* include the number of grid points in this patch starting_gpn_[pn] = N_grid_points_; ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn] = ghosted_N_grid_points_; N_grid_points_+= p->N_grid_points(); ghosted_N_grid_points_ += p->ghosted_N_grid_points(); all_patches_[pn] = p; } starting_gpn_ [N_patches_] = N_grid_points_; ghosted_starting_gpn_[N_patches_] = ghosted_N_grid_points_; } //****************************************************************************** // // This function is called from the patch_system:: constructor to set // up the storage for all gridfns in all patches, giving each gridfn a // contiguous-across-all-patches storage array. This function also makes // a number of self-consistency checks to ensure that the gridfn storage // subscripting is set up properly. // // This function assumes that all the patches have already been constructed // before it is called. // // For example, given the patches {x,y,z}, the ghosted gridfns {H,J}, // and the nominal gridfns {a,b,c}, we might picture the storage like // this: // // xa xa xa ya ya za za za za // xb xb xb yb yb zb zb zb zb // xc xc xc yc yc zc zc zc zc // // xH xH xH xH yH yH yH zH zH zH zH zH // xJ xJ xJ xJ yJ yJ yJ zJ zJ zJ zJ zJ // // Here the upper/lower blocks are for nominal/ghosted gridfns. // The storage is taken as being contiguous within each row (in fact // within each block). Thus the storage for all the nominal gridfns // (or all the ghosted gridfns) in a single patch is *non*-contiguous. // // The creation of patches is done in several phases: first the patches // are constructed with no gridfn storage, then we are called to set up // the gridfn storage (taking into account the sizes of the other patches), // then finally ghost zones are constructed and interlinked. // // FIXME: We should pad the gridfn storage as necessary to avoid cache // conflicts, but we don't do this at present. // void patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage (int min_gfn_in, int max_gfn_in, int ghosted_min_gfn_in, int ghosted_max_gfn_in, bool print_msg_flag) { const int N_gridfns_in = jtutil::how_many_in_range(min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in); const int ghosted_N_gridfns_in = jtutil::how_many_in_range(ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in); const int gfn_stride = N_grid_points(); const int ghosted_gfn_stride = ghosted_N_grid_points(); const int N_storage = gfn_stride * N_gridfns_in; const int ghosted_N_storage = ghosted_gfn_stride * ghosted_N_gridfns_in; if (print_msg_flag) then { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up gridfn storage"); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " gfn=[%d,%d] ghosted_gfn=[%d,%d]", min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " N_grid_points()=%d ghosted_N_grid_points()=%d", N_grid_points(), ghosted_N_grid_points()); } // storage arrays for all gridfns gridfn_storage_ = new fp[N_storage]; ghosted_gridfn_storage_ = new fp[ghosted_N_storage]; // divide up the storage array among the patches // and set up the storage in the individual patches themselves { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const int posn = starting_gpn_[pn]; const int ghosted_posn = ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn]; const struct grid_arrays::gridfn_pars gridfn_pars = { min_gfn_in, max_gfn_in, & gridfn_storage_[posn], gfn_stride, 0, 0 }; const struct grid_arrays::gridfn_pars ghosted_gridfn_pars = { ghosted_min_gfn_in, ghosted_max_gfn_in, & ghosted_gridfn_storage_[ghosted_posn], ghosted_gfn_stride, 0, 0 }; patch& p = ith_patch(pn); p.setup_gridfn_storage(gridfn_pars, ghosted_gridfn_pars); } } if (print_msg_flag) then { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " checking that storage is partitioned properly"); } // check to make sure storage for distinct gridfns // forms a partition of the overall storage array const patch& pfirst = ith_patch(0); const patch& plast = ith_patch(N_patches()-1); { for (int gfn = min_gfn() ; gfn+1 < max_gfn() ; ++gfn) { // range of storage occupied by gridfns: // gfn --> [gfn_first, gfn_last] // gfn+1 --> [gfn1_first, gfn1_last] const fp* const gfn_last_ptr = & plast.gridfn(gfn, plast.max_irho(), plast.max_isigma()); const fp* const gfn1_first_ptr = & pfirst.gridfn(gfn+1, pfirst.min_irho(), pfirst.min_isigma()); if (! (gfn1_first_ptr == gfn_last_ptr+1)) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage():\n" " nominal-grid gridfns don't partition overall storage array!" " (this should never happen!)\n" " gfn=%d last point at gfn_last_ptr=%p\n" " gfn+1=%d first point at gfn1_first_ptr=%p\n" " should have gfn1_first_ptr == gfn_last_ptr+1\n" , gfn, (const void *) gfn_last_ptr, gfn+1, (const void *) gfn1_first_ptr); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } { for (int ghosted_gfn = ghosted_min_gfn() ; ghosted_gfn+1 < ghosted_max_gfn() ; ++ghosted_gfn) { // range of storage occupied by ghosted gridfns: // ghosted_gfn --> [gfn_first, gfn_last] // ghosted_gfn+1 --> [gfn1_first, gfn1_last] const fp* const ghosted_gfn_last_ptr = & plast.ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_gfn, plast.ghosted_max_irho(), plast.ghosted_max_isigma()); const fp* const ghosted_gfn1_first_ptr = & pfirst.ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_gfn+1, pfirst.ghosted_min_irho(), pfirst.ghosted_min_isigma()); if (! (ghosted_gfn1_first_ptr == ghosted_gfn_last_ptr+1)) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage():\n" " ghosted-grid gridfns don't partition overall storage array!" " (this should never happen!)\n" " ghosted_gfn=%d last point at ghosted_gfn_last_ptr=%p\n" " ghosted_gfn+1=%d first point at ghosted_gfn1_first_ptr=%p\n" " should have ghosted_gfn1_first_ptr == ghosted_gfn_last_ptr+1\n" , ghosted_gfn, (const void *) ghosted_gfn_last_ptr, ghosted_gfn+1, (const void *) ghosted_gfn1_first_ptr); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } // check to make sure storage for distinct patches // forms a partition of the storage for each gridfn { for (int gfn = min_gfn() ; gfn < max_gfn() ; ++gfn) { for (int pn = 0 ; pn+1 < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); const patch& p1 = ith_patch(pn+1); // range of storage occupied by gridfn: // p --> [p_first, p_last] // p1 --> [p1_first, p1_last] const fp* const p_last_ptr = & p.gridfn(gfn, p.max_irho(), p.max_isigma()); const fp* const p1_first_ptr = & p1.gridfn(gfn, p1.min_irho(), p1.min_isigma()); if (! (p1_first_ptr == p_last_ptr+1)) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage():\n" " nominal-grid patches gridfns don't partition storage for gfn=%d!\n" " (this should never happen!)\n" " gfn=%d %s patch last point at p_last_ptr=%p\n" " gfn=%d %s patch first point at p1_first_ptr=%p\n" " should have p1_first_ptr == p_last_ptr+1\n" , gfn, gfn, p.name(), (const void *) p_last_ptr, gfn+1, p1.name(), (const void *) p1_first_ptr); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } } { for (int ghosted_gfn = ghosted_min_gfn() ; ghosted_gfn < ghosted_max_gfn() ; ++ghosted_gfn) { for (int pn = 0 ; pn+1 < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); const patch& p1 = ith_patch(pn+1); // range of storage occupied by ghosted gridfn: // p --> [p_first, p_last] // p1 --> [p1_first, p1_last] const fp* const p_last_ptr = & p.ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_gfn, p.ghosted_max_irho(), p.ghosted_max_isigma()); const fp* const p1_first_ptr = & p1.ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_gfn, p1.ghosted_min_irho(), p1.ghosted_min_isigma()); if (! (p1_first_ptr == p_last_ptr+1)) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::setup_gridfn_storage():\n" " nominal-grid patches gridfns don't partition storage for gfn=%d!\n" " (this should never happen!)\n" " %s patch (pn=%d) last point at p_last_ptr=%p\n" " %s patch (pn=%d) first point at p1_first_ptr=%p\n" " should have p1_first_ptr == p_last_ptr+1\n" , ghosted_gfn, p.name(), pn, (const void *) p_last_ptr, p1.name(), pn+1, (const void *) p1_first_ptr); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a full-sphere patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__full_sphere (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " seting up full sphere ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); patch& mx = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-x")); patch& my = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-y")); patch& mz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-z")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, mx, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, my, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(py, mx, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mx, my, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(my, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, mx, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, my, N_overlap_points); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, mx, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(py, mx, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mx, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(my, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, mx, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a +z hemisphere patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_z_hemisphere (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up +z hemisphere ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); patch& mx = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-x")); patch& my = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-y")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, mx, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, my, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(py, mx, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mx, my, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(my, px, N_overlap_points); px.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(px.max_rho_patch_edge()); py.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(py.max_rho_patch_edge()); mx.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(mx.min_rho_patch_edge()); my.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(my.min_rho_patch_edge()); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, mx, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(py, mx, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mx, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(my, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a +xy quadrant (mirrored) patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up +xy quadrant (mirrored) ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); patch& mz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-z")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, py, N_overlap_points); pz.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(pz.min_rho_patch_edge()); pz.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(pz.min_sigma_patch_edge()); px.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(px.min_sigma_patch_edge()); py.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(py.max_sigma_patch_edge()); mz.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(mz.max_rho_patch_edge()); mz.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(mz.max_sigma_patch_edge()); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a +xy quadrant (rotating) patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up +xy quadrant (rotating) ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); patch& mz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-z")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(mz, py, N_overlap_points); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(pz.min_rho_patch_edge(), pz.min_sigma_patch_edge(), true); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(px.min_sigma_patch_edge(), py.max_sigma_patch_edge(), true); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(mz.max_rho_patch_edge(), mz.max_sigma_patch_edge(), true); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(mz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a +xz quadrant (rotating) patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up +xz quadrant (rotating) ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); patch& my = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("-y")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, my, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, my, N_overlap_points); px.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(px.max_rho_patch_edge()); py.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(py.max_rho_patch_edge()); my.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(my.min_rho_patch_edge()); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(pz.min_sigma_patch_edge(), pz.min_sigma_patch_edge(), false); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(py.max_sigma_patch_edge(), my.min_sigma_patch_edge(), false); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, my, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a +xyz octant (mirrored) patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up +xyz octant (mirrored) ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); pz.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(pz.min_rho_patch_edge()); pz.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(pz.min_sigma_patch_edge()); px.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(px.max_rho_patch_edge()); px.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(px.min_sigma_patch_edge()); py.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(py.max_rho_patch_edge()); py.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(py.max_sigma_patch_edge()); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up (constructs and interlinks) the ghost zones // for a +xyz octant (rotating) patch system. // void patch_system::setup_ghost_zones__plus_xyz_octant_rotating (int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up +xyz octant (rotating) ghost zones"); patch& pz = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+z")); patch& px = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+x")); patch& py = ith_patch(patch_number_of_name("+y")); // create the ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " creating ghost zones"); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, px, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(pz, py, N_overlap_points); create_interpatch_ghost_zones(px, py, N_overlap_points); px.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(px.max_rho_patch_edge()); py.create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(py.max_rho_patch_edge()); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(pz.min_rho_patch_edge(), pz.min_sigma_patch_edge(), true); create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones(px.min_sigma_patch_edge(), py.max_sigma_patch_edge(), true); // finish setting up the interpatch ghost zones if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " finishing interpatch setup"); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, px, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(pz, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); finish_interpatch_setup(px, py, N_overlap_points, interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function creates a pair of periodic-symmetry ghost zones. // //static void patch_system::create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zones (const patch_edge& ex, const patch_edge& ey, bool ipar_map_is_plus) { ex.my_patch() .create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zone(ex, ey, ipar_map_is_plus); if (ex == ey) then { // ex and ey are the same edge (i.e. the symmetry maps the edge // back to itself), so we only want to set up the edge once // ==> no-op here } else ey.my_patch() .create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zone(ey, ex, ipar_map_is_plus); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function automagically figures out which edges of two adjacent // patches are adjacent, then creates both patches' ghost zones on those // edges and interlinks them with their respective patches. // //static void patch_system::create_interpatch_ghost_zones(patch &px, patch &py, int N_overlap_points) { const patch_edge& ex = px.edge_adjacent_to_patch(py, N_overlap_points); const patch_edge& ey = py.edge_adjacent_to_patch(px, N_overlap_points); px.create_interpatch_ghost_zone(ex, ey, N_overlap_points); py.create_interpatch_ghost_zone(ey, ex, N_overlap_points); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function automagically figures out which edges of two adjacent // patches are adjacent, then finishes setting up both ghost zones. // //static void patch_system::finish_interpatch_setup (patch &px, patch &py, int N_overlap_points, int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle) { const patch_edge& ex = px.edge_adjacent_to_patch(py, N_overlap_points); const patch_edge& ey = py.edge_adjacent_to_patch(px, N_overlap_points); px.ghost_zone_on_edge(ex) .cast_to_interpatch_ghost_zone() .finish_setup(interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); py.ghost_zone_on_edge(ey) .cast_to_interpatch_ghost_zone() .finish_setup(interp_handle, interp_par_table_handle); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function assert()s that all ghost zones of all patches have // been fully set up. // void patch_system::assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup() const { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { ith_patch(pn).assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup(); } } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function decodes a patch system's type into N_patches. // //static int patch_system::N_patches_of_type(enum patch_system_type type_in) { switch (type_in) { case patch_system__full_sphere: return patch_system_info::full_sphere::N_patches; case patch_system__plus_z_hemisphere: return patch_system_info::plus_z_hemisphere::N_patches; case patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored: return patch_system_info::plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored::N_patches; case patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating: return patch_system_info::plus_xy_quadrant_rotating::N_patches; case patch_system__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating: return patch_system_info::plus_xz_quadrant_rotating::N_patches; case patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored: return patch_system_info::plus_xyz_octant_mirrored::N_patches; case patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_rotating: return patch_system_info::plus_xyz_octant_rotating::N_patches; default: error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::N_patches_of_type(): bad type=(int)%d!\n" " (this should never happen!)\n", int(type_in)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function decodes a patch system's type into a human-readable // type name (a C string). // //static const char* patch_system::name_of_type(enum patch_system_type type_in) { switch (type_in) { case patch_system__full_sphere: return "full sphere"; case patch_system__plus_z_hemisphere: return "+z hemisphere"; case patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored: return "+xy quadrant (mirrored)"; case patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating: return "+xy quadrant (rotating)"; case patch_system__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating: return "+xz quadrant (rotating)"; case patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored: return "+xyz octant (mirrored)"; case patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_rotating: return "+xyz octant (rotating)"; default: error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::name_of_type(): bad type=(int)%d!\n" " (this should never happen!)\n", int(type_in)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function encodes a human-readable type name (a C string) into // a patch system's type into. // //static enum patch_system::patch_system_type patch_system::type_of_name(const char* name_in) { if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "full sphere")) then return patch_system__full_sphere; else if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "+z hemisphere")) then return patch_system__plus_z_hemisphere; else if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "+xy quadrant (mirrored)")) then return patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_mirrored; else if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "+xy quadrant (rotating)")) then return patch_system__plus_xy_quadrant_rotating; else if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "+xz quadrant (rotating)")) then return patch_system__plus_xz_quadrant_rotating; else if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "+xyz octant (mirrored)")) then return patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_mirrored; else if (STRING_EQUAL(name_in, "+xyz octant (rotating)")) then return patch_system__plus_xyz_octant_rotating; else error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::type_of_name(): unknown name=\"%s\"!", name_in); /*NOTREACHED*/ } //****************************************************************************** // // This function finds a (the) patch with a specified sign and xyz ctype. // If no such patch exists, it does an error_exit() (and doesn't return // to the caller). // // Bugs: // - This function could be implemented to be very fast, but right now // it just does a sequential search through all the patches. :( // const patch& patch_system::plus_or_minus_xyz_patch(bool is_plus, char ctype) const { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); if ((p.is_plus() == is_plus) && (p.ctype() == ctype)) then return p; } error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::plus_or_minus_xyz_patch():\n" " can't find any %c%c patch!" , (is_plus ? '+' : '-'), ctype); /*NOTREACHED*/ } //****************************************************************************** // // This function finds a patch from its human-readable name, and returns // the patch number, or does an error_exit() if no patch is found with // the specified name. // int patch_system::patch_number_of_name(const char* name) const { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { if (STRING_EQUAL(ith_patch(pn).name(), name)) then return pn; } error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_number_of_name():\n" " no patch with name \"%s\"!\n", name); /*NOTREACHED*/ } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function finds what patch contains (the ray from the origin to) // a given local (x,y,z) position. // // If there are multiple patches containing the position, we return the // one which would still contain it if patches didn't overlap; if multiple // patches satisfy this criterion then it's arbitrary which one we return. // // If no patch contains the position (this can only happen for a // non--full-sphere patch system), then we do an error_exit() (and // don't return to the caller). // // Arguments: // (x,y,z) = The local coordinates to be converted. // // Results: // This function returns a reference to the containing patch. // const patch& patch_system::patch_containing_local_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { if ((x == 0.0) && (y == 0.0) && (z == 0.0)) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_containing_local_xyz(): position is at the origin!"); /*NOTREACHED*/ // to which axis is (x,y,z) closest? // ... or equivalently, which of |x|, |y|, and |z| is largest? const fp abs_x = jtutil::abs(x); const fp abs_y = jtutil::abs(y); const fp abs_z = jtutil::abs(z); if ((abs_z >= abs_x) && (abs_z >= abs_y)) then return plus_or_minus_xyz_patch(z > 0.0, 'z'); // +/- z patch else if ((abs_x >= abs_y) && (abs_x >= abs_z)) then return plus_or_minus_xyz_patch(x > 0.0, 'x'); // +/- x patch else if ((abs_y >= abs_x) && (abs_y >= abs_z)) then return plus_or_minus_xyz_patch(y > 0.0, 'y'); // +/- y patch else error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_containing_local_xyz():\n" " unknown (wierd!) ordering of |x|, |y|, and |z|!\n" " (this should never happen!)\n" " (x,y,z)=(%g,%g,%g)\n" , double(x), double(y), double(z)); } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function decodes a 0-origin grid point number into a // (patch,irho,isigma) triple. // // Arguments: // gpn = The grid point number to decode. // (irho,isigma) = (out) The decoded patch coordinates. // // Results: // This function returns a reference to the decoded patch. (An alternative // design would be to return this via a patch*& argument, but the design // used here seems slightly cleaner to use in practice.) // const patch& patch_system::patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma) const { assert( gpn >= 0 ); assert( gpn < N_grid_points() ); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { // n.b. [pn+1] is ok since starting_gpn_[] has size N_patches()+1 if ((gpn >= starting_gpn_[pn]) && (gpn < starting_gpn_[pn+1])) then { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); const int gpn_in_patch = gpn - starting_gpn_[pn]; assert( gpn_in_patch >= 0 ); assert( gpn_in_patch < p.N_grid_points() ); p.irho_isigma_of_gpn(gpn_in_patch, irho,isigma); return p; } } error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(gpn=%d):\n" " couldn't find any patch! (this should never happen!)\n" " N_grid_points()=%d\n" , gpn, N_grid_points()); /*NOTREACHED*/ } //****************************************************************************** // // This function decodes a 0-origin grid point number into a *ghosted* // (patch,irho,isigma) triple. // // Arguments: // gpn = The grid point number to decode. // (irho,isigma) = (out) The decoded patch coordinates. // // Results: // This function returns a reference to the decoded patch. (An alternative // design would be to return this via a patch*& argument, but the design // used here seems slightly cleaner to use in practice.) // const patch& patch_system::ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn (int gpn, int& irho, int& isigma) const { assert( gpn >= 0 ); assert( gpn < ghosted_N_grid_points() ); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { // n.b. [pn+1] is ok since ghosted_starting_gpn_[] // has size N_patches()+1 if ( (gpn >= ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn]) && (gpn < ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn+1])) then { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); const int gpn_in_patch = gpn - ghosted_starting_gpn_[pn]; assert( gpn_in_patch >= 0 ); assert( gpn_in_patch < p.ghosted_N_grid_points() ); p.ghosted_irho_isigma_of_gpn(gpn_in_patch, irho,isigma); return p; } } error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::ghosted_patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(gpn=%d):\n" " couldn't find any patch! (this should never happen!)\n" " ghosted_N_grid_points()=%d\n" , gpn, ghosted_N_grid_points()); /*NOTREACHED*/ } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets a (nominal-grid) gridfn to a constant value. // void patch_system::set_gridfn_to_constant(fp a, int dst_gfn) { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { p.gridfn(dst_gfn, irho,isigma) = a; } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function copies one (nominal-grid) gridfn to another. // void patch_system::gridfn_copy(int src_gfn, int dst_gfn) { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { p.gridfn(dst_gfn, irho,isigma) = p.gridfn(src_gfn, irho,isigma); } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function adds a scalar to a ghosted gridfn. // void patch_system::add_to_ghosted_gridfn(fp delta, int ghosted_dst_gfn) { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.ghosted_min_irho() ; irho <= p.ghosted_max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.ghosted_min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.ghosted_max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { p.ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_dst_gfn, irho,isigma) += delta; } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes norms of a nominal-grid gridfn. // void patch_system::gridfn_norms(int src_gfn, jtutil::norm& norms) const { if (! is_valid_gfn(src_gfn)) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::gridfn_norms(): invalid src_gfn=%d!\n", src_gfn); /*NOTREACHED*/ norms.reset(); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { norms.data(p.gridfn(src_gfn, irho,isigma)); } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes norms of a ghosted-grid gridfn. // void patch_system::ghosted_gridfn_norms(int ghosted_src_gfn, jtutil::norm& norms) const { if (! is_valid_ghosted_gfn(ghosted_src_gfn)) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::gridfn_norms(): invalid ghosted_src_gfn=%d!\n", ghosted_src_gfn); /*NOTREACHED*/ norms.reset(); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.ghosted_min_irho() ; irho <= p.ghosted_max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.ghosted_min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.ghosted_max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { norms.data(p.ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_src_gfn, irho,isigma)); } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes an approximation to the (surface) integral of // a gridfn over the patch system, // $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$ // = \int f(\rho,\sigma) \sqrt{|J|} \, d\rho \, d\sigma$ // where $J$ is the Jacobian of $(x,y,z)$ with respect to $(rho,sigma). // // FIXME: // It would be better to compute the full-sphere integral, but that would // require knowing the gridfn's symmetries. // // FIXME: // We silently assume that the patches butt-join, i.e. that they don't // overlap, i.e. that N_overlap_points=1 // // Arguments: // src_gfn = (in) The gridfn to be integrated. // ghosted_radius_gfn = (in) The surface radius. // g_{xx,xy,xz,yy,yz,zz}_gfn = (in) The xyz 3-metric components. // method = (in) Selects the integration scheme. // fp patch_system::integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn, int ghosted_radius_gfn, int g_xx_gfn, int g_xy_gfn, int g_xz_gfn, int g_yy_gfn, int g_yz_gfn, int g_zz_gfn, enum patch::integration_method method) const { fp integral = 0.0; for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); integral += p.integrate_gridfn(src_gfn, ghosted_radius_gfn, g_xx_gfn, g_xy_gfn, g_xz_gfn, g_yy_gfn, g_yz_gfn, g_zz_gfn, method); } return integral; } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function prints an unknown-grid gridfn in ASCII format to a // named output file. The output format is suitable for a gnuplot // 'splot' command. (Individual patches may be selected with the // select.patch program (perl script).) The output format is either // # print_xyz_flag == false // dpx dpy gridfn // or // # print_xyz_flag == true // dpx dpy gridfn global_x global_y global_z // where global_[xyz} are derived from the angular position and a // specified (unknown-grid) radius gridfn. // void patch_system::print_unknown_gridfn (bool ghosted_flag, int unknown_gfn, bool print_xyz_flag, bool radius_is_ghosted_flag, int unknown_radius_gfn, const char output_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones) const { if (want_ghost_zones && !ghosted_flag) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::print_unknown_gridfn(unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " can't have want_ghost_zones && !ghosted_flag !\n" , unknown_gfn); /*NOTREACHED*/ if (want_ghost_zones && print_xyz_flag && !radius_is_ghosted_flag) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::print_unknown_gridfn(unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " can't have want_ghost_zones && print_xyz_flag\n" " && !radius_is_ghosted_flag!\n" " unknown_radius_gfn=%d\n" , unknown_gfn, unknown_radius_gfn); /*NOTREACHED*/ FILE *output_fp = fopen(output_file_name, "w"); if (output_fp == NULL) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::print_unknown_gridfn(unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " can't open output file \"%s\"\n!" , unknown_gfn, output_file_name); /*NOTREACHED*/ fprintf(output_fp, "# N_patches = %d\n", N_patches()); fprintf(output_fp, "\n"); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); fprintf(output_fp, "### %s patch\n", p.name()); fprintf(output_fp, "# N_rho = %d\n", p.effective_N_irho(want_ghost_zones)); fprintf(output_fp, "# N_sigma = %d\n", p.effective_N_isigma(want_ghost_zones)); fprintf(output_fp, "# %s_gfn=%d\n", (ghosted_flag ? "ghosted" : "nominal"), unknown_gfn); fprintf(output_fp, "# dpx = %s\n", p.name_of_dpx()); fprintf(output_fp, "# dpy = %s\n", p.name_of_dpy()); fprintf(output_fp, "#\n"); fprintf(output_fp, print_xyz_flag ? "# dpx\tdpy\tgridfn\tglobal_x\tglobal_y\tglobal_z\n" : "# dpx\tdpy\tgridfn\n"); for (int irho = p.effective_min_irho(want_ghost_zones) ; irho <= p.effective_max_irho(want_ghost_zones) ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.effective_min_isigma(want_ghost_zones) ; isigma <= p.effective_max_isigma(want_ghost_zones) ; ++isigma) { const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); const fp dpx = p.dpx_of_rho_sigma(rho, sigma); const fp dpy = p.dpy_of_rho_sigma(rho, sigma); fprintf(output_fp, "%g\t%g\t%#.15g", dpx, dpy, p.unknown_gridfn(ghosted_flag, unknown_gfn, irho,isigma)); if (print_xyz_flag) then { const fp r = p.unknown_gridfn(radius_is_ghosted_flag, unknown_radius_gfn, irho,isigma); fp local_x, local_y, local_z; p.xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(r,rho,sigma, local_x,local_y,local_z); const fp global_x = global_x_of_local_x(local_x); const fp global_y = global_y_of_local_y(local_y); const fp global_z = global_z_of_local_z(local_z); fprintf(output_fp, "\t%#.10g\t%#.10g\t%#.10g", global_x, global_y, global_z); } fprintf(output_fp, "\n"); } fprintf(output_fp, "\n"); } fprintf(output_fp, "\n"); } fclose(output_fp); } //****************************************************************************** // // This function reads an unknown-grid gridfn in ASCII format from // a named input file. Comments ('#' in column 1) and blank lines // are ignored, otherwise the input format matches that written by // print_unknown_gridfn(): the first 3 numbers on each line are taken // to be dpx, dpy, and the gridfn value; anything else on the line is // ignored. // void patch_system::read_unknown_gridfn(bool ghosted_flag, int unknown_gfn, const char input_file_name[], bool want_ghost_zones) { if (want_ghost_zones && !ghosted_flag) then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::read_unknown_gridfn(unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " can't have want_ghost_zones && !ghosted_flag !\n" , unknown_gfn); /*NOTREACHED*/ FILE *input_fp = fopen(input_file_name, "r"); if (input_fp == NULL) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::read_unknown_gridfn(unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " can't open input file \"%s\"\n!" , unknown_gfn, input_file_name); /*NOTREACHED*/ int line_number = 1; for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.effective_min_irho(want_ghost_zones) ; irho <= p.effective_max_irho(want_ghost_zones) ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.effective_min_isigma(want_ghost_zones) ; isigma <= p.effective_max_isigma(want_ghost_zones) ; ++isigma) { const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); const fp dpx = p.dpx_of_rho_sigma(rho, sigma); const fp dpy = p.dpy_of_rho_sigma(rho, sigma); const int N_buffer = 100; char buffer[N_buffer]; // read/discard comments and blank lines do { if (fgets(buffer, N_buffer, input_fp) == NULL) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch::read_unknown_gridfn(%s patch, unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " I/O error or unexpected end-of-file on input!\n" " at irho=%d of [%d,%d], isigma=%d of [%d,%d]\n" " dpx=%g dpy=%g\n" , p.name(), unknown_gfn, irho, p.effective_min_irho(want_ghost_zones), p.effective_max_irho(want_ghost_zones), isigma, p.effective_min_isigma(want_ghost_zones), p.effective_max_isigma(want_ghost_zones), dpx, dpy); /*NOTREACHED*/ ++line_number; } while ((buffer[0] == '#') || (buffer[0] == '\n')); double read_dpx, read_dpy, read_gridfn_value; if (sscanf(buffer, "%lf %lf %lf", &read_dpx, &read_dpy, &read_gridfn_value) != 3) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch::read_unknown_gridfn(%s patch, unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " bad input data at input line %d!\n" , p.name(), unknown_gfn, line_number); /*NOTREACHED*/ if (! ( jtutil::fuzzy::EQ(read_dpx,dpx) && jtutil::fuzzy::EQ(read_dpy,dpy) ) ) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch::read_unknown_gridfn(%s patch, unknown_gfn=%d):\n" " wrong (dpx,dpy) at input line %d!\n" " expected (%g,%g)\n" " read (%g,%g)\n" , p.name(), unknown_gfn, line_number, dpx, dpy, read_dpx, read_dpy); /*NOTREACHED*/ p.unknown_gridfn(ghosted_flag, unknown_gfn, irho,isigma) = read_gridfn_value; } } } fclose(input_fp); } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function "synchronizes" all ghost zones of all patches, i.e. it // update the ghost-zone values of the specified gridfns via the appropriate // sequence of symmetry operations and interpatch interpolations. This // process is described in detail in the header comments in "ghost_zone.hh". // void patch_system::synchronize(int ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, int ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync) { // // Phase 1: // Fill in gridfn data at all the non-corner points of symmetry ghost // zones, using the symmetries to get this data from its "home patch" // nominal grids. // { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); // n.b. these loops must use _int_ variables for the loop // to terminate! for (int want_min = false ; want_min <= true ; ++want_min) { for (int want_rho = false ; want_rho <= true ; ++want_rho) { ghost_zone& gz = p.minmax_ang_ghost_zone(want_min, want_rho); if (gz.is_symmetry()) then gz.synchronize(ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync, false, // want corners? true); // want non-corner? } } } } // // Phase 2: // Fill in gridfn data in all the interpatch ghost zones, using interpatch // interpolation from neighboring patches as described above. // { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); // n.b. these loops must use _int_ variables for the loop // to terminate! for (int want_min = false ; want_min <= true ; ++want_min) { for (int want_rho = false ; want_rho <= true ; ++want_rho) { ghost_zone& gz = p.minmax_ang_ghost_zone(want_min, want_rho); if (gz.is_interpatch()) then gz.synchronize(ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync); } } } } // // Phase 3: // Fill in gridfn data at all the corner points of symmetry ghost zones, // using the symmetries to get this data from its "home patch" nominal // grids or ghost zones. // { for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ith_patch(pn); // n.b. these loops must use _int_ variables for the loop // to terminate! for (int want_min = false ; want_min <= true ; ++want_min) { for (int want_rho = false ; want_rho <= true ; ++want_rho) { ghost_zone& gz = p.minmax_ang_ghost_zone(want_min, want_rho); if (gz.is_symmetry()) then gz.synchronize(ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync, true, // want corners? false); // want non-corner? } } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function does any precomputation necessary to compute the Jacobian // of synchronize() , taking into account synchronize()'s full 3-phase // algorithm. In practice, this means it computes the individual Jacobian // of each ghost zone, and sets global_{min,max}_ym_ . // void patch_system::compute_synchronize_Jacobian(int ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, int ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync) const { global_min_ym_ = +INT_MAX; global_max_ym_ = -INT_MAX; for (int pn = 0 ; pn < N_patches() ; ++pn) { const patch& p = ith_patch(pn); // n.b. these loops must use _int_ variables for the loop // to terminate! for (int want_min = false ; want_min <= true ; ++want_min) { for (int want_rho = false ; want_rho <= true ; ++want_rho) { ghost_zone& gz = p.minmax_ang_ghost_zone(want_min, want_rho); gz.compute_Jacobian(ghosted_min_gfn_to_sync, ghosted_max_gfn_to_sync); global_min_ym_ = jtutil::min(global_min_ym_, gz.Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m()); global_max_ym_ = jtutil::max(global_max_ym_, gz.Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m()); } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // Given that compute_synchronize_Jacobian() has been called, this // function computes the global min/max m over all ghost zone points. // This is useful for sizing the buffer for synchronize_Jacobian(). // void patch_system::synchronize_Jacobian_global_minmax_ym (int& min_ym, int& max_ym) const { min_ym = global_min_ym_; max_ym = global_max_ym_; } //****************************************************************************** // // Given that compute_synchronize_Jacobian() has been called, this // function computes a single row of the Jacobian, taking into account // synchronize()'s 3-phase algorithm: // - It returns the edge to which the y point belongs (the caller can get // the patch from this edge). // - It stores y_iperp and y_posn and min/max ym in the named arguments. // - It stores the Jacobian elements // partial synchronize() gridfn(ghosted_gfn, px, x_iperp, x_ipar) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // partial gridfn(ghosted_gfn, py, y_iperp, y_posn+ym) // in the caller-supplied buffer // Jacobian_buffer(ym) // for each ym in the min/max ym range. // // In practice, the main task of this function is taking into account // synchronize()'s 3-phase algorithm. There are several cases: // - ghost zone is symmetry && x point is in non-corner // ==> x value was computed by a phase 1 symmetry operation, // using (only) nominal-grid data // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = ghost zone Jacobian(x,y) // - ghost zone is symmetry && x point is in corner // --> x value was computed by a phase 3 symmetry operation, // from some point (call it z), // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = overall Jacobian(z,y) // ==> call this function recursively to get z's Jacobian // (z must be in the noncorner part of some ghost zone, // so this won't lead to infinite recursion) // - ghost zone is interpatch // ==> x value was computed by a phase 2 interpatch interpolation // - using (only) nominal-grid data // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = ghost zone Jacobian(x,y) // - using a mixture of nominal-grid data // and data computed by a phase 1 symmetry operation // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = "fold" ghost zone Jacobian(x,y) // to take the phase 1 symmetry // operation into account // const patch_edge& patch_system::synchronize_Jacobian(const ghost_zone& xgz, int x_iperp, int x_ipar, int& y_iperp, int& y_posn, int& min_ym, int& max_ym, jtutil::array1d& Jacobian_buffer) const { const patch_edge& xe = xgz.my_edge(); if (xgz.is_symmetry() && xe.ipar_is_in_noncorner(x_ipar)) then { // ghost zone is symmetry && x point is in non-corner // ==> x value was computed by a phase 1 symmetry operation, // using (only) nominal-grid data // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = ghost zone Jacobian(x,y) return ghost_zone_Jacobian(xgz, x_iperp, x_ipar, y_iperp, y_posn, min_ym, max_ym, Jacobian_buffer); } else if (xgz.is_symmetry() && xe.ipar_is_in_corner(x_ipar)) then { // ghost zone is symmetry && x point is in corner // --> x value was computed by a phase 3 symmetry operation, // from some point (call it z), // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = overall Jacobian(z,y) // ==> call this function recursively to get z's Jacobian // (z must be in the noncorner part of some ghost zone, // so this won't lead to infinite recursion) const patch& zp = xgz.other_patch(); const patch_edge& ze = xgz.other_edge(); const symmetry_ghost_zone& xsgz = xgz.cast_to_symmetry_ghost_zone(); const int z_iperp = xsgz.iperp_map_of_iperp(x_iperp); const int z_ipar = xsgz.ipar_map_of_ipar (x_ipar); // // Computing z's edge/ghost zone is tricky. For example: // | // p1 e3|e4 p2 // | // | z // -----------e1-----------+------------e2--------- // | x // | // Here the point x in the corner of p1's e1 ghost zone, // is computed by the phase 3 symmetry operation (a reflection // about e1) from z. Thus zp == p1 and ze == e1. // // But we need to "turn the corner" to compute z's "true" edge // e3 (so we can recursively call this function to compute z's // Jacobian). Thus we explicitly check which ghost zone of p1 // (here the e3 ghost zone) contains the point z. // const int z_irho = ze. irho_of_iperp_ipar(z_iperp, z_ipar); const int z_isigma = ze.isigma_of_iperp_ipar(z_iperp, z_ipar); const ghost_zone& true_zgz = zp.ghost_zone_containing_noncorner_point(z_irho, z_isigma); const patch_edge& true_ze = true_zgz.my_edge(); const int true_z_iperp = true_ze.iperp_of_irho_isigma(z_irho, z_isigma); const int true_z_ipar = true_ze. ipar_of_irho_isigma(z_irho, z_isigma); // make sure we have the right ghost zone! assert( true_zgz.is_in_ghost_zone(true_z_iperp, true_z_ipar) ); return synchronize_Jacobian(true_zgz, true_z_iperp, true_z_ipar, y_iperp, y_posn, min_ym, max_ym, Jacobian_buffer); } else if (xgz.is_interpatch()) then { // ghost zone is interpatch // ==> x value was computed by a phase 2 interpatch interpolation // - using (only) nominal-grid data // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = ghost zone Jacobian(x,y) // - using a mixture of nominal-grid data // and data computed by a phase 1 symmetry operation // ==> overall Jacobian(x,y) = "fold" ghost zone Jacobian(x,y) // to take the phase 1 symmetry // operation into account // // For example, // | // xp xe|ye a yp // | b // | xc // ----------xse-----------+---d-------yse---------- // | e // | // here point x is computed by interpatch-interpolating in the // par direction from the 5 y points abcde. e is outside the // nominal grid, so its Jacobian must be "folded" over to c. // Notice that this "folding" must be done about the edge yse, // *not* about ye itself. // Jacobian of the phase 2 interpatch interpolation const patch_edge& ye = ghost_zone_Jacobian(xgz, x_iperp, x_ipar, y_iperp, y_posn, min_ym, max_ym, Jacobian_buffer); const int min_y_ipar = y_posn + min_ym; const int max_y_ipar = y_posn + max_ym; // fold any points in the Jacobian outside the nominal grid if (ye.ipar_is_in_min_ipar_corner(min_y_ipar)) then { fold_Jacobian(ye, ye.min_par_adjacent_edge(), y_iperp, y_posn, min_ym, max_ym, min_ym, ye.min_ipar_corner__max_ipar() - y_posn, Jacobian_buffer); min_ym = ye.min_ipar_without_corners() - y_posn; } if (ye.ipar_is_in_max_ipar_corner(max_y_ipar)) then { fold_Jacobian(ye, ye.max_par_adjacent_edge(), y_iperp, y_posn, min_ym, max_ym, ye.max_ipar_corner__min_ipar() - y_posn, max_ym, Jacobian_buffer); max_ym = ye.max_ipar_without_corners() - y_posn; } return ye; } else error_exit(PANIC_EXIT, "***** patch_system::synchronize_Jacobian():\n" " don't know what to do with ghost zone (this should never happen)!\n" " xgz.my_patch()=\"%s\" xe=xgz.my_edge()=\"%s\"\n" " xgz.other_patch()=\"%s\" xgz.other_edge()=\"%s\"\n" " xgz.is_symmetry()=(int)%d xgz.is_interpatch()=(int)%d\n" " x_iperp=%d x_ipar=%d\n" " xe.ipar_is_in_{min,max}_ipar_corner(x_ipar)=(int){%d,%d}\n" " xe.ipar_is_in_{corner,noncorner}(x_ipar)=(int){%d,%d}\n" , xgz.my_patch().name(), xe.name(), xgz.other_patch().name(), xgz.other_edge().name(), int(xgz.is_symmetry()), int(xgz.is_interpatch()), x_iperp, x_ipar, xe.ipar_is_in_min_ipar_corner(x_ipar), xe.ipar_is_in_max_ipar_corner(x_ipar), xe.ipar_is_in_corner(x_ipar), xe.ipar_is_in_noncorner(x_ipar)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } //****************************************************************************** // // This function "folds" part of a(n interpatch) Jacobian row to take // a symmetry operation into account. For example: // | // |e_Jac // | p // | a // | b // | c=y // ---------+---d-------e_fold------- // | e=x sgz_fold // | // Here the Jacobian abcde is to be "folded", because e is outside the // nominal grid (its Jacobian must be "folded" over to c). // // Notice that the folding (about the edge e_fold) is in the par direction // with respect to e_Jac, but the perp direction with respect to e_fold. // Since e_fold and e_Jac are adjacent edges, // e_Jac (iperp,ipar) == e_fold (ipar,iperp) // // Arguments: // e_Jac = edge which the Jacobian lies along // e_fold = edge about which to fold; the corresponding ghost zone must be // symmetry ghost zone, and at present we only support the case // where this is a "local" (mirror-image) symmetry ghost zone // iperp = iperp-wrt-e_Jac coordinate of Jacobian // posn = ipar-wrt-e_Jac coordinate of Jacobian molecule reference point // [min,max]_m = range of ipar-wrt-e_Jac molecule m in Jacobian // [min,max]_fold_m = range of ipar-wrt-e_Jac molecule m which is to folded; // this must be a subrange of [min,max]_m // void patch_system::fold_Jacobian(const patch_edge& e_Jac, const patch_edge& e_fold, int iperp, int posn, int min_m, int max_m, int min_fold_m, int max_fold_m, jtutil::array1d& Jacobian_buffer) const { // check that [min,max]_fold_m is a subrange of [min,max]_m assert( min_fold_m >= min_m ); assert( min_fold_m <= max_m ); assert( max_fold_m >= min_m ); assert( max_fold_m <= max_m ); const patch& p = e_fold.my_patch(); assert( e_Jac.my_patch() == p ); const symmetry_ghost_zone& sgz_fold = p.ghost_zone_on_edge(e_fold) .cast_to_symmetry_ghost_zone(); // // At present we only handle the case show in the comments above, // where sgz_fold is a local (mirror-image) symmetry, i.e. where // y is guaranteed to be within the molecule abcde. // if (sgz_fold.other_edge() != e_fold) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** patch_system::fold_Jacobian()\n" " implementation restriction: at present we only handle folding\n" " via \"local\" (mirror-image) symmetries!\n" " p=\"%s\" e_Jac=\"%s\" e_fold=\"%s\"\n" " but sgz_fold.other_edge()=\"%s\" != e_fold\n" , p.name(), e_Jac.name(), e_fold.name(), sgz_fold.other_edge().name()); /*NOTREACHED*/ for (int xm = min_fold_m ; xm <= max_fold_m ; ++xm) { const int x_Jac_ipar = posn + xm; // x ipar wrt e_Jac const int x_fold_iperp = x_Jac_ipar; // ... == iperp wrt e_fold const int y_fold_iperp = sgz_fold.iperp_map_of_iperp(x_fold_iperp); // y iperp wrt e_fold const int y_Jac_ipar = y_fold_iperp; // ... == ipar wrt e_Jac const int ym = y_Jac_ipar - posn; // check that y is indeed within the molecule assert( ym >= min_m ); assert( ym <= max_m ); // actually "fold" the molecule Jacobian_buffer(ym) += Jacobian_buffer(xm); } } //****************************************************************************** // // Given that compute_synchronize_Jacobian() has been called, this // function computes a single row of the Jacobian of a given ghost zone, // *not* taking into account synchronize()'s 3-phase algorithm: // - It returns the edge to which the y point belongs (the caller can get // the patch from this edge). // - It stores y_iperp and y_posn and min/max ym in the named arguments. // - It stores the Jacobian elements // partial synchronize() gridfn(ghosted_gfn, px, x_iperp, x_ipar) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // partial gridfn(ghosted_gfn, py, y_iperp, y_posn+ym) // in the caller-supplied buffer // Jacobian_buffer(ym) // for each ym in the min/max ym range // const patch_edge& patch_system::ghost_zone_Jacobian(const ghost_zone& xgz, int x_iperp, int x_ipar, int& y_iperp, int& y_posn, int& min_ym, int& max_ym, jtutil::array1d& Jacobian_buffer) const { y_iperp = xgz.Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp); y_posn = xgz.Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(x_iperp, x_ipar); min_ym = xgz.Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m(); max_ym = xgz.Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m(); for (int ym = min_ym ; ym <= max_ym ; ++ym) { Jacobian_buffer(ym) = xgz.Jacobian(x_iperp, x_ipar, ym); } return xgz.other_edge(); }