// patch_interp.hh -- interpolation from a patch // $Id$ // // prerequisites: // // // // // "cctk.h" // // "stdc.h" // "config.hh" // "../jtutil/util.hh" // "../jtutil/array.hh" // "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" // "coords.hh" // "grid.hh" // "fd_grid.hh" // "patch.hh" // //***************************************************************************** // // patch_interp - interpolation from a patch // // // A patch_interp object is responsible for interpolating gridfn data // from its owning patch for use by another patch's ghost_zone object // (in setting up the gridfn in the other ghost zone). A patch_interp // object deals only in its own patch's coordinates; other code elsewhere // (in practice in interpatch_ghost_zone::) is responsible for translating // other patch's coordinates into our coordinates. // // // A patch_interp defines a "patch interpolation region", the region of // its owning patch from which this interpolation will use gridfn data. // // // The way the patch coordnates are constructed, any two adjacent patches // share a common (perpendicular) coordinate. Thus we only have to do // 1-dimensional interpolation here (in the parallel direction). In // other words, for each iperp we interpolate in par. // // In general we interpolate each gridfn at a number of distinct par // for each iperp; the integer "parindex" indexes these points. We // attach no particular semantics to parindex, and it need not be // 0-origin or have the same range for each iperp. [In practice, // parindex will be the other patch's ipar coordinate.] However, // we assume that the range of parindex is roughly similar for each // iperp, so it's ok to use (iperp,parindex) as a 2-D rectangular // index space. // // For example, we might interpolate at the points // ipar ipar ipar ipar ipar ipar ipar ipar ipar // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // iperp=10 (2a) (3b) (4c) // iperp=11 (2d) (3e) (4f) (5g) // where the (2a)-(5g) are the interpolation points, with 2-5 being the // parindex values and a-g being unique identifiers used in our description // below. In terms of our member data, this interpolation region would // be described by // [min,max]_iperp_=[10,11] // [min,max]_ipar_=[1,9] // [min,max]_parindex_array_(10)=[2,5] // [min,max]_parindex_array_(11)=[2,6] // interp_par_(10,2) = x[a] // interp_par_(10,3) = x[b] // interp_par_(10,4) = x[c] // interp_par_(11,2) = x[d] // interp_par_(11,3) = x[e] // interp_par_(11,4) = x[f] // interp_par_(11,5) = x[g] // // // We use the Cactus local interpolator CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() // to do the interpolation. To minimize interpolator overheads, we // interpolate all the gridfns at each iperp in a single interpolator // call. [Different iperp values involve different sets of (1-D) // gridfn data, and so inherently require distinct interpolator calls.] // // Setting up the array subscripting for the interpolator to access // the gridfn data is a bit tricky: The interpolator accesses the // gridfn data using the generic (1-D) subscripting expression // data[offset + i*stride] // where i is the data array index. However, we'd rather not use // offset , because it has to be supplied in the parameter table as // an array subscripted by gfn , and so would require changing the // parameter table for each call on interpolate() (with potentially // different numbers of gridfns being interpolated). Instead, at each // iperp we use i = ipar-min_ipar , so the default offset=0 makes // the subscripting expression zero for ipar = min_ipar . This also // makes the interpolator's min_i = 0 and max_i be dims-1 (both // the defaults), so those also don't have to be set in the parameter // table either. We set the interpolator's data coordinate origin to // the par coordinate for min_ipar , so it correctly maps i --> par . // With this strategy we can share the interpolator parameter table // across all the iperp values, and we don't need to modify the // parameter table at all after the initial setup in our constructor. // However, we do have to adjust the molecule positions in // patch_interp::molecule_posn() , since the interpolator will return // i values, while molecule_posn() needs ipar values. // class patch_interp { public: // to which patch/edge do we belong? const patch& my_patch() const { return my_patch_; } const patch_edge& my_edge() const { return my_edge_; } public: // // ***** main client interface ***** // // interpolate specified range of ghosted gridfns // at all the coordinates specified when we were constructed, // store interpolated data in // data_buffer(ghosted_gfn, iperp, parindex) void interpolate(int ghosted_min_gfn_to_interp, int ghosted_max_gfn_to_interp, jtutil::array3d& data_buffer) const; public: // // ***** Jacobian of interpolate() ***** // // verify (no-op if ok, error_exit() if not) that interpolator // has a Jacobian sparsity pattern which we grok: at present this // means molecules are fixed-sized hypercubes, with size/shape // independent of interpolation coordinates and the floating-point // values in the input arrays void verify_Jacobian_sparsity_pattern_ok() const; // // The API for the remaining Jacobian functions implicitly // assumes that the Jacobian sparsity pattern is "ok" as // verified by verify_Jacobian_sparsity_pattern_ok() , // and in particular that [min,max]_ipar_m are independent // of iperp and parindex. // // get [min,max] ipar m coordinates of interpolation molecules void molecule_minmax_ipar_m(int& min_ipar_m, int& max_ipar_m) const; // get interpolation molecule ipar positions in // molecule_posn_buffer(iperp, parindex) // ... array type is CCTK_INT so we can pass by reference // to interpolator void molecule_posn(jtutil::array2d& posn_buffer) const; // get Jacobian of interpolated data with respect to this patch's // ghosted gridfns, // partial interpolate() data_buffer(ghosted_gfn, iperp, parindex) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // partial ghosted_gridfn(ghosted_gfn, iperp, posn+ipar_m) // store Jacobian in // Jacobian_buffer(iperp, parindex, ipar_m) // where we implicitly assume the Jacobian to be independent of // ghosted_gfn, and where // posn = posn_buffer(iperp, parindex) // as returned by molecule_posn() void Jacobian(jtutil::array3d& Jacobian_buffer) const; // // ***** internal functions ***** // private: // [min,max] iperp for interpolation and gridfn data int min_iperp() const { return min_iperp_; } int max_iperp() const { return max_iperp_; } // min/max (iperp,ipar) of the gridfn data to use for interpolation int min_ipar() const { return min_ipar_; } int max_ipar() const { return max_ipar_; } // query the interpolator via the parameter table // on behalf of the specified function (name used for error msgs only) // ... error_exit() if error return from interpolator, // otherwise return interpolator status code int query_interpolator(const char function_name[], int iperp) const; // ... use default iperp for queries that don't care int query_interpolator(const char function_name[]) const { return query_interpolator(function_name, min_iperp_); } // // ***** constructor, destructor, et al ***** // public: // // Constructor arguments: // my_edge_in = Identifies the patch/edge to which this // interpolation region is to belong. // [min,max]_iperp_in = The range of iperp for this interpolation // region // [min,max]_parindex_array_in(iperp) // = [min,max] range of parindex actually used at each iperp. // We keep references to these arrays, so they should have // lifetimes at last as long as that of this object. // interp_par_in(iperp,parindex) // = Gives the par coordinates at which we will interpolate; // array entries outside the range [min,max]_parindex_in // are unused. We keep a reference to this array, so it // should have a lifetime at last as long as that of this // object. // ok_to_use_[min,max]_par_ghost_zone // = Boolean flags saying whether or not we should use gridfn // data from the [min,max]_par ghost zones in the interpolation. // interp_handle_in = Cactus handle to the interpolation operator. // interp_par_table_handle_in // = Cactus handle to a Cactus key/value table giving // parameters (eg order) for the interpolation operator. // This class internally clones this table and modifies // the clone, so the original table is not modified by // any actions of this class. // // This constructor requires that this patch's gridfns already // exist, since we size various arrays based on the patch's min/max // ghosted gfn. // patch_interp(const patch_edge& my_edge_in, int min_iperp_in, int max_iperp_in, const jtutil::array1d& min_parindex_array_in, const jtutil::array1d& max_parindex_array_in, const jtutil::array2d& interp_par_in, bool ok_to_use_min_par_ghost_zone, bool ok_to_use_max_par_ghost_zone, int interp_handle_in, int interp_par_table_handle_in); ~patch_interp(); private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them patch_interp(const patch_interp& rhs); patch_interp& operator=(const patch_interp& rhs); // // ***** data members ***** // private: const patch& my_patch_; const patch_edge& my_edge_; // range of gfn we can handle // (any given interpolate() call may specify a subrange) const int min_gfn_, max_gfn_; // these are strictly speaking redundant // but we keep them for use in debugging bool ok_to_use_min_par_ghost_zone_, ok_to_use_max_par_ghost_zone_; // patch interpolation region, // i.e. range of (iperp,ipar) in this patch from which // we will use gridfn data in interpolation const int min_iperp_, max_iperp_; const int min_ipar_, max_ipar_; // [min,max] parindex at each iperp // ... these are references to arrays passed in to our constructor // ==> we do *not* own them! // ... indices are (iperp) const jtutil::array1d& min_parindex_array_; const jtutil::array1d& max_parindex_array_; // interp_par_(iperp,parindex) // = Gives the par coordinates at which we will interpolate; // array entries outside the range [min,max]_parindex_in // are unused (n.b. this interface implicitly takes the // par coordinates to be independent of ghosted_gfn). // ... this is a reference to an array passed in to our constructor // ==> we do *not* own this! const jtutil::array2d& interp_par_; // indices (iperp,parindex) // Cactus handle to the interpolation operator int interp_handle_; // Cactus handle to our private Cactus key/value table // giving parameters for the interpolation operator // ... this starts out as a copy of the passed-in table, // then gets extra stuff added to it specific to this // interpolation region; it's shared across all iperp // ... we own this table const int interp_par_table_handle_; // (par) origin and delta values of the gridfn data const fp gridfn_coord_origin_, gridfn_coord_delta_; // array of gridfn type codes for interpolator // ... must be CCTK_INT so we can pass by reference to interpolator // ... values set in ctor body, const thereafter // ... index is (gfn) mutable jtutil::array1d gridfn_type_codes_; // --> start of gridfn data to use for interpolation // (reset for each iperp) // ... we do *not* own the pointed-to data! // ... index is (gfn) mutable jtutil::array1d gridfn_data_ptrs_; // --> start of interpolation data buffer for each gridfn // (reset for each iperp) // ... we do *not* own the pointed-to data! // ... index is (gfn) mutable jtutil::array1d interp_data_buffer_ptrs_; };