// patch.hh -- describes a coordinate/grid patch // $Id$ // // ***** how patch boundaries are handled ***** // patch - abstract base class to describe a coordinate/grid patch // // z_patch - derived class for a +/- z patch // x_patch - derived class for a +/- x patch // y_patch - derived class for a +/- y patch // // // prerequisites: // // // // "stdc.h" // "config.hh" // "../jtutil/util.hh" // "../jtutil/array.hh" // "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" // "coords.hh" // "grid.hh" // "fd_grid.hh" // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // ***** how patch boundaries are handled ***** // // // Basically, we handle patch boundaries using the usual "ghost zone" // technique, interpolating values from neighboring patches as necessary. // // In more detail, we use the following interrelated types of objects // to handle patch boundaries: // // A patch_edge object represents the basic geometry of a min/max // rho/sigma side of a patch, i.e. it provides which-side-am-I predicates, // coordinate conversions between (perp,par) and (rho,sigma), etc. // Every patch has (points to) 4 patch_edge objects, one for each of // the patch's sides. // // A ghost_zone object describes a patch's ghost zone, and knows how // to fill in gridfns there based on either the patch system's symmetry // or interpolation from a neighboring patch. ghost_zone is an abstract // base class, from which we derive two classes: // * A symmetry_ghost_zone object describes a ghost zone which is a // (discrete) symmetry of spacetime, either mirror-image or periodic. // Such an object knows how to fill in ghost-zone gridfn data from // the "other side" of the symmetry. // * An interpatch_ghost_zone object describes a ghost zone which // overlaps another patch. Such an object knows how to get ghost // zone gridfn data from the other patch. More accurately, it gets // the data by asking (calling) the appropriate one of the other // patch's patch_interp objects. // Every patch has (points to) 4 ghost_zone objects, one for each of // the patch's sides. // // A patch_interp object does the actual interpolation of data from // within a patch (for filling in data in another patch's ghost zone). // A patch_interp object points to the patch and patch_edge where it // will be interpolating. // // For example, suppose we have two patches p and q with a common // angular boundary. Then the desired network of pointers looks like // this (omitting the patch_edge objects for simplicity): // // +-----+ +-----+ // | | <--> p.interpatch_ghost_zone ---> q.patch_interp ---> | | // | p | | q | // | | <--- p.patch_interp <--- q.interpatch_ghost_zone <--> | | // +-----+ +-----+ // // Because of the mutual pointers, we can't easily construct (say) p's // interpatch_ghost_zone until after q itself has been constructed, and // vice versa. Moreover, the patch_interp:: constructor needs the // adjacent-side ghost_zone objects to already exist, and it needs to // know the iperp range of the interpolation region, which can only be // computed from the adjacent-patch interpatch_ghost_zone object. // // The solution adopted here is to use a 3-phase algorithm, ultimately // driven by the patch_system constructor: // * The patch constructors themselves construct the patch_edge objects // and links them to/from the patches. // * The patch_system constructor calls the appropriate functions // patch::create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone() // patch::create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zone() // patch::create_interpatch_ghost_zone() // to construct the ghost_zone objects and link them to/from the // patches. // * The patch_system constructor calls the functions // interpatch_ghost_zone::finish_setup() // to finish setting up the interpatch_ghost_zone objects, construct // the other patch's patch_interp objects, and finish linking the // interpatch_ghost_zone objects to the patch_interp objects. // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // patch - abstract base class to describe a generic coordinate/grid patch // // // There are 3 types of patches, z, x, and y. Each type uses two of // (mu,nu,phi) as its angular coordinates (rho,sigma); the remaining // "unused" one of (mu,nu,phi) is tau. // // z patch ==> (rho,sigma) = (mu,nu) tau = phi // x patch ==> (rho,sigma) = (nu,phi) tau = mu // y patch ==> (rho,sigma) = (mu,phi) tau = nu // // forward declarations class patch_edge; class ghost_zone; class symmetry_ghost_zone; class interpatch_ghost_zone; class patch_interp; class patch_system; // // const qualifiers refer to the gridfn values // class patch : public fd_grid { // // ***** patch system, type, and coordinate metadata ***** // public: // to which patch system do we belong? patch_system& my_patch_system() const { return my_patch_system_; } // each patch has a unique 0-origin small-integer patch number, // usually denoted pn int patch_number() const { return patch_number_; } // each patch has a unique human-readable patch name for debugging etc const char* name() const { return name_; } // typically "+z" etc // are we a +[xyz] or -[xyz] patch? bool is_plus() const { return is_plus_; } // ... values for the is_plus_in constructor argument static const bool patch_is_plus = true; static const bool patch_is_minus = false; // are we a (+/-) x or y or z patch? // ... n.b. type is `char' because this is handy for both // switch() and human-readable printing char ctype() const { return ctype_; } // 'z' or 'x' or 'y' // are two patches really the same patch? // n.b. this does *not* compare any of the gridfn data! bool operator==(const patch& other_patch) const { return patch_number() == other_patch.patch_number(); } bool operator!=(const patch& other_patch) const { return ! operator==(other_patch); } // (rho,sigma,tau) coordinates as singleton coordinate sets local_coords::coords_set coords_set_rho() const { return coords_set_rho_; } local_coords::coords_set coords_set_sigma() const { return coords_set_sigma_; } local_coords::coords_set coords_set_tau() const { return coords_set_tau_; } // {rho,sigma} coordinate set local_coords::coords_set coords_set_rho_sigma() const { return coords_set_rho() | coords_set_sigma(); } // (rho,sigma) coordinates as human-readable character strings // (for labelling output files etc) virtual const char* name_of_rho() const = 0; virtual const char* name_of_sigma() const = 0; // // ***** (rho,sigma,tau) coordinates ***** // public: // convert (rho,sigma) --> tau virtual fp tau_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const = 0; // convert (rho,sigma) --> (mu,nu,phi) virtual fp mu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const = 0; virtual fp nu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const = 0; virtual fp phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const = 0; // convert (rho,sigma) <--> usual polar spherical (theta,phi) virtual void theta_phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& ps_theta, fp& ps_phi) const = 0; virtual void rho_sigma_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi, fp& rho, fp& sigma) const = 0; // convert (r,rho,sigma) <--> local (x,y,z) virtual void xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(fp r, fp rho, fp sigma, fp& x, fp& y, fp& z) const = 0; virtual fp rho_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp sigma_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; // convert (rho,sigma) --> direction cosines (xcos,ycos,zcos) // with respect to the local coordinate system virtual void xyzcos_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& xcos, fp& ycos, fp& zcos) const = 0; // partial (rho,sigma) / partial (x,y,z) virtual fp partial_rho_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial_rho_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial_rho_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial_sigma_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial_sigma_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial_sigma_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; // partial^2 (rho,sigma) / partial (xx,xy,xz,yy,yz) virtual fp partial2_rho_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_rho_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_rho_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_rho_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_rho_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_rho_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; virtual fp partial2_sigma_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const = 0; // plotting coordinates (dpx,dpy) // ... character string describing how (dpx,dpy) are // defined in terms of (mu,nu,phi), eg "90 - drho = 90 - dphi" // (used for labelling output files) virtual const char* name_of_dpx() const = 0; virtual const char* name_of_dpy() const = 0; // ... (irho,isimga) --> (px,py) virtual fp dpx_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const = 0; virtual fp dpy_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const = 0; // // ***** gridfn operations ***** // public: // // The following enum describes the integration methods supported // by integrate_gridfn() . // // For convenience of exposition we describe the methods as if for // 1-D integration, but integrate_gridfn() actually does 2-D // (surface) integration over the patch. // // Suppose we're computing $\int_{x_0}^{x^N} f(x) \, dx$, using the // equally spaced integration points $f_0$, $f_1$, \dots, $f_N$, // spaced $\Delta x$ apart. Then the integration methods are as // follows, with the convention that $\langle X \rangle$ denotes // indefinite repetition of the "X" terms, depending on N: // enum integration_method { // Trapezoid rule // ... character-string name "trapezoid" or "trapezoid rule" // ... 2nd order accurate for smooth functions // ... requires N >= 1 // $$ // \Delta x \left[ // \half f_0 // + \langle // f_k // \rangle // + \half f_N // \right] // $$ integration_method__trapezoid, // Simpson's rule // ... character-string name "Simpson" or "Simpson's rule" // ... 4th order accurate for smooth functions // ... requires N >= 2 and N even // $$ // \Delta x \left[ // \frac{1}{3} f_0 // + \frac{4}{3} f_1 // + \langle // \frac{2}{3} f_{2k} + \frac{4}{3} f_{2k+1} // \rangle // + \frac{1}{3} f_N // \right] // $$ integration_method__Simpson, // Simpson's rule, variant form // ... characgter-string name "Simpson (variant)" // or "Simpson's rule (variant)" // ... described in Numerical Recipes 1st edition (4.1.14) // ... 4th order accurate for smooth functions // ... requires N >= 7 // $$ // \Delta x \left[ // \frac{17}{48} f_0 // + \frac{59}{48} f_1 // + \frac{43}{48} f_2 // + \frac{49}{48} f_3 // + \langle // f_k // \rangle // + \frac{49}{48} f_{N-3} // + \frac{43}{48} f_{N-2} // + \frac{59}{48} f_{N-1} // + \frac{17}{48} f_N // \right] // $$ integration_method__Simpson_variant // no comma here! }; // decode character string name into internal enum static enum integration_method decode_integration_method(const char method_string[]); // integrate a gridfn: computes an approximation to the surface // integral // area_weighting_flag ? $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, dA$ // : $\int f(\rho,\sigma) \, d\rho \, d\sigma$ // where $dA$ is the area element in $(\rho,sigma)$ coordinates // ... integration method selected by method argument // FIXME: right now this is ignored :( :( fp integrate_gridfn(int src_gfn, bool area_weighting_flag, enum integration_method method) const; private: // compute integration coefficient $c_i$ where // $\int_{x_0}^{x_N} f(x) \, dx // \approx \Delta x \, \sum_{i=0}^N c_i f(x_i)$ static fp integration_coeff(enum integration_method method, int N, int i); // // ***** patch edges **** // public: const patch_edge& min_rho_patch_edge() const { return min_rho_patch_edge_; } const patch_edge& max_rho_patch_edge() const { return max_rho_patch_edge_; } const patch_edge& min_sigma_patch_edge() const { return min_sigma_patch_edge_; } const patch_edge& max_sigma_patch_edge() const { return max_sigma_patch_edge_; } const patch_edge& minmax_ang_patch_edge(bool want_min, bool want_rho) const { return want_min ? (want_rho ? min_rho_patch_edge() : min_sigma_patch_edge()) : (want_rho ? max_rho_patch_edge() : max_sigma_patch_edge()); } // find which patch edge is adjacent to neighboring patch q, // or error_exit() if it's not actually a neighboring patch // ... computation done using only (rho,sigma) coordinate sets // and min/max dang bounds ==> ok to use in setting up ghost zones // ... N_overlap_points = number of grid points (grid spacings // in the perpendicular direction) these patches' nominal grids // overlap, // ... if this is nonzero, then these patches must have // the *same* grid spacing in the perpendicular direction // ... e.g. delta_dang = 5, this patch max_dang = 50, // other patch min_dang = 40 ==> N_overlap_points = 3 // p p p p p // q q q q q const patch_edge& edge_adjacent_to_patch(const patch& q, int N_overlap_points = 0) const; // // ***** ghost zones ***** // public: ghost_zone& min_rho_ghost_zone() const { assert(min_rho_ghost_zone_ != NULL); return *min_rho_ghost_zone_; } ghost_zone& max_rho_ghost_zone() const { assert(max_rho_ghost_zone_ != NULL); return *max_rho_ghost_zone_; } ghost_zone& min_sigma_ghost_zone() const { assert(min_sigma_ghost_zone_ != NULL); return *min_sigma_ghost_zone_; } ghost_zone& max_sigma_ghost_zone() const { assert(max_sigma_ghost_zone_ != NULL); return *max_sigma_ghost_zone_; } ghost_zone& minmax_rho_ghost_zone(bool want_min) const { return want_min ? min_rho_ghost_zone() : max_rho_ghost_zone(); } ghost_zone& minmax_sigma_ghost_zone(bool want_min) const { return want_min ? min_sigma_ghost_zone() : max_sigma_ghost_zone(); } ghost_zone& minmax_ang_ghost_zone(bool want_min, bool want_rho) const { return want_rho ? minmax_rho_ghost_zone(want_min) : minmax_sigma_ghost_zone(want_min); } ghost_zone& ghost_zone_on_edge(const patch_edge &e) const; // which of the two ghost zones at a specified corner, // contains a specified point? ghost_zone& corner_ghost_zone_containing_point (bool rho_is_min, bool sigma_is_min, // specifies corner int irho, int isigma) // specifies point const; // which ghost zone contains a specified point? ghost_zone& ghost_zone_containing_point(int irho, int isigma) const; // // ***** set up ghost zones // public: // assert() that this ghost zone hasn't been set up yet, // then set it up as mirror-symmetry void create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone(const patch_edge& edge); // assert() that this ghost zone hasn't been set up yet, // then set it up as periodic-symmetry void create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zone (const patch_edge& my_edge, const patch_edge& other_edge, bool ipar_map_is_plus); // assert() that this ghost zone hasn't been set up yet, // then set it up as interpatch // ... this only sets up ghost zone in skeletal form; use // interpatch_ghost_zone::finish_setup() to complete // the setup process void create_interpatch_ghost_zone (const patch_edge& my_edge, const patch_edge& other_edge, int N_overlap_points); // assert() that all ghost zones // are fully setup void assert_all_ghost_zones_fully_setup() const; private: // helper function for setup_*_ghost_zone(): // assert() that ghost zone pointer on specified edge is NULL // (i.e. that we haven't already setup this ghost zone), // then assign new value to it void set_ghost_zone(const patch_edge& edge, ghost_zone* gzp); // // ***** constructor, destructor, et al ***** // protected: // ... used only from derived classes // ... doesn't set up ghost zone info, since this depends on // knowing our neighbouring patches, which might not exist yet // ... saves a pointer to name_in[], so this should have a // lifetime at least as long as that of this object patch(patch_system &my_patch_system_in, int patch_number_in, const char name_in[], bool is_plus_in, char ctype_in, local_coords::coords_set coords_set_rho_in, local_coords::coords_set coords_set_sigma_in, local_coords::coords_set coords_set_tau_in, const grid_arrays::grid_array_pars& grid_array_pars_in, const grid::grid_pars& grid_pars_in); public: // destructor must be virtual to allow destruction // of derived classes via ptr/ref to this class virtual ~patch(); private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them patch(const patch& rhs); patch& operator=(const patch& rhs); // // ***** data members ***** // private: // type/coordinate metadata patch_system &my_patch_system_; const int patch_number_; const char* name_; const bool is_plus_; const char ctype_; const local_coords::coords_set coords_set_rho_, coords_set_sigma_, coords_set_tau_; // edges const patch_edge& min_rho_patch_edge_; const patch_edge& max_rho_patch_edge_; const patch_edge& min_sigma_patch_edge_; const patch_edge& max_sigma_patch_edge_; // ghost zones // ... pointers are set to NULL by ctor, // reset to non-NULL by set_ghost_zone(), which is called by // create_mirror_symmetry_ghost_zone() // create_periodic_symmetry_ghost_zone() // create_interpatch_ghost_zone() ghost_zone* min_rho_ghost_zone_; ghost_zone* max_rho_ghost_zone_; ghost_zone* min_sigma_ghost_zone_; ghost_zone* max_sigma_ghost_zone_; }; //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // This class describes a +/- z patch. It doesn't define any new // functions not already present in class patch ; it "just" defines // non-virtual versions of all the pure virtual functions defined there. // // z patch ==> (rho,sigma) = (mu,nu) tau = phi // class z_patch : public patch { public: // human-readable names of (rho,sigma) const char* name_of_rho() const { return "mu"; } const char* name_of_sigma() const { return "nu"; } // convert (rho,sigma) --> tau fp tau_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return local_coords::phi_of_mu_nu(rho,sigma); } // convert (rho,sigma) --> (mu,nu,phi) fp mu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return rho; } fp nu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return sigma; } fp phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return local_coords::phi_of_mu_nu(rho,sigma); } // convert (rho,sigma) <--> usual polar spherical (theta,phi) void theta_phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& ps_theta, fp& ps_phi) const { local_coords::theta_phi_of_mu_nu(rho,sigma, ps_theta,ps_phi); } void rho_sigma_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi, fp& rho, fp& sigma) const { local_coords::mu_nu_of_theta_phi(ps_theta,ps_phi, rho,sigma); } // convert (r,rho,sigma) <--> (x,y,z) void xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(fp r, fp rho, fp sigma, fp& x, fp& y, fp& z) const { local_coords::xyz_of_r_mu_nu(r,rho,sigma, x,y,z); } fp rho_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::mu_of_yz(y,z); } fp sigma_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::nu_of_xz(x,z); } // convert (rho,sigma) --> direction cosines (xcos,ycos,zcos) // with respect to the local coordinate system void xyzcos_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& xcos, fp& ycos, fp& zcos) const { local_coords::xyzcos_of_mu_nu(rho,sigma, xcos,ycos,zcos); } // partial (rho,sigma) / partial (x,y,z) fp partial_rho_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial_rho_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_mu_wrt_y(y,z); } fp partial_rho_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_mu_wrt_z(y,z); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_nu_wrt_x(x,z); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial_sigma_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_nu_wrt_z(x,z); } // partial^2 (rho,sigma) / partial (xx,xy,xz,yy,yz) fp partial2_rho_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_mu_wrt_yy(y,z); } fp partial2_rho_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_mu_wrt_yz(y,z); } fp partial2_rho_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_mu_wrt_zz(y,z); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_nu_wrt_xx(x,z); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_nu_wrt_xz(x,z); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_nu_wrt_zz(x,z); } // plotting coordinates (px,py) // ... character string describing how (dpx,dpy) are // defined in terms of (mu,nu,phi), eg "90 - drho = 90 - dphi" // (used for labelling output files) const char* name_of_dpx() const { return "dsigma = dnu"; } const char* name_of_dpy() const { return is_plus() ? "drho = dmu" : "180 - drho = 180 - dmu"; } // ... (irho,isimga) --> (px,py) fp dpx_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return jtutil::degrees_of_radians(sigma); } fp dpy_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { const fp drho = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(rho); return is_plus() ? drho : 180.0 - drho; } // constructor, destructor z_patch(patch_system &my_patch_system_in, int patch_number_in, const char* name_in, bool is_plus_in, const grid_arrays::grid_array_pars& grid_array_pars_in, const grid::grid_pars& grid_pars_in); ~z_patch() { } private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them z_patch(const z_patch& rhs); z_patch& operator=(const z_patch& rhs); }; //***************************************************************************** // // This class describes a +/- x patch. It doesn't define any new // functions not already present in class patch ; it "just" defines // non-virtual versions of all the pure virtual functions defined there. // // x patch ==> (rho,sigma) = (nu,phi) tau = mu // class x_patch : public patch { public: // human-readable names of (rho,sigma) const char* name_of_rho() const { return "nu"; } const char* name_of_sigma() const { return "phi"; } // convert (rho,sigma) --> tau fp tau_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return local_coords::mu_of_nu_phi(rho, sigma); } // convert (rho,sigma) --> (mu,nu,phi) fp nu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return rho; } fp phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return sigma; } fp mu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return local_coords::mu_of_nu_phi(rho, sigma); } // convert (rho,sigma) <--> usual polar spherical (theta,phi) void theta_phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& ps_theta, fp& ps_phi) const { local_coords::theta_phi_of_nu_phi(rho, sigma, ps_theta, ps_phi); } void rho_sigma_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi, fp& rho, fp& sigma) const { local_coords::nu_phi_of_theta_phi(ps_theta, ps_phi, rho, sigma); } // convert (r,rho,sigma) <--> (x,y,z) void xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(fp r, fp rho, fp sigma, fp& x, fp& y, fp& z) const { local_coords::xyz_of_r_nu_phi(r, rho, sigma, x, y, z); } fp rho_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::nu_of_xz(x, z); } fp sigma_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::phi_of_xy(x, y); } // convert (rho,sigma) --> direction cosines (xcos,ycos,zcos) // with respect to the local coordinate system void xyzcos_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& xcos, fp& ycos, fp& zcos) const { local_coords::xyzcos_of_nu_phi(rho,sigma, xcos,ycos,zcos); } // partial (rho,sigma) / partial (x,y,z) fp partial_rho_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_nu_wrt_x(x,z); } fp partial_rho_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial_rho_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_nu_wrt_z(x,z); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_phi_wrt_x(x,y); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_phi_wrt_y(x,y); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } // partial^2 (rho,sigma) / partial (xx,xy,xz,yy,yz) fp partial2_rho_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_nu_wrt_xx(x,z); } fp partial2_rho_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_nu_wrt_xz(x,z); } fp partial2_rho_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_nu_wrt_zz(x,z); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_phi_wrt_xx(x,y); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_phi_wrt_xy(x,y); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_phi_wrt_yy(x,y); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } // plotting coordinates (px,py) // ... character string describing how (dpx,dpy) are // defined in terms of (mu,nu,phi), eg "90 - drho = 90 - dphi" // (used for labelling output files) const char* name_of_dpx() const { return "drho = dnu"; } const char* name_of_dpy() const { return is_plus() ? "dsigma = dphi" : "180 - dsigma = 180 - dphi"; } // ... (irho,isimga) --> (px,py) fp dpx_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return jtutil::degrees_of_radians(rho); } fp dpy_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { const fp dsigma = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(sigma); return is_plus() ? dsigma : 180.0 - dsigma; } // constructor, destructor x_patch(patch_system &my_patch_system_in, int patch_number_in, const char* name_in, bool is_plus_in, const grid_arrays::grid_array_pars& grid_array_pars_in, const grid::grid_pars& grid_pars_in); ~x_patch() { } private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them x_patch(const x_patch& rhs); x_patch& operator=(const x_patch& rhs); }; //***************************************************************************** // // This class describes a +/- y patch. It doesn't define any new // functions not already present in class patch ; it "just" defines // non-virtual versions of all the pure virtual functions defined there. // // y patch ==> (rho,sigma) = (mu,phi) tau = nu // class y_patch : public patch { public: // human-readable names of (rho,sigma) const char* name_of_rho() const { return "mu"; } const char* name_of_sigma() const { return "phi"; } // convert (rho,sigma) --> tau fp tau_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return local_coords::nu_of_mu_phi(rho, sigma); } // convert (rho,sigma) --> (mu,nu,phi) fp mu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return rho; } fp phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return sigma; } fp nu_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return local_coords::nu_of_mu_phi(rho, sigma); } // convert (rho,sigma) <--> usual polar spherical (theta,phi) void theta_phi_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& ps_theta, fp& ps_phi) const { local_coords::theta_phi_of_mu_phi(rho, sigma, ps_theta, ps_phi); } void rho_sigma_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi, fp& rho, fp& sigma) const { local_coords::mu_phi_of_theta_phi(ps_theta, ps_phi, rho, sigma); } // convert (r,rho,sigma) <--> (x,y,z) void xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(fp r, fp rho, fp sigma, fp& x, fp& y, fp& z) const { local_coords::xyz_of_r_mu_phi(r, rho, sigma, x, y, z); } fp rho_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::mu_of_yz(y, z); } fp sigma_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::phi_of_xy(x, y); } // convert (rho,sigma) --> direction cosines (xcos,ycos,zcos) // with respect to the local coordinate system void xyzcos_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma, fp& xcos, fp& ycos, fp& zcos) const { local_coords::xyzcos_of_mu_phi(rho,sigma, xcos,ycos,zcos); } // partial (rho,sigma) / partial (x,y,z) fp partial_rho_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial_rho_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_mu_wrt_y(y,z); } fp partial_rho_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_mu_wrt_z(y,z); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_x(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_phi_wrt_x(x,y); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_y(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial_phi_wrt_y(x,y); } fp partial_sigma_wrt_z(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } // partial^2 (rho,sigma) / partial (xx,xy,xz,yy,yz) fp partial2_rho_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_rho_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_mu_wrt_yy(y,z); } fp partial2_rho_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_mu_wrt_yz(y,z); } fp partial2_rho_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_mu_wrt_zz(y,z); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xx(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_phi_wrt_xx(x,y); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_phi_wrt_xy(x,y); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_xz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yy(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return local_coords::partial2_phi_wrt_yy(x,y); } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_yz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } fp partial2_sigma_wrt_zz(fp x, fp y, fp z) const { return 0.0; } // plotting coordinates (px,py) // ... character string describing how (dpx,dpy) are // defined in terms of (mu,nu,phi), eg "90 - drho = 90 - dphi" // (used for labelling output files) const char* name_of_dpx() const { return is_plus() ? "90 - dsigma = 90 - dphi" : "90 + dsigma = 90 + dphi"; } const char* name_of_dpy() const { return "drho = dmu"; } // ... (rho,simga) --> (px,py) fp dpx_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { const fp dsigma = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(sigma); return is_plus() ? 90.0 - dsigma : 90.0 + dsigma; } fp dpy_of_rho_sigma(fp rho, fp sigma) const { return jtutil::degrees_of_radians(rho); } // constructor, destructor y_patch(patch_system &my_patch_system_in, int patch_number_in, const char* name_in, bool is_plus_in, const grid_arrays::grid_array_pars& grid_array_pars_in, const grid::grid_pars& grid_pars_in); ~y_patch() { } private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them y_patch(const y_patch& rhs); y_patch& operator=(const y_patch& rhs); };