// ghost_zone.hh -- fill in gridfn data in patch ghost zones // $Id$ // // ***** design notes for ghost zones ***** // ghost_zone - abstract base class to describe ghost zone of patch // symmetry_ghost_zone - ... derived class for spacetime-symmetry ghost zone // interpatch_ghost_zone - ... derived class for interpatch ghost zone // // // prerequisites: // // // // "stdc.h" // "config.hh" // "../jtutil/util.hh" // "../jtutil/array.hh" // "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh" // "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" // "coords.hh" // "grid.hh" // "fd_grid.hh" // "patch.hh" // "patch_edge.hh" // "patch_interp.hh" // //***************************************************************************** // // ***** design notes for ghost zones ***** // // // A ghost_zone object describes a patch's ghost zone, and knows how // to compute gridfns there (we usually speak of "synchronizing" the // ghost zone or zones) based on either the patch system's symmetry // or interpolation from a neighboring patch. ghost_zone is an abstract // base class, from which we derive two concrete classes: // * A symmetry_ghost_zone object describes a ghost zone which is a // (discrete) symmetry of spacetime, either mirror-image or periodic. // Such an object knows how to fill in ghost-zone gridfn data from // the "other side" of the symmetry. // * An interpatch_ghost_zone object describes a ghost zone which // overlaps another patch. Such an object knows how to get ghost // zone gridfn data from the other patch. More accurately, it gets // the data by asking (calling) the appropriate one of the other // patch's patch_interp objects. // Every patch has (points to) 4 ghost_zone objects, one for each of // the patch's sides. See the comments in "patch.hh" for a "big picture" // discussion of patches, patch edges, ghost zones, and patch interpolators. // // // There are some unobvious complications involved in synchronizing // the ghost zone "corners", i.e. in ghost zone points that are outside // the nominal grid in *both* coordinates. There are 3 basic cases here: // * A corner between two symmetry ghost zones, for example the -x/-y // corner in the example below. In this case it takes *two* sequential // symmetry operations to get gridfn data in the corner from the // nominal grid. Symmetry operations commute, so at each point we'll // always get the same results independently of in which order we do // the symmetry operations. // * A corner between two interpatch ghost zones, for example the +x/+y // corner in the example below. In this case we could get the gridfn // data by either of two distinct interpolation operations (presumably // from two distinct patches), which would in general give slightly // different results. In some ideal world we might do a centered // interpolation using data from both patches, but this would be // complicated: // - it would require a 2-D interpolation // - it would require bookkeeping for interpolating from multiple // patches within the same ghost zone, indeed for the same ghost // zone point // At present, we follow a simpler approach: we split the corner down // its diagonal, // [for the points on the diagonal we make an arbitrary choice; // at present this is that they belong to (and get their data via) // the rho ghost zone.] // and off-center the interpolation as necessary so each ghost-zone // point gets data solely from the neighboring patch on its own side. // * A corner between a symmetry and an interpatch ghost zone, for // example the +x/-y or -x/+y corners in the example below. In this // case we first do a symmetry operation in the neighboring patch, // then a fully centered interpolation (using the data just obtained // from a symmetry operation) to get data in the non-corner part of // the interpatch ghost zone. After the interpatch interpolation, // we do a final symmetry operation to get gridfn data in the corner. // // In general, then, a ghost zone is rhomboid-shaped: iperp lies in a // fixed interval, while ipar lies in an interval which may depend on // iperp. In general, this shape depends on the type (symmetry vs interpatch) // of the adjacent ghost zones. // // // To properly handle all the symmetry/interpatch cases described above, // we use a 3-phase algorithm to synchronize ghost zones: // Phase 1: Fill in gridfn data at all the non-corner points of symmetry // ghost zones, by using the symmetries to get this data from // its "home patch" nominal grids. // Phase 2: Fill in gridfn data in all the interpatch ghost zones, by // interpatch interpolating from neighboring patches as described // above. // Phase 3: Fill in gridfn data at all the corner points of symmetry // ghost zones, by using the symmetries to get this data from // its "home patch" nominal grids or ghost zones. // Here a given ghost zone corner may be either a full rectangle (so any // given point is a member of both adjacent corners), or split down its // diagonal (so any given point is a member of only one corner). This // 3-phase algorithm is actually implemented by // patch_system::synchronize() // which in turn calls // symmetry_ghost_zone::synchronize() // interpatch_ghost_zone::synchronize() // // // For example, consider the +z patch in an octant patch system, with // the ghost zones being 2 points wide. The following illustration is // looking down the z axis, and uses (x,y) for the patch coordinates // for simplicity: // // # // // i+y i+y i+y i+y i+y i+y i+y // // (-2,7) (-1,7) (0,7) (1,7) (2,7) (3,7) (4,7) (5,7) (6,7) (7,7) // # /i+x // # // // i+y i+y i+y i+y i+y i+y // // (-2,6) (-1,6) (0,6) (1,6) (2,6) (3,6) (4,6) (5,6) (6,6) (7,6) // # /i+x i+x // # // // # // // (-2,5) (-1,5) 2,5)--(1,5)--(2,5)--(3,5)--(4,5)--(5,5) (6,5) (7,5) // s-x s-x # | i+x i+x // # | // # | // (-2,4) (-1,4) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4) (6,4) (7,4) // s-x s-x # | i+x i+x // # | // # | // (-2,3) (-1,3) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (6,3) (7,3) // s-x s-x # | i+x i+x // # | // # | // (-2,2) (-1,2) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (6,2) (7,2) // s-x s-x # | i+x i+x // # | // # | // (-2,1) (-1,1) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (6,1) (7,1) // s-x s-x # | i+x i+x // # | // # | // #(-2,0)#(-1,0)##(0,0)##(1,0)##(2,0)##(3,0)##(4,0)##(5,0)##(6,0)##(7,0) // s-x s-x # i+x i+x // # // s-y s-y s-y s-y s-y s-y // (-2,-1)(-1,-1) (0,-1) (1,-1) (2,-1) (3,-1) (4,-1) (5,-1) (6,-1) (7,-1) // # // # // s-y s-y s-y s-y s-y s-y // (-2,-2)(-1,-2) (0,-2) (1,-2) (2,-2) (3,-2) (4,-2) (5,-2) (6,-2) (7,-2) // # // # // // For this example, // * The xz plane and yz plane are marked with ### lines // * The +z patch's nominal grid is ([0,5],[0,5]), i.e. 0 <= x,y <= 5; // its boundary lines are shown with single lines --- and | . // * The diagonal where we've split corners are marked with // lines. // * The +z patch's ghost zones are // -x: (-1,[-1,7]), (-2,[-2,7]) // +x: (6,[-2,6]), (7,[-2,7]) // -y: ([-2, 7],[-2,-1]) // +y: ([-2,5],6), ([-2,6],7) // * The regions where we will interpolate data from the +z patch are // +x: ([ 3,4],[-2,7]) // +y: ([-2,7],[ 3,4]) // Note that in both cases the interpolation region includes the points // computed by symmetry (in phase 1 of our 3-phase algorithm) on the // adjacent edges! There are no interpolation regions inside the -x or // -y boundaries, since no interpolation is needed across those boundaries // of this patch. // The diagonal *** line shows the boundary between the +x and +y ghost // zones. // // Our 3-phase algorithm described above thus becomes: // Phase 1: Fill in gridfn values at points marked with "s-x" below or // "s-y" above via symmetry mirroring across the -x boundary // (yz plane) or -y boundary (xz plane), as described by the // +z patch's -x or -y symmetry_ghost_zone object respectively. // Phase 2: Fill in gridfn values at points marked with "i+x" below or // "i+y" above via interpatch interpolation from the neighboring // patch across the +z patch's +x or +y boundary, as described // by the +z patch's +x or +y interpatch_ghost_zone object // respectively. // Phase 3: Fill in gridfn values at points marked with "" below or // "" above via symmetry mirroring across the -x boundary // (yz plane) or -y boundary (xz plane), as described by the // +z patch's -x or -y symmetry_ghost_zone object respectively. // //***************************************************************************** // // ghost_zone - abstract base class to describe ghost zone of patch // // This is an abstract base class describing a generic patch ghost zone. // This might represent either of: // - a discrete symmetry of spacetime (derived class symmetry_ghost_zone) // - an overlap with another patch (derived class interpatch_ghost_zone) // // // N.b. const qualifiers in ghost_zone and its derived classes refer to // the underlying gridfn data. // // forward declarations class symmetry_ghost_zone; class interpatch_ghost_zone; class patch_system; class ghost_zone { public: // // ***** main high-level client interface ***** // // "synchronize" a ghost zone, i.e. update the ghost-zone values // of the specified gridfns via the appropriate sequence of // symmetry operations and interpatch interpolations // (flags specify which part(s) of the ghost zone we want) // virtual void synchronize(int ghosted_min_gfn, int ghosted_max_gfn, bool want_min_par_corner = true, bool want_noncorner = true, bool want_max_par_corner = true) = 0; public: // // ***** Jacobian of synchronize() ***** // // This function computes the Jacobian of the synchronize() // operation into internal buffers; the following functions // provide access to that Jacobian. // // FIXME: should these be moved out into a separate Jacobian // object/class? // // Note that this function just computes the Jacobian of this // ghost zone's synchronize() operation -- it does *NOT* take // into account the 3-phase synchronization algorithm described // in the header comments for this file. (That's done by // patch_system::synchronize_Jacobian() and its subfunctions.) // // n.b. terminology is // partial gridfn at x // ------------------- // partial gridfn at y // virtual void compute_Jacobian(int ghosted_min_gfn, int ghosted_max_gfn, bool want_min_par_corner = true, bool want_noncorner = true, bool want_max_par_corner = true) const = 0; // // The API in the remaining functions implicitly assumes that // the Jacobian is independent of ghosted_gfn , and also that // the structure of the Jacobian is such that the set of y points // (with nonzero Jacobian values) in a single row of the Jacobian // matrix (i.e. the set of points on which a single ghost-zone point // depends), // - lies entirely within a single y patch // - has the same number of points for every x point in this ghost zone // - has a single yiperp value (depending on our iperp, of course) // - have a contiguous interval of yipar (depending on our iperp // and ipar, of course), whose size is // [or can be taken to be without an unreasonable // amount of zero-padding] // independent of our iperp and ipar; we parameterize this // interval as yipar = posn+m where posn is determined by // our iperp and ipar, and m has a fixed range independent // of our iperp and ipar // // to which patch/edge do the y points in this Jacobian row belong? virtual patch& Jacobian_y_patch() const = 0; virtual const patch_edge& Jacobian_y_edge() const = 0; // what is the [min,max] range of m for this ghost zone? virtual int Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m() const = 0; virtual int Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m() const = 0; // what is the iperp of the Jacobian y points in their (y) patch? virtual int Jacobian_y_iperp(int x_iperp) const = 0; // what is the posn value of the y points in this Jacobian row? virtual int Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(int x_iperp, int x_ipar) const = 0; // what is the Jacobian // partial synchronize() px.gridfn(ghosted_gfn, x_iperp, x_ipar) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // partial py.gridfn(ghosted_gfn, y_iperp, y_posn+y_ipar_m) // where // y_iperp = Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp) // y_posn = Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(x_iperp, x_ipar) virtual fp Jacobian(int x_iperp, int x_ipar, int y_ipar_m) const = 0; public: // // ***** low-level client interface ***** // // to which patch/edge do we belong? patch& my_patch() const { return my_patch_; } const patch_edge& my_edge() const { return my_edge_; } // what type of ghost zone are we? bool is_interpatch() const { return is_interpatch_; } bool is_symmetry() const { return !is_interpatch_; } // convenience forwarding functions down to patch_edge:: bool is_min() const { return my_edge().is_min(); } bool is_rho() const { return my_edge().is_rho(); } // min/max iperp of the ghost zone int min_iperp() const { return my_patch() .minmax_ang_ghost_zone__min_iperp(is_min(), is_rho()); } int max_iperp() const { return my_patch() .minmax_ang_ghost_zone__max_iperp(is_min(), is_rho()); } // inner/outer iperp of the ghost zone wrt our patch int inner_iperp() const { return is_min() ? max_iperp() : min_iperp(); } int outer_iperp() const { return is_min() ? min_iperp() : max_iperp(); } // extreme min/max ipar that might possibly be part of this ghost zone // (derived classes may actually use a subset of this) int extreme_min_ipar() const { return my_edge().min_ipar_with_corners(); } int extreme_max_ipar() const { return my_edge().max_ipar_with_corners(); } // actual min/max ipar in the ghost zone at a particular iperp // (may depend on type of the adjacent ghost zones) virtual int min_ipar(int iperp) const = 0; virtual int max_ipar(int iperp) const = 0; // point membership predicate bool is_in_ghost_zone(int iperp, int ipar) const { // n.b. don't test ipar until we're sure iperp is in range! return (iperp >= min_iperp()) && (iperp <= max_iperp()) && (ipar >= min_ipar(iperp)) && (ipar <= max_ipar(iperp)); } // adjacent ghost zones to our min/max corners const ghost_zone& min_par_adjacent_ghost_zone() const { return my_patch() .ghost_zone_on_edge( my_edge().min_par_adjacent_edge() ); } const ghost_zone& max_par_adjacent_ghost_zone() const { return my_patch() .ghost_zone_on_edge( my_edge().max_par_adjacent_edge() ); } // // ***** constructor, finish setup, destructor ***** // protected: // ... values for is_interpatch_in constructor argument static const bool ghost_zone_is_symmetry = false; static const bool ghost_zone_is_interpatch = true; // constructor // ... only used in implementing our derived classes; // the rest of the world constructs our derived classes instead ghost_zone(const patch_edge& my_edge_in, bool is_interpatch_in) : my_patch_(my_edge_in.my_patch()), my_edge_(my_edge_in), is_interpatch_(is_interpatch_in) { } public: // assert() that ghost zone is fully setup: // defined here ==> no-op // symmetry ghost zone ==> unchanged ==> no-op // interpatch ghost zone ==> check consistency of this and the // other patch's ghost zones and // patch_interp objects virtual void assert_fully_setup() const { } // destructor must be virtual to allow destruction // of derived classes via ptr/ref to this class virtual ~ghost_zone() { } private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them (either here or in derived classes) ghost_zone(const ghost_zone& rhs); ghost_zone& operator=(const ghost_zone& rhs); private: patch& my_patch_; const patch_edge& my_edge_; const bool is_interpatch_; }; //***************************************************************************** // // symmetry_ghost_zone - derived class for spacetime-symmetry ghost zone // // In practice, there are two types of spacetime symmetry ghost zone: // mirror symmetry and periodic symmetry. However, it turns out that the // code needed to handle periodic BCs is basically a superset of that // needed to handle mirror symmetries, so this class represents a generic // symmetry ghost zone which may be of either type, and once constructed // doesn't distinguish between the two. // // In general, a symmetry ghost zone implies that there's a 1-1 mapping // between ghost zone points of this patch, and (a subset of the) interior // points of this or another patch. If tensors are involved (this isn't // used at present in the horizon finder), there's also a corresponding // 1-1 mapping between (angular) tensor components. // // A mirror-symmetry ghost zone is specified by (the constructor arguments) // - a patch edge // - the (fp) perp coordinate of the mirror plane // The mapping of ghost zone points is thus "just" the mirror imaging of // iperp across the symmetry plane within this same patch. (The mapping // leaves ipar invariant.) // // A periodic-symmetry ghost zone is specified by (the constructor arguments) // - a patch edge (specifies the ghost zone) // - the patch edge to which the ghost zone is to be mapped // - a pair of ipar coordinates, one on this edge and one on the other edge, // which map into each other // - the sign of the ipar mapping (does increasing ipar on this edge map to // increasing or decreasing ipar on the other edge?) // The mapping of ghost zone points is the periodic mapping; this may map // the ghost zone points to interior points of either this same patch or a // different one. // // In general, the symmetry mapping of ghost zone points is of the form // (iperp, ipar) --> (const +/- iperp, const +/- ipar) // The iperp mapping is always in the direction // outside the patch --> inside the patch // while the ipar mapping might have either sign. // If there are tensors, the corresponding mapping of tensor components is // (index_perp, index_par) --> (+/-) (+/-) (index_perp, index_par) // (that is, the two +/- signs are multiplied). // // Since all the member functions are const , a symmetry_ghost_zone // object is effectively always const . // class symmetry_ghost_zone : public ghost_zone { public: // // ***** main high-level client interface ***** // // "synchronize" a ghost zone, i.e. update the ghost-zone values // of the specified gridfns via the appropriate symmetry operations // (flags specify which part(s) of the ghost zone we want) // void synchronize(int ghosted_min_gfn, int ghosted_max_gfn, bool want_min_par_corner = true, bool want_noncorner = true, bool want_max_par_corner = true); // // ***** Jacobian of synchronize() ***** // // n.b. terminology is // partial gridfn at x // ------------------- // partial gridfn at y // // allocate internal buffers, compute Jacobian // ... this function is a no-op in this class void compute_Jacobian(int ghosted_min_gfn, int ghosted_max_gfn, bool want_min_par_corner = true, bool want_noncorner = true, bool want_max_par_corner = true) const { } // to which patch/edge do the y points in this Jacobian row belong? patch& Jacobian_y_patch() const { return symmetry_patch_; } const patch_edge& Jacobian_y_edge() const { return symmetry_edge_; } // what is the [min,max] range of m for this ghost zone? int Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m() const { return 0; } int Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m() const { return 0; } // what is the oiperp of the Jacobian points (= iperp in their patch)? virtual int Jacobian_y_iperp(int x_iperp) const { return iperp_map_of_iperp(x_iperp); } // what is the posn value of the points in this Jacobian row? int Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(int x_iperp, int x_ipar) const { return ipar_map_of_ipar(x_ipar); } // what is the Jacobian // partial synchronize() px.gridfn(ghosted_gfn, x_iperp, x_ipar) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // partial py.gridfn(ghosted_gfn, y_iperp, y_posn+y_ipar_m) // where // y_iperp = Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp) // y_posn = Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(x_iperp, x_ipar) fp Jacobian(int x_iperp, int x_ipar, int y_ipar_m) const { return (y_ipar_m == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } // // ***** low-level client interface ***** // // symmetry-map coordinates patch& symmetry_patch() const { return symmetry_patch_; } const patch_edge& symmetry_edge() const { return symmetry_edge_; } int iperp_map_of_iperp(int iperp) const { return iperp_map_->map(iperp); } int ipar_map_of_ipar(int ipar) const { return ipar_map_->map(ipar); } fp fp_sign_of_iperp_map() const { return iperp_map_->fp_sign(); } fp sign_of_ipar_map() const { return ipar_map_->fp_sign(); } // min/max ipar of the ghost zone // ... we always include the corners // (cf. the example at the start of this file) int min_ipar(int iperp) const { return extreme_min_ipar(); } int max_ipar(int iperp) const { return extreme_max_ipar(); } // // ***** constructors, destructor ***** // public: // constructor for mirror-symmetry ghost zone symmetry_ghost_zone(const patch_edge& my_edge_in); // constructor for periodic-symmetry ghost zone // ... ipar mapping specified by giving sample point and mapping sign symmetry_ghost_zone (const patch_edge& my_edge_in, const patch_edge& symmetry_edge_in, int my_edge_sample_ipar, int symmetry_edge_sample_ipar, bool ipar_map_is_plus); ~symmetry_ghost_zone(); private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them symmetry_ghost_zone(const symmetry_ghost_zone& rhs); symmetry_ghost_zone& operator=(const symmetry_ghost_zone& rhs); private: // symmetry mapping --> interior of which patch? which edge? patch& symmetry_patch_; const patch_edge& symmetry_edge_; // symmetry mappings for (iperp,ipar) // ... we own these objects const jtutil::cpm_map* iperp_map_; const jtutil::cpm_map* ipar_map_; }; //***************************************************************************** // // interpatch_ghost_zone - derived class for interpatch ghost zone of a patch // // A ghost_zone object maps (my_iperp,my_ipar) coordinates to the other // patch's (other_iperp,other_par) coordinates, then calls the other patch's // patch_interp object to interpolate the other patch's data to those // coordinates. // // Note that as described in the "design notes for ghost zones" // comments above, interpatch_ghost_zone objects are constructed in // the 2nd and 3rd phase of the overall construction process described // at the comments at the start of "patch.hh" // [done by our constructor] // - set up the object itslf and its links to/from the patches and // their edges // [done by finish_setup()] // - set up the interpatch mapping information, data pointers, and // interpolation result buffer // - construct the patch_interp object to interpolate from the other // patch, and save a pointer to it // class patch_interp; class interpatch_ghost_zone : public ghost_zone { public: // // ***** main high-level client interface ***** // // "synchronize" a ghost zone, i.e. update the ghost-zone // values of the specified gridfns via the appropriate // interpatch interpolations // (flags specify which part(s) of the ghost zone we want) // // ... the present implementation only supports the case where // all of the flags are set // void synchronize(int ghosted_min_gfn, int ghosted_max_gfn, bool want_min_par_corner = true, bool want_noncorner = true, bool want_max_par_corner = true); // // ***** Jacobian of synchronize() ***** // // n.b. terminology is // partial gridfn at x // ------------------- // partial gridfn at y // // allocate internal buffers, compute Jacobian // // ... the present implementation only supports the case where // all of the flags are set // void compute_Jacobian(int ghosted_min_gfn, int ghosted_max_gfn, bool want_min_par_corner = true, bool want_noncorner = true, bool want_max_par_corner = true) const; // to which patch/edge do the y points in this Jacobian row belong? patch& Jacobian_y_patch() const { return other_patch_; } const patch_edge& Jacobian_y_edge() const { return other_edge_; } // what is the [min,max] range of m for this ghost zone? int Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m() const { return Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m_; } int Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m() const { return Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m_; } // what is the iperp of the Jacobian y points in their (y) patch? // ... the ipar row of grid points is actually the same, so // we just have to translate x_iperp to the y patch's coordinates int Jacobian_y_iperp(int x_iperp) const { return other_iperp(x_iperp); } // what is the posn value of the y points in this Jacobian row? int Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(int x_iperp, int x_ipar) const { assert(Jacobian_y_ipar_posn_ != NULL); const int y_iperp = Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp); return (*Jacobian_y_ipar_posn_)(y_iperp, x_ipar); } // what is the Jacobian // partial synchronize() px.gridfn(ghosted_gfn, x_iperp, x_ipar) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // partial py.gridfn(ghosted_gfn, y_iperp, y_posn+y_ipar_m) // where // y_iperp = Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp) // y_posn = Jacobian_y_ipar_posn(x_iperp, x_ipar) fp Jacobian(int x_iperp, int x_ipar, int y_ipar_m) const { assert(Jacobian_buffer_ != NULL); assert(y_ipar_m >= Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m_); assert(y_ipar_m <= Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m_); const int y_iperp = Jacobian_y_iperp(x_iperp); return (*Jacobian_buffer_)(y_iperp, x_ipar, y_ipar_m); } private: // helper function for synchronize() and compute_Jacobian(): // verify (no-op if ok, error_exit() if not) that caller wants // to operate on the entire ghost zone, since our implementations // of synchronize() and compute_Jacobian() only support this case void verify_caller_wants_all_of_ghost_zone(bool want_min_par_corner, bool want_non_corner, bool want_max_par_corner) const; // // ***** low-level client interface ***** // public: // basic connectivity info patch& other_patch() const { return other_patch_; } const patch_edge& other_edge() const { return other_edge_; } // check consistency of this and the other patch's ghost zones // and patch_interp objects void assert_fully_setup() const; // min/max ipar of the ghost zone for specified iperp // with possibly "triangular" corners depending on the type // (symmetry vs interpatch) of the adjacent ghost zones // (cf. comments & example at the start of this file) int min_ipar(int iperp) const; int max_ipar(int iperp) const; // convert our iperp --> other patch's iperp int other_iperp(int iperp) const { assert(other_iperp_ != NULL); return other_iperp_->map(iperp); } // // ***** constructor, finish setup, destructor ***** // public: interpatch_ghost_zone(const patch_edge& my_edge_in, const patch_edge& other_edge_in, int N_overlap_points); // finish setup (requires adjacent-side ghost_zone objects // to exist, though not to have finish_setup() called): // - setup par coordinate mapping information // - setup interpolator data pointers & result buffer // - create patch_interp object to interpolate from *other* patch void finish_setup(int interp_handle, int interp_par_table_handle); ~interpatch_ghost_zone(); private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them interpatch_ghost_zone(const interpatch_ghost_zone& rhs); interpatch_ghost_zone& operator=(const interpatch_ghost_zone& rhs); private: patch& other_patch_; const patch_edge& other_edge_; // // all the remaining pointers are initialized to NULL pointers // in our constructor, then finally allocated and set up by // finish_setup() or compute_Jacobian() as appropriate // // FIXME: should these be moved out into a separate object/class // for the interp stuff and/or another one for the Jacobian? // // see comment in "patch_interp.hh" for why this is "const" const patch_interp* other_patch_interp_; // other patch's iperp coordinates of our ghost zone points // ... maps my_iperp --> other_iperp jtutil::cpm_map* other_iperp_; // min/max values of other patch's iperp coordinates // of our ghost zone points int min_other_iperp_, max_other_iperp_; // [min,max]_ipar used at each other_iperp // ... we will pass these arrays by reference // to the other patch's patch_interp object // ... index is (other_iperp) jtutil::array1d* min_ipar_used_; jtutil::array1d* max_ipar_used_; // other patch's (fp) parallel coordinates of our ghost zone points // ... we will pass this array by reference // to the other patch's patch_interp object // using my_ipar as the patch_interp's parindex // ... subscripts are (other_iperp, my_ipar) jtutil::array2d* other_par_; // buffer into which the other patch's patch_interp object // will store the interpolated gridfn values // ... we will pass this array by reference // to the other patch's patch_interp object // using my_ipar as the patch_interp's parindex // ... subscripts are (gfn, other_iperp,my_ipar) jtutil::array3d* interp_result_buffer_; // // stuff computed by compute_Jacobian() // // n.b. terminology is // partial gridfn at x // ------------------- // partial gridfn at y // mutable int Jacobian_min_y_ipar_m_, Jacobian_max_y_ipar_m_; // other patch's y ipar posn for a Jacobian row // ... subscripts are (oiperp, ipar) mutable jtutil::array2d* Jacobian_y_ipar_posn_; // Jacobian values // ... subscripts are (y_iperp, x_ipar, y_ipar_m) mutable jtutil::array3d* Jacobian_buffer_; };