This directory contains C++ code for the horizon finder's basic multi-patch infrastructure. This code doesn't know about relativity. The main classes defined in this directory are as follows: patch_system is the top-level class representing a multipatch system. It stores the actual grid function data, defines the actual finite differencing operations (both 2nd and 4th order are provided, presently selected by #ifdef at compile time), and keeps pointers to all the other objects making up the patch system. x_patch, y_patch, z_patch represent individual patches near the +/- x, +/- y, and +/- z axes respectively. patch is an virtual base class representing a grid patch. patch_edge represents the geometry of a single edge of a patch, ie it represents the conversions between (perpendicular,parallel) and (rho,sigma) coordinates. ghost_zone is a virtual base class representing the ghost zone along a single edge of a patch. interpatch_ghost_zone represents a ghost zone where we get data by interpolating it from a neighboring patch. symmetry_ghost_zone represents a ghost zone where we get data by a discrete symmetry (eg a reflection or periodic boundary condition). patch_interp is our interface to the interpatch interpolation. Class patch is in term implemented using the following helper classes: grid This class is derived from class grid_arrays , and adds the floating-point grid-coordinate metadata. grid_arrays This class stores the basic integer-array-subscripts metadata for a 2-D grid. The implementation also uses the low-level generic helper template classes in namespace jtutil::, which are all defined in ../jtutil/ . All the code makes heavy use of the type fp , defined in fp.hh . This is the floating-point type, i.e. CCTK_REAL. coord_derivs.maple coord_derivs.out are maple input and output to compute derivatives of the coordinate-transformation functions for the local_coords::partial*_wrt_*() and local_coords::partial2*_wrt_*() functions There are also a number of test drivers in test_*.cc : These are standalone test drivers to test various coordinate conversions; there are targets in ./makefile to build them. This is a Cactus driver to do various tests of the patch system. To use it you need to uncomment its line in ./make.code.defn .