#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # $Id: mpp,v 1.1 2002-04-13 13:47:50 jthorn Exp $ my $help_msg = <<'EOF'; Usage: mpp [ -Dfoo -DBAR ... ] [ --debug ] output.mm or mpp --help This program is a preprocessor for Maple source code. It's modeled after a subset of the C preprocessor (cpp), but with a Maple-flavored syntax: preprocessor directives use @ as the marker character, instead of cpp's #. The @include, @ifdef, @ifndef, @else, and @endif directives are supported with the same syntax and semantics as the corresponding cpp directives, except that @include "filename" optional_text prints optional_text (if present) on a separate line following the contents of the include file. There may be white space on a line before the '@' which introduces a preprocessor directive, but no white space between '@' and the directive name. Command line arguments of the form -Dname define macros, whose existence may be tested with @ifdef, @ifndef, @else, and/or @endif as usual. For example, one might write @ifdef MAPLE_V_RELEASE_3 words(0): gc(0): @else kernelopts(printbytes=false); @endif to disable Maple's printing of 'bytes used' messages. EOF ############################################################################### # # ***** copyright notice and licensing terms ***** # # # Copyright (C) 2000, Jonathan Thornburg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################### # # ***** table of contents ***** # # # <<>> # <<>> # <<>> # <<>> # main - driver # process - recursive function to copy a named file to standard output # # dirname - find directory part of file name # ############################################################################### # # ***** global data structures ***** # # # This hash table records macros: # key = macro name # value = macro definition # my %macro_table = (); ############################################################################### # # ***** main program ***** # use strict; use integer; use FileHandle; # # constants # # arguments for process() my $true = 1; my $false = 0; # arguments for process() my $read_to_endif = 0; my $read_to_else_or_endif = 1; my $read_to_eof = -1; # results from process() my $got_endif = 0; my $got_else = 1; my $got_eof = -1; # # command line handling # my $debug = 0; if ((scalar(@ARGV) == 1) && ($ARGV[0] eq '--help')) { print $help_msg; exit(0); } while (my $arg = shift(@ARGV)) { if ($arg eq '--debug') { $debug = 1 } elsif ($arg =~ /^-D(.*)$/) { my $macro_name = $1; if ($debug) { print "defining macro :$macro_name:\n"; } $macro_table{$1} = 1; } else { die("mpp: bad argument \"$arg\"!\n"); } } process(new FileHandle('< -'), '(standard input)', 1, $true, $read_to_eof); exit; ############################################################################### # # This (recursive) function reads input lines from a FileHandle, and # interprets preprocessor directives (making recursive calls for each # @include or @ifdef). It either prints non-preprocessor lines or # discards them, depending on a flag argument. This function returns # when it either reaches end of file on the FileHandle, or sees an # @else or @endif line. # # Arguments: # $fh = The FileHandle from which to copy data. # $file_name = The file name corresponding to $fh. This is (only) used # for formatting error messages. An empty string denotes # standard input. # $line_number = The line number within $file_name at which $fh is positioned. # This is (only) used for formatting error messages. # $print_flag = A Boolean flag: # $true ==> Print non--preprocessor-directive input lines. # $false ==> Ignore non--preprocessor-directive input lines. # $how_to_finish = A flag specifying how we finish our processing: # $read_to_endif ==> We expect to finish by seeing an @endif. # $read_to_else_or_endif ==> We expect to finish by seeing either an # @else or an @endif. # $read_to_eof ==> We expect to finish by reaching # end-of-file on the input. # In any case, we die(...) if we finish due to a wrong reason. # # Results: # This function returns a 2-element list # ($final_line_number, $how_finished) # where # $final_line_number = The value of $line_number for the last input # line read # $how_finished = Describes which termination condition actually # caused us to finish: # $got_endif ==> We saw an @ifdef # $got_else ==> We saw an @else # $got_eof ==> We reached end-of-file on the input # sub process { my ($fh, $file_name, $line_number, $print_flag, $how_to_finish) = @_; # special-case standard input my $stdin_flag = ($file_name eq ''); if ($file_name eq '') { $file_name = '(standard input)'; } if ($debug) { print "process(\"${file_name}\", line ${line_number}):\n", " print_flag = :${print_flag}: how_to_finish = :${how_to_finish}:\n"; } # main data loop for ( ; my $line = <$fh> ; ++$line_number) { # not an @ directive if ($line !~ /^\s*@/) { if ($print_flag) { print $line; } next; # *** LOOP CONTROL *** } # @include elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\@\s*include\s+"([^"]+)"(.*)$/) { my $include_file_name = $1; my $suffix = $2; if ($debug) { print "got \@include :$include_file_name:", " suffix = :$suffix:\n"; } if ($print_flag) # if we're discarding lines, we can # skip processing the @include file, # since @ifdef ... @endif directives # are (assumed to be) always properly # nested with respect to @include { # open the @include file # ... first look for it in (relative to) current dir, # failing that, try directory of file containing # @include my $include_fh = new FileHandle("< $include_file_name"); if ((! defined $include_fh) && (! $stdin_flag)) { my $dir = dirname($file_name); my $include_fh = new FileHandle( "< $dir/$include_file_name" ); } if (! defined $include_fh) { die( "***** mpp: unable to open \@include file \"$include_file_name\"\n", " at input file \"$file_name\", line $line_number\n" ); } # recursive call to process @include file process($include_fh, $include_file_name, 1, $true, $read_to_eof); $include_fh->close(); # print any suffix print "$suffix\n"; } } # @ifdef elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\@\s*if(n?)def\s+(\S+)/) { my $negate_flag = ($1 eq 'n'); my $macro_name = $2; if ($debug) { print "got \@ifdef/\@ifndef:", " macro_name = :${macro_name}:", " negate_flag = :${negate_flag}:\n"; } my $macro_is_defined = (exists $macro_table{$macro_name}); my $doit_flag = $negate_flag ? (! $macro_is_defined) : $macro_is_defined; if ($debug) { print "==> macro_is_defined = :${macro_is_defined}:", " doit_flag = :${doit_flag}:\n"; } # recursive call to process body of @ifdef my ($final_line_number, $how_finished) = process($fh, $file_name, $line_number+1, $print_flag && $doit_flag, $read_to_else_or_endif); $line_number = $final_line_number; if ($how_finished == $got_else) { # recursive call to skip @else text ($final_line_number, $how_finished) = process($fh, $file_name, $line_number+1, $print_flag && !$doit_flag, $read_to_endif); $line_number = $final_line_number; } } # @endif elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\@\s*endif/) { if ( ($how_to_finish == $read_to_endif) || ($how_to_finish == $read_to_else_or_endif) ) { return ($line_number, $got_endif);# *** EARLY RETURN *** } else { die( "***** mpp: \@endif when not within the scope of an \@ifdef\n", " at input file \"$file_name\", line $line_number\n" ); } } # @else elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\@\s*else/) { if ($how_to_finish == $read_to_else_or_endif) { return ($line_number, $got_else); # *** EARLY RETURN *** } else { die( "***** mpp: \@else when not within the scope of an \@ifdef\n", " at input file \"$file_name\", line $line_number\n" ); } } else { die( "***** mpp: unknown @-directive \"$line\"!\n", " at input file \"$file_name\", line $line_number\n" ); } } if ($how_to_finish != $read_to_eof) { die( "***** mpp: unexpected end-of-file (i.e. unterminated \@ifdef)\n", " at input file \"$file_name\", line $line_number\n" ); } return -1; } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # This function computes the directory part of a file name. # It is (should be) identical in effect to the dirname(1) program. # sub dirname { my ($file_name) = @_; # strip off reundant trailing / if (($file_name =~ /\/$/) && ($file_name ne '/')) { $file_name = substr($file_name, 0, length($file_name)-1); } if (index($file_name, '/') >= 0) { # $file_name contains a / $file_name =~ s:/[^/]+$::; if ($file_name eq '') { $file_name = '/'; } } else { # $file name doesn't contain a / $file_name = '.'; } return $file_name; }