# gfa.maple -- low-level gridfn array "database" # $Id$ # # ***** gridfn arrays ***** # ***** functional dependences ***** # ***** gridfn-array sets ***** # make_gfa - construct a new gridfn array # assert_fnd_exists - assert (verify) that a given gridfn array fnd form exists # Maple_name - Maple name of functional-dependence form # # index/symmetric3_23 - Maple indexing fn for rank 3 array sym on axes 23 # # print_symmetric3_23 - prettyprint a symmetric3_23 array # ################################################################################ # # ***** gridfn arrays ***** # # # The basic data objects for the Maple code are grid function arrays, # a.k.a. gridfn arrays, such as the metric g_dd, the Christoffel symbols # Gamma_udd, etc etc. # # By convention, the name of a nonscalar geometric object ends with an # underscore ("_") followed by a sequence of "d" or "u" specifying whether # the indices are down (covariant) or up (contravariant). Thus, for # example, g_dd is the covariant metric, while g_uu is the inverse metric. # # Scalar geometric objects are represented by Maple scalars, while # nonscalar objects (often but not necessarily tensors) are represented # by Maple arrays, using Maple indexing functions for any symmetries # or sparsity. For example, the metric g_dd is represented by an # array # array(1..N, 1..N, symmetric) # By convention, for a symmetric array of this type, we only compute # the upper triangle. # ################################################################################ # # ***** functional dependences ***** # # # Within the Maple code, we distinguish between two distinct forms # that a gridfn array may take: # - The "inert" form of a gridfn array represents (only) the symmetries, # zero (or nonzero but constant) elements, and indexing semantics of # the gridfn array. # - The "functional dependence" form of a gridfn array additionally # represents how that gridfn array is computed from other gridfn # arrays. # # For example, consider the inverse metric g_uu . It's inert form # is a 3*3 symmetric array, with all elements being unassigned symbols # (i.e. evaluating to themselves, as is usual in Maple). It's functional # dependence form, in contrast, is also a 3*3 symmetric array, but its # elements are expressions giving the inverse-metric elements in terms # of components of the metric and/or the metric determinant. # # Any given gridfn array may exist in either or (the usual case) both # an inert form and a functional dependence forms. There may also be # multiple functional dependence forms, corresponding to alternative # formulas for its computation.) # # The inert form of a gridfn array is represented by a Maple variable # or array (see below) of the same name (eg g_uu ), unassigned except # for any symmetries and/or zero components the gridfn array has. # # The functional dependence form of a gridfn array is represented by # a Maple array (see below) with a name formed by appending "__fnd" # to the gridfn array's name (eg g_uu__fnd ); this array has the same # symmetries as the corresponding inert Maple array, but only those # elements needed will be assigned. If there are multiple functional # dependence forms, by convention each uses a name beginning in "__" # and ending in "fnd", eg H__ps_fnd . # # The PDE compiler normally generates C code referring to the (inert) # gridfn array names, so these should be valid C variable names. # # # To allow some run-time error checking, we keep a global table # of all the gridfn array functional-dependence forms: # `gfa/fnd_table` # ... table index is gfa__fnd_name # ... table value is true # assert_fnd_exists() uses this table to verify that a given gridfn # array functional-dependence form does indeed exist. # # # Functional-dependence forms may be multilevel, as in (eg) # g_dd__Kerr_fnd__ps_fnd . cat() may be used to combine names in # this manner. # ################################################################################ # # This function makes the Maple representation of a single gridfn array. # # Arguments: # gfa_name = (out*) The Maple variable to be created for the gridfn # array. This argument should be passed as an # unevaluated (quoted) name. # fnd_name_set = (in) A set of functional dependence types the gridfn # array is to have. The set's members should be # drawn from from {inert, fnd, ...} as appropriate, # where the special value inert refers to the # inert form. # index_bounds = (in) The list of index bounds for the gridfn array, # index_fn = (in) The name of the array indexing function, if any, or # 'none' if the gridfn array has no symmetries and thus # should be represented by a Maple array with the standard # "ordinary array" indexing semantics. # # Thus, for example, the calls # make_gfa('g', {inert, fnd}, [], none); # make_gfa('g_dd', {inert}, [1..N, 1..N], symmetric); # make_gfa('R_dd', {inert, fnd}, [1..N, 1..N], symmetric); # make_gfa('Gamma_udd', {inert, fnd}, [1..N, 1..N, 1..N], symmetric3_23); # would set up the Maple representations of the metric determinant, # the metric, the Ricci tensor, and the Christoffel symbols respectively. # make_gfa := proc(gfa_name::name, fnd_name_set::set(name), index_bounds::list(integer..integer), index_fn::{identical(none), name}) # note "name" here, not "procedure", # since we'll get the name of the # indexing fn, which may not have # been assigned its procedure yet global N, `gfa/fnd_table`; local fnd_name, var_name, index_fn_seq; # firewall checks if (not type(N, integer)) then ERROR("must set up coordinates first!"); end if; if ((index_bounds = []) and (index_fn <> 'none')) then ERROR("not meaningful to specify a symmetry function for a scalar!", " gfa_name=",gfa_name); end if; # create the Maple variable(s) for fnd_name in fnd_name_set do var_name := Maple_name(gfa_name, fnd_name); if (assigned(`gfa/fnd_table`[eval(var_name,1)])) then ERROR("duplicate gfa/fnd definition!", " gfa_name=", gfa_name, " fnd_name_set=", fnd_name_set); end if; `gfa/fnd_table`[eval(var_name,1)] := true; if (index_bounds = []) then # scalar unassign( eval(var_name,1) ); else # array if (index_fn = 'none') then index_fn_seq := NULL; else index_fn_seq := index_fn; end if; assign( eval(var_name,1) = array(index_fn_seq, op(index_bounds)) ); end if; end do; NULL; end proc; ################################################################################ # # This function checks that a given gridfn array functional-dependence # form exists. If so, this function is a no-op; if not, this function # calls ERROR(). Hence after calling this function, the caller can assume # that the given functional-dependence form does indeed exist. # # This function may be called with either 1 or 2 arguments (the two # types of calls are equivalent). # # Arguments (1-argument form): # gfa_name = The name of the gridfn array itself. In this case the # fnd name defaults to `fnd`. # # Arguments (2-argument form): # gfa_name = The name of the gridfn array itself, eg `g_dd`. # fnd_name = The name of the fnd itself, eg `fnd`. # assert_fnd_exists := proc(gfa_name::name, fnd_name::name) global `gfa/fnd_table`; local var_name; var_name := Maple_name(gfa_name, args[2..nargs]); if (not assigned(`gfa/fnd_table`[eval(var_name,1)])) then ERROR("functional-dependence form doesn't exist!", "var_name=",var_name); end if; end proc; ################################################################################ # # This function computes the Maple name corresponding to a given # gridfn array and functional dependence form. # # Arguments: # gfa_name = The name of the gridfn array itself, eg `g_dd`. # fnd_name = (optional) # The name of the functional-dependence form, eg `fnd`, # or the special name 'inert'. If this argument is omitted # it defaults to 'inert'. # Maple_name := proc(gfa_name::name, fnd_name::name) if ((nargs = 1) or (fnd_name = 'inert')) then return gfa_name; else return cat(gfa_name, "__", fnd_name); end if; end proc; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # This function is a Maple indexing function for a rank 3 table/array # which is symmetric in the 2nd and 3rd indices. This function is # called automagically by Maple whenever a component of such an array # is referenced. # # The ordering is done using the Maple sort() function, which sorts # numbers numerically, strings lexicographically, and "other things" # by machine address. # # Arguments: # ilist = (in) The indices to be used. There must be exactly 3 of these. # tab = (in out) The table/array to be indexed. This uses any remaining # indexing methods. # vlist = (optional) # If present, this is a list of the values to be assigned to # the (lvalue) table entry. # `index/symmetric3_23` := proc(ilist::list, tab::table, vlist::list) local k, i, j, index_seq; if (not (nops(ilist) = 3)) then ERROR(`must have exactly 3 indices!`); end if; # ... note we need eval() here to get actual integers, # rather than variable names whose values are integers k := eval(ilist[1]); i := eval(ilist[2]); j := eval(ilist[3]); index_seq := k, op(sort([i,j])); if (nargs = 2) then return tab[index_seq]; # rvalue else tab[index_seq] := op(vlist); # lvalue end if; end proc; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # This function prettyprints a symmetric3_23 array # # Arguments: # A = (in) The array to be prettyprinted # # Results: # There is no explicit result; the array is prettyprinted as a side effect. # print_symmetric3_23 := proc(A::array) local bounds, k, i, j, M23; if (op(1, eval(A)) <> 'symmetric3_23') then ERROR(`can only print symmetric3_23 arrays`); end if; bounds := op(2, eval(A)); M23 := array(bounds[2..3], symmetric); for k in $(bounds[1]) do for i in $(bounds[2]) do for j in $(bounds[3]) do if (i <= j) # only need upper triangle in (i,j) then M23[i,j] := A[k,i,j]; end if; end do; end do; printf("[%d] = \n", k); print(M23); end do; NULL; end proc;