# Makefile for maple code # $Header: /usr/local/svn/cvs-repositories/numrelcvs/AEIThorns/AHFinderDirect/src/maple/Makefile,v 1.4 2003-07-31 17:25:49 jthorn Exp $ # # Environment Variables: # MAPLE_VERSION used via @ifdef for version control in Maple code; # typically set to something like MAPLE_V_RELEASE_4 # (not presently used, but may be needed in the future) # # Targets: # mm ==> preprocess all *.maple files to produce *.mm files # clean ==> delete *.mm (mpp Maple preprocessor output) # run ==> load all the code into Maple # ifneq ($(MAPLE_VERSION),) MPP_FLAGS := -D$(MAPLE_VERSION) endif ############################################################################### .PHONY : mm mm : $(patsubst %.maple, %.mm, $(wildcard *.maple)) %.mm : %.maple $(wildcard *.minc $(gfa_dir)/*.minc $(gfa_dir)/*.maple) ../misc/mpp $(MPP_FLAGS) <$< >$@ .PHONY : clean clean : -rm *.mm .PHONY : run run : mm maple -f maple.log