// cpm_map.hh -- "integer +/-" mapping i --> j = const +/- i // $Header$ // // cpm_map - "integer +/-" mapping // // // prerequisites // // "stdc.h" // "util.hh" // for jtutil::how_many_in_range() // // // This class represents a unit-slope linear integer mapping // i --> j = const +/- i // #ifndef NDEBUG // // Full bounds checking is done on the mapping in both directions. // #endif //****************************************************************************** namespace jtutil { template class cpm_map { public: // bounds info -- domain int min_i() const { return min_i_; } int max_i() const { return max_i_; } int N_points() const { return jtutil::how_many_in_range(min_i_,max_i_); } bool in_domain(int i) const { return (i >= min_i_) && (i <= max_i_); } // is the mapping + or - ? bool is_plus() const { return map_is_plus_; } bool is_minus() const { return !map_is_plus_; } int sign() const { return map_is_plus_ ? +1 : -1; } fp_t fp_sign() const { return map_is_plus_ ? +1.0 : -1.0; } // the mapping itself int map_unchecked(int i) const { return map_is_plus_ ? offset_ + i : offset_ - i; } int inv_map_unchecked(int j) const { return map_is_plus_ ? j - offset_ : offset_ - j; } int map(int i) const { assert(in_domain(i)); return map_unchecked(i); } int inv_map(int j) const { int i = inv_map_unchecked(j); assert(in_domain(i)); return i; } // bounds info -- range // ... we use the unchecked map here in case the domain is empty int min_j() const { return map_is_plus_ ? map_unchecked(min_i_) : map_unchecked(max_i_); } int max_j() const { return map_is_plus_ ? map_unchecked(max_i_) : map_unchecked(min_i_); } bool in_range(int j) const { return in_domain(inv_map_unchecked(j)); } // // constructors // // "mirror" map: i --> const - i // ... map specified by fixed point (must be integer or half-integer) // ... fixed point need not be in domain/range cpm_map(int min_i_in, int max_i_in, fp_t fixed_point); // "shift" map: i --> const + i // ... map specified by shift amount // ... default is identity map cpm_map(int min_i_in, int max_i_in, int shift_amount = 0) : min_i_(min_i_in), max_i_(max_i_in), offset_(shift_amount), map_is_plus_(true) { } // generic map: i --> const +/- i // ... map specified by sample point sample_i --> sample_j // and by sign (one of {plus,minus}_map ) // ... sample point need not be in domain/range cpm_map(int min_i_in, int max_i_in, int sample_i, int sample_j, bool map_is_plus_in); // generic map: i --> const +/- i // ... map specified by *fp* sample point sample_i --> sample_j // (must specify an integer --> integer mapping) // and by sign (one of {plus,minus}_map ) // ... hence if sign is -1, then sample_i and sample_j // must both be half-integral // ... sample point need *not* be in domain/range cpm_map(int min_i_in, int max_i_in, fp_t sample_i, fp_t sample_j, bool map_is_plus_in); // no need for explicit destructor, compiler-generated no-op is ok // ditto for copy constructor and assignment operator private: // bounds (inclusive) int min_i_, max_i_; // these define the actual mapping int offset_; bool map_is_plus_; }; } // namespace jtutil::