This directory holds low-level utility code in the C++ namespace jtutil::. This code is not specific to this project -- it's things like min/max templates, multidimensional array classes, fuzzy arithmetic routines, etc. array is a template class (templated on the integer or floating-point type of the array elements) providing multidimensional arrays. At present these are stored directly in C++ \code{new[]}-allocated storage, but sometime soon I'll add an option to use Cactus grid functions or local arrays. linear_map is a template class (templated on the floating-point type) representing a linear map between a contiguous interval of integers, and floating-point numbers. cpm_map is a template class (templated on the floating-point type) representing a mapping from the integers to the integers, of the form i --> constant +/- i . (The name abbreviates "Constant Plus or Minus MAP".) fuzzy is a template class (templated on the floating-point type) providing fuzzy arithmetic, to try to paper over some of the effects of floating-point rounding errors. For example, one can write for (fp x = 0.0 ; fuzzy::LE(x,1.0) ; x += 0.1) { // ... } and have the loop execute as one would naievly expect, even if rounding errors cause the final value of \code{x} to be 0.9999999999999999 or 1.000000000000001 or suchlike. round is a template class (templated on the floating-point type) to do machine-independent rounding of floating point values There are also a number of test drivers in the files test_*.cc .