// expansion.cc -- evaluate expansion Theta of trial horizon surface // $Header$ // // <<>> // expansion - top-level driver // /// setup_xyz_posns - setup global xyz posns of grid points /// interpolate_geometry - interpolate g_ij and K_ij from Cactus 3-D grid /// convert_conformal_to_physical - convert conformal gij to physical /// /// h_is_finite - does function h contain any NaNs/infinities? /// geometry_is_finite - do geometry vars contain NaN/infty? /// /// compute_Theta - compute Theta(h) given earlier setup /// // // debugging flags // #undef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG // define this for verbose debugging // of geometry interpolator calls/results #undef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG2 // define this for even more verbose debugging // of geometry interpolator calls/results #undef GEOMETRY_INTERP_SYNC_SLEEP // use sleep() to try to ensure we're // synchronized across all processors // before calling geometry interpolator #undef GEOMETRY_INTERP_SYNC_BARRIER // use CCTK_Barrier() to ensure we're // synchronized across all processors // before calling geometry interpolator #undef COMPUTE_THETA_DEBUG // define this for verbose debugging // in compute_Theta() #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_SYNC_SLEEP #include // sleep() #endif #include #include #include #include "util_Table.h" #include "cctk.h" #include "config.h" #include "stdc.h" #include "../jtutil/util.hh" #include "../jtutil/array.hh" #include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh" #include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" using jtutil::error_exit; using jtutil::pow2; using jtutil::pow4; #include "../patch/coords.hh" #include "../patch/grid.hh" #include "../patch/fd_grid.hh" #include "../patch/patch.hh" #include "../patch/patch_edge.hh" #include "../patch/patch_interp.hh" #include "../patch/ghost_zone.hh" #include "../patch/patch_system.hh" #include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh" #include "gfns.hh" #include "gr.hh" // all the code in this file is inside this namespace namespace AHFinderDirect { //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // ***** prototypes for functions local to this file ***** // namespace { void setup_xyz_posns(patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag); enum expansion_status interpolate_geometry(patch_system* ps_ptr, const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi, const struct geometry_info& gi, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag); void convert_conformal_to_physical(patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag); void Schwarzschild_EF_geometry(patch_system& ps, const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi, const struct geometry_info& gi, bool print_msg_flag); bool h_is_finite(patch_system& ps, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag); bool geometry_is_finite(patch_system& ps, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag); bool compute_Theta(patch_system& ps, fp add_to_expansion, bool Jacobian_flag, jtutil::norm* Theta_norms_ptr, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag); } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // If ps_ptr != NULL, this function computes the LHS function Theta(h), // and optionally also its Jacobian coefficients (from which the Jacobian // matrix may be computed later). // // If ps_ptr == NULL, this function does a dummy computation, described // below. // // Inputs (angular gridfns, on ghosted grid): // ... defined on ghosted grid // ... only values on nominal grid are actually used as input // h # shape of trial surface // // Inputs (Cactus 3-D gridfns): // gxx,gxy,gxz,gyy,gyz,gzz # 3-metric $g_{ij}$ // kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz # extrinsic curvature $K_{ij}$ // // Outputs (temporaries computed at each grid point) // ## computed by hand-written code // global_[xyz] # xyz positions of grid points // X_ud_*, X_udd_* # xyz derivative coefficients // ## computed by Maple-generated code // g_uu_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $g^{ij}$ // K # $K$ // K_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $K^{ij}$ // partial_d_ln_sqrt_g_d # $\partial_i \ln \sqrt{g}$ // partial_d_g_uu_{1,2,3}{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\partial_k g^{ij}$ // // Outputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // ## interpolated from 3-D Cactus grid // g_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $g_{ij}$ // K_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $K_{ij}$ // partial_d_g_dd_{1,2,3}{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\partial_k g_{ij}$ // ## computed at the nominal grid points // Theta # $\Theta = \Theta(h)$ // // Arguments: // ps_ptr --> The patch system, or == NULL to do (only) a dummy computation // in which only the parameter-table setup and a dummy geometry // interpolator call are done, the latter with the number of // interpolation points is set to 0 and all the output array // pointers set to NULL. // add_to_expansion = A real number which is added to the computed expansion // at each grid point. // initial_flag = true if this is the first evaluation of expansion() // for this horizon, // false otherwise; // this is used (only) to select which elements of error_info // are relevant // Jacobian_flag = true to compute the Jacobian coefficients, // false to skip this. // print_msg_flag = true to print status messages, // false to skip this. // Theta_norms_ptr = (out) If this pointer is non-NULL, the norm object it // points to is updated with all the Theta values // in the grid. This norm object can then be used // to compute various (gridwise) norms of Theta. // // Results: // This function returns a status code indicating whether the computation // succeeded or failed, and if the latter, what caused the failure. // enum expansion_status expansion(patch_system* ps_ptr, fp add_to_expansion, const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi, const struct geometry_info& gi, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool Jacobian_flag /* = false */, bool print_msg_flag /* = false */, jtutil::norm* Theta_norms_ptr /* = NULL */) { const bool active_flag = (ps_ptr != NULL); if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " %sexpansion", active_flag ? "" : "dummy "); if (active_flag) then { // // normal computation // // fill in values of all ghosted gridfns in ghost zones ps_ptr->synchronize(); if (gi.check_that_h_is_finite && !h_is_finite(*ps_ptr, error_info, initial_flag, print_msg_flag)) then return expansion_failure__surface_nonfinite; // *** ERROR RETURN *** // set up xyz positions of grid points setup_xyz_posns(*ps_ptr, print_msg_flag); } // compute the "geometry" g_ij, K_ij, and partial_k g_ij if (gi.hardwire_Schwarzschild_EF_geometry) then { if (active_flag) then Schwarzschild_EF_geometry(*ps_ptr, gi, print_msg_flag); } else { // this is the only function we call unconditionally; it looks at // ps_ptr (non-NULL vs NULL) to choose a normal vs dummy computation const enum expansion_status status = interpolate_geometry(ps_ptr, cgi, gi, error_info, initial_flag, print_msg_flag); if (status != expansion_success) then return status; // *** ERROR RETURN *** if (active_flag && cgi.use_Cactus_conformal_metric) then convert_conformal_to_physical(*ps_ptr, print_msg_flag); } if (active_flag) then { if (gi.check_that_geometry_is_finite && !geometry_is_finite(*ps_ptr, error_info, initial_flag, print_msg_flag)) then return expansion_failure__geometry_nonfinite; // *** ERROR RETURN *** // compute remaining gridfns --> $\Theta$ // and optionally also the Jacobian coefficients // by algebraic ops and angular finite differencing if (!compute_Theta(*ps_ptr, add_to_expansion, Jacobian_flag, Theta_norms_ptr, error_info, initial_flag, print_msg_flag)) then return expansion_failure__gij_not_positive_definite; // *** ERROR RETURN *** } return expansion_success; // *** NORMAL RETURN *** } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets up the xyz-position gridfns: // * global_[xyz] (used by interplate_geometry() ) // * global_{xx,xy,xz,yy,yz,zz} (used by higher-level code to compute // quadrupole moments of horizons) // // Bugs: // * We initialize the global_{xx,xy,xz,yy,yz,zz} gridfns every time // this function is called, i.e. at each horizon-finding Newton // iteration, even though they're only needed at the end of the // horizon-finding process. In practice the extra cost is small, // though, so it's probably not worth fixing this... // namespace { void setup_xyz_posns(patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " xyz positions and derivative coefficients"); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { const fp r = p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma); const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); fp local_x, local_y, local_z; p.xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(r,rho,sigma, local_x,local_y,local_z); const fp global_x = ps.origin_x() + local_x; const fp global_y = ps.origin_y() + local_y; const fp global_z = ps.origin_z() + local_z; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_x, irho,isigma) = global_x; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_y, irho,isigma) = global_y; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_z, irho,isigma) = global_z; const fp global_xx = global_x * global_x; const fp global_xy = global_x * global_y; const fp global_xz = global_x * global_z; const fp global_yy = global_y * global_y; const fp global_yz = global_y * global_z; const fp global_zz = global_z * global_z; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_xx, irho,isigma) = global_xx; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_xy, irho,isigma) = global_xy; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_xz, irho,isigma) = global_xz; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_yy, irho,isigma) = global_yy; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_yz, irho,isigma) = global_yz; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__global_zz, irho,isigma) = global_zz; } } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // If ps_ptr != NULL, this function interpolates the Cactus gridfns // gxx...gzz // kxx...kzz // psi # optional // to determine the nominal-grid angular gridfns // g_dd_ij // partial_d_g_dd_kij // K_dd_ij // psi # optional // partial_d_psi_k # optional // at the nominal-grid trial horizon surface positions given by the // global_(x,y,z) angular gridfns in the patch system *ps_ptr. The psi // interpolation is only done if the cgi.use_Cactus_conformal_metric flag // is set. Note that this function ignores the physical-vs-conformal // semantics of the gridfns; it just interpolates and takes derivatives // of the stored gridfn values. // // If ps_ptr == NULL, this function does (only) the parameter-table // setup and a a dummy interpolator call, as described in the comments // to expansion() above. // // The interpolation is done via CCTK_InterpGridArrays() . This has the // option to return both an overall interpolation status, and a "local" // status which gives the results of interpolating only the points requested // on *this* processor; if the local status is available we use it, otherwise // we fall back to the overall status. // // Inputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // global_[xyz] # xyz positions of grid points // // Inputs (Cactus 3-D gridfns): // gxx,gxy,gxz,gyy,gyz,gzz # 3-metric $g_{ij}$ // # (may be either physical or conformal) // kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz # extrinsic curvature $K_{ij}$ // psi # optional conformal factor $\psi$ // // Outputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // g_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\stored{g}_{ij}$ // K_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $K_{ij}$ // partial_d_g_dd_[123]{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\partial_k \stored{g}_{ij}$ // psi # (optional) $\psi$ // partial_d_psi_[123] # (optional) $\partial_k \psi$ // // This function may also modify the interpolator parameter table. // // Results: // This function returns a status code indicating whether the computation // succeeded or failed, and if the latter, what caused the failure. Possible // failure codes are // * expansion_failure__surface_outside_grid // * expansion_failure__surface_in_excised_region // not implemented yet // namespace { enum expansion_status interpolate_geometry(patch_system* ps_ptr, const struct cactus_grid_info& cgi, const struct geometry_info& gi, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag) { const bool active_flag = (ps_ptr != NULL); const bool psi_flag = cgi.use_Cactus_conformal_metric; // // Implementation Notes: // // To handle the optional interpolation of psi, we set up all the data // type and pointer arrays to include psi, but with the psi entries at // the end. We then choose the array sizes passed to the interpolator // to either include or exclude the psi entries as appropriate. // // We remember whether or not psi was interpolated on the previous call, // and only modify the interpolator parameter table if this changes (or // if this is our first call). // if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " interpolating %s from Cactus grid", (psi_flag ? "{g_ij, K_ij, psi}" : "{g_ij, K_ij}")); int status; #define CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(type_,ptr_) \ (ps_ptr == NULL) ? NULL : static_cast(ptr_) // // ***** interpolation points ***** // const int N_interp_points = (ps_ptr == NULL) ? 0 : ps_ptr->N_grid_points(); const int interp_coords_type_code = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL; const void* const interp_coords[N_GRID_DIMS] = { CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(const void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__global_x)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(const void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__global_y)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(const void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__global_z)), }; // // ***** input arrays ***** // const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[] = { cgi.g_dd_11_varindex, cgi.g_dd_12_varindex, cgi.g_dd_13_varindex, cgi.g_dd_22_varindex, cgi.g_dd_23_varindex, cgi.g_dd_33_varindex, cgi.K_dd_11_varindex, cgi.K_dd_12_varindex, cgi.K_dd_13_varindex, cgi.K_dd_22_varindex, cgi.K_dd_23_varindex, cgi.K_dd_33_varindex, cgi.psi_varindex, }; const CCTK_INT input_array_type_codes[] = { // g_ij CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, // K_ij CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, // psi CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, }; const int N_input_arrays_for_psi = 1; const int N_input_arrays_dim = sizeof(input_array_variable_indices) / sizeof(input_array_variable_indices[0]); const int N_input_arrays_use = psi_flag ? N_input_arrays_dim : N_input_arrays_dim - N_input_arrays_for_psi; // // ***** output arrays ***** // const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[] = { // $g_{ij}$ $\partial_x g_{ij}$ $\partial_y g_{ij}$ $\partial_z g_{ij}$ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, // $K_{ij}$ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, // $\psi$ $\partial_x \psi$ $\partial_y \psi$ $\partial_z \psi$ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, }; const CCTK_INT operand_indices[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, // g_dd_11, partial_[xyz] g_dd_11 1, 1, 1, 1, // g_dd_12, partial_[xyz] g_dd_12 2, 2, 2, 2, // g_dd_13, partial_[xyz] g_dd_13 3, 3, 3, 3, // g_dd_22, partial_[xyz] g_dd_22 4, 4, 4, 4, // g_dd_23, partial_[xyz] g_dd_23 5, 5, 5, 5, // g_dd_33, partial_[xyz] g_dd_33 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, // K_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} 12, 12, 12, 12, // psi, partial_[xyz] psi }; #define DERIV(x) x const CCTK_INT operation_codes[] = { DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // g_dd_11, partial_[xyz] g_dd_11 DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // g_dd_12, partial_[xyz] g_dd_12 DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // g_dd_13, partial_[xyz] g_dd_13 DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // g_dd_22, partial_[xyz] g_dd_22 DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // g_dd_23, partial_[xyz] g_dd_23 DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // g_dd_33, partial_[xyz] g_dd_33 DERIV(0), DERIV(0), DERIV(0), DERIV(0), DERIV(0), DERIV(0), // K_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} DERIV(0), DERIV(1), DERIV(2), DERIV(3), // psi, partial_[xyz] psi }; void* const output_arrays[] = { CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__g_dd_11)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_111)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_211)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_311)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__g_dd_12)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_112)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_212)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_312)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__g_dd_13)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_113)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_213)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_313)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__g_dd_22)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_122)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_222)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_322)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__g_dd_23)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_123)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_223)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_323)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__g_dd_33)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_133)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_233)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_333)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__K_dd_11)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__K_dd_12)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__K_dd_13)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__K_dd_22)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__K_dd_23)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__K_dd_33)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__psi)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_psi_1)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_psi_2)), CAST_PTR_OR_NULL(void*, ps_ptr->gridfn_data(gfns::gfn__partial_d_psi_3)), }; const int N_output_arrays_for_psi = 4; const int N_output_arrays_dim = sizeof(output_arrays) / sizeof(output_arrays[0]); const int N_output_arrays_use = psi_flag ? N_output_arrays_dim : N_output_arrays_dim - N_output_arrays_for_psi; // // ***** parameter table ***** // // this flag is true if and only if the parameter table already has the // suppress_warnings // operand_indices // operand_codes // entries for psi_flag == par_table_psi_flag . static bool par_table_setup = false; // if par_table_setup, // this flag is the value of psi_flag for the parameter table entries // otherwise this flag is ignored static bool par_table_psi_flag = false; if (par_table_setup && (psi_flag == par_table_psi_flag)) then { // parameter table is already set to just what we need // ==> no-op here } else { // store derivative info in interpolator parameter table if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up interpolator derivative info"); // set a dummy value for the key "suppress_warnings" // to tell CCTK_InterpGridArrays() not to print warning messages // for points outside the grid status = Util_TableSetInt(gi.param_table_handle, 0, "suppress_warnings"); if (status < 0) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** interpolate_geometry():\n" " unable to set \"suppress_warnings\" key in interpolator parameter table!\n" " Util_TableSetInt() status=%d\n" , status); /*NOTREACHED*/ status = Util_TableSetIntArray(gi.param_table_handle, N_output_arrays_use, operand_indices, "operand_indices"); if (status < 0) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** interpolate_geometry():\n" " unable to set operand_indices in interpolator parameter table!\n" " Util_TableSetIntArray() status=%d\n" , status); /*NOTREACHED*/ status = Util_TableSetIntArray(gi.param_table_handle, N_output_arrays_use, operation_codes, "operation_codes"); if (status < 0) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** interpolate_geometry():\n" " unable to set operation_codes in interpolator parameter table!\n" " Util_TableSetIntArray() status=%d\n" , status); /*NOTREACHED*/ par_table_setup = true; par_table_psi_flag = psi_flag; } // // ***** the actual interpolation ***** // if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " calling geometry interpolator (%s%d points)", (active_flag ? "" : "dummy: "), N_interp_points); #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG printf("AHFinderDirect:: proc %d: initializing interpolator outputs to 999.999\n", int(CCTK_MyProc(cgi.GH))); { for (int pt = 0 ; pt < N_interp_points ; ++pt) { for (int out = 0 ; out < N_output_arrays_use ; ++out) { CCTK_REAL* const out_ptr = static_cast(output_arrays[out]); out_ptr[pt] = 999.999; } } } #endif #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG printf("AHFinderDirect:: proc %d: calling CCTK_InterpGridArrays(N_interp_points=%d)\n", int(CCTK_MyProc(cgi.GH)), N_interp_points); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_SYNC_SLEEP sleep(1); #endif #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_SYNC_BARRIER CCTK_Barrier(cgi.GH); #endif status = CCTK_InterpGridArrays(cgi.GH, N_GRID_DIMS, gi.operator_handle, gi.param_table_handle, cgi.coord_system_handle, N_interp_points, interp_coords_type_code, interp_coords, N_input_arrays_use, input_array_variable_indices, N_output_arrays_use, output_array_type_codes, output_arrays); #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG printf("AHFinderDirect:: proc %d: CCTK_InterpGridArrays() returned status=%d\n", int(CCTK_MyProc(cgi.GH)), status); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG2 { for (int pt = 0 ; pt < N_interp_points ; pt = 2*pt + (pt == 0)) { printf("AHFinderDirect:: proc %d: CCTK_InterpGridArrays() results for pt=%d:\n", int(CCTK_MyProc(cgi.GH)), pt); for (int out = 0 ; out < N_output_arrays_use ; ++out) { const CCTK_REAL* const out_ptr = static_cast(output_arrays[out]); printf(" out=%d result=%g\n", out, double(out_ptr[pt])); } } } #endif /* GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG2 */ // // ***** get the local interpolator status (if available) // // CCTK_InterpGridArrays() returns a status that reflects the interpolation // on *all* processors, but what we really want here is just the status // for the interpolation of the points that *we* (this processor) asked for // ==> get the local status if it's available // CCTK_INT local_interpolator_status; const int table_status = Util_TableGetInt(gi.param_table_handle, &local_interpolator_status, "local_interpolator_status"); if (table_status == 1) then { // we got the local interpolator status successfully // ==> use it for all further checks #ifdef GEOMETRY_INTERP_DEBUG printf("AHFinderDirect:: proc %d: replacing status=%d with local_interpolator_status=%d\n", int(CCTK_MyProc(cgi.GH)), status, int(local_interpolator_status)); fflush(stdout); #endif status = local_interpolator_status; } else if (table_status == UTIL_ERROR_TABLE_NO_SUCH_KEY) then { // evidently the interpolators don't provide the // local interpolator status // ==> stick with the status have // ==> no-op here } else error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** interpolate_geometry():\n" " error return %d trying to get local interpolator status\n" " from parameter table! (CCTK_InterpGridArrays() status=%d)\n" , table_status, status); /*NOTREACHED*/ // // ***** handle any interpolation errors ***** // if (status == CCTK_ERROR_INTERP_POINT_OUTSIDE) then { if (print_msg_flag) then { // see if we can get further info const int warn_level = initial_flag ? error_info.warn_level__point_outside__initial : error_info.warn_level__point_outside__subsequent; CCTK_VWarn(warn_level, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "interpolate_geometry():\n" " one or more points on the trial horizon surface point" " is/are outside the grid (or too close to the grid boundary)" " (in a single-processor run, this may also mean that\n" " driver::ghost_size is too small for this geometry interpolator)\n"); } return expansion_failure__surface_outside_grid; // *** ERROR RETURN *** } else if (status == CCTK_ERROR_INTERP_GHOST_SIZE_TOO_SMALL) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** interpolate_geometry(): driver::ghost_size is too small\n" " for this geometry interpolator!\n"); /*NOTREACHED*/ else if (status < 0) then error_exit(ERROR_EXIT, "***** interpolate_geometry(): error return %d from interpolator!\n", status); /*NOTREACHED*/ return expansion_success; // *** NORMAL RETURN *** } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function converts the g_dd_ij and partial_d_g_dd_kij gridfns // from the Cactus conformal semantics to the physical semantics. As // documented in the CactusEinstein/ConformalState thorn guide, the // Cactus conformal semantics are // physical_gij = psi^4 * stored_gij // From this it's trivial to derive the transformation for the derivatives, // partial_k physical_gij = 4 psi^3 (partial_k psi) stored_gij // + psi^4 partial_k stored_gij // // Inputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // psi # $\psi$ // partial_d_psi_{1,2,3} # $\partial_k \psi$ // g_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\stored{g}_{ij}$ // partial_d_g_dd_{1,2,3}{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\partial_k \stored{g}_{ij}$ // // // Outputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // g_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $g_{ij}$ // partial_d_g_dd_{1,2,3}{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\partial_k g_{ij}$ // namespace { void convert_conformal_to_physical(patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " converting Cactus conformal gij --> physical gij"); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { const fp psi = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__psi, irho,isigma); const fp psi3 = jtutil::pow3(psi); const fp psi4 = jtutil::pow4(psi); const fp partial_d_psi_1 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_psi_1, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_psi_2 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_psi_2, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_psi_3 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_psi_3, irho,isigma); const fp stored_g_dd_11 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_11, irho, isigma); const fp stored_g_dd_12 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_12, irho, isigma); const fp stored_g_dd_13 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_13, irho, isigma); const fp stored_g_dd_22 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_22, irho, isigma); const fp stored_g_dd_23 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_23, irho, isigma); const fp stored_g_dd_33 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_33, irho, isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_11, irho, isigma) *= psi4; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_12, irho, isigma) *= psi4; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_13, irho, isigma) *= psi4; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_22, irho, isigma) *= psi4; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_23, irho, isigma) *= psi4; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_33, irho, isigma) *= psi4; p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_111, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_1*stored_g_dd_11 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_111, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_112, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_1*stored_g_dd_12 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_112, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_113, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_1*stored_g_dd_13 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_113, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_122, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_1*stored_g_dd_22 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_122, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_123, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_1*stored_g_dd_23 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_123, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_133, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_1*stored_g_dd_33 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_133, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_211, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_2*stored_g_dd_11 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_211, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_212, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_2*stored_g_dd_12 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_212, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_213, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_2*stored_g_dd_13 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_213, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_222, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_2*stored_g_dd_22 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_222, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_223, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_2*stored_g_dd_23 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_223, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_233, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_2*stored_g_dd_33 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_233, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_311, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_3*stored_g_dd_11 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_311, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_312, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_3*stored_g_dd_12 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_312, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_313, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_3*stored_g_dd_13 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_313, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_322, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_3*stored_g_dd_22 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_322, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_323, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_3*stored_g_dd_23 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_323, irho,isigma); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_333, irho,isigma) = 4.0*psi3*partial_d_psi_3*stored_g_dd_33 + psi4*p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_333, irho,isigma); } } } } } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function whether the horizon shape function h (nominal grid only) // contains all finite floating-point numbers, or whether it contain one // or more NaNs or infinities. // // Results: #ifdef HAVE_FINITE // This function returns true if all the h values are finite, false // otherwise (i.e. if it contains any NaNs or infinities). #else // This function is a no-op, and just prints a warning message and // returns true. #endif // namespace { bool h_is_finite(patch_system& ps, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " checking that h is finite"); #ifdef HAVE_FINITE for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { const fp h = p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma); if (!finite(h)) then { const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); const fp drho = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(rho); const fp dsigma = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(sigma); CCTK_VWarn(error_info.warn_level__nonfinite_geometry, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "\n" " h=%g isn't finite!\n" " %s patch (rho,sigma)=(%g,%g) (drho,dsigma)=(%g,%g)\n" , double(h), p.name(), double(rho), double(sigma), double(drho), double(dsigma)); return false; // *** found a NaN *** } } } } return true; // *** all values finite *** #else CCTK_VWarn(error_info.warn_level__skipping_finite_check, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, " no finite() fn ==> skipping is-h-finite check"); return true; // *** no check possible *** #endif } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function whether the geometry variables // g_dd_ij // partial_d_g_dd_kij // K_dd_ij // are all finite floating-point numbers, or whether they contain one // or more NaNs or infinities. // // Results: #ifdef HAVE_FINITE // This function returns true if all the geometry variables are finite, // false otherwise (i.e. if they contain any NaNs or infinities). #else // This function is a no-op, and just prints a warning message and // returns true. #endif // namespace { bool geometry_is_finite(patch_system& ps, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " checking that geometry is finite"); #ifdef HAVE_FINITE for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { const fp g_dd_11 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_11, irho,isigma); const fp g_dd_12 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_12, irho,isigma); const fp g_dd_13 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_13, irho,isigma); const fp g_dd_22 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_22, irho,isigma); const fp g_dd_23 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_23, irho,isigma); const fp g_dd_33 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_33, irho,isigma); const fp K_dd_11 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_11, irho,isigma); const fp K_dd_12 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_12, irho,isigma); const fp K_dd_13 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_13, irho,isigma); const fp K_dd_22 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_22, irho,isigma); const fp K_dd_23 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_23, irho,isigma); const fp K_dd_33 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_33, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_111 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_111, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_112 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_112, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_113 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_113, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_122 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_122, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_123 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_123, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_133 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_133, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_211 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_211, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_212 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_212, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_213 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_213, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_222 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_222, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_223 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_223, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_233 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_233, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_311 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_311, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_312 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_312, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_313 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_313, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_322 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_322, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_323 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_323, irho,isigma); const fp partial_d_g_dd_333 = p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_333, irho,isigma); if ( !finite(g_dd_11) || !finite(g_dd_12) || !finite(g_dd_13) || !finite(g_dd_22) || !finite(g_dd_23) || !finite(g_dd_33) || !finite(K_dd_11) || !finite(K_dd_12) || !finite(K_dd_13) || !finite(K_dd_22) || !finite(K_dd_23) || !finite(K_dd_33) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_111) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_112) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_113) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_122) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_123) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_133) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_211) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_212) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_213) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_222) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_223) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_233) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_311) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_312) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_313) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_322) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_323) || !finite(partial_d_g_dd_333) ) then { const fp h = p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma); const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); const fp drho = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(rho); const fp dsigma = jtutil::degrees_of_radians(sigma); fp local_x, local_y, local_z; p.xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(h,rho,sigma, local_x,local_y,local_z); const fp global_x = ps.origin_x() + local_x; const fp global_y = ps.origin_y() + local_y; const fp global_z = ps.origin_z() + local_z; CCTK_VWarn(error_info.warn_level__nonfinite_geometry, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "\n" " geometry isn't finite at %s patch\n" " h=%g (rho,sigma)=(%g,%g) (drho,dsigma)=(%g,%g)\n" " local_(x,y,z)=(%g,%g,%g)\n" " global_(x,y,z)=(%g,%g,%g)\n" " g_dd_11=%g _12=%g _13=%g\n" " _22=%g _23=%g _33=%g\n" " K_dd_11=%g _12=%g _13=%g\n" " _22=%g _23=%g _33=%g\n" " partial_d_g_dd_111=%g _112=%g _113=%g\n" " _122=%g _123=%g _133=%g\n" " partial_d_g_dd_211=%g _212=%g _213=%g\n" " _222=%g _223=%g _233=%g\n" " partial_d_g_dd_311=%g _312=%g _313=%g\n" " _322=%g _323=%g _333=%g\n" , p.name(), double(h), double(rho), double(sigma), double(drho), double(dsigma), double(local_x), double(local_y), double(local_z), double(global_x), double(global_y), double(global_z), double(g_dd_11), double(g_dd_12), double(g_dd_13), double(g_dd_22), double(g_dd_23), double(g_dd_33), double(K_dd_11), double(K_dd_12), double(K_dd_13), double(K_dd_22), double(K_dd_23), double(K_dd_33), double(partial_d_g_dd_111), double(partial_d_g_dd_112), double(partial_d_g_dd_113), double(partial_d_g_dd_122), double(partial_d_g_dd_123), double(partial_d_g_dd_133), double(partial_d_g_dd_211), double(partial_d_g_dd_212), double(partial_d_g_dd_213), double(partial_d_g_dd_222), double(partial_d_g_dd_223), double(partial_d_g_dd_233), double(partial_d_g_dd_311), double(partial_d_g_dd_312), double(partial_d_g_dd_313), double(partial_d_g_dd_322), double(partial_d_g_dd_323), double(partial_d_g_dd_333)); return false; // *** found a NaN *** } } } } return true; // *** no NaNs found *** #else CCTK_VWarn(error_info.warn_level__skipping_finite_check, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, " no finite() ==> skipping is-geometry-finite check"); return true; // *** no check possible *** #endif } } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes the expansion Theta(h), and optionally also // its Jacobian coefficients, (from which the Jacobian matrix may be // computed later). This function uses a mixture of algebraic operations // and (rho,sigma) finite differencing. The computation is done entirely // on the nominal angular grid. // // N.b. This function #includes "cg.hh", which defines "dangerous" macros // which will stay in effect for the rest of this compilation unit! // // Arguments: // Jacobian_flag = true to compute the Jacobian coefficients, // false to skip this. // // Results: // This function returns true for a successful computation, or false // if the computation failed because Theta_D <= 0 (this means the interpolated // g_ij isn't positive definite). // namespace { bool compute_Theta(patch_system& ps, fp add_to_expansion, bool Jacobian_flag, jtutil::norm* Theta_norms_ptr, const struct error_info& error_info, bool initial_flag, bool print_msg_flag) { if (print_msg_flag) then CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " computing Theta(h)"); for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { // // compute the X_ud and X_udd derivative coefficients // ... n.b. this uses the *local* (x,y,z) coordinates // const fp r = p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma); const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); fp xx, yy, zz; p.xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(r,rho,sigma, xx, yy, zz); #ifdef COMPUTE_THETA_DEBUG if ( ((irho == 0) && (isigma == 0)) || ((irho == 5) && (isigma == 5)) ) then { printf("AHFinderDirect:: computing at %s patch (%d,%d) r=%g ==> local xyz=(%g,%g,%g)\n", p.name(), irho,isigma, double(r), double(xx), double(yy), double(zz)); printf("AHFinderDirect:: got g_dd_11=%g g_dd_12=%g g_dd_13=%g\n", p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_11, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_12, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_13, irho,isigma)); printf(" g_dd_22=%g g_dd_23=%g\n", p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_22, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_23, irho,isigma)); printf(" g_dd_33=%g\n", p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_33, irho,isigma)); fflush(stdout); } #endif // 1st derivative coefficients X_ud const fp X_ud_11 = p.partial_rho_wrt_x(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_ud_12 = p.partial_rho_wrt_y(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_ud_13 = p.partial_rho_wrt_z(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_ud_21 = p.partial_sigma_wrt_x(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_ud_22 = p.partial_sigma_wrt_y(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_ud_23 = p.partial_sigma_wrt_z(xx, yy, zz); // 2nd derivative coefficient gridfns X_udd const fp X_udd_111 = p.partial2_rho_wrt_xx(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_112 = p.partial2_rho_wrt_xy(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_113 = p.partial2_rho_wrt_xz(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_122 = p.partial2_rho_wrt_yy(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_123 = p.partial2_rho_wrt_yz(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_133 = p.partial2_rho_wrt_zz(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_211 = p.partial2_sigma_wrt_xx(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_212 = p.partial2_sigma_wrt_xy(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_213 = p.partial2_sigma_wrt_xz(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_222 = p.partial2_sigma_wrt_yy(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_223 = p.partial2_sigma_wrt_yz(xx, yy, zz); const fp X_udd_233 = p.partial2_sigma_wrt_zz(xx, yy, zz); // // "call" the Maple-generated code // ... each cg/*.c file has a separate set of temp variables, // and so must be inside its own set of { } braces // // gridfn #defines #include "cg.hh" { // g_uu #include "../gr.cg/inverse_metric.c" } { // K, K_uu #include "../gr.cg/extrinsic_curvature_trace_raise.c" } { // partial_d_g_uu #include "../gr.cg/inverse_metric_gradient.c" } { // partial_d_ln_sqrt_g #include "../gr.cg/metric_det_gradient.c" } { // Theta_A, Theta_B, Theta_C, Theta_D #include "../gr.cg/expansion.c" } if (Theta_D <= 0) then { const int warn_level = initial_flag ? error_info.warn_level__gij_not_positive_definite__initial : error_info.warn_level__gij_not_positive_definite__subsequent; CCTK_VWarn(warn_level, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "\n" " compute_Theta(): Theta_D = $g^{ij} s_i s_j$ = %g <= 0\n" " at %s patch rho=%g sigma=%g!\n" " (i.e. the interpolated g_ij isn't positive definite)", double(Theta_D), p.name(), double(rho), double(sigma)); return false; // *** ERROR RETURN *** } // compute H via equation (14) of my 1996 horizon finding paper const fp sqrt_Theta_D = sqrt(Theta_D); Theta = + Theta_A/(Theta_D*sqrt_Theta_D) + Theta_B/sqrt_Theta_D + Theta_C/Theta_D - K + add_to_expansion; // update running norms of Theta(h) function if (Theta_norms_ptr != NULL) then Theta_norms_ptr->data(Theta); if (Jacobian_flag) then { // partial_Theta_wrt_partial_d_h, // partial_Theta_wrt_partial_dd_h #include "../gr.cg/expansion_Jacobian.c" } } } } return true; // *** NORMAL RETURN *** } } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** } // namespace AHFinderDirect