// Schwarzschild_EF.cc -- set up Schwarzschild/EF geometry variables // $Header$ // // <<>> // Schwarzschild_EF_geometry - top-level driver /// Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz - (x,y,z) g_ij /// Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_xyz - (x,y,z) g_ij /// Schwarzschild_EF_gij_rthetaphi - (r,theta,phi) g_ij /// Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_rthetaphi - (r,theta,phi) g_ij /// tensor_xform_rthetaphi_to_xyz - tensor xform diag T_dd /// #include #include #include #include "util_Table.h" #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "config.h" #include "stdc.h" #include "../jtutil/util.hh" #include "../jtutil/array.hh" #include "../jtutil/cpm_map.hh" #include "../jtutil/linear_map.hh" using jtutil::error_exit; #include "../patch/coords.hh" #include "../patch/grid.hh" #include "../patch/fd_grid.hh" #include "../patch/patch.hh" #include "../patch/patch_edge.hh" #include "../patch/patch_interp.hh" #include "../patch/ghost_zone.hh" #include "../patch/patch_system.hh" #include "../elliptic/Jacobian.hh" #include "gfns.hh" #include "gr.hh" //****************************************************************************** // // ***** prototypes for functions local to this file ***** // namespace { void Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(fp m, fp epsilon, fp x, fp y, fp z, fp& g_xx, fp& g_xy, fp& g_xz, fp& g_yy, fp& g_yz, fp& g_zz); void Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_xyz(fp m, fp epsilon, fp x, fp y, fp z, fp& K_xx, fp& K_xy, fp& K_xz, fp& K_yy, fp& K_yz, fp& K_zz); void Schwarzschild_EF_gij_rthetaphi(fp m, fp r, fp theta, fp phi, fp& g_rr, fp& g_theta_theta); void Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_rthetaphi(fp m, fp r, fp theta, fp phi, fp& K_rr, fp& K_theta_theta); void xform_from_rthetaphi_to_xyz(fp epsilon, fp x, fp y, fp z, fp T_rr, fp T_theta_theta, fp& T_xx, fp& T_xy, fp& T_xz, fp& T_yy, fp& T_yz, fp& T_zz); } //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // // This function sets the geometry gridfns to their analytic values // for a unit-mass Schwarzschild spacetime in Eddington-Finkelstein // coordinates. // // The (r,theta,phi) $g_{ij}$ and $K_{ij}$ are as given in appendix A2 // of my (Jonathan Thornburg's) Ph.D thesis, available on my web page at // http://www.aei.mpg.de/~jthorn/phd/html/phd.html // The (r,theta,phi) --> (x,y,z) tensor transformation is as worked out // on pages 16-17 of my AHFinderDirect working notes. // The $\partial_k g_{kl}$ is done by numerical finite differencing. // // Inputs (angular gridfns, on ghosted grid): // ... defined on ghosted grid // ... only values on nominal grid are actually used as input // h # shape of trial surface // // Inputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // global_[xyz] # xyz positions of grid points // // Outputs (angular gridfns, all on the nominal grid): // g_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $g_{ij}$ // K_dd_{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $K_{ij}$ // partial_d_g_dd_{1,2,3}{11,12,13,22,23,33} # $\partial_k g_{ij}$ // void Schwarzschild_EF_geometry(patch_system& ps, const struct geometry_info& gi, bool msg_flag) { const fp mass = gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__mass; const fp x_posn = gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__x_posn; const fp y_posn = gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__y_posn; const fp z_posn = gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__z_posn; const fp epsilon = gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__epsilon; const fp Delta_xyz = gi.geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__Delta_xyz; if (msg_flag) then { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " setting up exact Schwarzschild/EF geometry"); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " posn=(%g,%g,%g) mass=%g", double(x_posn),double(y_posn),double(z_posn), double(mass)); } for (int pn = 0 ; pn < ps.N_patches() ; ++pn) { patch& p = ps.ith_patch(pn); for (int irho = p.min_irho() ; irho <= p.max_irho() ; ++irho) { for (int isigma = p.min_isigma() ; isigma <= p.max_isigma() ; ++isigma) { const fp r = p.ghosted_gridfn(gfns::gfn__h, irho,isigma); const fp rho = p.rho_of_irho(irho); const fp sigma = p.sigma_of_isigma(isigma); fp local_x, local_y, local_z; p.xyz_of_r_rho_sigma(r,rho,sigma, local_x, local_y, local_z); const fp global_x = ps.origin_x() + local_x; const fp global_y = ps.origin_y() + local_y; const fp global_z = ps.origin_z() + local_z; const fp x_rel = global_x - x_posn; const fp y_rel = global_y - y_posn; const fp z_rel = global_z - z_posn; // compute g_ij and K_ij Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel, y_rel, z_rel, p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_11, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_12, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_13, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_22, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_23, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__g_dd_33, irho,isigma)); Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel, y_rel, z_rel, p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_11, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_12, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_13, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_22, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_23, irho,isigma), p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__K_dd_33, irho,isigma)); fp g11p, g12p, g13p, g22p, g23p, g33p; fp g11m, g12m, g13m, g22m, g23m, g33m; // compute partial_x g_ij by finite differencing in xyz Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel+Delta_xyz, y_rel, z_rel, g11p, g12p, g13p, g22p, g23p, g33p); Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel-Delta_xyz, y_rel, z_rel, g11m, g12m, g13m, g22m, g23m, g33m); const fp fx = 1.0 / (2.0*Delta_xyz); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_111,irho,isigma) = fx * (g11p-g11m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_112,irho,isigma) = fx * (g12p-g12m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_113,irho,isigma) = fx * (g13p-g13m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_122,irho,isigma) = fx * (g22p-g22m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_123,irho,isigma) = fx * (g23p-g23m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_133,irho,isigma) = fx * (g33p-g33m); // compute partial_y g_ij by finite differencing in xyz Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel, y_rel+Delta_xyz, z_rel, g11p, g12p, g13p, g22p, g23p, g33p); Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel, y_rel-Delta_xyz, z_rel, g11m, g12m, g13m, g22m, g23m, g33m); const fp fy = 1.0 / (2.0*Delta_xyz); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_211,irho,isigma) = fy * (g11p-g11m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_212,irho,isigma) = fy * (g12p-g12m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_213,irho,isigma) = fy * (g13p-g13m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_222,irho,isigma) = fy * (g22p-g22m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_223,irho,isigma) = fy * (g23p-g23m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_233,irho,isigma) = fy * (g33p-g33m); // compute partial_x g_ij by finite differencing in xyz Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel, y_rel, z_rel+Delta_xyz, g11p, g12p, g13p, g22p, g23p, g33p); Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(mass, epsilon, x_rel, y_rel, z_rel-Delta_xyz, g11m, g12m, g13m, g22m, g23m, g33m); const fp fz = 1.0 / (2.0*Delta_xyz); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_311,irho,isigma) = fz * (g11p-g11m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_312,irho,isigma) = fz * (g12p-g12m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_313,irho,isigma) = fz * (g13p-g13m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_322,irho,isigma) = fz * (g22p-g22m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_323,irho,isigma) = fz * (g23p-g23m); p.gridfn(gfns::gfn__partial_d_g_dd_333,irho,isigma) = fz * (g33p-g33m); } } } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes the Schwarzschild/Eddington-Finkelstein // 3-metric $g_{ij}$ in $(x,y,z)$ spatial coordinates. // namespace { void Schwarzschild_EF_gij_xyz(fp m, fp epsilon, fp x, fp y, fp z, fp& g_xx, fp& g_xy, fp& g_xz, fp& g_yy, fp& g_yz, fp& g_zz) { fp r, theta, phi; local_coords::r_theta_phi_of_xyz(x,y,z, r,theta,phi); fp g_rr, g_theta_theta; Schwarzschild_EF_gij_rthetaphi(m, r, theta, phi, g_rr, g_theta_theta); xform_from_rthetaphi_to_xyz(epsilon, x, y, z, g_rr, g_theta_theta, g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz); } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes the Schwarzschild/Eddington-Finkelstein // 3-extrinsic curvature $K_{ij}$ in $(x,y,z)$ spatial coordinates. // namespace { void Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_xyz(fp m, fp epsilon, fp x, fp y, fp z, fp& K_xx, fp& K_xy, fp& K_xz, fp& K_yy, fp& K_yz, fp& K_zz) { fp r, theta, phi; local_coords::r_theta_phi_of_xyz(x,y,z, r,theta,phi); fp K_rr, K_theta_theta; Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_rthetaphi(m, r, theta, phi, K_rr, K_theta_theta); xform_from_rthetaphi_to_xyz(epsilon, x, y, z, K_rr, K_theta_theta, K_xx, K_xy, K_xz, K_yy, K_yz, K_zz); } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes the two independent components of the 3-metric // $g_{ij}$ for Schwarzschild spacetime in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates // $(r,theta,phi)$, as per equation (A2.2) of my Ph.D thesis, rescaled in // the obvious way for non-unit mass. // // By the spherical symmetry, $g_{\phi\phi} = g_{\theta\theta} \sin^2\theta$. // namespace { void Schwarzschild_EF_gij_rthetaphi(fp m, fp r, fp theta, fp phi, fp& g_rr, fp& g_theta_theta) { g_rr = 1.0 + 2.0*m/r; g_theta_theta = r*r; } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function computes the two independent components of the 3-extrinsic // curvature $K_{ij}$ for Schwarzschild spacetime in Eddington-Finkelstein // coordinates $(r,theta,phi)$, as per equation (A2.2) of my Ph.D thesis, // rescaled in the obvious way for non-unit mass. // // By the spherical symmetry, $K_{\phi\phi} = K_{\theta\theta} \sin^2\theta$. // // namespace { void Schwarzschild_EF_Kij_rthetaphi(fp m, fp r, fp theta, fp phi, fp& K_rr, fp& K_theta_theta) { fp temp = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + 2.0*m/r); K_rr = -(2.0/(r*r)) * (1.0 + m/r) * temp; K_theta_theta = 2.0 * temp; } } //****************************************************************************** // // This function transforms a diagonal T_dd (rank 2 covariant) tensor // in spherical symmetry, // T_dd = diag[ T_rr T_theta_theta T_theta_theta*sin(theta)**2 ] // from (r,theta,phi) to (x,y,z) coordinates, as per pages 16-17 of my // AHFInderDirect working notes. // // Arguments: // epsilon = Tolerance parameter for deciding when to switch from // generic expressions to z-axis limits: we switch iff // sin^2 theta = (x^2+y^2)/r^2 is <= epsilon // namespace { void xform_from_rthetaphi_to_xyz(fp epsilon, fp x, fp y, fp z, fp T_rr, fp T_theta_theta, fp& T_xx, fp& T_xy, fp& T_xz, fp& T_yy, fp& T_yz, fp& T_zz) { const fp x2 = x*x; const fp y2 = y*y; const fp x2py2 = x2 + y2; const fp z2 = z*z; const fp r2 = x2 + y2 + z2; const fp r4 = r2*r2; const bool z_flag = x2py2/r2 <= epsilon; T_xx = (x2/r2)*T_rr + (z_flag ? 1.0/r2 : (x2*z2/r2 + y2) / (r2*x2py2)) *T_theta_theta; T_yy = (y2/r2)*T_rr + (z_flag ? 1.0/r2 : (y2*z2/r2 + x2) / (r2*x2py2)) *T_theta_theta; T_zz = (z2/r2)*T_rr + (x2py2/r4)*T_theta_theta; T_xy = (x*y/r2)*T_rr + (z_flag ? 0.0 : (z2/r2 - 1.0) * x*y / (r2*x2py2)) *T_theta_theta; T_xz = (x*z/r2)*T_rr - (x*z/r4)*T_theta_theta; T_yz = (y*z/r2)*T_rr - (y*z/r4)*T_theta_theta; } }