This directory contains all the code for this thorn which "knows" about general relativity. The main source files in this directory are as follows: Top-level driver for the whole thorn. Computes the LHS of the AH equation, $H = H(h)$. Computes the Jacobian of the $H(h)$ function, $J[H(h)]$. AHFinderDirect.hh Overall header file for all the external routines in this directory. gfns.hh Defines the gfns of all the gridfns as enums in namespace gfns::. cg.hh This is a "dangerous" header file which defines the "virtual machine" used by the machine-generated code in ../ doit.maple Top-level driver for all the Maple code. setup_gr_gfas.maple gr_gfas.minc These files define the relativity gridfns for the Maple code, eg the 3-metric, 3-extrinsic curvature, etc. auxiliary.maple curvature.maple horizon.maple These files compute the $H(h)$ function and the $J[H(h)]$ coefficients in Maple. maple.log This is a log file (transcript) of the Maple computation.