// Jacobian.hh -- data structures for the Jacobian matrix // $Header$ // #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN // row_sparse_Jacobian -- Jacobian stored as row-oriented sparse matrix #endif #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__ILUCG // row_sparse_Jacobian__ILUCG -- ... with ILUCG linear solver #endif #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__UMFPACK // row_sparse_Jacobian__UMFPACK -- ... with UMFPACK linear solver #endif // #ifndef AHFINDERDIRECT__ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN_HH #define AHFINDERDIRECT__ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN_HH // // prerequisites: // "../patch/patch_system.hh" // "Jacobian.hh" // #define DEBUG_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN // define this for detailed // debugging of data structures // (quite slow, not for production use) #ifdef DEBUG_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN // define this to sanity-check the matrix data structures // at the start of each new row #define ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__CHECK_AT_ROW_START // define this to sanity-check the matrix data structures // after each new element is inserted #define ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__CHECK_AFTER_INSERT // define this to print a line or two of information // for each of the main data-structure operations, // e.g. zero the matrix, start a new row, insert a new matrix element, etc // ... note this produces a lot of output // (tens of megabytes for a reasonable-sized angular grid) #undef ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__LOG_MAIN_OPS // define this to print and sanity-check the matrix data structures // at the start of each new row; note this produces a *huge* amount of // output (many hundreds of megabytes for a reasonable-sized angular grid), // and is only suitable for tiny examples #undef ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__PRINT_AT_ROW_START // define this to print and sanity-check the matrix data structures // after each new element is inserted; note this produces even more // output than "just" printing at the start of each row! #undef ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__PRINT_AFTER_INSERT #endif //****************************************************************************** #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN // // This class stores the Jacobian as a row-oriented sparse matrix. // This sparse matrix format is widely used by sparse matrix libraries. // // There are two variants of the format, depending on whether the array // indices are C-style 0-origin or Fortran-style 1-origin values. Note // that these variants actually store different values in memory -- the // difference is *not* just an adjustment of the subscripting. To handle // both variants with common code, we store an integer "index origin" IO, // which is 0 for C, 1 for Fortran. // // The matrix is represented by 3 arrays: // IA[N_rows+1] = IO-relative indices in JA and A of the start of // each row's matrix elements; // IA(IO ) = IO // IA(IO+N_rows) = IO + N_nonzeros // JA[N_nonzeros] = IO-relative column indices of the corresponding // entries in A // A[N_nonzeros] = nonzero matrix elements, ordered by rows; // within a row the matrix elements may either be // in arbitrary order, or may be sorted in increasing // order of their column indices // A[] may include explicitly stored zeros if necessary. // IA[] and JA[] are arrays of integer (a C typedef which matches the // Fortran "integer" datatype) so they can be passed by reference to/from // Fortran code if necessary. // // For example, the matrix // [ 11. 12. 13. ] // [ 21. 22. 24. 25. ] // [ 32. 34. ] // [ 44. 45. ] // [ 53. 55. ] // could be represented by the IO=0 arrays // IA[] = { 0, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 } // JA[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4 } // A [] = { 11.,12.,13., 21.,22.,24.,25., 32.,34., 44.,45., 53.,55.} // or the IO=1 arrays // IA[] = { 1, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14 } // JA[] = { 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 2, 4, 4, 5, 3, 5 } // A [] = { 11.,12.,13., 21.,22.,24.,25., 32.,34., 44.,45., 53.,55.} // Notice that the A[] array is identical in both cases, but the IA[] and // JA[] arrays vary. // class row_sparse_Jacobian : public Jacobian { public: // // index origin can be either C or Fortran // int IO() const { return IO_; } enum {C_index_origin = 0, Fortran_index_origin = 1}; // // routines to access the matrix // // get a matrix element fp element(int II, int JJ) const; // is the matrix element (II,JJ) stored explicitly? bool is_explicitly_stored(int II, int JJ) const { return find_element(II,JJ) > 0; } // // routines for setting values in the matrix // ... with the current implementation, clients *must* set up // the matrix in row order. // // zero the entire matrix void zero_matrix(); // set a matrix element to a specified value void set_element(int II, int JJ, fp value); // sum a value into a matrix element void sum_into_element(int II, int JJ, fp value); // // internal routines // protected: // return 0-origin position of (II,JJ) in A_ and JA_, // or -1 if not found int find_element(int II, int JJ) const; // insert new array element (II,JJ) in matrix, // starting new row and/or growing arrays if necessary // return 0-origin position (1-origin) in A_ and JA_ int insert_element(int II, int JJ, fp value); // grow arrays to make room for more elements // ... growth is geometric ==> amortized cost remains O(current size) void grow_arrays(); // this fn does the actual growing // parameter for growth policy // ... this should be > 0 // ... for debugging it may be useful to set this to a fairly // small value, to force some grow_array() calls when // the arrays are still small enough for easy examination enum {base_growth_amount = 10}; // grow by this much + 1/2 current size // sort each row's JA_[] and A_[] array elements // so the columns (JA_[] values) are in increasing order // ... this doesn't change the abstract value of the matrix void sort_each_row_into_column_order(); #ifdef DEBUG_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN // sanity-check and optionally print matrix data structure // (i.e. the IA_ and JA_ arrays) void check_and_print_data_structure(bool print_flag) const; #endif // // constructor, destructor // protected: // the constructor only uses ps to get the size of the matrix // ... print_msg_flag controls messages about data structure setup // during construction and element-setting process row_sparse_Jacobian(patch_system& ps, int IO_in, bool print_msg_flag = false); ~row_sparse_Jacobian(); protected: int IO_; // index origin (0=C, 1=Fortran) #ifdef DEBUG_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN const char*const IOstr_;// --> "c" or "f" as appropriate #endif int N_nonzeros_; // current number of nonzeros in matrix // = number of elements valid in JA_[], A_[] int current_N_rows_; // current number of rows in matrix // i.e. current rows have 0-origin indices // 0 <= II < current_N_rows_ int N_nonzeros_allocated_; // allocated size of JA_[], A_[] // --> new[]-allocated arrays // ***** due to constructor initialization list ordering, // ***** these must be declared *AFTER* N_nonzeros_allocated_ // this is allocated in the constructor integer* IA_; // --> array of size N_rows_+1 // valid for 0-origin indices // 0 <= II <= current_N_rows_ // this is allocated in the constructor, // but may be reallocated by grow_arrays() // ... using STL vector would be much cleaner here, but alas // there are too many broken compilers/linkers in the world // world which don't fully grok vector :( :( integer* JA_; // --> array of size N_nonzeros_allocated_ // valid for 0-origin indices // 0 <= posn < II[current_N_rows] fp* A_; // ditto }; #endif // HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN //****************************************************************************** #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__ILUCG // // This class defines the linear solver routine using ILUCG. // // This class stores the matrix with IO=1 (Fortran-style indices), // and does not sort the elements in a row into increasing-column order. // class row_sparse_Jacobian__ILUCG : public row_sparse_Jacobian { public: // solve linear system J.x = rhs via ILUCG // ... rhs and x are nominal-grid gridfns // ... overwrites Jacobian matrix with its LU decomposition // ... returns -1.0 to signal that condition number is unknown fp solve_linear_system(int rhs_gfn, int x_gfn, const struct linear_solver_pars& pars, bool print_msg_flag); // constructor, destructor public: // the constructor only uses ps to get the size of the matrix row_sparse_Jacobian__ILUCG(patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag = false); ~row_sparse_Jacobian__ILUCG(); private: bool print_msg_flag_; // work vectors for ILUCG subroutine // ... allocated by solve_linear_system() on first call integer* itemp_; fp* rtemp_; }; #endif // HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__ILUCG //****************************************************************************** #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__UMFPACK // // This class defines the linear solver routine using UMFPACK. // // This class stores the matrix with IO=0 (C-style indices), // and sorts the elements in a row into increasing-column order. // // Notice that due to the pImpl-style design of the UMFPACK classes, // and our using Fortran "integer" instead of UMFPACK "Int" for the // integer arrays, "umfpack.h" is *not* a prerequisite for including // this header file. // class row_sparse_Jacobian__UMFPACK : public row_sparse_Jacobian { public: // solve linear system J.x = rhs via UMFPACK // ... rhs and x are nominal-grid gridfns // ... does symbolic factorization on first call, // reuses this on all following calls // ... returns estimated reciprocal condition number if known, // -1.0 if condition number is unknown // ... rcond = 0.0 ==> exactly singular // rcond < DBL_EPSILON ==> numerically singular // rcond = 1.0 ==> orthogonal matrix fp solve_linear_system(int rhs_gfn, int x_gfn, const struct linear_solver_pars& pars, bool print_msg_flag); // constructor, destructor public: // the constructor only uses ps to get the size of the matrix row_sparse_Jacobian__UMFPACK(patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag = false); ~row_sparse_Jacobian__UMFPACK(); private: bool print_msg_flag_; // pointers to UMFPACK control arrays double *Control_; double *Info_; // pointers to UMFPACK workspace arrays integer *solve_workspace_integer_; double *solve_workspace_double_; // pointers to UMFPACK data objects // (UMFPACK takes these as void* and casts them internally) void* Symbolic_; void* Numeric_; // }; #endif // HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__UMFPACK //****************************************************************************** #endif // AHFINDERDIRECT__ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN_HH