c gecon_wrapper.f -- wrapper routines for LAPACK [sd]gecon() c $Header$ c c These subroutines are wrappers around the LAPACK [sd]gecon() subroutines. c These subroutines take only integer/real/double precision arguments, c avoiding problems with C/C++ --> Fortran passing of the character string c arguments used by [sd]gecon(). c c Arguments: c norm_int = (in) 0 ==> infinity-norm c 1 ==> 1-norm c #include "config.hh" #ifdef HAVE_DENSE_JACOBIAN subroutine sgecon_wrapper(norm_int, $ N, A, LDA, anorm, rcond, $ WORK, IWORK, info) integer norm_int integer N, LDA real A(LDA,N) real anorm, rcond real WORK(*) integer iwork(*) integer info if (norm_int .eq. 0) then call sgecon('I', N,A,LDA, anorm,rcond, WORK,IWORK, info) else if (norm_int .eq. 1) then call sgecon('1', N,A,LDA, anorm,rcond, WORK,IWORK, info) else info = -1; end if return end #endif /* HAVE_DENSE_JACOBIAN */ #ifdef HAVE_DENSE_JACOBIAN subroutine dgecon_wrapper(norm_int, $ N, A, LDA, anorm, rcond, $ WORK, IWORK, info) integer norm_int integer N, LDA double precision A(LDA,N) double precision anorm, rcond double precision WORK(*) integer iwork(*) integer info if (norm_int .eq. 0) then call dgecon('I', N,A,LDA, anorm,rcond, WORK,IWORK, info) else if (norm_int .eq. 1) then call dgecon('1', N,A,LDA, anorm,rcond, WORK,IWORK, info) else info = -1; end if return end #endif /* HAVE_DENSE_JACOBIAN */