// Jacobian.hh -- generic data structures for the Jacobian matrix // $Header$ // // Jacobian -- ABC to describe Jacobian matrix // decode_Jacobian_store_solve_method - decode string into internal enum // new_Jacobian - factory method // // // prerequisites: // "../patch/patch_system.hh" // //****************************************************************************** // // These classes are used to store and manipulate Jacobian matrices // for a patch system. // // Jacobian is an abstract base class (ABC) that defines the generic // Jacobian API. We derive classes from it for each type of sparsity // pattern, then we derive classes from them for each linear solver. // // At present the inheritance graph looks like this: // Jacobian // dense_Jacobian // dense_Jacobian__LAPACK // row_sparse_Jacobian // row_sparse_Jacobian__ILUCG // each derived class is inside a corresponding #ifdef (set or unset // as appropriate, in "../include/config.h"). // //****************************************************************************** // // We assume a "traversal" interface for computing Jacobians, defined // by the Jacobian API. The typical code to construct and use a // Jacobian matrix looks like this: // // prototype // // ... calls Jac.zero_matrix() // // Jac.set_element() // // Jac.sum_into_element() // void traverse_Jacobian(const patch_system& ps, Jacobian& Jac); // // Jacobian& Jac = new_Jacobian(Jac_type, ps); // traverse_Jacobian(ps, Jac); // Jac.solve_linear_system(...); // // Jac.zero_matrix() // traverse_Jacobian(ps, Jac); // must specify same sparsity pattern // // as before // Jac.solve_linear_system(...); // // // // A row/column index of the Jacobian (denoted II/JJ) is a 0-origin grid // point number within the patch system. // // Since many of the derived classes use Fortran routines, we also use // 1-origin indices; these have a leading "f", eg fII/fJJ. // // // Note that the APIs here implicitly assume there is only a *single* gridfn // in the Jacobian computation. (If we had N gridfns for this, then the // Jacobian would really be a block matrix with N*N blocks.) This isn't // very general, but matches our present use in this thorn. // //****************************************************************************** // ABC to define Jacobian matrix class Jacobian { public: // basic meta-info patch_system& my_patch_system() const { return ps_; } int N_rows() const { return N_rows_; } // convert (patch,irho,isigma) <--> row/column index int II_of_patch_irho_isigma(const patch& p, int irho, int isigma) const { return ps_.gpn_of_patch_irho_isigma(p, irho,isigma); } const patch& patch_irho_isigma_of_II(int II, int& irho, int& isigma) const { return ps_.patch_irho_isigma_of_gpn(II, irho,isigma); } // // convert C <--> Fortran indices // int csub(int f) const { return f-1; } int fsub(int c) const { return c+1; } // // routines to access the matrix // // get a matrix element virtual fp element(int II, int JJ) const = 0; // is a given element explicitly stored, or implicitly 0 via sparsity virtual bool is_explicitly_stored(int II, int JJ) const = 0; // // routines for setting values in the matrix // // zero the entire matrix virtual void zero_matrix() = 0; // set a matrix element to a specified value virtual void set_element(int II, int JJ, fp value) = 0; // sum a value into a matrix element virtual void sum_into_element(int II, int JJ, fp value) = 0; // // solve linear system J.x = rhs // ... rhs and x are nominal-grid gridfns // ... may modify Jacobian matrix (eg for LU decomposition) // ... returns 0.0 if matrix is numerically singular // condition number (> 0.0) if known // -1.0 if condition number is unknown // ... once this has been called, the sparsity pattern should // not be changed, i.e. no new nonzeros should be introduced // into the matrix // virtual fp solve_linear_system(int rhs_gfn, int x_gfn, bool print_msg_flag) = 0; // // constructor, destructor // protected: // the constructor only uses ps to get the size of the matrix Jacobian(patch_system& ps) : ps_(ps), N_rows_(ps.N_grid_points()) { } public: virtual ~Jacobian() { } private: // we forbid copying and passing by value // by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator // private, but never defining them Jacobian(const Jacobian &rhs); Jacobian& operator=(const Jacobian &rhs); protected: patch_system& ps_; int N_rows_; }; //****************************************************************************** enum Jacobian_store_solve_method { #ifdef HAVE_DENSE_JACOBIAN__LAPACK Jacobian__dense_matrix__LAPACK, #endif #ifdef HAVE_ROW_SPARSE_JACOBIAN__ILUCG Jacobian__row_sparse_matrix__ILUCG // no comma on last entry in enum #endif }; // // prototypes of various Jacobian-related functions // // decode string into internal enum enum Jacobian_store_solve_method decode_Jacobian_store_solve_method (const char Jacobian_store_solve_method_string[]); // "object factory" routines to construct and return // pointers to new-allocated objects of specified derived types Jacobian* new_Jacobian(enum Jacobian_store_solve_method Jac_method, patch_system& ps, bool print_msg_flag = false);