This directory contains top-level routines to find the apparent horizon and interface with the rest of Cactus. The main source files in this directory are as follows: AHFinderDirect.hh overall header file for routines in this directory state information (data structures) kept across Cactus scheduler calls this is called from the scheduler to setup our data structures this is called from the scheduler to set the initial guess(es) for the horizon position(s) this is called from the scheduler to find the apparent horizon(s) in a slice ellipsoid.maple this is a Maple script to compute the intersection of a given ray with an ellipsoid; this is used in setting up the initial guess ellipsoid.c this is the Maple-generated code from "ellipsoid.maple" ellipsoid.log this is the standard output from running "ellipsoid.maple" this solves the H(h) = 0 equations by Newton's method I/O routines