Porting AHFinderDirect to a non-Cactus Numerical Relativity Code ================================================================ $Header$ As you almost certainly already know if you're reading this file, AHFinderDirect is currently implemented as a thorn in the Cactus computational toolkit. However, AHFinderDirect is actually only weakly coupled to the rest of Cactus, so it wouldn't be that hard to port it to another (non-Cactus) numerical relativity code. The main requirements for such a port would be as follows: * A Fortran 77 compiler, a C compiler, and a fairly modern (i.e. standards-compliant) C++ compiler. * A suitable geometry interpolator to do 3-D Hermite interpolation (across multiple processors if the new code is to be multiprocessor-capable). * A suitable interpatch interpolator to do processor-local 1-D interpolation. This interpolator must also be able to provide the Jacobian of the interpolation (i.e. the interpolation coefficients). * If the new code is to be multiprocessor-capable, the routines used to broadcast status information to all processors, and to broadcast AH shapes to all processors for setting an excision mask, would need to be re-implemented. * A few generic datatypes and low-level routines (for formatting and printing warning/error messages) would need to be re-implemented.