# Parameter definitions for thorn AHFinderDirect # $Header$ ################################################################################ # we may need to look at grid::domain to choose our patch system symmetries shares: grid USES KEYWORD domain # we need to look at ADMBase::metric_type and StaticConformal::conformal_state # to check physical/conformal metric shares: ADMBase USES KEYWORD metric_type # all remaining parameters are private to this thorn private: ################################################################################ # # overall parameters for the apparent horizon finding algorithm itself # boolean find_AHs_at_postinitial \ "should we try to find apparent horizons at CCTK_POSTINITIAL?" { } "true" boolean find_AHs_at_poststep \ "should we try to find apparent horizons at CCTK_POSTSTEP?" { } "true" keyword method "top-level method used to find the apparent horizon" { # these options are mostly for testing/debugging "horizon function" :: "evaluate the LHS function H(h)" "Jacobian test" :: \ "compute/print the J[H(h)] Jacobian matrix by all possible methods" "Jacobian test (NP only)" :: \ "compute/print the J[H(h)] Jacobian matrix by numerical perturbation only" # this is for normal apparent horizon finding "Newton solve" :: "find the horizon via Newton's method" } "Newton solve" # # We support searching for up to N_horizons distinct apparent horizons # (some of which may be nested inside others) in a slice. We number # these 1, 2, 3, ... (this seems a bit more user-friendly than Cactus's # native 0-origin numbering). Since Cactus arrays are 0-origin, we # make the arrays be of size N_horizons+1, and don't use the [0] array # elements. # # To change the N_horizons limit, just change the upper limit for # N_horizons itself, change all the [N_horizons+1] array sizes in this # paramter file, and recompile your configuration. No changes are # needed to the source code. # int N_horizons "number of apparent horizons to search for" { 0 :: "turn this thorn into a fancy no-op :)" 1:4 :: "search for this many apparent horizons" } 1 # # This parameter controls which (how many) informational (non-error) # messages are printed describing the operation of the apparent horizon # finder. This is analogous to the -W Cactus command-line option, except # that this parameter controls (only) *non*-error messages. # keyword verbose_level \ "controls which (how many) messages to print describing AH finding" { # 1 line each time step giving number of horizons found and their masses # ... this doesn't work yet :( "physics highlights" :: "just a few physics messages" # 1 line for each horizon giving position/mass/area, + a summary line or two "physics details" :: "more detailed physics messages" # 1 line giving H(h) norms at each Newton iteration "algorithm highlights" :: \ "physics details + a few messages about the AH-finding algorithm" # lots of details tracing what the code is doing "algorithm details" :: \ "physics details + lots of messages about the AH-finding algorithm" } "algorithm highlights" # n.b. printing timing stats is independent of verbose_level boolean print_timing_stats \ "should we print timing stats for the whole apparent-horizon-finding process?" { } "false" ################################################################################ # # parameters for the Jacobian matrix # keyword Jacobian_method "how do we compute the Jacobian matrix?" { # for debugging only" "numerical perturbation" :: "n.b. this is *very* slow" # use this for normal apparent horizon finding "symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr" :: \ "fast, tricky programming, uses only gij, dx gij, Kij" # alas, this isn't implemented yet :( "symbolic differentiation" :: \ "fast, tricky programming, uses gij, dx gij, dxx gij, Kij, dx Kij" } "symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr" # # This parameter lists all known storage methods. See # "src/include/config.hh" for which of these are actually compiled in at # the moment. N.b. each compiled-in method requires linking with the # corresponding linear-solver library; see "src/make.configuration.defn" # for details on these libraries. # keyword Jacobian_storage_method "how do we store the Jacobian matrix?" { # at present this is the only option "dense matrix" :: "dense matrix (inefficient at high angular resolution)" } "dense matrix" # # This parameter controls two different sorts of one-sided finite # differencing: # - numerical-perturbation Jacobian computations # - the finite differencing part of the "symbolic differentiation # with finite diff d/dr" Jacobian computation # # Notes on this parameter: # - don't set it too small or roundoff errors will become large # - don't set it too large or finite differencing errors will become large # In practice the default value should be fine # real Jacobian_perturbation_amplitude \ "perturbation amplitude for 1-sided finite differencing for Jacobians" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0e-6 ################################################################################ # # parameters for the Newton's-method solution of H(h) = 0 # # # The first time we (try to) find a given horizon, our initial guess # is likely to be rather inaccurate, so we may need a larger number of # iterations. But if we've found this horizon before, then we have its # previous position as an initial guess, so (assuming that we've been # scheduled at each time step) we shouldn't need as many iterations. # int max_Newton_iterations__initial \ "maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up \ when initially finding a given horizon" { (0:* :: "any positive integer" } 20 int max_Newton_iterations__subsequent \ "maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up \ when re-finding a given horizon after finding it before" { (0:* :: "any positive integer" } 10 # # To avoid the Newton iteration diverging if there is no horizon present # or if the initial guess is bad, we limit the distance the horizon may # move in any single Newton iteration (i.e. the infinity-norm of Delta_h) # to <= this fraction of the mean horizon radius # real max_Delta_h_over_h \ "don't let horizon move > this fraction of mean radius in a Newton iteration" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 0.1 # # we declare convergence if *either* of the following two criteria are met # real H_norm_for_convergence "declare convergence if ||H||_inf <= this" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0e-8 real Delta_h_norm_for_convergence \ "declare convergence after any Newton step with ||Delta_h||_inf <= this" { (0.0:* :: "any positive real number" } 1.0e-8 # # This only needs to be set to true for very careful convergence studies # etc. On the other hand, setting it to true probably only slows down # the apparent horizon finder by a few percent. # boolean final_H_update_if_exit_x_H_small \ "should we do a final H(h) update after a h += Delta_h update which is\ so small it meets the Delta_h_norm_for_convergence convergence criterion?" { } "false" ################################################################################ # # input/output parameters # # this is mainly useful for debugging purposes boolean output_initial_guess \ "should we output the initial guess back to the h data file?" { } "false" # for debugging convergence failures, we can optionally output # h, H, and delta_h at each Newton iteration # (the file names are the usual ones with ".it%d" appended) boolean debugging_output_at_each_Newton_iteration \ "should we output {h, H, delta_h} at each Newton iteration?" { } "false" # the next two parameters control how often we write full-sized # output files (format controlled by file_format ); we still *find* # apparent horizons at each time step, and compute/print small-sized # diagnostics, but this parameter may be used to reduce the number # and size of output files int how_often_to_output_h \ "how often (in Cactus time steps) should we output h (0 to disable)?" { 0 :: "don't output h at all" 1:* :: "any integer >= 1" } 1 # setting this > 0 is probably only of interest if the Newton iteration # fails to converge, or if you're debugging AHFinderDirect internals int how_often_to_output_H_of_h \ "how often (in Cactus time steps) should we output the H(h) functions?" { 0 :: "don't output H(h) at all" 1:* :: "any integer >= 1" } 0 keyword file_format \ "what file format should we use for h and H(h) data files?" { "ASCII (gnuplot)" :: "simple ASCII format, directly readable by gnuplot" "HDF5" :: "HDF5 surface format (alas not implemented yet)" } "ASCII (gnuplot)" boolean output_ghost_zones_for_h \ "should we include the ghost zones in h data files?" { } "false" string ASCII_gnuplot_file_name_extension \ "extension for ASCII (gnuplot) data files" { .* :: "any string" } "gnuplot" string HDF5_file_name_extension "extension for HDF5 data files" { .* :: "any string" } "hdf5" # # These file names are actually just "base" file names, with the full # file names being given by a printf() format "%s.t%d.ah%d[.it%d].%s", # where # - the first %s is the base file name, # - the first %d is the global Cactus time iteration number, # - the second %d is the apparent horizon number, ande # - the optional third %d is the horizon finder iteration number # - the second %s is the file name extension as set by the # {ASCII,HDF5}_data_file_name_extension # string h_base_file_name \ "base file name for horizon shape h input/output file(s)" { .+ :: "any nonempty string" } "h.dat" string H_of_h_base_file_name "base file name for H(h) output file(s)" { .+ :: "any nonempty string" } "H.dat" string Delta_h_base_file_name \ "base file name for horizon-shape-update Delta_h output file(s)" { .+ :: "any nonempty string" } "Delta_h.dat" string Jacobian_base_file_name "base file name for Jacobian output file(s)" { .+ :: "any valid file name" } "Jacobian.dat" ################################################################################ # # parameters to define the patch systems # private: # # For each apparent horizon, you need to set these parameters to the # Cactus xyz coordinates of a "local origin point" inside the horizon, # which will serve as the origin for the apparent horizon finder's # local angular coordinate system. # # The apparent horizon surface (and in fact all the trial surfaces the # apparent horizon finder generates while iteratively solving the apparent # horizon equation) is restricted to being a Strahlkoerper ("star-shaped # region") about the origin point. That is, each surface must be of # the form r = h(angle) with h a single-valued function. # # If the origin point is too far from the actual horizon centroid, i.e. # if it's too close to the horizon surface itself, then the apparent # horizon finder's Newton iteration won't converge as quickly or robustly. # However, in practice the tolerances on this are quite loose -- 1/4 # of the horizon radius is no problem, and even 1/2 the horizon radius # only slows the convergence by an extra iteration or two. # real origin_x[5] "global x coordinate of patch system origin" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real origin_y[5] "global y coordinate of patch system origin" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real origin_z[5] "global z coordinate of patch system origin" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 keyword patch_system_type "what type of patch system should we use?" { # choose this for normal use "match Cactus grid symmetry" :: \ "choose automagically based on grid symmetries and the patch system's origin" # these are also fully supported "full sphere" :: "full sphere, no symmetries" "+z hemisphere" :: "mirror symmetry across z=0 plane" # these don't fully work yet for apparent horizon finding # (the Jacobian computation doesn't grok them properly) "+xy quadrant" :: "90 degree periodic rotation symmetry about z axis" "+xz quadrant" :: "mirror symmetry across z=0 plane *and* \ 180 degree periodic rotation symmetry about z axis" "+xyz octant" :: "mirror symmetry across z=0 plane *and* \ 90 degree periodic rotation symmetry about z axis" } "match Cactus grid symmetry" # # This parameter sets the width of the interpatch ghost zones in the # patch system. Note that this thorn uses the terminology "ghost zone" # for any of what Cactus in general now calls a "boundary zone" or a # "symmetry zone" or a "patch zone". # # This parameter must be at least # ... 2 if FINITE_DIFF_ORDER is set to 4 in "src/include/config.hh" # ... 1 if FINITE_DIFF_ORDER is set to 2 in "src/include/config.hh" # The code checks for this being too small, and reports a fatal error if so. # int N_ghost_points "number of ghost zones on each side of a patch" { 0:* :: "any integer >= 0" } 2 int N_overlap_points \ "number of grid points that nominally-just-touching patches should overlap" { 1:*:2 :: "any integer >= 0; current implementation requires that it be odd" } 1 # # In practice the error in the horizon position is usually dominated # by the errors from interpolating the Cactus gij and Kij to the horizon # position, not by the angular finite differencing or interpatch interpolation # errors. Thus this parameter can be made quite large (low resolution) # for better performance, without seriously affecting the accuracy # with which we can locate the horizon. # # This spacing must integrally divide 90 degrees for full sphere patch # systems, or 45 degrees for other patch systems. # # Also, the computation of surface integrals over the horizon (for horizon # areas, masses, and centroids) is most accurate if the number of angular # grid zones (i.e. the patch size divided by this parameter) is even or # >= 7 (or both) for both coordinates of all patches. # # If you are thinking of setting this to a small value (high resolution), # note also that with the current dense-matrix storage of the Jacobian, # the memory/running time of the LAPACK linear system solve scales as # the inverse 4th/6th power of this parameter! # real delta_drho_dsigma "angular grid spacing of patches, in degrees" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 7.5 ################################################################################ # # parameters for how we compute surface integrals over the horizon # # ... N is the number of grid zones in a patch, in either direction keyword surface_integral_method \ "how do we compute surface integrals over the horizon?" { "trapezoid" :: "alternate name for trapezoid rule" "trapezoid rule" :: "trapezoid rule (2nd order for smooth functions)" "Simpson" :: "alternate name for Simpson's rule" "Simpson's rule" :: \ "Simpson's rule (4th order for smooth fns, requires N to be even)" "Simpson (variant)" :: "alternate name for Simpson's rule variant" "Simpson's rule (variant)":: \ "Simpson's rule variant (4th order for smooth fns, requires N >= 7)" # choose this for normal use (assuming FINITE_DIFF_ORDER is set to 4 # in "src/include/config.hh") "automatic choice" :: \ "choose Simpson's rule or variant if applicable, otherwise trapezoid rule" } "automatic choice" ################################################################################ # # parameters for how we compute the slice's geometry # (gij, Kij, partial_k gij) # keyword geometry_method "how do we compute the slice's geometry?" { # for normal use "interpolate from Cactus grid" :: "interpolate gij and Kij from Cactus grid" # for testing/debugging "Schwarzschild/EF" :: \ "hard-wire to Schwarzschild spacetime / Eddington-Finkelstein slice" } "interpolate from Cactus grid" ######################################## # # parameters for geometry_method = "interpolate from Cactus grid" # # This 3D interpolator is used to interpolate gij and Kij from the # Cactus grid to the position of each trial horizon surface, giving # gij, Kij, and partial_x gij as outputs. This interpolator must have # the following properties: # - It must be able to accept the Cactus grid as an input domain. The # current implementation uses the CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() API; this # is processor-local and so restricts the whole apparent horizon finder # to single-processor operation. # - It must support taking at least 1st derivatives as part of the # interpolation. # - It should give at least $C^1$ interpolants for smooth data, otherwise # the H(h) function will have "spikes" and the Newton iteration may # fail to converge all the way down to tight error tolerances. $C^2$ # would be even better, but in practice a ($C^1$) Hermite interpolant # works well. # In practice the default values for these parameters should work fine # (so long as you compile with CactusBase/LocalInterp and activate that # thorn). # string geometry_interpolator_name \ "name under which the geometry interpolation operator is registered in Cactus" { .* :: "any string" } "Hermite polynomial interpolation" string geometry_interpolator_pars \ "parameters for the geometry interpolator" { .* :: "any string acceptable to Util_TableSetFromString() and to the interpolator" } "order=3" ######################################## # # parameters for geometry_method = "Schwarzschild/EF" # real geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__mass "mass of Schwarzschild BH" { (0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0" } 1.0 real geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__x_posn "x coordinate of Schwarzschild BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__y_posn "y coordinate of Schwarzschild BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__z_posn "z coordinate of Schwarzschild BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 # some of the formulas have 0/0 limits on the z axis; this parameter controls # where we switch from the generic formulas to the L'Hopital's-rule z axis # limits # - don't set this parameter too small or roundoff errors will be excessive # - don't set this parameter too large or finite differencing errors will # be excessive # in practice the default value should be fine # n.b. this is used for centered finite differencing, unlike the Jacobian real geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__epsilon \ "threshold for sin^2 theta = (x^2+y^2)/r^2 below which we use z axis limits" { (0.0:* :: "this should be somewhat above the floating-point roundoff level" } 1.0e-9 # we compute partial_k g_ij by numerical finite differencing of the exact # analytical g_ij values; this parameter sets the "grid spacing" for this # - don't set this parameter too small or roundoff errors will be excessive # - don't set this parameter too large or finite differencing errors will # be excessive # in practice the default value should be fine # ... n.b. this finite differencing is *centered*, unlike that in the # Jacobian computation real geometry__Schwarzschild_EF__Delta_xyz \ "finite diff pseuo-grid spacing for computing partial_k g_ij" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0" } 1.0e-6 ######################################## # # These tests control whether we check that various angular gridfns # are finite (neither NaN nor infinity) at various points in evaluating # the H(h) function. These are pretty cheap tests, and they're quite # useful in catching assorted wierdness, so it's probably worth leaving # them enabled unless you're trying to squeeze every last nanosecond... # boolean check_that_h_is_finite \ "should we check that horizon shape function h is finite?" { } "true" boolean check_that_geometry_is_finite \ "should we check the interpolated geometry variables are finite?" { } "true" ################################################################################ # # parameters for the interpatch interpolator # # This 1D interpolator is used to interpolate the h function between # angular patches. Because any given patch boundary only interpolates # from a single neighboring patch (this is to simplify the bookkeeping), # near the patch corners this interpolator will have to be used off-centered. # Thus it's desirable to use an interpolator which retains reasonable # accuracy right up to the edge of the data range. In practice a Lagrange # polynomial interpolant works well. # string interpatch_interpolator_name \ "name under which the interpatch interpolation operator is registered in Cactus" { .* :: "any string" } "Lagrange polynomial interpolation" string interpatch_interpolator_pars \ "parameters for the interpatch interpolator" { .* :: "any string acceptable to Util_TableSetFromString() and to the interpolator" } "order=5" ################################################################################ # # parameters specifying the initial guess for the apparent horizon shape # (Note that if at any time we fail to find the (an) apparent horizon, # then we reset our trial horizon surface to this initial guess before # next attempting to find this horizon.) # # n.b. Schwarzschild/EF is the special case spin=0 of Kerr/Kerr keyword initial_guess_method \ "method used to set up initial guess for apparent horizon shape" { "read from file" :: "read from input file" "Kerr/Kerr" :: \ "set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr coordinates" "Kerr/Kerr-Schild" :: \ "set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates" "coordinate sphere" :: "set to a coordinate sphere" "coordinate ellipsoid" :: "set to a coordinate ellipsoid" } "coordinate sphere" # parameters for initial_guess_method = "Kerr/Kerr" real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__x_posn[5] "x coordinate of Kerr BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__y_posn[5] "y coordinate of Kerr BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__z_posn[5] "z coordinate of Kerr BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__mass[5] "mass of Kerr BH" { (0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0" } 1.0 # n.b. my convention is that a=J/m^2 is dimensionless, # while MTW take a=J/m=m * (my a) real initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__spin[5] "dimensionless spin a=J/m^2 of Kerr BH" { (-1.0:1.0) :: \ "dimensionless BH spin = J/m^2 = any real number with absolute value < 1" } 0.6 # parameters for initial_guess_method = "Kerr/Kerr-Schild" real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__x_posn[5] "x coordinate of Kerr BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__y_posn[5] "y coordinate of Kerr BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__z_posn[5] "z coordinate of Kerr BH" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[5] "mass of Kerr BH" { (0.0:* :: "BH mass = any real number > 0" } 1.0 # n.b. my convention is that a=J/m^2 is dimensionless, # while MTW take a=J/m=m * (my a) real initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[5] "dimensionless spin a=J/m^2 of Kerr BH" { (-1.0:1.0) :: \ "dimensionless BH spin = J/m^2 = any real number with absolute value < 1" } 0.6 # parameters for initial_guess_method = "sphere" real initial_guess__coord_sphere__x_center[5] "x coordinate of sphere center" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__coord_sphere__y_center[5] "y coordinate of sphere center" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__coord_sphere__z_center[5] "z coordinate of sphere center" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[5] "radius of sphere" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 2.0 # parameters for initial_guess_method = "ellipsoid" real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_center[5] \ "x coordinate of ellipsoid center" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_center[5] \ "y coordinate of ellipsoid center" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_center[5] \ "z coordinate of ellipsoid center" { *:* :: "any real number" } 0.0 real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_radius[5] "x radius of ellipsoid" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 2.0 real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_radius[5] "y radius of ellipsoid" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 2.0 real initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_radius[5] "z radius of ellipsoid" { (0.0:* :: "any real number > 0.0" } 2.0 ################################################################################ # # parameters for the test driver "src/patch/test_patch_system.cc" # # By default this test driver isn't compiled into the cactus executable, # and these parameters are ignored. To compile this test driver into # the cactus executable (and have these parameters used), # - edit the list of "source files in this directory" in # "src/patch/make.code.defn" to add test_patch_system.cc # - comment out the list of "subdirectories containing source files" in # "src/make.code.defn", and uncomment the alternate list which is # normally commented out there (this omits the higher-level directories # src/elliptic/, src/gr/, and src/driver/) # keyword which_test "which test should we do?" { "gridfn" :: "set up test fn(x,y,z), print it" "read gridfn" :: "read in ghosted test fn(x,y,z), print it" "synchronize" :: "set up test fn(x,y,z), synchronize it, print errors" "ghost zone Jacobian":: \ "set up test fn(x,y,z), compute Jacobian of gz.synchronize(), compare with NP" "derivatives" :: "set up test fn(rho,sigma), take derivs, print errors" } "gridfn" int which_derivs "bit flags to specify which derivatives to test" { 0:63 :: "any set of bit flags" } 63 # true ==> gives a more thorough test of the Jacobian, # but makes the test run much slower # false ==> gives a slightly less thorough test, but runs faster boolean NP_Jacobian__perturb_all_y_patch_points \ "should we perturb at *all* points in the y patch, or just those with the \ iperp which is (supposedly) involved in the interpatch interpolation?" { } "true" ################################################################################