% Jonathan Thornburg's BibTex bibliography database % on numerical relativity, numerical analysis, experimental tests % of general relativity, and related topics % $Id$ % % Uses macros in names.tex % % % additional fields: % eprint = gr-qc preprint number % snote = silent note = note that won't appear in bibliography % % % === A === % @phdthesis { Abrahams-PhD, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams", title = "The Synergism of Analytic and Numerical Techniques in General Relativity: Calculation of Radiative Spacetimes", supervisor = "Larry L. Smarr", school = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", department = "Physics", year = 1988, month = "June", snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 89-08603", } @incollection { Abrahams-1989-in-Frontiers, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams", title = "Analytic-Numerical Matching for Gravitational Waveform Extraction", pages = "110--125", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @article { Abrahams-Evans-1988-gravitational-radiation-matching, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Charles R. Evans", title = "Reading Off Gravitational Radiation Waveforms in Numerical Relativity Calculations: Matching to Linearized Gravity", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 37, number = 2, pages = "318--332", year = 1988, month = "15 January", } @article { Abrahams-Evans-1990-gravitational-radiation-matching, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Charles R. Evans", title = "Gauge-Invariant Treatment of Gravitational Radiation Near the Source: Analysis and Numerical Simulations", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 42, number = 8, pages = "2585--2594", year = 1990, month = "15 October", } @article { ABHSS-1992-diagonal-metric-BH-evolution, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and David H. Bernstein and David Hobill and Edward Seidel and Larry L. Smarr", title = "Numerically Generated Black-Hole Spacetimes: Interaction with Gravitational Waves", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 45, number = 10, pages = "3544--3558", year = 1992, month = "15 May", } @article { Abrahams-Evans-1992-BH-geon-formation, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Charles R. Evans", title = "Trapping a Geon: Black Hole Formation by an Imploding Gravitational Wave", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 46, number = 10, pages = "R4117--R4121", year = 1992, month = "15 November", snote = "3+1, maximal slicing", } @article { AHST-1992-initial-data-cosmic-censorship, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Karen R. Heiderich and Stuard L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Vacuum Initial Data, Singularities, and Cosmic Censorship", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 46, number = 6, pages = "2452--2463", year = 1992, month = "15 September", } @article { Abrahams-Shapiro-Teukolsky-1995-gravitational-radiation-matching, author = "Andrew M. Abrahams and Stuard L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Calculation of Gravitational Wave Forms from Black Hole Collisions and Disk Collapse: Applying Perturbation Theory to Numerical Spacetimes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 51, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "4295", X-ending-page = "FIXME", year = 1995, X-month = "FIXME", eprint= "gr-qc/9408036", } % need { } for author due to embedded " (umlaut) @article { Abramovici-etal-1992-LIGO-general-review, author = {Alex Abramovici and William E. Althouse and Ronald W. P. Drever and and Yekta G\"{u}rsel and Seiji Kawamura and and Frederick J. Raab and David Shoemaker and Lisa Sievers and Robert E. Spero and Kip S. Thorne and Rochus E. Vogt and Rainer Weiss and Stanley E. Whitcomb and Michael E. Zucker}, title = "LIGO: The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory", journal = "Science", volume = 256, number = 5055, pages = "325--333", year = 1992, month = "17 April", snote = "general review of LIGO basic physics + sources + observatory", } @book { Abramowitz-Stegun, author = "Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun", title = "Handbook of Mathematical Functions", subtitle = "with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables", publisher = "Dover", address = "New York", year = "1965", isbn = "0-486-61272-4" } @article { Aichelburg-Lechner-1998-sigma-model-on-deSitter, author = "Peter C. Aichelburg and Christiane Lechner", title = "Sigma Model on {d}e {S}itter Space", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "6176--6180", year = 1996, X-month = "FIXME", } @phdthesis { Alcubierre-PhD, author = "Miguel Alcubierre", title = "Investigations in Numerical Relativity", supervisor = "Bernard F. Schutz", school = "University of Wales", X-department = "FIXME", year = 1993, month = "December", } @article { ABBHSRT-1999-cartoon, author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Steven Brandt and Bernd \Bruegmann{} and Daniel Holz and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi and Jonathan Thornburg", title = "Symmetry without Symmetry: Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Systems using Cartesian Grids", journal = "International Journal of Modern Physics D", year = "to appear", X-month = "FIXME", eprint = "gr-qc/9908012", snote = "this paper describes the ``cartoon'' technique for doing 2-D axisymmetric simulations using $(\rho,\phi,z)$ coordinates, implemented in terms of an existing $xyz$ 3-D code", } @article { ABBGMSW-1999-horizon-finding-test-beds, author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Steven Brandt and Bernd \Bruegmann{} and Carsten Gundlach and Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Paul Walker", title = "Test-beds and Applications for Apparent Horizon Finders in Numerical Relativity", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 17, year = 2000, pages = "2159--2190", eprint = "gr-qc/9809004", } @techreport { ABBLNST-2001-2BH-freezing-grazing-collision, author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Werner Benger and Bernd \Bruegmann{} and Gerd Lanfermann and Lars Nerger and Edward Seidel and Ryoji Takahashi", title = "The {3D} Grazing Collision of Two Black Holes", year = "2001", month = "8 January", eprint = "gr-qc/0012079", snote = "maximal slicing, Cactus, run to 30M", } @article { Alcubierre-etal-2000-BSSN-evolution, author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd \Bruegmann{} and Thomas Dramlitsch and Jose A. Font and Philippos Papadopoulos and Edward Seidel and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Ryoji Takahashi", title = "Towards a Stable Numerical Evolution of Strongly Gravitating Systems in General Relativity: The Conformal Treatments", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 62, pages = "044034 (16 pages)", year = 2000, month = "15 August", snote = "comparison of ADM and BSSN evolutions for several different treatments of trace and conformal terms", eprint = "gr-qc/0003071", } @techreport { Alcubierre-Bruegmann-2000-cubical-excision, author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Bernd \Bruegmann{}", title = "Simple Excision of a Black Hole in $3+1$ Numerical Relativity", year = 2000, month = "15 August", snote = "cubical excision, Schwarzschild, stable in octant mode, unstable in full evolution", eprint = "gr-qc/0008067", } @article { Alcubierre-Schutz-1994-causal-differencing, author = "Miguel Alcubierre and Bernard F. Schutz", title = "Stable Numerical Techniques for Hyperbolic Systems on Moving Grids", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 112, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "44--77", year = 1994, X-month = "FIXME", } @inbook { Alley-1982-GR-rods-and-clocks, author = "Carroll O. Alley", title = "Proper Time Experiments in Gravitational Fields With Atomic Clocks, Aircraft, and Laser Light Pulses", X-pages = "FIXME", editor = "P. Meystre and M. O. Scully", booktitle = "Quantum Optics, Experimental Gravitation, and Measurement Theory", publisher = "Plenum", address = "New York", year = 1982, snote = "++good discussion on `rods and clocks' experiments testing special/general relativity", } @book { Ames, author = "W. F. Ames", title = "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", year = "1977", X-isbn = "FIXME", X-note = "nice elementary intro", } @article { ABBLMSSSW-1995-numerical-event-horizons, author = "Peter Anninos and David H. Bernstein and Steven R. Brandt and Joseph Libson and Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Larry L. Smarr and Wai-Mo Suen and Paul Walker", title = "Dynamics of Apparent and Event Horizons", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 74, number = 5, pages = "630--633", year = 1995, month = "30 January", snote = "see \cite{LMSSW-1996-numerical-event-horizons} for further publication", } @techreport { AHSSS-1994-2BH-collision-physics, author = "Peter Anninos and David W. Hobill and Edward Seidel and Larry L. Smarr and Wai-Mo Suen", title = "The Head-On Collision of Two Equal Mass Black Holes: Numerical Methods", institution = "National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", X-institution = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", department = "National Center for Supercomputing Applications", year = 1994, month = "July", number = "024", snote = "cleaned-up version of Smarr et al's 1970s 2BH work, summary of numerical methods", } @article { AHSSS-1995-2BH-collision-physics, author = "Peter Anninos and David W. Hobill and Edward Seidel and Larry L. Smarr and Wai-Mo Suen", title = "The Head-On Collision of Two Equal Mass Black Holes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 52, number = 4, pages = "2044--2058", year = 1995, month = "15 August", snote = "cleaned-up version of Smarr et al's 1970s 2BH work, physics results", } @article { ACMSST-1995-FIXME, author = "Peter Anninos and Karen Camarda and Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen and John Towns", title = "Three-Dimensional Numerical Relativity: The Evolution of Black Holes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 52, number = 4, pages = "2059--2082", year = 1995, month = "15 August", } @article { ACLMSS-1998-horizon-finding, author = "Peter Anninos and Karen Camarda and Joseph Libson and Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen", title = "Finding Apparent Horizons in Dynamic {3D} Numerical Spacetimes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 58, number = 2, year = 1998, month = "15 August", pages = "024003 (12 pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/9609059", } @article { ADMSS-1995-BHE, author = "Peter Anninos and Greg Daues and Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen", title = "Horizon Boundary Condition for Black Hole Spacetimes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 51, number = 10, pages = "5562--5578", year = 1995, month = "15 May", eprint = "gr-qc/9512069", snote = "see \cite{Seidel-Suen-1992-BHE} for initial publication", } @incollection { ADM-1962, author = "R. Arnowitt and S. Deser and Charles W. Misner", title = "The Dynamics of General Relativity", pages = "227--265", editor = "L. Witten", booktitle = "Gravitation: An Introduction to Current Research", publisher = "Wiley", address = "New York", year = 1962, } @incollection { Ashby-in-GR15, author = "Neil Ashby", title = "Relativistic Effects in the Global Positioning System", pages = "231--258", editor = "Naresh Dadhich and Jayant Narlikar", booktitle = "Gravitation and Relativity: At the Turn of the Millennium", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the GR-15 Conference held at IUCAA, Pune, India, during December 16--21, 1997", publisher = "Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics", address = "Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India", year = 1998, isbn = "81-900378-3-8", note = "available online at http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/GPS/Papers/RelativityinGPS.ps", } % % === B === % @techreport { BBCLT-2001-Lazarus-waveforms, author = "John Baker and Bernd \Bruegmann{} and Manuela Campanelli and Carlos O.~Lousto and Ryoji Takahashi", title = "Plunge Waveforms from Inspiralling Binary Black Holes", year = 2001, month = "9 February", number = "AEI-2001-009", eprint = "gr-qc/0102037", snote = "Lazarus results from maximal 2BH evolution + perturbation", } @article { Baker-Campanelli-2000-speciality-index, author = "John Baker and Manuela Campanelli", title = "Making Use of Geometrical Invariants in Black Hole Collisions", journal = "Physical Review~D", year = 2000, month = "1 November", volume = 62, number = 12, pages = "127501 (4 Pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/0003031", snote = "speciality index to see how close slice is to Kerr", } @book { Bancel-Signore, author = "Daniel Bancel and Monique Signore", title = "Problems of Collapse and Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Reidel", address = "Dordrecht (Netherlands)", year = 1986, isbn = "90-277-1816-4", snote = "NATO ASI Series; Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 134; Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Problems of Collapse and Numerical Relativity, 7--11 November 1983; gift (with inscription) from Goldie", } @article { Bardeen-Piran-1983-axisymmetry-coords-review, author = "James M. Bardeen and Tsvi Piran", title = "General Relativistic Axisymmetric Rotating Systems: Coordinates and Equations", journal = "Physics Reports (Review Section of Physics Letters)", volume = 96, number = 4, pages = "205--250", year = 1983, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "++good review of freezing slicings, associated spatial coordinate conditions, also regularity at the origin", } @article { BCSST-1996-horizon-finding, author = "Thomas W. Baumgarte and Gregory B. Cook and Mark A. Scheel and Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Implementing an Apparent-Horizon Finder in Three Dimensions", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, number = 8, pages = "4849--4857", year = 1996, month = "15 October", } @article { Baumgarte-Shapiro-1999-BSSN, author = "Thomas W. Baumgarte and Stuart L. Shapiro", title = "Numerical Integration of {E}instein's Field Equations", journal = "Physical Review~D", year = 1999, month = "15 January", volume = 59, number = 1, pages = "024007 (7 pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/9810065", snote = "popularized what is now called BSSN formulation, see also Shibata-Nakamura-1995-BSSN", } @phdthesis { Berger-PhD, author = "Marsha J. Berger", title = "Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations", supervisor = "Joseph Oliger", school = "Stanford University", department = "Computer Science", year = 1982, month = "August", snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 83-01196", } @article { Berger-Oliger-1984-adaptive-gridding, author = "Marsha J. Berger and Joseph Oliger", title = "Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 53, X-number="FIXME", pages = "484--512", year = 1984, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Berger-Jameson-1985-adaptive-gridding, author = "Marsha J. Berger and Antony Jameson", title = "Automatic Adaptive Grid Refinement for the {E}uler Equations", journal = "American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal", volume = 23, number=4, pages = "561--568", year = 1985, month = "April", } @article { Berger-1986-adaptive-gridding-data-structures, author = "Marsha J. Berger", title = "Data Structures for Adaptive Grid Generation", journal = "SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing", volume = 7, number=3, pages = "904--916", year = 1986, month = "July", } @book { Bergmann, author = "Peter G. Bergmann", title = "The Riddle of Gravitation", edition = "Revised and Updated", publisher = "Dover", X-publisher-original = "Scribner's (1968, 1987)", address = "New York", year = "1968, 1987, 1992", isbn = "0-486-27378-4", } @phdthesis { Bernstein-PhD, author = "David H. Bernstein", title = "A Numerical Study of the Black Hole Plus {B}rill Wave Spacetime", supervisor = "Larry L. Smarr", school = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", department = "Physics", year = 1993, X-month = "FIXME", } @incollection { Bernstein-Hobill-Smarr-1989-in-Frontiers, author = "David H. Bernstein and David W. Hobill and Larry L. Smarr", title = "Black Hole Spacetimes: Testing Numerical Relativity", pages = "57--73", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @techreport { Bernstein-Bartnik-1995-sssf, author = "David H. Bernstein and Robert Bartnik", title = "A Research in Progress Report on the Evolution of Spherically Symmetric $\sf {SU}(2)$ {E}instein-{Y}ang-{M}ills Fields", institution = "Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science, University of New England (NSW, Australia)", X-institution = "University of New England (NSW, Australia)", department = "Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science", year = 1995, month = "1 March", snote = "spherically symmetric scalar field evolution, not BHE", } @techreport { Bizon-1999-existence-of-self-similar-sigma-CSS-solutions, author = "Piotr \Bizon", title = "Equivariant Self-Similar Wave Maps from {M}inkowski Spacetime into 3-Sphere", institution = "Jagellonian University, Krak\'ow, Poland", department = "Institute of Physics", year = 1999, month = "October", eprint = "math-ph/9910026", number = "math-ph/9910026", } @misc { Bizon-1999-CSS-exists-for-beta-up-to-0.62, author = "Piotr \Bizon", type = "Personal communication", year = 1999, note = "Personal communication", } @phdthesis { Blackburn-PhD, author = "James Kent Blackburn", title = "The Spiralling Binary System of Black Holes", supervisor = "Steven Detweiler", school = "University of Florida", department = "Physics", year = 1990, snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 91-06392", } @article { 2BH-grand-challenge-alliance-1998-moving-BH, author = "The Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance: Gregory B. Cook and Mijan F. Huq and Scott A. Klasky and Mark A. Scheel and Andrew M. Abrahams and A. Anderson and Peter Anninos and Thomas W. Baumgarte and Nigel T. Bishop and Steven R. Brandt and J. C. Browne and Karen Camarda and Matthew W. Choptuik and Charles Ross Evans and Lee S. Finn and G. C. Fox and Roberto \Gomez{} and T. Haupt and L. E. Kidder and Pablo Laguna and Walter Landry and Luis R. Lehner and Jon Lenaghan and Robert L. Marsa and Joan \Masso{} and Richard A. Matzner and S. Mitra and Philippos Papadopoulos and M. Parashar and Luciano Rezzolla and M. E. Rupright and F. Saied and P. E. Saylor and Edward Seidel and Stuart L. Shapiro and Deirdre Shoemaker and Larry Lee Smarr and Wai-Mo Suen and B. Szilagyi and Saul A. Teukolsky and M. H. P. M. van Putten and Paul Walker and Jeffrey Winicour and York, Jr., James W.", key = "Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance", title = "Boosted Three-Dimensional Black-Hole Evolutions With singularity Excision", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 80, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "2512--2516", year = 1998, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Bona-Masso-1988-harmonic-coords, author = "C. Bona and Joan \Masso{}", title = "Harmonic Synchronizations of Spacetime", journal = "Physical review D", volume = 38, number = 8, pages = "2419--2422", year = 1988, month = "15 October", } @article { Bona-Masso-1989-3+1-eqns-balance-form, author = "C. Bona and Joan \Masso{}", title = "{E}instein's Evolution Equations as a System of Balance laws", journal = "Physical review D", volume = 40, number = 4, pages = "1022--1026", year = 1989, month = "15 August", } @article { Bona-Masso-1992-3+1-eqns-hyperbolic-form, author = "Charles Garcia Bona and Joan \Masso{}", title = "Hyperbolic Evolution System for Numerical Relativity", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 68, number = 8, pages = "1097--1099", year = 1992, month = "24 February", } @phdthesis { Bowen-PhD, author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen", title = "Initial Value Problems on Non-{E}uclidean Topologies", X-supervisor = "James W. York, Jr.", supervisor = "York, Jr., James W.", school = "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", department = "Physics and Astronomy", year = 1979, } @article { Bowen-1979-momentum-constraint-analytical-soln, author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen", title = "General Form for the Longitudinal Momentum of a Spherically Symmetric Source", journal = "General Relativity and Gravitational", volume = 11, number = 3, pages = "227--231", year = 1979, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Bowen-1982-momentum-constraint-analytical-soln, author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen", title = "General Solution for Flat-Space Longitudinal Momentum", journal = "General Relativity and Gravitational", volume = 14, number = 12, pages = "1183--1191", year = 1982, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Bowen-1985-N-BH-initial-data, author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen", title = "Inversion Symmetric Initial Data for $N$ Charged Black Holes", journal = "Annals of Physics", volume = 165, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "17--37", year = 1985, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Bowen-Rauber-York-1984-2BH-initial-data, X-author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen and Joel D. Rauber and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen and Joel D. Rauber and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Two Black Holes with Axisymmetric Parallel Spins: Initial Data", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 1, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "591--610", year = 1984, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Bowen-York-1980-2BH-initial-data, X-author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Time-Symmetric Initial Data for Black Holes and Black Hole Collisions", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 21, number = 8, pages = "2047--2056", year = 1980, X-month = "FIXME", } @book { Boyd:pseudospectral, author = "John P. Boyd", title = "{C}hebyshev \& {F}ourier Spectral Methods", series = "Lecture Notes in Engineering", volume = 49, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin", year = "1989", isbn = "3-540-51487-2", snote = "Appendix C is Newton-Kantorovich method for nonlinear PDEs", } @article { Brandt-etal-2000-2BH-BHE-grazing, author = "Steve Brandt and Randall Correll and Roberto Gomez and Mijan Huq and Pablo Laguna and Luis Lehner and Pedro Marronetti and Richard A. Matzner and David Neilsen and Jorge Pullin and Erik Schnetter and Deirdre Shoemaker and Jeffrey Winicour", title = "Grazing Collisions of Black Holes via the Excision of Singularities", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 85, number = 26, year = 2000, month = "25 December", pages = "5496--5499", snote = "BHE, evolved to $t \approx 35m$", eprint = "gr-qc/0009047", } @incollection { Brady-Cai-1999-critical-phenomena-review, author = "Patrick R. Brady and Mike J. Cai", title = "Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapse", pages = "689--704", editor = "Tsvi Piran and Remo Ruffini", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting", publisher = "World Scientific", address = "Singapore", year = 1989, isbn = "981-02-3793-6 (set), 981-02-3954-8 (part~B)", } @techreport { Brankin-Gladwell-Shampine-1992-RKSUITE-codes, author = "R. W. Brankin and I. Gladwell and Lawrence F. Shampine", title = "RKSUITE: A suite of {R}unge-{K}utta codes for the Initial Value Problem for {ODE}s", institution = "Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University", X-institution = "Southern Methodist University", department = "Department of Mathematics", year = 1992, X-month = "FIXME", number = "92-S1", } @book { Bridgman, author = "Percy W. Bridgman", title = "A Sophisticate's Primer of Relativity", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Wesleyan University Press", address = "Middletown, Connecticut", year = "1968, 1983", isbn = "0-8195-6078-2", snote = "foundations of special relativity", } @article { Brill-Lindquist-1963-Misner-initial-data-energy, author = "Dieter R. Brill and Richard W. Lindquist", title = "Interaction Energy in Geometrostatics", journal = "Physical Review", volume = 131, number = 1, pages = "471--476", year = 1963, month = "1 July", } @article { Bruegmann-2000-review, author = "Bernd \Bruegmann{}", title = "Numerical Relativity in 3+1 Dimensions", journal = "Annalen der Physik", volume = 9, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "227--246", year = 2000, X-month = "FIXME", eprint = "gr-qc/9912009", note = "invited review talk at Journees Relativistes 1999", } @article { Bruegmann-1996-adaptive-gridding, author = "Bernd \Bruegmann{}", title = "Adaptive Mesh and Geodesically Sliced {S}chwarzschild Spacetime in $3+1$ Dimensions", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, number = 6, pages = "7361--7372", year = 1996, month = "15 December", eprint = "gr-qc/9608050", } @book { Butkov, author = "Eugene Butkov", title = "Mathematical Physics", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1968, isbn = "0-201-00727-4", } @article { Byrne-Hindmarsh-1987-stiff-ODE-review, author = "G. D. Byrne and Alan C. Hindmarsh", title = "Stiff {ODE} Solvers: A Review of Current and Coming Attractions", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 70, number = 1, pages = "1--62", year = 1987, X-month = "FIXME", } % % === C === % @phdthesis { Cadez-PhD, author = "Andrej \Cadez{}", title = "Colliding Black Holes", supervisor = "Bryce S. DeWitt", school = "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", department = "Physics", year = 1971, snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 72-10696", } @techreport { Campanelli-etal-2000-Kerr-perturbations-in-Kerr-coords, author = "Manuela Campanelli and Gaurav Khanna and Pablo Laguna and Jorge Pullin and Michael P. Ryan", title = "Perturbations of the {K}err Spacetime in Horizon Penetrating Coordinates", year = 2000, month = "10 October", number = "AEI-2000-062, CGPG-00/10-01", eprint = "gr-qc/0010034", snote = "Lazarus project: perturbations of Kerr metric in Kerr-Schild coords; ideal for BHE", } @book { Canuto-Hussaini-Quarteroni-Zang:pseudospectral, author = "Claudio Canuto and M. Yousuff Hussani and Alfio Quarteroni and Thomas A. Zang", title = "Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics", edition = "2nd Printing", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York and Berlin", year = 1988, isbn = "3-540-52205-0 (Berlin), 0-387-52205-0 (New York)", } @inbook { Carver-1976-MOL-intro, author = "M. B. Carver", title = "The Choice of Algorithms in Automated Method of Lines Solution of Partial Differential Equations", pages = "243--265", editor = "W. Lapidus and W. E. Schiesser", booktitle = "Numerical Methods for Differential Systems: Recent Developments in Algorithms, Software, and Applications", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", year = 1976, isbn = "0-12-436640-6", snote = "fairly good short MOL intro", } @incollection { CSEHT-1986-in-Centrella, author = "Joan M. Centrella and Stuart L. Shapiro and Charles R. Evans and John F. Hawley and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Test-Bed Calculations in Numerical Relativity", pages = "328--344", editor = "Joan M. Centrella", booktitle = "Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge, UK", year = 1986, isbn = "0-521-32860-8", note = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity, Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA), 7--11 October 1985", } @book { Chen-Cook, author = "Y. T. Chen and Alan Cook", title = "Gravitational Experiments in the Laboratory", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1993, isbn = "0-521-39171-7", snote = "experimental techniques for Cavendish balances etal, and reviews of various older and recent experiments", } @mastersthesis { Choptuik-MSc, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "A Study of Numerical Techniques for the Initial Value Problem of General Relativity", supervisor = "William G. Unruh", school = "University of British Columbia", department = "Physics", year = 1982, month = "November", } @phdthesis { Choptuik-PhD, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "A Study of Numerical Techniques for Radiative Problems in General Relativity", supervisor = "William G. Unruh", school = "University of British Columbia", department = "Physics", year = 1986, month = "July", } @article { Choptuik-Unruh-1986-multigrid, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik and William G. Unruh", title = "An Introduction to the Multi-Grid Method for Numerical Relativists", journal = "General Relativity and Gravitation", volume = 18, number = 8, pages = "813--843", year = 1986, month = "August", } @incollection { Choptuik-1989-in-Frontiers, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "Experiences With an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithm in Numerical Relativity", pages = "206--221", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @article { Choptuik-1991-consistency, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "Consistency of Finite-Difference Solutions of {E}instein's Equations", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 44, number = 10, pages = "3124--3135", year = 1991, month = "15 November", } @incollection { Choptuik-1992-in-dInverno, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "``{C}ritical'' Behavior in Massless Scalar Field Collapse", pages = "202--222", editor = "Ray d'Inverno", booktitle = "Approaches to Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1992, isbn = "0-521-43976-0", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Southampton University (Southampton, England), 16--20 December 1991", } @misc { Choptuik-1992-remark-multipass-time-evolution, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", type = "private conversation with Jonathan Thornburg", organization = "University of Texas at Austin, Center for Relativity", year = 1992, note = "personal communication", snote = "Matt Choptuik's suggestion that an initial low-resolution time evolution could be used to approximately locate the BHs and/or AHs for a later high-resolution black-hole-exclusion evolution.", } @misc { Choptuik-1992-live-coord-instability-explanation, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", type = "private conversation with Jonathan Thornburg", organization = "University of Texas at Austin, Center for Relativity", year = 1992, note = "personal communication", snote = "Matt Choptuik's ``live-coordinate instability'' argument that coordinate conditions *do* influence stability of $3+1$ time evolution. See section 8.5.3 of Thornburg-PhD.", } @misc { Choptuik-1993-generalized-EF-slicing-suggestion, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", type = "private conversation with Jonathan Thornburg", organization = "University of Texas at Austin, Center for Relativity", year = 1993, note = "personal communication", snote = "Matt Choptuik's suggestion to me of generalized Eddington-Finkelstein slicing, defined by requiring $t+r$ to be an (ingoing) null coordinate.", } @article { Choptuik-1993-self-similarity, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "Universality and Scaling in Gravitational Collapse of a Massless Scalar Field", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 70, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "9--12", year = 1993, X-month = "FIXME", } @incollection { Choptuik-1998-self-similarity-review-in-GR15, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "The (Unstable) Threshold of Black Hole Formation", pages = "67--85", editor = "Naresh Dadhich and Jayant Narlikar", booktitle = "Gravitation and Relativity: At the Turn of the Millennium", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the GR-15 Conference held at IUCAA, Pune, India, during December 16--21, 1997", publisher = "Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics", address = "Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India", year = 1998, isbn = "81-900378-3-8", } @article { Choptuik-Chmaj-Bizon-1996-EYM-critical-behavior, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik and Tadeusz Chmaj and Piotr \Bizon{}", title = "Critical Behaviour in Gravitational Collapse of a {Y}ang-{M}ills Field", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 77, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "424--427", year = 1996, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Choptuik-Goldwirth-Piran-1992-sssf-cmp-3+1-vs-2+2, author = "Matthew W. Choptuik and Dalia S. Goldwirth and Tsvi Piran", title = "A Direct Comparison of Two Codes in Numerical Relativity", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 9, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "721--750", year = 1992, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Christoudolou-1986a-sssf, author = "D. Christoudolou", X-title = "FIXME", journal = "Communications in Mathematical Physics", volume = 105, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "337", X-ending-page="FIXME", year = 1986, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Christoudolou-1986b-sssf, author = "D. Christoudolou", X-title = "FIXME", journal = "Communications in Mathematical Physics", volume = 106, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "587", X-ending-page="FIXME", year = 1986, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Christoudolou-1987a-sssf, author = "D. Christoudolou", X-title = "FIXME", journal = "Communications in Mathematical Physics", volume = 109, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "591", X-ending-page="FIXME", year = 1987, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Christoudolou-1987b-sssf, author = "D. Christoudolou", X-title = "FIXME", journal = "Communications in Mathematical Physics", volume = 109, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "613--647", year = 1987, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Christoudolou-1991-sssf, author = "D. Christoudolou", title = "The Formation of Black Holes and Singularities in Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse", journal = "Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics", volume = 44, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "339--373", year = 1991, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Christoudolou-1993-sssf, author = "D. Christoudolou", title = "Bounded Variation Solutions of the Spherically Symmetric {E}instein-Scalar Field Equations", journal = "Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics", volume = 46, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "1131--1220", year = 1993, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Ciment-Leventhal-1975-4th-order-compact-FD, author = "Melvyn Ciment and Stephen H. Leventhal", title = "Higher Order Compact Implicit Schemes for the Wave Equation", journal = "Mathematics of Computation", volume = 29, number = 132, pages = "985--994", year = 1975, month = "October", snote = "model problem, $O(dx^4 + dt^4)$, 2D wave equation in 2nd order quasilinear form dtt(u) = a(x,y,t) dxx(u) + b(x,y,t) dyy(u)", } @book { Cody-Waite, X-author = "William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite", author = "Cody, Jr., William J. and William Waite", title = "Software Manual for the Elementary Functions", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1980, ISBN = "0-13-822064-6", snote = "pretty elementary and cookbook-style", } @phdthesis { Cook-PhD, author = "Gregory B. Cook", title = "Initial Data for the Two-Body Problem of General Relativity", X-supervisor = "James W. York, Jr.", supervisor = "York, Jr., James W.", school = "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", department = "Physics and Astronomy", year = 1990, snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 91-06088", } @article { Cook-1991-2BH-initial-data, author = "Gregory B. Cook", title = "Initial Data for Axisymmetric Black-Hole Collisions", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 44, number = 10, pages = "2983--3000", year = 1991, month = "15 November", } @article { CCDKMO-1993-3D-2BH-initial-data, author = "Gregory B. Cook and Matthew W. Choptuik and Mark R. Dubal and Scott A. Klasky and Richard A. Matzner and Samuel R. Oliveira", title = "Three-Dimensional Initial Data for the Collision of Two Black Holes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 47, number = 4, pages = "1471--1490", year = 1993, month = "15 February", } % % === D === % @incollection { Damouor-1987-in-300-years-of-gravitation, author = "Thibault Damour", title = "The problem of motion in {N}ewtonian and {E}insteinian gravity", pages = "128--198", editor = "Stephen W. Hawking and Werner Israel", booktitle = "Three Hundred Years of Gravitation", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1987, isbn = "0-521-34312-7", snote = "++good discussion of how to go from Einstein eqns to N-body equations of motion; the effacement of the internal structure of a freely falling subsystem", } @article { Damour-Taylor-1992-GR-tests, author = "Thibault Damour and J. H. Taylor", title = "Strong-Field Tests of Relativistic Gravity and Binary Pulsars", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 45, number = 6, pages = "1840--1868", year = 1992, month = "15 March", snote = "detailed review of binary pulsar tests of GR", } @book { Davies:search-for-gravity-waves, author = "Paul C. W. Davies", title = "The Search for Gravity Waves", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1980, isbn = "0-521-23197-3", snote = "high-school to 1st-year-university level; includes Weber events and reactions to them", } @book { Dennis-Schnabel, X-author = "John E. Dennis, Jr. and Robert B. Schnabel", author = "Dennis, Jr., John E. and Robert B. Schnabel", title = "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1983, ISBN = "0-13-627216-9", library = "QA402.5 D44 1983", snote = "++good", } @book { Deruelle-Piran:Red, editor = "Nathalie Deruelle and Tsvi Piran", title = "Gravitational Radiation", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1983, isbn = "0-444-86560-8", } @book { DeWitt-DeWitt:Les-Houches, author = "Cecile M. DeWitt and Bryce S. DeWitt", title = "Black Holes", publisher = "Gordon and Breach", address = "New York", year = 1973, ISBN = "0-677-15610-3", note = "Proceedings of the 23rd Les Houches Summer School, Les Houches (France), August 1972", } @book { DeWitt-Wheeler:Battelle, author = "Cecile M. DeWitt and John A. Wheeler", title = "{B}attelle {R}encontres: 1967 Lectures in Mathematics and Physics", publisher = "W. A. Benjamin", address = "New York", year = 1968, LC = "68-24362", } @article { Dickey-etal-1994-Science-LRRR-general-review, author = "J. O. Dickey and P. L. Bender and J. E. Faller and X X Newhall and R. L. Ricklefs and J. G. Ries and P. J. Shelus and C. Veillet and A. L. Whipple and J. R. Wiant and J. G. Williams and C. F. Yoder", title = "Lunar Laser Ranging: A Continuing Legacy of the Apollo Program", journal = "Science", volume = 265, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "482--490", year = 1994, month = "22 July", } @book { dInverno, author = "Ray d'Inverno", title = "Introducing {E}instein's Relativity", publisher = "Oxford University Press", address = "Oxford (UK)", year = 1992, isbn = "0-19-859653-7 (hardcover), 0-19-859686-3 (paperback)", snote = "++good, introductory but still covers a lot of material" } @phdthesis { Dubal-PhD, author = "Mark R. Dubal", title = "Numerical Computations in General Relativity", supervisor = "Dennis W. Sciama", school = "International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) (Trieste)", department = "Physics", year = 1987, month = "September", } @article { Dubal-1992-3D-BH-initial-data, author = "Mark R. Dubal", title = "Construction of Three-Dimensional Black-Hole Initial Data via Multiquadrics", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 45, number = 4, pages = "1178--1187", year = 1992, month = "15 February", } @incollection { Dubal-Oliveira-Matzner-1992-in-dInverno, author = "Mark R. Dubal and Samuel R. Oliveira and Richard A. Matzner", title = "Solution of Elliptic Equations in Numerical Relativity Using Multiquadrics", pages = "265--280", editor = "Ray d'Inverno", booktitle = "Approaches to Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1992, isbn = "0-521-43976-0", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Southampton University (Southampton, England), 16--20 December 1991", } @phdthesis { Dykema-PhD, author = "Pieter Geer Dykema", title = "The Numerical Simulation of Axially Symmetric Gravitational Collapse", supervisor = "Richard A. Matzner [??]", school = "University of Texas at Austin", department = "Physics", year = 1980, month = "December", snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 81-09156", } % % === E === % @article { Einstein-Rosen-1935-bridge, author = "Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen", title = "The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity", journal = "Physical Review", volume = 48, number = 10, pages = "73--77", year = 1935, month = "1 July", snote = "should check volume/issue, also ending page number", } @book { EISPACK-book, author = "B. T. Smith and J. M. Boyle and Jack J. Dongarra and B. S. Garbow and Y. Ikebe and V. C. Klema and Cleve B. Moler", title = "Matrix Eigensystem Routines -- EISPACK Guide", edition = "2nd", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 6, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin and New York", year = 1976, isbn = "3-540-07546-1 (Berlin), 0-387-07546-1 (New York)", snote = "almost impossible to find in a library catalog, since it's indexed under `Smith et al' and `Matrix' :=(; see \cite{EISPACK-extension-book} for further EISPACK docs", } @book { EISPACK-extension-book, author = "B. S. Garbow and J. M. Boyle and Jack J. Dongarra and Cleve B. Moler", title = "Matrix Eigensystem Routines -- EISPACK Guide Extension", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 51, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin and New York", year = 1977, isbn = "3-540-08254-9 (Berlin), 0-387-08254-9 (New York)", snote = "see \cite{EISPACK-book} for main EISPACK docs", } @phdthesis { Eppley-PhD, author = "Kenneth Robert Eppley", title = "The Numerical Evolution of the Collision of Two Black Holes", supervisor = "Bryce S. DeWitt [??]", school = "Princeton University", department = "Physics", year = 1975, month = "September", snote = "FIXME -- was Bryce indeed the supervisor? (the thesis itself doesn't seem to say)", } @phdthesis { Evans-PhD, author = "Charles Ross Evans", title = "A Method for Numerical Relativity: Simulation of Axisymmetric Gravitational Collapse and Gravitational Radiation Generation", supervisor = "Richard A. Matzner", school = "University of Texas at Austin", department = "Physics", year = 1984, month = "August", snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 85-08264", } % % === F === % @inbook { Fock-1959-radiation-BCs, author = "Vladimir A. Fock", booktitle = "The Theory of Space, Time, and Gravitation", publisher = "Pergamon Press", address = "New York", year = 1959, X-isbn = "no ISBN", title = "A Comparison with the Statement of the Problem in Newtonian Theory. Boundary Conditions", section = 54, pages = "176-179", snote = "US~Library of Congress \#58-12666", } @book { Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler, author = "George E. Forsythe and Michael A. Malcolm and Cleve B. Moler", title = "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1977, isbn = "0-13-165332-6", snote = "See \cite{Kahaner-Moler-Nash} for a greatly revised and expanded successor. IMHO both books are still valuable, though.", } @book { Forsythe-Moler, author = "George E. Forsythe and Cleve B. Moler", title = "Computer Solution of Linear Algebraic Systems", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1967, LC = "67-18915", snote = "old, elementary, ++good; beautiful (and very gentle) walk-through of conditioning, LU decomposition, etc", } % % === G === % @article { Garfinkle-1995-sssf-2+2-self-similarity, author = "David Garfinkle", title = "Choptuik scaling in null coordinates", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 51, number = "10", pages = "5558-5561", year = 1995, month = "15 May", snote = "grid points fall in along v=const, factor-of-two grid refinement (by interpolating) when half of grid points lost", } @techreport { Gary-1975-MOL-BC-4th-order, author = "John Gary", title = "Boundary Conditions for the Method of Lines Applied to Hyperbolic Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado", X-institution = "University of Colorado", department = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1975, month = "July", number = "CU-CS-073-75", } @incollection { Gary-1975-4th-order-MOL-in-Vichnevetsky, author = "John Gary", title = "Comparison of some Fourth Order Difference Schemes for Hyperbolic Problems", pages = "14--16", editor = "R. Vichnevetsky", booktitle = "Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations", note = "Proceedings of the AICA International Symposium on Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA), 17--19 June 1975", publisher = "AICA", address = "Dept of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA; and University of Ghent, 533 Coupure Links, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium", year = 1975, } @book { Gear-ODE-book, author = "Charles William Gear", title = "Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1971, isbn = "0-13-626606-1", } @article { Gear-1981-ODE-review, author = "Charles William Gear", title = "{N}umerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: {I}s There Anything Left to Do?", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = 23, number = 1, pages = "10--24", year = 1981, month = "January", } @book { George-Liu, author = "Alan George and Joseph W. Liu", title = "Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1971, isbn = "0-13-165274-5", snote = "analyze-factor-operate LU decomposition; can also be extended to non-symmetric matrices (Choptuik); data structures are very messy (Fortran pseudo-pointers); programming interface is very messy" } @book { Geroch, author = "Robert Geroch", title = "General Relativity from A to B", publisher = "University of Chicago Press", address = "Chicago and London", year = 1978, isbn = "0-226-28863-3 (hardcover), 0-226-28864-1 (paperback)", snote = "nice general-lay-reader intro to GR", } @article { Givoli-1991-radiation-BC-review, author = "Dan Givoli", title = "Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 94, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "1--29", year = 1991, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "++good general review, but nothing about GR" } @article { Goldberg-1991-FP-article, author = "David Goldberg", title = "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating-Point Arithmetic", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", volume = 23, number = 1, pages = "5--48", year = 1991, month = "March", snote = "++good general survey of FP details", note = "Errata in {\bf 23}(3), 413; entire article also available online at {\tt http://www.validgh.com/goldberg/paper.ps}" } @incollection { Goldwirth-Ori-Piran-1989-in-Frontiers, author = "Dalia S. Goldwirth and Amos Ori and Tsvi Piran", title = "Cosmic Censorship and Numerical Relativity", pages = "414--435", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @article { Goldwirth-Piran-1987-sssf-2+2, author = "Dalia S. Goldwirth and Tsvi Piran", X-title = "FIXME", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 36, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "3575--3581", year = 1987, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { GLPW-1996-sssf-3+1-and-2+2, author = "Roberto \Gomez{} and Pablo Laguna and Philippos Papadopoulos and Jeffrey Winicour", title = "{C}auchy-Characteristic Evolution of {E}instein-{K}lein-{G}ordon Systems", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, number = 8, pages = "4719--4727", year = 1996, month = "15 October", } @incollection { Gomez-Winicour-1992-in-dInverno, author = "Roberto \Gomez{} and Jeffrey Winicour", title = "Numerical Asymptotics", pages = "143--162", editor = "Ray d'Inverno", booktitle = "Approaches to Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1992, isbn = "0-521-43976-0", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Southampton University (Southampton, England), 16--20 December 1991", } @article { Gomez-Winicour-1992-sssf-2+2-asymptotics, author = "Roberto \Gomez{} and Jeffrey Winicour", title = "Asymptotics of Gravitational Collapse of Scalar Waves", journal = "Journal of Mathematical Physics", volume = 33, number = 4, pages = "1445--1457", year = 1992, month = "April", snote = "null-cone marching algorithm", } @article { Gomez-Winicour-1992-sssf-2+2-numerical-methods, author = "Roberto \Gomez{} and Jeffrey Winicour", title = "Evolution of Scalar Fields from Characteristic Data", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 98, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "11", X-ending-page="FIXME", year = 1992, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "detailed description of null-cone marching algorithm", } @article { Gomez-Winicour-Schmidt-1994-sssf-late-time, author = "Roberto \Gomez{} and Jeffrey Winicour and Bernd G. Schmidt", title = "{N}ewman-{P}enrose Constants and the Tails of Self-Gravitating Waves", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 49, number = 6, pages = "2828--2836", year = 1994, month = "15 March", snote = "power-law tails; quasinormal ringing, transition from quasinormal ringing to power-law tails", } @book { Golub-vanLoan-1st-edition, author = "Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan", title = "Matrix Computations", edition = "1st", publisher = "Johns Hopkins University Press", address = "Baltimore", year = 1983, isbn = "0-8018-3010-9 (hardcover), 0-8018-3011-7 (paperback)", } @book { Golub-vanLoan, author = "Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan", title = "Matrix Computations", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Johns Hopkins University Press", address = "Baltimore", year = 1983, isbn = "0-8018-3772-3 (hardcover), 0-8018-3739-1 (paperback)", } @book { Gottlieb-Orszag:pseudospectral, author = "David Gottlieb and Steven A. Orszag", title = "Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods", series = "CMBS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics", volume = 26, publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", address = "Philadelphia", year = "1977, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1989", isbn = "0-89871-023-5 (paperback)", snote = "CMBS = Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences", } @book { Gradshteyn-Ryzhik:integral-tables, author = "Izrail S. Gradshtein and Iosif Ryzhik", title = "Table of Integrals, Series, and Products", edition = "Corrected and Enlarged Edition, 2nd printing", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", year = "1965, 1980", isbn = "0-12-294760-6", } @article { Gropp-1980-adaptive-gridding, author = "William D. Gropp", title = "A Test of Moving Mesh Refinement for 2-{D} Scalar Hyperbolic Problems", journal = "SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing", volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "191--197", year = 1980, month = "June", } @article { Gundlach-1996-understanding-critical-collapse, author = "Carsten Gundlach", title = "Understanding Critical Collapse of a Scalar Field", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 55, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "695--713", year = 1997, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "theoretical prediction of fine structure in mass scaling law", } @article { Gundlach-1998-critical-phenomena-review, author = "Carsten Gundlach", title = "Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse", journal = "Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", volume = 2, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "1--49", year = 1998, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Gundlach-Price-Pullin-1994-late-time-fields-I, author = "Carsten Gundlach and Richard H. Price and Jorge Pullin", title = "Late-Time Behavior of Stellar Collapse and Explosions. I. Linearized Perturbations", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 49, number = 2, pages = "883--889", year = 1994, month = "15 January", snote = "perturbation analysis (analytical and numerical) for power-law tails of massless fields around a (fixed background) BH", } @article { Gundlach-Price-Pullin-1994-late-time-fields-II, author = "Carsten Gundlach and Richard H. Price and Jorge Pullin", title = "Late-Time Behavior of Stellar Collapse and Explosions. II. Nonlinear Evolution", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 49, number = 2, pages = "890--899", year = 1994, month = "15 January", snote = "comparison of perturbation analysis to full numerical integration", } @article { Gupta-SacksDavis-Tischer-1985-ODE-review, author = "Gopal K. Gupta and Ron Sacks-Davis and Peter E. Tischer", title = "A Review of Recent Developments in Solving {ODE}s", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", volume = 17, number = 1, pages = "5--47", year = 1985, month = "March", } @techreport { Gustafsson-1971-hyperbolic-BC-FD-convergence, author = "B. Gustafsson", title = "On the Convergence Rate for Difference Approximations to Mixed Initial Boundary Value Problems", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Uppsala University", X-institution = "Uppsala University", department = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1971, month = "May", number = "33", } @article { Gustafsson-1975-hyperbolic-BC-FD-convergence, author = "B. Gustafsson", title = "The Convergence Rate for Difference Approximations to Mixed Initial Boundary Value Problems", journal = "Mathematics of Computation", volume = 29, number = 130, pages = "396--406", year = 1975, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Gustafsson-1982-hyperbolic-BC-FD-convergence, author = "B. Gustafsson", title = "The Choice of Numerical Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic Systems", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 48, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "270--283", year = 1982, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Guven-OMurchadha-1995-constraints-in-spherical-symmetry-I, author = "Jemal Guven and Niall \OMurchadha", title = "The Constraints in Spherically Symmetric Classical General Relativity: {I}. Optical Scalars, Foliations, Bounds on the Configuration Space Variables, and the Positivity of the Quasilocal Mass", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 52, number = 2, pages = "758--775", year = 1995, month = "15 July", eprint = "gr-qc/9411009", snote = "includes ++good discussion of quasilocal mass in section 4, see especially (4.9) and following text", } % % === H === % @article { Hamade-Stewart-1996-sssf-2+2, author = "Rufus S. \Hamade{} and John M. Stewart", title = "The Spherically Symmetric Collapse of a Massless Scalar Field", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 13, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "497--512", year = 1996, X-month = "FIXME", eprint = "gr-qc/9506044", snote = "2+2 (double-null coords) numerical evolution of sssf, uses full Berger-Oliger adapative gridding, finds self-similar behavior, also very nice illustrations of deviations between sub/supercritical evolutions", } @book { Hart-etal, X-author = "John F. Hart and E. W. Cheney and Charles L. Lawson and Hans J. Maehly and Charles K. Mesztenyi and John R. Rice and Henry G. Thacher, Jr. and Christoph Witzgall", author = "John F. Hart and E. W. Cheney and Charles L. Lawson and Hans J. Maehly and Charles K. Mesztenyi and John R. Rice and Thacher, Jr., Henry G. and Christoph Witzgall", title = "Computer Approximations", publisher = "Krieger Publishing Company", X-publisher-1st-edition = "Wiley (1968)", address = "Malabar, Florida, USA", year = 1978, isbn = "0-88275-642-7", snote = "++good; includes description of Remez exchange algorithm for finding least-minimax-error polynomial and rational approximations to a trancendental function; includes around 200 pp of coefficient tables", } @incollection { Hawking-1973-in-Les-Houches, author = "Stephen W. Hawking", title = "The Event Horizon", pages = "1--56", editor = "\Cecile{} DeWitt and Bryce S. DeWitt", booktitle = "Black Holes", note = "Proceedings of the 23rd Les Houches Summer School, Les Houches (France), August 1972", publisher = "Gordon and Breach", address = "New York", year = 1973, isbn = "0-677-15610-3", } @book { Hawking-Ellis, author = "Stephen W. Hawking and George F. R. Ellis", title = "The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1973, isbn = "0-521-20016-4 (hardcover), 0-521-09906-4 (paperback)", } @incollection { Hawley-Evans-1989-in-Frontiers, author = "John F. Hawley and Charles F. Evans", title = "Constraint Preserving Transport for Magnetohydrodynamics", pages = "179--193", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @article { Hayward-1994-mass-functions, author = "Sean A. Hayward", title = "Quasilocal Gravitational Energy", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 49, number = 2, pages = "831--839", year = 1994, month = "15 January", snote = "++good review of quasilocal mass functions", } @article { Hayward-1996-Misner-Sharp-mass-function, author = "Sean A. Hayward", title = "Gravitational Energy in Spherical Symmetry", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 53, number = 4, pages = "1938--1949", year = 1996, month = "15 February", snote = "++good review of (Misner-Sharp) mass function in spherical symmetry", } @incollection { Hellings-in-GR10, author = "Ronald W Hellings", title = "Testing Relativity with Solar System Dynamics", pages = "365--385", editor = "B Bertotti and F. de Felice and A. Pascolini", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation", booksubtitle = "Invited Papers and Discussion Reports of the 10th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Padua (Italy), 3-8 July 1983", publisher = "Reidel", address = "Dordrecht (Holland)", year = 1984, isbn = "90-277-1819-9", snote = "++good review of experimental tests of GR using spacecraft tracking, planetary radar, etc", } @incollection { Hellings-in-GR12, author = "Ronald W Hellings", title = "Solar System and Pulsar Tests of General Relativity", pages = "341--344", editor = "Neil Ashby and David F. Bartlett and Walter Wyss", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation, 1989", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder (USA), 2-8 July 1989", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1990, isbn = "0-521-38428-1", } @incollection { Hindmarsh-1983-ODEPACK-codes, author = "Alan C. Hindmarsh", title = "{ODEPACK}, {A} Systematized Collection of {ODE} Solvers", pages = "55--64", editor = "R. S. Stepleman and M. Carver and R. Peskin and W. F. Ames and R. Vichnevetsky", booktitle = "Scientific Computing", note = "Volume 1 of IMACS Transactions on Scientific Computation, report also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Report UCRL-88007, August 1982", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1993, isbn = "0-444-86607-8", } @article { Hirsh-1975-4th-order-compact-FD, author = "Richard S. Hirsh", title = "Higher Order Accurate Difference Solutions of Fluid Mechanics Problems by a Compact Differencing Technique", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 19, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "90--109", year = 1975, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "$O(dx^4 + dt^(??))$, (I'm not clear on time order), several different parabolic problems", } @book { Hockney-Eastwood, author = "Roger W. Hockney and James W. Eastwood", title = "Computer Simulation Using Particles", edition = "1st", publisher = "McGraw-Hill", address = "New York", year = 1981, isbn = "0-07-029108-X", snote = "2nd edition now available" } @article { Hod-Piran-1997-fine-structure-of-mass-scaling-law, author = "Shahar Hod and Tsvi Piran", title = "Fine-Structure of {C}hoptuik's Mass-Scaling Relation", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 55, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "440--442", year = 1997, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Huebner-1999-conformal-field-eqns-evol-scheme, author = "Peter \Huebner", title = "A Scheme to Numerically Evolve Data for the Conformal {E}instein Equations", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", year = 1999, volume = 16, pages = "2823--2843", eprint = "gr-qc/9903088", snote = "paper 2 in a series; describes numerical scheme", } @phdthesis { Huq-PhD, author = "Mijan F. Huq", title = "Apparent Horizon Location in Numerical Spacetimes", supervisor = "Richard A. Matzner", school = "University of Texas at Austin", department = "Physics", year = 1996, month = "December", } @techreport { Huq-Choptuik-Matzner-2000-3D-xyz-horizon-finding, author = "Mijan F. Huq and Matthew W. Choptuik and Richard A. Matzner", title = "Locating Boosted {K}err and {S}chwarzschild Apparent Horizons", year = "2000", month = "22 February", eprint = "gr-qc/0002076", } % need { } for author due to embedded " in u-umlaut @article { Husa-etal-2000-sigma-model-DSS-criticality, author = {Sascha Husa and Christiane Lechner and Michael P\"{u}rrer and Jonathan Thornburg and Peter C.~Aichelburg}, title = "Type II Critical Collapse of a Self-Gravitating Nonlinear $\sigma$-Model", year = 2000, journal = "to appear in Physical Review~D", eprint = "gr-qc/0002067", snote = "report number UWThPh-2000-12", } @techreport { Hyman-1976-Courant-MOL-report, author = "James M. Hyman", title = "The Method of Lines Solution of Partial Differential Equations", institution = "ERDA Mathematics and Computing Laboratory, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University", X-institution = "New York University", department = "ERDA Mathematics and Computing Laboratory, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences", year = 1976, month = "October", number = "COO-3077-139", snote = "++good; this is the best overall MOL reference I know" } @techreport { Hyman-1979-MOL, author = "James M. Hyman", title = "A Method of Lines Approach to the Numerical Solution of Conservation Laws", institution = "Los Alamos National Laboratory", year = 1979, number = "LA-UR 79-837", note = "submitted to Third IMACS International Symposium on Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 20-22 June 1979, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA 18015, USA", snote = "FIXME: get proceedings author and this article page numbers", } @incollection { Hyman-1989-MOL-in-Buchler, author = "James M. Hyman", title = "Numerical Methodologies for Solving Partial Differential Equations", pages = "215--237", editor = "J. R. Buchler", booktitle = "NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Stellar Pulsations: Problems and Prospects", publisher = "Kluwer", address = "Dordrecht", year = 1989, isbn = "0-7923-0598-1", note = "Also available as Los Alamos National Laboratories Report LA-UR 89-3136", } % % === I === % @phdthesis { Isenberg-PhD, author = "James A. Isenberg", title = "The Construction of Spacetimes from Initial Data", supervisor = "Charles W. Misner", school = "University of Maryland", department = "Physics and Astronomy", year = 1979, month = "April", snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 79-26499", } @article { Israel-1986-PRL-AH-confinement, author = "Werner Israel", title = "Must Nonspherical Collapse Produce Black Holes? A Gravitational Confinement Theorem", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 56, number = 8, pages = "789--791", year = 1986, month = "15 October", snote = "see \cite{Israel-1986-CJP-AH-confinement} for further publication", } @article { Israel-1986-CJP-AH-confinement, author = "Werner Israel", title = "The Formation of Black Holes in Nonspherical Collapse and Cosmic Censorship", journal = "Canadian Journal of Physics", volume = 64, pages = "120--127", year = 1986, snote = "see \cite{Israel-1986-PRL-AH-confinement} for initial publication", } @article { Israeli-Orszag-1981-radiation-BCs, author = "Moshe Israeli and Steven A. Orszag", title = "Approximation of Radiation Boundary Conditions", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = 41, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "115--135", year = 1981, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "introduced the concept of ``sponge filter''; see \cite[section~3.8]{Choptuik-PhD} for numerical tests \& discussion", } % % === J === % % % === K === % @unpublished { Kahan-1996-probabilistic-error-analysis-x, author = "William Kahan", title = "The Improbability of Probabilistic Error Analyses for Numerical Computations", year = 1996, month = "4 March", X-note = "Available from http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/improber.ps or http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/improber.pdf", note = "Available from \hbox{\tt http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/$\sim$wkahan/improber.ps} or \hbox{\tt http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/$\sim$wkahan/improber.pdf}", snote = "floating-point roundoff errors are often highly discrete and correlated, so naive statistical analyses based on based on modelling them as uncorrelated continuous random variables (a.k.a. ``Probabilistic Error Analysis'') can be highly misleading", } @unpublished { Kahan-1999-correlation-vs-low-probability-events, author = "William Kahan", title = "The Fragility of Improbability", year = 1999, month = "9 June", X-note = "Available from http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/Math55/correln.ps or http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/Math55/correln.pdf", note = "Available from \hbox{\tt http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/$\sim$wkahan/Math55/correln.ps} or \hbox{\tt http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/$\sim$wkahan/Math55/correln.pdf}", snote = "tiny correlations in random variables can make a huge difference to the probability of rare events way out on the tails of probability distributions", } @book { Kahaner-Moler-Nash, author = "David Kahaner and Cleve B. Moler and Steven Nash", title = "Numerical Methods and Software", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1989, isbn = "0-13-627258-4", snote = "This is a greatly revised and expanded successor to \cite{Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler}. IMHO both books are still valuable, though.", } @article { Kemball-Bishop-1991-horizon-finding, author = "Athol Kemball and Nigel T. Bishop", title = "The Numerical Determination of Apparent Horizons", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 8, year = 1991, pages = "1361--1367", snote = "discussion on implementing horizon-finding method of \cite{Nakamura-Kojima-Oohara-1984-horizon-finding}", } @book { Kernighan-Ritchie, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", title = "The C Programming Language", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = "1978, 1988", isbn = "0-13-110362-8 (paperback), 0-13-110370-9 (hardcover)", } @book { Kenyon, author = "Ian R. Kenyon", title = "General Relativity", publisher = "Oxford University Press", address = "Oxford (UK)", year = "1990, 1991", isbn = "0-19-851995-8 (hardcover), 0-19-851996-6 (paperback)", } @article { Kidder-etal-2000-pseudospectral-BHE-evolution, author = "Lawrence E. Kidder and Mark A. Scheel and Saul A. Teukolsky and Eric D. Carlson and Gregory B. Cook", title = "Black Hole Evolution by Spectral Methods", journal = "Physical Review D", year = 2000, month = "26 September", volume = 62, pages = "084032 (20 pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/0005056", } @book { Knuth-v1, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Fundamental Algorithms", edition = "3rd", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = "1997", isbn = "0-201-89683-4", } @book { Knuth-v2, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Seminumerical Algorithms", edition = "3rd", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = "1997", isbn = "0-201-89684-2", } @book { Knuth-v3, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Sorting and Searching", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = "1998", isbn = "0-201-89685-0", } @article { Kreiss-Oliger-1972-4th-order-FD, author = "Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Joseph Oliger", title = "Comparison of Accurate Methods for the Integration of Hyperbolic Equations", journal = "Tellus", volume = "XXIV", number = 3, pages = "199--215", year = 1972, snote = "model problem, $O(dx^4 + dt^4)$, doesn't treat dxx on RHS, i.e. du/dt = f(u, dx(u), dxx(u))", } @book { Kreiss-Oliger-1973-GARP-report, author = "Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Joseph Oliger", title = "Methods for the Approximate Solution of Time Dependent Problems", publisher = "World Meteorological Organization", address = "Case Postale No.~1, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland", year = 1973, isbn = "no ISBN", } @book { Kreiss-1978-Montreal-book, author = "Heinz-Otto Kreiss", title = "Numerical Methods for Solving Time-Dependent Problems for Partial Differential Equations", publisher = "Les Presses De L'Universit\'{e} de Montr\'{e}al (University of Montreal Press)", address = "Montreal (Canada)", year = 1978, isbn = "ISBN 0-8405-0430-6", } @article { Krivan-Laguna-Papadopoulos-1996-rotating-BH+scalar-field-perturbation, author = "William Krivan and Pablo Laguna and Philippos Papadopoulos", title = "Dynamics of Scalar Fields in the Background of Rotating Black Holes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, number = 8, pages = "4728--4734", year = 1996, month = "15 October", } @article { Kulkarni-1984-N-BH-initial-data, author = "Arnil D. Kulkarni", title = "Time-Asymmetric Initial Data for the $N$ Black Hole Problem in General Relativity", journal = "Journal of Mathematical Physics", volume = 25, number = 4, pages = "1028--1034", year = 1984, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Kulkarni-1984-2BH-initial-data, author = "Arnil D. Kulkarni", title = "Extrinsic Curvature for the Two-Black-Hole Problem", journal = "General Relativity and Gravitation", volume = 17, number = 4, pages = "301--310", year = 1984, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Kulkarni-Shepley-York-1983-N-BH-initial-data, X-author = "Arnil D. Kulkarni and Lawrence C. Shepley and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Arnil D. Kulkarni and Lawrence C. Shepley and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Initial Data for $N$ Black Holes", journal = "Physics Letters", volume = "96A", number = 5, pages = "228--230", year = 1983 } % % === L === % @book { LAPACK-book, author = "E. Anderson and Z. Bai and C. Bischof and J. Demmel and Jack J. Dongarra and J. Du Croz and A. Greenbaum and S. Hammarling and A. McKenney and S. Ostrouchov and D. Sorensen", title = "LAPACK Users' Guide", edition = "1st", publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", address = "Philadelphia", year = 1979, isbn = "0-89871-294-7 (paperback)", snote = "*** this book is now obselete -- there is a 2nd edition ***" } @techreport { Price-2001-Lazarus-in-Matters-of-Gravity-17, author = "Richard Price", title = "The {L}azarus Project: {N}umerical relativity meets perturbation theory", volume = 17, year = 2001, month = "Spring", editor = "Jorge Pullin", eprint = "gr-qc/0102044", snote = "available at http://gravity.phys.psu.edu/mog/mog17/mog17.html", } @unpublished { Lechner-Husa-Aichelburg-1999-static-solutions, author = "Christiane Lechner and Sascha Husa and Peter C. Aichelburg", title = "{SU}(2) Cosmological Solitons", year = 1999, note = "Paper in preparation; draft included", snote = "static solution paper, to be submitted November 1999 +/-", } @unpublished { Lechner-Husa-Aichelburg-1999-stability-analysis, author = "Christiane Lechner and Sascha Husa and Peter C. Aichelburg", year = 1999, note = "Paper in preparation", snote = "stability analysis of static solutions", } @article { LMSSW-1996-numerical-event-horizons, author = "Joseph Libson and Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen and Paul Walker", title = "Event Horizons in Numerical Relativity: Methods and Tests", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 53, number = 8, pages = "4335--4350", year = 1996, month = "15 April", eprint = "gr-qc/9412068", snote = "see \cite{ABBLMSSSW-1995-numerical-event-horizons} for initial publication", } @article { Lichnerowicz-1944-initial-data, author = "Par \Andre{} Lichnerowicz", title = "L'\Integration{} des \Equations{} de la Gravitation Relativiste et le \Probleme des $n$ Corps", journal = "Journal de \Mathematique", volume = "XXIII", number = 1, pages = "37--63", year = 1944, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "early work on initial data problem", } @book { LINPACK-book, author = "Jack J. Dongarra and Cleve B. Moler and J. R. Bunch and George W. Stewart", title = "LINPACK Users' Guide", publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", address = "Philadelphia", year = 1979, isbn = "0-89871-172-X (paperback)", } @article { Liskovets-1965-MOL-review, author = "O. A. Liskovets", title = "The Method of Lines (Review)", journal = "Differential Equations", volume = 1, pages = "1308--1323", X-journal-original = "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya (Russian)", X-volume-original = 1, X-number-original = 12, X-pages-original = "1662--1678", year = 1965, snote = "reviews much of the early Soviet work", } % % === M === % @techreport { Madsen-Sincovec-1973-LLNL-MOL-report, author = "N. K. Madsen and R. F. Sincovec", title = "The Numerical Method of Lines for the Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations", institution = "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories", year = 1973, month = "September", number = "UCRL-75142", snote = "a longer and IMHO somewhat more readable version of this report has appeared as \cite{Madsen-Sincovec-1974-MOL-in-Oden-etal}", } @incollection { Madsen-Sincovec-1974-MOL-in-Oden-etal, author = "N. K. Madsen and R. F. Sincovec", title = "The Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations", pages = "371--380", editor = "J. T. Oden \etal", booktitle = "Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics", publisher = "Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics", address = "Austin, Texas, USA", year = 1974, X-isbn = "no ISBN", snote = "a shorter and IMHO somewhat less readable version of this report has appeared as \cite{Madsen-Sincovec-1973-LLNL-MOL-report}", } @phdthesis { Marsa-PhD, author = "Robert L. Marsa", title = "Radiative Problems in Black Hole Spacetimes", supervisor = "Richard A. Matzner", school = "University of Texas at Austin", department = "Physics", year = 1995, month = "December", } @article { Marsa-Choptuik-1996-sssf, author = "Robert L. Marsa and Matthew W. Choptuik", title = "Black Hole--Scalar Field Interactions in Spherical Symmetry", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, number = 8, pages = "4929--4943", year = 1996, month = "15 October", eprint = "gr-qc/9607034", } @phdthesis { Masso-PhD, author = "Joan \Masso{}", title = "Numerical Relativity: The Quest for a Three-Dimensional Code", supervisor = "Charles Garcia Bona", school = "Universitat de les Illes Balears", department = "Physics", year = 1992, month = "September", } @incollection { Masso-Seidel-Walker-1995-adaptive-gridding, author = "Joan \Masso{} and Edward Seidel and Paul Walker", title = "Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Numerical Relativity", X-pages = "FIXME", editor = "R. Ruffini and M. Keiser", booktitle = "General Relativity: Proceedings of the 7th {M}arcel {G}rossman Meeting", publisher = "World Scientific", address = "Singapore", year = 1995, X-isbn = "FIXME", eprint = "gr-qc/9412057", } @unpublished { Matzner-Huq-Shoemaker-1998-N-BH-initial-data, author = "Richard A. Matzner and Mijan F. Huq and Deirdre Shoemaker", title = "Initial Data and Coordinates for Multiple Black Hole Systems", year = 1998, month = "May", eprint = "gr-qc/9805023", } @book { Matzner-Shepley:Schild-lectures, editor = "Richard A. Matzner and Lawrence C. Shepley", booktitle = "Spacetime and Geometry: The {A}lfred {S}child Lectures", publisher = "University of Texas Press", address = "Austin (Texas)", year = 1982, isbn = "0-292-77567-9", } @book { Mermin:SR, author = "N. David Mermin", title = "Space and Time in Special Relativity", publisher = "Waveland Press", X-publisher-original-edition = "McGraw-Hill (1968)", address = "Prospect Heights, Illinois, USA", year = "1968, 1989", isbn = "0-88133-420-0 (paper)", } @article { Misner-1960-initial-data, author = "Charles W. Misner", title = "Wormhole Initial Conditions", journal = "Physical Review", volume = 118, number = 4, pages = "1110--1111", year = 1960, month = "15 May", } @article { Misner-Sharp-1964-Lagrangian-spherical-collapse, author = "Charles W. Misner and David H. Sharp", title = "Relativistic Equations for Adiabatic, Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse", journal = "Physical Review B", volume = 136, number = 2, pages = "571--576", year = 1964, month = "26 October", snote = "Lagrangian coordinates, 1st derivation of mass function for spherical symmetry", } @book { MTW, author = "Charles W. Misner and Kip S. Thorne and John A. Wheeler", title = "Gravitation", publisher = "W. H. Freeman", address = "San Francisco", year = 1973, isbn = "0-7167-0344-0 (paper)", } @book { Mitchell-Griffiths, author = "A. R. Mitchell and D. F. Griffiths", title = "The Finite Difference Method in Partial Differential Equations", publisher = "Wiley", address = "New York", year = 1980, X-isbn = "FIXME", X-note = "nice elementary intro (also includes finite elements)", } % % === N === % @article { Nakamura-Kojima-Oohara-1984-horizon-finding, author = "Takashi Nakamura and Yasufumi Kojima and {Ken-ichi} Oohara", title = "A Method of Determining Apparent Horizons in Three-Dimensional Numerical Relativity", journal = "Physics Letters", volume = "106A", number = "5,6", year = "1984", month = "10 December", pages = "235--238", } @incollection { Nakamura-Oohara-1989-3D-evolution-in-Frontiers, author = "Takashi Nakamura and {Ken-ichi} Oohara", title = "Methods in {3D} Numerical Relativity", pages = "254--280", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @article { NCCMHO-2000-3D-adaptive-evolution-grav-waves, author = "Kimberly C. B. New and Dae-Il Choi and Joan M. Centrella and Peter MacNeice and Mijan F. Huq and Kevin Olson", title = "Three-Dimensional Adaptive Evolution of Gravitational Waves in Numerical Relativity", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 62, year = 2000, pages = "084039 (4 pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/0007045", snote = "2-level Berger/Oliger adaptive gridding, weak gravitational waves; n.b. PRD online can't find this via volume/pages, but can find it via `Adaptive' title search", } @article { Nieto-Goldman-1991-gravity-vs-antimatter, author = "Michael Martin Nieto and T. Goldman", title = "The Arguments Againts ``Antigravity'' and the Gravitational Acceleration of Antimatter", journal = "Physics Reports (Review Section of Physics Letters)", volume = 205, number = 5, pages = "222--281", year = 1991, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "very good review article", } @article { Nollert-Schmidt-1992-Schw-quasinormal-modes, author = "Hans-Peter Nollert and Bernd G. Schmidt", title = "Quasinormal Modes of {S}Chwarzschild Black Holes: Defined and Calculated via {L}aplace Transformation", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 45, number = 8, pages = "2617--2627", year = 1994, month = "15 April", snote = "power-law tails; quasinormal ringing, transition from quasinormal ringing to power-law tails", } @article { Nordtvedt-1999-lunar-laser-ranging-vs-GR, author = "Kenneth Nordtvedt", title = "30 years of Lunar Laser Ranging and the Gravitational Interaction", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 16, X-number = "???", pages = "A101--A112", year = 1999, month = "December", note = "available online at abstract http://www.iop.org/EJ/S/3/31/D3W0eKTDEk.rPjcuFN2vhg/abstract/0264-9381/16/12A/305 full paper http://www.iop.org/EJ/S/3/31/D3W0eKTDEk.rPjcuFN2vhg/article/0264-9381/16/12A/305/q91b05.ps.gz ", } @book { Novikov-Frolov, author = "Igor D. Novikov and Valery P. Frolov", title = "Physics of Black Holes", publisher = "Kluwer", address = "Dordrecht", year = 1989, isbn = "90-277-2685-X", } @techreport { Nowak-Weimann-1990, author = "U. Nowak and L. Weimann", title = "GIANT -- A Software Package for the Numerical Solution of Very Large Systems of Highly Nonlinear Equations", institution = "Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum \fur{} Informationstechnik Berlin", year = 1990, month = "December", number = "TR 90-11", snote = "++good software; very robust", } @techreport { Nowak-Weimann-1991, author = "U. Nowak and L. Weimann", title = "A Family of Newton Codes for Systems of Highly Nonlinear Equations", institution = "Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum \fur{} Informationstechnik Berlin", year = 1991, month = "December", number = "TR 91-10", snote = "++good software; very robust", } @book { Noye:num-PDEs, author = "John Noye", title = "Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1982, isbn = "0-444-86356-7", snote = "Proceedings of the 1981 Conference on the Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations held at Queen's College, Melbourne University, Australia, 23--27 August 1981", } @book { Numerical-Recipes-1st-edition, author = "William H. Press and Brian P. Flannery and Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling", title = "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing", edition = "1st", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK) and New York", year = 1986, isbn = "0-521-30811-9", } @book { Numerical-Recipes, author = "William H. Press and Brian P. Flannery and Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling", title = "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK) and New York", year = 1992, isbn = "0-521-43064-X", } % % === O === % @article { Oliger-1974-4th-order-FD, author = "Joseph Oliger", title = "Fourth Order Difference Methods for the Initial Boundary-Value Problem for Hyperbolic Equations", journal = "Mathematics of Computation", volume = 28, number = 125, pages = "15--25", year = 1974, month = "January", snote = "model problem, $O(dt^2 + dx^4)$, *does* discuss extensions to large nonlinear multidimensions, doesn't treat dxx on RHS, i.e. du/dt = f(u, dx(u), dxx(u))", } @phdthesis { Oliveira-PhD, author = "Samuel Rocha Oliveira", title = "The Two Black Hole Problem in $3+1$ General Relativity: Analytical Approximations and Numerical Solutions of the Initial Data", supervisor = "Richard A. Matzner", school = "University of Texas at Austin", department = "Physics", year = 1992, month = "August", } @incollection { Oohara-1986-3D-initial-data-in-Sato-Nakamura, author = "{Ken-ichi} Oohara", title = "Apparent Horizon of Initial Data for Black Hole Collision", pages = "313--319", editor = "Humitaka Sato and Takashi Nakamura", booktitle = "Gravitational Collapse and Relativity", publisher = "World Scientific", address = "Singapore", year = 1986, isbn = "9971-50-207-0", snote = "apparent horizon finding algorithm of \cite{Nakamura-Kojima-Oohara-1984-horizon-finding}; in proceedings of teh XIV Yamada Conference, Kyoto, 7--11 April 1986", } @incollection { Oohara-Nakamura-1989-3D-initial-data-in-Frontiers, author = "{Ken-ichi} Oohara and Takashi Nakamura", title = "Three Dimensional Initial Data of Numerical Relativity", pages = "74--88", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @article { OMurchadha-York-1974-York-decomposition-I, X-author = "Niall \OMurchadha{} and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Niall \OMurchadha{} and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Initial-Value Problem of General Relativity: {I} -- General Formulation and Physical Interpretation", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 10, number = 2, pages = "428--436", year = 1974, month = "15 July", } @article { OMurchadha-York-1974-York-decomposition-II, X-author = "Niall \OMurchadha{} and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Niall \OMurchadha{} and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Initial-Value Problem of General Relativity: {II} -- Stability of Solutions of the Initial-Value Equations", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 10, number = 2, pages = "437--446", year = 1974, month = "15 July", } @incollection { OMurchadha-1992-in-dInverno, author = "Niall \OMurchadha{}", title = "Boundary Conditions for the Momentum Constraint", pages = "83--93", editor = "Ray d'Inverno", booktitle = "Approaches to Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1992, isbn = "0-521-43976-0", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Southampton University (Southampton, England), 16--20 December 1991", } @misc { OMurchadha-1997-proof-r=2m-for-spherically-symmetric-AH, author = "Niall \OMurchadha{}", type = "private E-mail message to Jonathan Thornburg", year = 1997, month = "13 November", note = "personal communication", snote = "Argument that $r = 2m$ for any apparent horizon in spherical symmetry", } % % === P === % @article { Papadopoulos-Seidel-Wild-1998-3D-adaptive-evolution-BH-perturbations, author = "Philippos Papadopoulos and Edward Seidel and Lee Wild", title = "Adaptive Computation of Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Interactions", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 58, year = 1998, pagese = "084008 (15 pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/9802069", snote = "Berger/Oliger adaptive gridding for evolution of (new formalism for) perturbation equations", } @book { Parter:num-PDEs, author = "Seymour V. Parter", title = "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", year = 1979, isbn = "0-12-546050-3", snote = "Proceedings of an Advanced Seminar Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, The University of Wisconsin -- Madison, 23--25 October 1978", } @Unpublished { PETSc-web-page, author = "Satish Balay and William D. Gropp and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith", title = "{PETSc} home page", year = "2000", note = "{PETSc}: {T}he {P}ortable, {E}xtensible {T}oolkit for {S}cientific {C}omputation, software toolkit available from http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/", } @TechReport { PETSc-manual, author = "Satish Balay and William D. Gropp and Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry F. Smith", title = "{PETSc} 2.0 Users Manual", year = "2000", number = "ANL-95/11 - Revision 2.0.29", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", } @incollection { Piran-1983-in-Red, author = "Tsvi Piran", title = "Methods of Numerical Relativity", pages = "203--256", editor = "Nathalie Deruelle and Tsvi Piran", booktitle = "Gravitational Radiation", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1983, isbn = "0-444-86560-8", snote = "claims finite differenced constraints and evolution are inconsistent; claim later refuted by Choptuik", } @incollection { Pirani-1962-gravitational-radiation-survey, author = "F. A. E. Pirani", title = "Survey of Gravitational Radiation Theory", pages = "89--105", X-editor = "no editor given", booktitle = "Recent Developments in General Relativity", publisher = "Pa\'{n}stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (Polish Scientific Publishers) and Pergammon Press", address = "Warsaw and Oxford", year = 1962, X-isbn = "no ISBN", note = "US~Library of Congress \#62-9878", snote = "Infeld 60th Birthday Feshchrift", } @article { Price-1982-GR-primer, author = "Richard H. Price", title = "General Relativity Primer", journal = "The American Journal of Physics", volume = 50, number = 4, year = 1982, month = "April", pages = "300--329", note = "errata in 52(4), April 1984, p. 366--367", snote = "++good introduction to general relativity, assuming only that the reader has ``a familiarity ... with partial differential equations and their application in physics, as would certainly result from, say, a junior- or senior-level course in electrodynamics''" } @book { problem-book-in-rel-and-grav, author = "Alan P. Lightman and William H. Press and Richard H. Price and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation", publisher = "Princeton University Press", year = 1975, isbn = "0-691-08160-3 (hardcover), 0-691-08162-X (paperback)" } % % === Q === % % % === R === % @book { Ralston-Rabinowitz, author = "Anthony Ralston and Philip Rabinowitz", title = "A First Course in Numerical Analysis", edition = "2nd", publisher = "McGraw-Hill", address = "New York", year = 1978, isbn = "0-07-051158-6", } @phdthesis { Rauber-PhD, author = "Joel D. Rauber", title = "Initial Data for Black Hole Collisions", X-supervisor = "James W. York, Jr.", supervisor = "York, Jr., James W.", school = "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", department = "Physics and Astronomy", year = 1985, } @incollection { Rauber-1986-in-Centrella, author = "Joel D. Rauber", title = "Initial Data for Black Hole Collisions", pages = "304--327", editor = "Joan M. Centrella", booktitle = "Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge, UK", year = 1986, isbn = "0-521-32860-8", note = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity, Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA), 7--11 October 1985", } @book { Richtmyer-Morton, author = "Robert D. Richtmyer and K. W. Morton", title = "Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems", edition = "2nd Edition reprinted", publisher = "Krieger Publishing Company", X-publisher-1st-edition = "Interscience (1957)", X-publisher-2nd-edition = "Wiley (1967)", address = "Malabar, Florida, USA", year = "1957, 1967, 1994", isbn = "0-89464-763-6", } @book { Rindler, author = "Wolfgang Rindler", title = "Essential Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological", edition = "Revised 2nd", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York and Berlin", year = 1977, isbn = "0-387-10090-3 (New York), 3-540-10090-3 (Berlin)", } @article { Rowan-Hough-2000-grav-wave-detection-review, author = "Sheila Rowan and Jim Hough", title = "Gravitational Wave Detection by Interferometry (Ground and Space)", journal = "Living Reviews in Relativity", volume = 3, year = 2000, number = 3, note = "Available online at http://www.livingreviews.org/Articles/Volume3/2000-3hough", } @article { RP3-experience, author = "Ray Brant and Hung-Yang Chang and Bryan Rosenburg", title = "Experience Developing the RP3 Operating System", journal = "Computing Systems", volume = 4, number = 3, pages = "183--216", year = 1991, month = "Summer", snote = "++good discussion of mistakes made + lessons learned", } % % === S === % @book { Sato-Nakamura, author = "Humitaka Sato and Takashi Nakamura", title = "Gravitational Collapse and Relativity", publisher = "World Scientific", address = "Singapore", year = 1986, isbn = "9971-50-207-0", snote = "Proceedings of teh XIV Yamada Conference, Kyoto, 7--11 April 1986", } @article { Scheel-Shapiro-Teukolsky-1995a-BHE-Brans-Dicke, author = "Mark A. Scheel and Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Collapse to Black Holes in {B}rans-{D}icke Theory: {I}. Horizon Boundary Conditions for Dynamical Spacetimes", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 51, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "4208--4235", year = 1995, X-month = "FIXME (Jan--Mar)", eprint = "gr-qc/9411025", snote = "BHE evolution of collisionless matter in Brans-Dicke, inner boundary inside horizon", } @article { Scheel-Shapiro-Teukolsky-1995b-BHE-Brans-Dicke, author = "Mark A. Scheel and Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Collapse to Black Holes in {B}rans-{D}icke Theory: {II}. Comparison with General Relativity", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 51, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "4236", X-ending-page = "FIXME", year = 1995, X-month = "FIXME (Jan--Mar)", eprint = "gr-qc/9411026", snote = "BHE evolution of collisionless matter in Brans-Dicke, inner boundary inside horizon", } @article { SBCST-1997-3D-xzy-BHE-evolution, author = "Mark A. Scheel and Thomas W. Baumgarte and Gregory B. Cook and Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Numerical Evolution of Black Holes with a Hyperbolic Formulation of General Relativity", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 56, number = 10, pages = "6320--6335", year = 1997, month = "15 November", snote = "3D BHE evolution, xyz grid", } @book { Schiesser-1991-MOL, author = "W. E. Schiesser", title = "The Numerical Method of Lines: Integration of Partial Differential Equations", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", year = 1991, isbn = "0-12-624130-9", snote = "very elementary, doesn't even use matrix notation", } @book { Schutz, author = "Bernard F. Schutz", title = "A First Course in General Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = "1985, 1986", isbn = "0-521-25770-0 (hardcover), 0-521-27703-5 (paperback)", } @book { Schutz-geom-meth-of-math-phys, author = "Bernard F. Schutz", title = "Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = "1980, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990", isbn = "0-521-23271-6 (hardcover), 0-521-29887-3 (paperback)", snote = "++nice intro to manifolds, differential forms, bundles, Lie derivatives, etc", } @article { Seidel-Suen-1992-BHE, author = "Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen", title = "Towards a Singularity-Proof Scheme in Numerical Relativity", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 69, number = 13, pages = "1845--1848", year = 1992, month = "28 September", snote = "see \cite{ADMSS-1995-BHE} for further publication", } @book { Shampine-Gordon-ODE-book, author = "Lawrence F. Shampine and Marilyn K. Gordon", title = "Computer Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: The Initial Value Problem", publisher = "W. H. Freeman", address = "San Francisco", year = 1975, isbn = "0-7167-0461-7", } @incollection { Shapiro-in-GR12, author = "Irwin I. Shapiro", title = "Solar System Tests of General Relativity: Recent Results and Present Plans", pages = "313--330", editor = "Neil Ashby and David F. Bartlett and Walter Wyss", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation, 1989", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder (USA), 2-8 July 1989", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1990, isbn = "0-521-38428-1", } @article { Shibata-Nakamura-1995-BSSN, author = "Masaru Shibata and Takashi Nakamura", title = "Evolution of three-dimensional gravitational waves: Harmonic slicing case", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 52, number = 10, pages = "5428-5444", year = 1995, month = "15 November", snote = "introduced what is now called BSSN formulation, see also Baumgarte-Shapiro-1999-BSSN", } @article { Shoemaker-Huq-Matzner-2000-3D-xyz-horizon-finding, author = "Deirdre M. Shoemaker and Mijan F. Huq and Richard A. Matzner", title = "Generic Tracking of Multiple Apparent Horizons with Level Flow", journal = "Physical Review~D", year = "2000", month = "17 November", volume = 62, pages = "124005 (12 pages)", eprint = "gr-qc/0004062", } @phdthesis { Smarr-PhD, author = "Larry Lee Smarr", title = "The Structure of General Relativity with a Numerical Illustration: The Collision of Two Black Holes", supervisor = "Bryce S. DeWitt", school = "University of Texas at Austin", department = "Physics", year = 1975, month = "January", snote = "University Microfilms Order \#DA 75-16738", } @incollection { Smarr-1984-in-GR10, author = "Larry L. Smarr", title = "Computational Relativity: Numerical and Algebraic Approaches (Report of Workshop {A}4)", pages = "163--183", editor = "B. Bertotti and F. de Felice and A. Pascolini", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation: Invited Papers and Discussion Reports of the 10th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Padua, July 3--8 1983", publisher = "Reidel", address = "Dordrecht (Netherlands)", year = 1984, isbn = "90-277-1819-9", } @incollection { Shapiro-Teukolsky-1986-in-Centrella, author = "Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A. Teukolsky", title = "Relativistic Stellar Dynamics on the Computer", pages = "74--100", editor = "Joan M. Centrella", booktitle = "Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge, UK", year = 1986, isbn = "0-521-32860-8", snote = "includes ``Holy Grail'' description (p.76)", note = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity, Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA), 7--11 October 1985", } @book { Smarr:Yellow, editor = "Larry L. Smarr", title = "Sources of Gravitational Radiation", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge, UK", year = 1979, isbn = "0-521-22778-X", snote = "Proceedings of the Battelle Seattle Workshop, 24 July -- 4 August, 1978", } @article { Smarr-York-1978-minimal-distortion-theory, X-author = "Larry L. Smarr and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Larry L. Smarr and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Radiation Gauge in General Relativity", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 17, number = 8, pages = "1945--1956", year = 1978, month = "15 April", snote = "general theory for minimal distortion coordinates", } @article { Smarr-York-1978-minimal-distortion-examples, X-author = "Larry L. Smarr and James W. York, Jr.", author = "Larry L. Smarr and York, Jr., James W.", title = "Kinematical Conditions in the Construction of Spacetime", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 17, number = 10, pages = "2529--2551", year = 1978, month = "15 May", snote = "gravitational degrees of freedom, theoretical analysis of exponential decay of lapse in maximal slicing, examples (also theory, justification) of minimal distortion coordinates", } @incollection { Smarr-1979-2BH-in-Yellow, author = "Larry L. Smarr", title = "Gauge Conditions, Raidation Formulae, and the Two Black Hole Collision", pages = "245--274", editor = "Larry L. Smarr", booktitle = "Sources of Gravitational Radiation", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge, UK", year = 1979, isbn = "0-521-22778-X", snote = "Proceedings of the Battelle Seattle Workshop, 24 July -- 4 August, 1978", } @book { Sod:num-PDEs, author = "Gary A. Sod", title = "Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = "1985, 1986", isbn = "0-521-25924-X", } @incollection { Stachel-how-Einstein-discovered-GR--in-GR11, author = "J. J. Stachel", title = "How {E}instein Discovered General Relativity: {A} Historical Tale with some Contemporary Morals", pages = "200--208", editor = "Malcolm A. H. MacCallum", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Stockholm (Sweden), 6-12 July 1986", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1987, isbn = "0-521-33296-6", } @incollection { Stewart-1984-numerical-relativity-survey, author = "John M. Stewart", title = "Numerical Relativity", pages = "231--262", editor = "W. B. Bonner and J. N. Islam and Malcolm A. H. MacCallum", booktitle = "Classical General Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1984, isbn = "0-521-26747-1", snote = "claims finite differenced constraints and evolution are inconsistent; claim later refuted by Choptuik", } @book { Stoer-Bulirsch, author = "Josef Stoer and Roland Bulirsch", title = "Introduction to Numerical Analysis", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York and Berlin", year = 1980, isbn = "0-387-90420-4 (New York), 3-540-90420-4 (Berlin)", } @book { Straumann, author = "Norbert Straumann", title = "General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York and Berlin", year = "1981, 1984, 1988, 1991", isbn = "3-540-53743-0 (Berlin), 0-387-53743-0 (New York)", } @book { Synge-Schild, author = "J. L. Synge and Alfred Schild", title = "Tensor Calculus", publisher = "Dover", X-publisher-original = "University of Toronto Press (1949)", address = "New York", year = "1949, 1978", isbn = "0-486-63612-7", } % % === T === % @book { Taylor-Wheeler-1st-edition, author = "Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler", title = "Spacetime Physics", edition = "1st", publisher = "W. H. Freeman", year = "1963, 1966", isbn = "0-7167-0336-X (paperback)", snote = "++good, but 2nd edition is even better", } @book { Taylor-Wheeler, author = "Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler", title = "Spacetime Physics", edition = "2nd", publisher = "W. H. Freeman", year = 1992, isbn = "0-7167-2326-3 (hardcover) 0-7167-2327-1 (paperback)", snote = "++good, the best intro to special relativity around", } @article { TWDW-1992-GR-tests-Nature-review, author = "J. H. Taylor and A. Wolszczan and Thibault Damour and J. M. Weisberg", title = "Experimental Constraints on Strong-Field Relativistic Gravity", journal = "Nature", volume = 355, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "132--136", year = 1992, month = "9 January", snote = "general review of binary pulsar tests of GR", } @incollection { Taylor-in-GR11, author = "Joseph H. Taylor", title = "Astronomical And Space Experiments to Test Relativity", pages = "209--222", editor = "Malcolm A. H. MacCallum", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Stockholm (Sweden), 6-12 July 1986", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1987, isbn = "0-521-33296-6", } @incollection { Taylor-in-GR13, author = "Joseph H. Taylor", title = "Testing Relativistic Gravity with Binary and Millisecond Pulsars", pages = "287--294", editor = "R. J. Gleiser and C. N. Kozameh and O. M. Moreschi", booktitle = "General Relativity and Gravitation 1992", booksubtitle = "Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Cordoba (Argentina), 28 June -- 4 July 1992", publisher = "(UK) Institute of Physics Publishing", address = "Bristol (UK) and Philadelphia (USA)", year = 1993, isbn = "0-7503-0261-5", } @book { Thompson:num-grid-gen, author = "Joe F. Thompson", title = "Numerical Grid Generation", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "New York", year = 1982, snote = "Proceedings of a Symposium on the Numerical Generation of Curvilinear Coordinate Systems and their Use in the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, April 1982, Nashville, Tennessee", isbn = "0-444-00757-1", } @book { Thompson-Warsi-Mastin:num-grid-gen, author = "Joe F. Thompson and Z. U. A. Warsi and C. Wayne Mastin", title = "Numerical Grid Generation: Foundations and Applications", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "New York", year = 1985, isbn = "0-444-00985-1", } @mastersthesis { Thornburg-MSc, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "Coordinates and Boundary Conditions for the General Relativistic Initial Data Problem", supervisor = "William G. Unruh", school = "University of British Columbia", department = "Geophysics and Astronomy", year = 1985, month = "November", snote = "black hole excision, multiple coordinate patches, initial data, maximal slicing", } @article { Thornburg-1987-2BH-initial-data, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "Coordinates and Boundary Conditions for the General Relativistic Initial Data Problem", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 4, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "1119--1131", year = 1987, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "black hole excision, multiple coordinate patches, initial data, maximal slicing, MSc paper; this was the 1st publication of black hole excision", } @incollection { Thornburg-1989-in-Frontiers, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "A PDE~Compiler for Full-Metric Numerical Relativity", pages = "370--384", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", snote = "early version of my PhD thesis PDE compiler (now obselete)", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @misc { Thornburg-1991-BHE-talk, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "Numerical Relativity in Black Hole Spacetimes", type = "oral presentation (talk)", meeting = "CITA Workshop on Numerical Relativity", organization = "Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto", year = 1991, month = "30 May", note = "unpublished talk given at the CITA Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto", snote = "2-day meeting organized by Matt Choptuik", } @phdthesis { Thornburg-PhD, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "Numerical Relativity in Black Hole Spacetimes", supervisor = "William G. Unruh", school = "University of British Columbia", department = "Geophysics and Astronomy", year = 1993, month = "March", } @article { Thornburg-1996-horizon-finding, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "Finding Apparent Horizons in Numerical Relativity", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, number = 8, pages = "4899--4918", year = 1996, month = "15 October", eprint = "gr-qc/9508014", } @article { Thornburg-1999-sssf-initial-data, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "A $3+1$ Computational Scheme for Dynamic Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Spacetimes -- {I}: Initial Data", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 59, number = 10, pages = "104007 (26 pages)", year = 1999, month = "15 May", eprint = "gr-qc/9801087", snote = "PRD deleted the `I:' from the title. I don't like this.", } @techreport { Thornburg-1999-sssf-evolution, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "A $3+1$ Computational Scheme for Dynamic Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Spacetimes -- {II}: Time Evolution", year = 1999, month = "November", number = "UWThPh-1999-38", eprint = "gr-qc/9906022", note = "version 2, submitted to Physical Review~D", } % date is that of gr-qc preprint @techreport { Thornburg-2000-mpe-mg9, author = "Jonathan Thornburg", title = "A Multiple-Grid-Patch Evolution Scheme for 3-{D} Black Hole Excision", year = 2000, month = "December", number = "UWThPh-2000-50", eprint = "gr-qc/0012012", note = "to appear in Proceedings of the 9th Marcel Grossman Meeting", } @article { Thorne-1980-RMP-tensor-spherical-harmonics, author = "Kip S. Thorne", title = "Multipole Expansions of Gravitational Radiation", journal = "Reviews of Modern Physics", pages = "299--339", volume = 52, number = 2, series = "Part 1", year = 1980, month = "April", } @book { Thorne-Price-Macdonald:Membrane, author = "Kip S. Thorne and Richard H. Price and Douglas A. Macdonald", title = "Black Holes: The Membrane Paradigm", publisher = "Yale University Press", address = "New Haven and London", year = 1986, ISBN = "0-300-03769-4 (hardcover), 0-300-03770-8 (paperback)", } @article { Tod-1991-horizon-finding, author = "Paul Tod", title = "Looking for Marginally Trapped Surfaces", journal = "Classical and Quantum Gravity", volume = 8, year = 1991, pages = "L115--L118", snote = "curvature flow method", } @article { Trautman-1958a-radiation-BCs, author = "Andrzej Trautman", title = "Boundary Conditions at Infinity for Physical Theories", journal = "Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences", series = "Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics Series", pages = "403--406", volume = "VI", number = 6, year = 1958, X-month = "FIXME", } @article { Trautman-1958b-radiation-BCs, author = "Andrzej Trautman", title = "Radiation and Boundary Conditions in the Theory of Gravitation", journal = "Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences", series = "Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics Series", pages = "407--412", volume = "VI", number = 6, year = 1958, X-month = "FIXME", } @book { Trautman-Pirani-Bondi:Brandeis, author = "Andrzej Trautman and F. A. E. Pirani and Herman Bondi", title = "General Relativity", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1964, library = "QC6 B675", note = "1964 Brandeis Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics, volume 1 of 2, US~Library of Congress \#65-16531", } @article { Turkel-Abarbanel-Gottlieb-1976-4th-order-FD, author = "E. Turkel and S. Abarbanel and David Gottlieb", title = "Multidimensional Difference Schemes with Fourth-Order Accuracy", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = "21", X-number = "FIXME", pages = "85--113", year = 1976, X-month = "FIXME", snote = "quasilinear divergence-free multidimensional hyperbolic eqns, uses 4 substeps (sort of like operator splitting", } % % === U === % @misc { Unruh-1984-BHE-suggestion, author = "William G. Unruh", type = "private conversation with Jonathan Thornburg", year = 1984, month = "August", note = "personal communication", snote = "Bill Unruh's original suggestion to me of the black-hole-exclusion concept.", } @misc { Unruh-1988-const-3det-coords-suggestion, author = "William G. Unruh", type = "private conversation with Jonathan Thornburg", year = 1988, month = "January", note = "personal communication", snote = "Bill Unruh's suggestion to me of $\partial_t g = 0$ as a coordinate condition.", } @misc { Unruh-Wald-1993-proof-horizon-causality, author = "William G. Unruh and Robert M. Wald", type = "private talk(1) session with Jonathan Thornburg", organization = "University of British Columbia Physics Department", year = 1993, month = "1 February", note = "personal communication", snote = "Argument that no future-pointing null geodesic can cross an apparent horizon from inside to outside. See section 2.4 (p.22) of my PhD thesis.", } % % === V === % @inbook { Vemuri-Karplus-1981-MOL-section, author = "V. Vemuri and Walter J. Karplus", booktitle = "Digital Computer Treatment of Partial Differential Equations", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1981, isbn = "0-13-212407-6", title = "Method of Lines for Initial Value Problems", section = "6.9", pages = "167--171", snote = "nice short MOL intro", } @article { VSLHB-1996-cosmological-EYM-BMcK-solutions, author = "M.S. Volkov and N. Straumann and G. Lavrelashvili and M. Heusler and O. Brodbeck", title = "Cosmological Analogues of the {B}artnik--{McK}innon Solutions", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 54, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "7243--7251", year = 1996, X-month = "FIXME", } % % === W === % @book { Wald, author = "Robert M. Wald", title = "General Relativity", publisher = "University of Chicago Press", address = "Chicago", year = 1984, isbn = "0-226-87032-4 (hardcover), 0-226-87033-2 (paperback)", } @article { Wald-Iyer-1991-Schw-slicing-with-no-AH, author = "Robert M. Wald and Vivek Iyer", title = "Trapped Surfaces in the {S}chwarzschild Geometry and Cosmic Censorship", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 44, number = 12, pages = "R3719--R3722", year = 1991, month = "15 December", } @book { Weinberg, author = "Steven Weinberg", title = "Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity", publisher = "Wiley", address = "New York", year = 1972, isbn = "0-471-92567-5", } @book { Weber-Karade, author = "Joseph Weber and T. M. Karade", title = "Gravitational Radiation and Relativity", publisher = "World Scientific", address = "Singapore", year = 1986, isbn = "9971-978-88-1", snote = "Proceedings of the Sir Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium", } @book { Will-1st-edition, author = "Clifford M. Will", title = "Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics", edition = "1st", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = "1981, 1985", isbn = "0-521-23237-6 (hardcover), 0-521-31710-X (paperback)", } @book { Will, author = "Clifford M. Will", title = "Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics", edition = "Revised", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = "1993", isbn = "0-521-43973-6 (paperback)", snote = "Only adds one new ``update'' chapter to 1st edition", } @book { Will-Was-Einstein-Right-2nd, author = "Clifford M. Will", title = "Was {E}instein Right?: {P}utting General Relativity to the Test", Edition = "2nd", Publisher = "Perseus/Basic Books", isbn = "0-465-09086-9 (paperback)", year = "1993 (2nd edition may be newer??)", snote = "++good popular account of experimental tests of GR", } @article { Will-physics-today-Oct-1999, author = "Clifford M. Will", title = "Gravitational Radiation and the Validity of General Relativity", journal = "Physics Today", volume = 52, number = 10, year = 1999, month = "October", pages = "38", note = "Available online at http://wugrav.wustl.edu/People/CLIFF/phystoday.ps", } @unpublished { Will-update-1998, author = "Clifford M. Will", title = "The Confrontation Between General Relativity and Experiment: A 1998 Update", year = 1999, month = "11 November", note = "Lecture notes from the 1998 SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics, also gr-qc/9811036 (http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9811036 and many mirrors), also http://wugrav.wustl.edu/People/CLIFF/update98.ps , also audio and video of the lecture at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/gen/meeting/ssi/1998/will.html ", } @article { Winicour-2001-characteristic-evolution+matching-review, author = "Jeffrey Winicour", title = "Characteristic Evolution and Matching", journal = "Living Reviews in Relativity", year = 2001, number = "(to appear)", eprint = "gr-qc/0102085", } @book { Winkler-Norman, author = "Karl-Heinz A. Winkler and Michael L. Norman", title = "Astrophysical Radiation Hydrodynamics", publisher = "Reidel", address = "Dordrecht (Netherlands)", year = 1986, isbn = "90-277-2335-4", snote = "NATO ASI Series; Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 188; Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Astrophysical Radiation Hydrodynamics, 2--13 August 1982", } % === X === % % % === Y === % @article { York-1971-York-decomposition, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Gravitational Degrees of Freedom and the Initial-Value Problem", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 26, number = 26, pages = "1656--1658", year = 1971, } @article { York-1972-York-decomposition, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Role of Conformal Three-Geometry in the Dynamics of Gravitation", journal = "Physical Review Letters", volume = 28, number = 16, pages = "1082--1085", year = 1972, } @article { York-1973-York-decomposition, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Conformally Invariant Orthogonal Decomposition of Symmetric Tensors on {R}iemannian Manifolds and the Initial Value Problem of General Relativity", journal = "Journal of Mathematical Physics", volume = 14, number = 4, pages = "456--464", year = 1973, month = "April", } @incollection { York-1979-in-Yellow, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Kinematics and Dynamics of General Relativity", pages = "83--126", editor = "Larry L. Smarr", booktitle = "Sources of Gravitational Radiation", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge, UK", year = 1979, isbn = "0-521-22778-X", snote = "Proceedings of the Battelle Seattle Workshop, 24 July -- 4 August, 1978", } @incollection { York-1980-in-Taub-festschrift, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Energy and Momentum of the Gravitational Field", pages = "39--58", editor = "Frank J. Tipler", booktitle = "Essays in General Relativity: A Festschrift for {A}braham {T}aub", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", year = 1980, isbn = "0-12-691380-3", } @incollection { York-1983-in-Red, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "The Initial Value Problem and Dynamics", pages = "175--201", editor = "Nathalie Deruelle and Tsvi Piran", booktitle = "Gravitational Radiation", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1983, isbn = "0-444-86560-8", snote = "Les Houches proceedings, 2--21 June 1982" } @article { York-1984-N-BH-initial-data, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Initial Data for $N$ Black Holes", journal = "Physica A", volume = 124, X-number = "FIXME", pages = "629--638", year = 1984, X-month = "FIXME", } @incollection { York-1985-in-Centrella-LeBlank-Bowers, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Spacetime Engineering", pages = "176--189", editor = "Joan M. Centrella and James M. LeBlanc and Richard L. Bowers", booktitle = "Numerical Astrophysics", publisher = "Jones and Bartlett", address = "Boston", year = 1985, isbn = "0-86720-048-0", snote = "60th birthday festschrift for {J}ames {R}. {W}ilson", } @incollection { York-1987-in-Robinson-festschrift, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Bel-Robinson Gravitational Superenergy and Flatness", pages = "497--505", editor = "Wolfgang Rindler and Andrzej Trautman", booktitle = "Gravitation and Geometry: A Volume in Honour of {I}vor {R}obinson", publisher = "Bibliopolis", address = "Naples", year = 1987, isbn = "88-7088-142-3", } @incollection { York-1989-in-Frontiers, X-author = "James W. York, Jr.", author = "York, Jr., James W.", title = "Initial Data for Collisions of Black Holes and Other Gravitational Miscellany", pages = "89--109", editor = "Charles R. Evans and Lee S. Finn and David W. Hobill", booktitle = "Frontiers in Numerical Relativity", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge (UK)", year = 1989, isbn = "0-521-36666-6", note = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA), 9--13 May 1988", } @incollection { York-Piran-1982-in-Schild-lectures, X-author = "James W. York, Jr. and Tsvi Piran", author = "York, Jr., James W. and Tsvi Piran", title = "The Initial Value Problem and Beyond", pages = "147--176", editor = "Richard A. Matzner and Lawrence C. Shepley", booktitle = "Spacetime and Geometry: The {A}lfred {S}child Lectures", publisher = "University of Texas Press", address = "Austin (Texas)", year = 1982, isbn = "0-292-77567-9", } % % === Z === % @article { Zannias-1990-mass-function, author = "T. Zannias", title = "Spacetimes Admitting a Three-Parameter Group of Isometries and Quasilocal Gravitational Mass", journal = "Physical Review~D", volume = 41, number = 10, pages = "3252--3254", year = 1990, month = "15 May", }