Cactus Code Thorn AHFinderDirect Authors : Jonathan Thornburg CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn ==================== This thorn finds an apparent horizon given the 3D xyz-grid metric and extrinsic curvature. It uses a direct method, writing the apparent horizon equation as an elliptic PDE on angular-coordinate space. This is fast, but does require an intitial guess for the apparent horizon position. Documentation ============= The doc/ directory contains a user's guide and a programmer's guide for this thorn. Distribution ============ This thorn should eventually become part of the CactusEinstein arrangement. This thorn is distributed under terms of the GNU public license; see the file COPYING in this directory for details. Other Software Required ======================= * This thorn requires the Einstein thorn. * This thorn is written in C++, so you'll need a C++ compiler to compile this thorn. It calls various C and Fortran numerical libraries; if these aren't already installed on your system, then you'll need C and Fortran compilers to compile them. * Most of this thorn's relativity code is machine-generated using Maple (version 6), but you don't need Maple unless you want to modify the relativity code. Portability =========== This thorn is known to compile and run successfully on the following systems: * Red Hat GNU/Linux, gcc 2.95.3 * Alpha OSF1 V4.0, gcc 2.95.3