path: root/src/patch/coords.cc
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authorjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2001-06-14 13:49:56 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5>2001-06-14 13:49:56 +0000
commit73feb58df29dfff89b41efc57e0619a876ca79ef (patch)
treeb4e0c9e2dcfb2d5bdd7d0acc72d450915dc2fd9d /src/patch/coords.cc
parent40e8932c7db810afeac9eec8ac5e7a29ee78d620 (diff)
initial import into this cvs repository
-- source is JT personal cvs repository ~/mpe/util/coords.{cc,hh} git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/trunk@9 f88db872-0e4f-0410-b76b-b9085cfa78c5
Diffstat (limited to 'src/patch/coords.cc')
1 files changed, 946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/patch/coords.cc b/src/patch/coords.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578ab3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/patch/coords.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+// coords.cc - classes for mpe coordinates
+// $Id$
+// wr_coord::wr_coord
+// wr_coord::pars::operator==
+// wr_coord::pars::printme
+// wr_coord::r_of_wr
+//* r_of_wr_callback
+// wr_coord::wr_of_r
+//* wr_of_r_with_args - like wr_coord::wr_of_r() but with explicit args r0,a,b,c
+// wr_coord::dwr_dr
+// wr_coord::d2wr_dr
+// coords::{mu,nu,phi}_of_{{mu,nu,phi}}
+// coords::partial_{mu,nu,phi}_wrt_{mu,nu,phi}_at_const_{mu,nu,phi}
+// coords::partial2_{mu,nu,phi}_wrt_{{mu,nu,phi}}_at_const_{{mu,nu,phi}}
+// coords::xyz_of_{{mu,nu,phi}}
+// coords::xyz_of_r_{{mu,nu,phi}}
+// coords::{{mu,nu,phi}}_of_xyz
+// coords::r_{{mu,nu,phi}}_of_xyz
+// coords::theta_phi_of_{{mu,nu,phi}}
+// coords::mu_nu_phi::name_of_index
+// coords::mu_nu_phi::name_of_coords_set
+// coords::r_rho_sigma::name_of_index
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <jt/stdc.h>
+#include <jt/util.h>
+#include <jt/util++.hh>
+#include <jt/fortran.h>
+#include "policy.hh"
+#include "fp.hh"
+#include "misc.hh"
+#include "coords.hh"
+#ifdef FP_IS_FLOAT
+ #include <jt/sfmm.h>
+#ifdef FP_IS_DOUBLE
+ #include <jt/dfmm.h>
+using jtutil::arctan_xy;
+using jtutil::pow2;
+using jtutil::hypot3;
+// prototypes for functions local to this file
+namespace {
+fp mixed_210_wr_callback(const fp *pr);
+fp wr_of_r_with_args(fp r0, fp a, fp b, fp c, fp r);
+ };
+// wr_coord - wr(r) nonuniform gridding coordinate
+// This function constructs a wr_coord object.
+wr_coord::wr_coord(const pars &pars_in)
+ : r0_(pars_in.r0),
+ a_(pars_in.a), b_(pars_in.b), c_(pars_in.c)
+// This function tests whether or not two struct pars objects
+// are element-for-element equal. It returns true for equal, false for
+// not-equal.
+bool wr_coord::pars::operator==(const struct pars &rhs)
+return (r0 == rhs.r0)
+ && (a == rhs.a)
+ && (b == rhs.b)
+ && (c == rhs.c);
+// This function tests whether or not a struct pars object is
+// element-for-element equal to the corresponding "stuff" (members or
+// access functions) of a wr_coord object. It returns true for equal,
+// false for not-equal.
+bool wr_coord::pars::operator==(const wr_coord &rhs)
+return (r0 == rhs.r0())
+ && (a == rhs.a())
+ && (b == rhs.b())
+ && (c == rhs.c());
+// This function prints a struct_pars object in parameter-file format.
+void wr_coord::pars::printme() const
+printf("wr_coord.r0\t%g\n", r0);
+printf("wr_coord.a\t%g\n", a);
+printf("wr_coord.b\t%g\n", b);
+printf("wr_coord.c\t%g\n", c);
+// This function computes the mixed-210 nonlinear grid warping function
+// r = r(wr) by numerically inverting the wr = wr(r) function. We
+// use Brent's zeroin() function, as given in
+// G. E. Forsythe, M. A. Malcolm, and C. B. Moler
+// "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations"
+// Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1977
+// with a bounding interval computed by successive doubling or halving
+// in r, starting from the inner grid boundary r0.
+// Arguments:
+// {r0,a,b,c} = (in) The mixed-210 parameters.
+// wr_star = (in) The mixed-210 wr coordinate.
+// Result:
+// The function returns the r coordinate.
+// Bugs:
+// - This function is somewhat inefficient. However, in practice it's
+// only called during initialization to set up the coefficient arrays,
+// so the inefficiency doesn't make much difference.
+// - We implicitly assume that the Fortran zeroin() function uses <fp>
+// precision; disaster is likely if this isn't true.
+// static variables for this function
+static fp static_r0, static_a, static_b, static_c;
+static fp static_wr_star;
+// the function itself
+fp wr_coord::r_of_wr(fp wr_star) const
+// compute bounding interval by successive doubling or halving in r
+// we assume that r=r0 corresponds to wr=0
+fp r_lo, r_hi;
+if (wr_star >= 0.0)
+ then {
+ // search outwards from r0 by successive doubling in r
+ fp r;
+ for (r = 2.0 * r0() ; wr_of_r(r) <= wr_star ; r *= 2.0)
+ {
+ }
+ r_lo = 0.5 * r;
+ r_hi = r;
+ }
+ else {
+ // search inwards from r0 by successive *halving* in r
+ fp r;
+ for (r = 0.5 * r0() ; wr_of_r(r) >= wr_star ; r *= 0.5)
+ {
+ }
+ r_lo = r;
+ r_hi = 2.0 * r;
+ }
+// firewall check
+if (! ((wr_of_r(r_lo) <= wr_star) && (wr_of_r(r_hi) >= wr_star)) )
+ then error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
+"***** wr_coord::r_of_wr:\n"
+" \"bounding interval\" [r_lo,r_hi] doesn't bound a solution!\n"
+" (this should never happen!)\n"
+" r0=%g a=%g b=%g c=%g\n"
+" wr_star=%g\n"
+" r_lo=%g wr_of_r(r0,a,b,c, r_lo)=%g\n"
+" r_hi=%g wr_of_r(r0,a,b,c, r_hi)=%g\n"
+ double(r0()), double(a()), double(b()), double(c()),
+ double(wr_star),
+ double(r_lo), double(wr_of_r(r_lo)),
+ double(r_hi), double(wr_of_r(r_hi))); /*NOTREACHED*/
+// solve wr(r) - wr_star = 0 for r
+// using static variables to pass the parameters to the callback fn
+static_r0 = r0();
+static_a = a();
+static_b = b();
+static_c = c();
+static_wr_star = wr_star;
+fp tol = 0.0; // solve eqn as accurately as possible
+return fmm::FORTRAN_NAME(zeroin)(&r_lo, &r_hi, &mixed_210_wr_callback, &tol);
+// This is a callback function called by mixed_210_r_of_wr() (above)
+// via Brent's zeroin() function. This function uses a C/Fortran-compatible
+// interface.
+// Arguments (implicit, as global variables):
+// static_{r0,a,b,c} = (in) The {r0,a,b,c} mixed-210 parameters.
+// static_wr_star = (in) The wr_star value from mixed_210_r_of_wr() .
+// Arguments (explicit):
+// pr --> (in) The r coordinate.
+// Results:
+// This function returns wr(r) - wr_star .
+namespace {
+fp mixed_210_wr_callback(const fp *pr)
+fp wr = wr_of_r_with_args(static_r0, static_a, static_b, static_c, *pr);
+return wr - static_wr_star;
+ };
+// This function computes the mixed-210 grid warping function wr(r) ,
+// as per p.363 of my sssf notes.
+// Arguments:
+// r = (in) The r coordinate.
+// Result:
+// The function returns the mixed-210 wr coordinate.
+fp wr_coord::wr_of_r(fp r) const
+return wr_of_r_with_args(r0(), a(), b(), c(), r);
+// This function is the same as wr_coord::wr_of_r() (above), except
+// that it's a non-member function with explicit arguments r0, a, b, and c.
+// Arguments:
+// {r0,a,b,c} = (in) The mixed-210 parameters.
+// r = (in) The r coordinate.
+// Result:
+// The function returns the mixed-210 wr coordinate.
+namespace {
+fp wr_of_r_with_args(fp r0, fp a, fp b, fp c, fp r)
+fp x = r/r0;
+fp a_term = (a == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (r0/a) * (1.0 - 1.0/x);
+fp b_term = (b == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (r0/b) * log(x);
+fp c_term = (c == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (r0/c) * (x - 1.0);
+return a_term + b_term + c_term;
+ };
+// This function computes the derivative of the mixed-210 grid warping
+// function wr(r) , as per p.363 of my sssf notes.
+// Arguments:
+// r = (in) The r coordinate.
+// Result:
+// The function returns the derivative $d wr / d r$.
+fp wr_coord::dwr_dr(fp r) const
+fp x = r/r0();
+fp a_term = (a() == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / (a() * x*x);
+fp b_term = (b() == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / (b() * x);
+fp c_term = (c() == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / c();
+return a_term + b_term + c_term;
+// This function computes the second derivative of the mixed-210 grid warping
+// function wr(r) , $d^2 wr / d r^2$.
+// Arguments:
+// {r0,a,b,c} = (in) The mixed-210 parameters.
+// r = (in) The mixed-210 r coordinate.
+// Result:
+// The function returns the second derivative.
+fp wr_coord::d2wr_dr2(fp r) const
+fp x = r/r0();
+fp a_term = (a() == 0.0) ? 0.0 : -2.0 / (a() * x*x*x * r0());
+fp b_term = (b() == 0.0) ? 0.0 : -1.0 / (b() * x*x * r0());
+return( a_term + b_term );
+// coords - angular coordinate conversions and other misc coordinates stuff
+// these functions give any one of {mu,nu,phi} in terms of the other two
+// ill-conditioned near z axis
+// not valid in xy plane
+fp coords::phi_of_mu_nu(fp mu, fp nu)
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(mu), 0.5*PI));
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(nu), 0.5*PI));
+fp y_over_z = tan(mu);
+fp x_over_z = tan(nu);
+return arctan_xy(x_over_z, y_over_z);
+// ill-conditioned near y axis
+// not valid in xz plane
+fp coords::nu_of_mu_phi(fp mu, fp phi)
+fp mu_bar = 0.5*PI - mu ;
+fp phi_bar = 0.5*PI - phi;
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs( mu_bar), 0.5*PI));
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(phi_bar), 0.5*PI));
+fp z_over_y = tan( mu_bar);
+fp x_over_y = tan(phi_bar);
+return arctan_xy(z_over_y, x_over_y);
+// ill-conditioned near x axis
+// not valid in yz plane
+fp coords::mu_of_nu_phi(fp nu, fp phi)
+fp nu_bar = 0.5*PI - nu ;
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(nu_bar), 0.5*PI));
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(phi ), 0.5*PI));
+fp z_over_x = tan(nu_bar);
+fp y_over_x = tan(phi );
+return arctan_xy(z_over_x, y_over_x);
+// these functions compute the partial derivative of any of (mu,nu,phi)
+// wrt any other with the 3rd held constant, as per page 13 of my mpe notes
+fp coords::partial_phi_wrt_mu_at_const_nu(fp mu, fp nu)
+fp x, y, z;
+coords::xyz_of_mu_nu(mu, nu, x, y, z);
+return (x/z) * (y*y + z*z)/(x*x + y*y);
+fp coords::partial_phi_wrt_nu_at_const_mu(fp mu, fp nu)
+fp x, y, z;
+coords::xyz_of_mu_nu(mu, nu, x, y, z);
+return (-y/z) * (x*x + z*z)/(x*x + y*y);
+fp coords::partial_mu_wrt_nu_at_const_phi(fp nu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+coords::xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+return (y/x) * (x*x + z*z) / (y*y + z*z);
+fp coords::partial_mu_wrt_phi_at_const_nu(fp nu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+coords::xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+return (z/x) * (x*x + y*y) / (y*y + z*z);
+fp coords::partial_nu_wrt_mu_at_const_phi(fp mu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+coords::xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+return (x/y) * (y*y + z*z) / (x*x + z*z);
+fp coords::partial_nu_wrt_phi_at_const_mu(fp mu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+coords::xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+return (-z/y) * (x*x + y*y) / (x*x + z*z);
+// These functions compute the 2nd partial derivative of any of (mu,nu,phi)
+// wrt the other two, with the non-differentiated coordinates held constant.
+// The formulas are from the Maple functions of the same name in
+// ../maple/coords.maple , which "just" differentiate the individual
+// {mu,nu,phi}_of_{{mu,nu,phi}}() functions. The Maple output from
+// print_coord_partial2_exprs() is include here (in comments).
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y (z + y ) x (x - z )
+// partial^2 phi / partial mu^2|nu = , 2 -----------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// z (x + y )
+fp coords::partial2_phi_wrt_mu2_at_const_nu(fp mu, fp nu)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_nu(mu, nu, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return 2.0 * x*y * (xx-zz) * (yy+zz) / (zz * pow2(xx+yy));
+// 2 2 2 2 2 2
+// (z + y ) (z + x ) (x - y )
+// partial^2 phi / partial (mu,nu)|(nu,mu) = , - -----------------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// z (x + y )
+fp coords::partial2_phi_wrt_mu_nu_at_const_nu_mu(fp mu, fp nu)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_nu(mu, nu, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return - (xx-yy) * (xx+zz) * (yy+zz) / (zz * pow2(xx+yy));
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y (z + x ) x (-z + y )
+// partial^2 phi / partial nu^2|mu = , -2 ------------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// z (x + y )
+fp coords::partial2_phi_wrt_nu2_at_const_mu(fp mu, fp nu)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_nu(mu, nu, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return -2.0 * x*y * (xx+zz) * (yy-zz) / (zz * pow2(xx+yy));
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y z (z + x ) (x - y )
+// partial^2 mu / partial nu^2|phi = , 2 -----------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// x (z + y )
+fp coords::partial2_mu_wrt_nu2_at_const_phi(fp nu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return 2.0 * y*z * (xx-yy) * (xx+zz) / (xx * pow2(yy+zz));
+// 2 2 2 2 2 2
+// (x + y ) (z + x ) (-z + y )
+// partial^2 mu / partial (nu,phi)|(phi,nu) = , - ------------------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// x (z + y )
+fp coords::partial2_mu_wrt_nu_phi_at_const_phi_nu(fp nu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return - (xx+yy) * (xx+zz) * (yy-zz) / (xx * pow2(yy+zz));
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y (x + y ) z (x - z )
+// partial^2 mu / partial phi^2|nu = , -2 -----------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// x (z + y )
+fp coords::partial2_mu_wrt_phi2_at_const_nu(fp nu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return -2.0 * y*z * (xx+yy) * (xx-zz) / (xx * pow2(yy+zz));
+// 2 2 2 2
+// x (z + y ) z (x - y )
+// partial^2 nu / partial mu^2|phi = , -2 -----------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y (z + x )
+fp coords::partial2_nu_wrt_mu2_at_const_phi(fp mu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return -2.0 * x*z * (xx-yy) * (yy+zz) / (yy * pow2(xx+zz));
+// 2 2 2 2 2 2
+// (x + y ) (z + y ) (x - z )
+// partial^2 nu / partial (mu,phi)|(phi,mu) = , -----------------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y (z + x )
+fp coords::partial2_nu_wrt_mu_phi_at_const_phi_mu(fp mu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return (xx+yy) * (xx-zz) * (yy+zz) / (yy * pow2(xx+zz));
+// 2 2 2 2
+// z x (x + y ) (-z + y )
+// partial^2 nu / partial phi^2|mu = , -2 ------------------------
+// 2 2 2 2
+// y (z + x )
+fp coords::partial2_nu_wrt_phi2_at_const_mu(fp mu, fp phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+fp xx = x*x;
+fp yy = y*y;
+fp zz = z*z;
+return -2.0 * x*z * (xx+yy) * (yy-zz) / (yy * pow2(xx+zz));
+// these functions convert ((mu,nu,phi)) <--> (x,y,z) on the unit sphere
+// valid near z axis (mu small, nu small)
+// not valid near xy plane
+void coords::xyz_of_mu_nu(fp mu, fp nu,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(mu), 0.5*PI));
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(nu), 0.5*PI));
+fp y_over_z = tan(mu);
+fp x_over_z = tan(nu);
+fp temp = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + y_over_z*y_over_z + x_over_z*x_over_z);
+z = temp;
+x = x_over_z * temp;
+y = y_over_z * temp;
+// valid near y axis (pi/2-mu small, pi/2-phi small)
+// not valid near xz plane
+void coords::xyz_of_mu_phi(fp mu, fp phi,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+fp mu_bar = 0.5*PI - mu ;
+fp phi_bar = 0.5*PI - phi;
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs( mu_bar), 0.5*PI));
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(phi_bar), 0.5*PI));
+fp z_over_y = tan( mu_bar);
+fp x_over_y = tan(phi_bar);
+fp temp = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + z_over_y*z_over_y + x_over_y*x_over_y);
+y = temp;
+z = z_over_y * temp;
+x = x_over_y * temp;
+// valid near x axis (pi/2-nu small, phi small)
+// not valid near yz plane
+void coords::xyz_of_nu_phi(fp nu, fp phi,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+fp nu_bar = 0.5*PI - nu ;
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(nu_bar), 0.5*PI));
+assert(! fuzzy<fp>::EQ(fabs(phi ), 0.5*PI));
+fp z_over_x = tan(nu_bar);
+fp y_over_x = tan(phi );
+fp temp = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + z_over_x*z_over_x + y_over_x*y_over_x);
+x = temp;
+z = z_over_x * temp;
+y = y_over_x * temp;
+// valid near z axis (mu small, nu small)
+// ill-conditioned near x or y axes
+void coords::mu_nu_of_xyz(fp x, fp y,
+ fp z, fp &mu, fp &nu)
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(x,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(y,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(z,0.0) );
+mu = arctan_xy(z,y);
+nu = arctan_xy(z,x);
+// valid near y axis (pi/2-mu small, pi/2-phi small)
+// ill-conditioned near x or z axes
+void coords::mu_phi_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &mu, fp &phi)
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(x,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(y,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(z,0.0) );
+mu = arctan_xy(z,y);
+phi = arctan_xy(x,y);
+// valid near x axis (pi/2-nu small, pi/2-phi small)
+// ill-conditioned near y or z axes
+void coords::nu_phi_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &nu, fp &phi)
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(x,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(y,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(z,0.0) );
+nu = arctan_xy(z,x);
+phi = arctan_xy(x,y);
+// these functions convert (r,(mu,nu,phi)) <--> generic (x,y,z)
+// valid near z axis (mu small, nu small)
+// not valid near xy plane
+void coords::xyz_of_r_mu_nu(fp r, fp mu, fp nu,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+xyz_of_mu_nu(mu, nu, x, y, z);
+x *= r;
+y *= r;
+z *= r;
+// valid near y axis (pi/2-mu small, pi/2-phi small)
+// not valid near xz plane
+void coords::xyz_of_r_mu_phi(fp r, fp mu, fp phi,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+x *= r;
+y *= r;
+z *= r;
+// valid near x axis (pi/2-nu small, phi small)
+// not valid near yz plane
+void coords::xyz_of_r_nu_phi(fp r, fp nu, fp phi,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+x *= r;
+y *= r;
+z *= r;
+// valid near z axis (mu small, nu small)
+// not valid near x or y axes
+void coords::r_mu_nu_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &r, fp &mu, fp &nu)
+r = hypot3(x, y, z);
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(r,0.0) );
+mu_nu_of_xyz(x, y, z, mu, nu);
+// valid near y axis (pi/2-mu small, pi/2-phi small)
+// not valid near x or z axes
+void coords::r_mu_phi_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &r, fp &mu, fp &phi)
+r = hypot3(x, y, z);
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(r,0.0) );
+mu_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, mu, phi);
+// valid near x axis (pi/2-nu small, pi/2-phi small)
+// not valid near y or z axes
+void coords::r_nu_phi_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &r, fp &nu, fp &phi)
+r = hypot3(x, y, z);
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(r,0.0) );
+nu_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, nu, phi);
+// these functions convert the usual polar spherical (theta,phi)
+// <--> (x,y,z) on the unit sphere
+void coords::xyz_of_theta_phi(fp theta, fp phi,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+z = cos(theta);
+x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);
+y = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
+void coords::theta_phi_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &theta, fp &phi)
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(x,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(y,0.0) || fuzzy<fp>::NE(z,0.0) );
+theta = arctan_xy( z , hypot(x,y) );
+phi = arctan_xy(x, y);
+// these functions convert the usual polar spherical (r,theta,phi) <--> (x,y,z)
+void coords::xyz_of_r_theta_phi(fp r, fp theta, fp phi,
+ fp &x, fp &y, fp &z)
+xyz_of_theta_phi(theta, phi, x, y, z);
+x *= r;
+y *= r;
+z *= r;
+void coords::r_theta_phi_of_xyz(fp x, fp y, fp z,
+ fp &r, fp &theta, fp &phi)
+r = hypot3(x, y, z);
+assert( fuzzy<fp>::NE(r,0.0) );
+theta_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, theta, phi);
+// these functions convert ((mu,nu,phi)) <--> usual polar spherical (theta,phi)
+// ... note phi is the same coordinate in both systems
+void coords::theta_phi_of_mu_nu(fp mu, fp nu,
+ fp &ps_theta, fp &ps_phi)
+fp tan_mu = tan(mu);
+fp tan_nu = tan(nu);
+ps_theta = atan(hypot(tan_mu, tan_nu)); // page 7 of my mpe notes
+ps_phi = arctan_xy(tan_nu, tan_mu); // page 6 of my mpe notes
+// Bugs: computes ps_phi via trig, even though it's trivially == phi
+void coords::theta_phi_of_mu_phi(fp mu, fp phi,
+ fp &ps_theta, fp &ps_phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_mu_phi(mu, phi, x, y, z);
+theta_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, ps_theta, ps_phi);
+// Bugs: computes ps_phi via trig, even though it's trivially == phi
+void coords::theta_phi_of_nu_phi(fp nu, fp phi,
+ fp &ps_theta, fp &ps_phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_nu_phi(nu, phi, x, y, z);
+theta_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, ps_theta, ps_phi);
+void coords::mu_nu_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi,
+ fp &mu, fp &nu)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_theta_phi(ps_theta, ps_phi, x, y, z);
+mu_nu_of_xyz(x, y, z, mu, nu);
+// Bugs: computes phi via trig, even though it's trivially == ps_phi
+void coords::mu_phi_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi,
+ fp &mu, fp &phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_theta_phi(ps_theta, ps_phi, x, y, z);
+mu_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, mu, phi);
+// Bugs: computes phi via trig, even though it's trivially == ps_phi
+void coords::nu_phi_of_theta_phi(fp ps_theta, fp ps_phi,
+ fp &nu, fp &phi)
+fp x, y, z;
+xyz_of_theta_phi(ps_theta, ps_phi, x, y, z);
+nu_phi_of_xyz(x, y, z, nu, phi);
+// This function computes a human-readable name from a (mu,nu,phi)
+// coordinate index
+const char *coords::mu_nu_phi::name_of_index(int c)
+static const char *name_table[] = { "mu", "nu", "phi" };
+if ((c >= 0) && (c < N_coords))
+ then return name_table[c];
+ else error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
+"***** coords::mu_nu_phi::name_of_index:\n"
+" c=%d isn't a valid coordinate index!\n"
+ c); /*NOTREACHED*/
+// This function computes a human-readable name from a (mu,nu,phi)
+// coordinates set.
+const char *coords::mu_nu_phi::name_of_coords_set(coords_set S)
+// we have to use an if-else chain because the coords::set_* constants
+// aren't compile-time constants and hence aren't eligible to be switch
+// case labels
+if (S == set_empty)
+ then return "{}";
+else if (S == set_mu)
+ then return "mu";
+else if (S == set_nu)
+ then return "nu";
+else if (S == set_phi)
+ then return "phi";
+else if (S == set_mu|set_nu)
+ then return "{mu,nu}";
+else if (S == set_mu|set_phi)
+ then return "{mu,phi}";
+else if (S == set_nu|set_phi)
+ then return "{nu,phi}";
+else if (S == set_mu|set_nu|set_phi)
+ then return "{mu,nu,phi}";
+else error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
+"***** coords::mu_nu_phi::name_of_coords_set:\n"
+" S=%d isn't a valid coords_set bit vector!\n"
+ int(S)); /*NOTREACHED*/
+// This function computes a human-readable name from a (r,rho,sigma)
+// coordinate index
+const char *coords::r_rho_sigma::name_of_index(int c)
+static const char *name_table[] = { "r", "rho", "sigma" };
+if ((c >= 0) && (c < N_coords))
+ then return name_table[c];
+ else error_exit(PANIC_EXIT,
+"***** coords::r_rho_sigma::name_of_index:\n"
+" c=%d isn't a valid coordinate index!\n"
+ c); /*NOTREACHED*/