/*@@ @file AHFinder_pow.F @date April 1998 @author Miguel Alcubierre @desc Multidimensional minimization routines taken from Numerical Recipes. The routines have some modifications to adapt them to the specific problem we are trying to solve. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" module F1COM ! Data to be shared by minimization routines. implicit none CCTK_INT NCOM CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:) :: PCOM,XICOM ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end module F1COM *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** subroutine POWELL(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,P,XI,N,FTOL,ITER,ITMAX,FRET,found) ! Minimization of a function FUNC on N variables (FUNC is ! not an argument, it is a fixed function name). Input consists ! of an initial starting point P that is a vector of length N; ! an initial matrix XI of dimensions NxN and whose columns contain ! the initial set of directions (usually the N unit vectors); and ! FTOL, the fractional tolerance in the function value such that ! failure to decrease by more than this ammount on one iteration ! signals doneness. On output, P is set to the best point found, ! XI is the then-current direction set, FRET is the returned ! function value at P, and ITER is the number of iterations taken. ! ! Extra output added by myself (Miguel Alcubierre) is a logical ! variable "found" that is set to true is a minimum was indeed ! found, and to false if it was not. use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS logical found CCTK_INT i,j,N CCTK_INT ITER,ITMAX,IBIG CCTK_REAL FUNC,DEL,FP,FPTT,FRET,FTOL,T,TOL1,ZEPS CCTK_REAL, dimension(N) :: P,PT,PTT,XIT CCTK_REAL, dimension(N,N) :: XI character*200 logf parameter (ZEPS=1.0D-10) ! ************************* ! *** START ROUTINE *** ! ************************* FRET = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,P,N) ! Save initial point. do j=1,N PT(j) = P(j) end do ITER = 0 10 ITER = ITER + 1 if ((myproc.eq.0).and.veryver) then write(*,*) write(*,"(A20,I2)") 'POWELL ITERATION = ',ITER end if if ((myproc.eq.0).and.logfile) then logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"/ahf_logfile" open(11,file=logf,form='formatted',status='old', . position='append') write(11,*) write(11,"(A20,I2)") 'POWELL ITERATION = ',ITER close(11) end if FP = FRET IBIG = 0 ! Initialize DEL. It will be the biggest function decrease. DEL = 0.0D0 ! In each iteration, loop over all directions in the set. do i=1,N ! Copy the direction. do j=1,N XIT(j) = XI(j,i) end do FPTT = FRET ! Minimize along it. call LINMIN(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,P,XIT,N,FRET,FTOL) ! And record it if it is the largest decrease so far. if (dabs(FPTT-FRET).gt.DEL) then DEL = dabs(FPTT-FRET) IBIG = I end if 20 continue end do ! Termination criterion. TOL1 = 0.5D0*FTOL*(dabs(FP)+dabs(FRET)) + ZEPS if (dabs(FP-FRET).le.TOL1) then found = .true. return else if (dabs(FRET).lt.ZEPS) then found = .true. return end if ! Too many iterations? if (ITER.ge.ITMAX) return ! Construct the extrapolated point and the average direction. do j=1,N PTT(j) = 2.0D0*P(j) - PT(j) XIT(j) = P(j) - PT(j) PT(j) = P(j) end do ! Function value at extrapolated point. FPTT = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,PTT,N) ! First reason not to use new direction. if (FPTT.ge.FP) goto 10 ! Second reason not to use new direction. T = 2.0D0*(FP-2.0D0*FRET+FPTT)*(FP-FRET-DEL)**2 . - DEL*(FP-FPTT)**2 if (T.gt.0.0D0) goto 10 ! Move to the minimum of the new direction. call LINMIN(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,P,XIT,N,FRET,FTOL) ! Save new direction. do j=1,N XI(j,IBIG) = XIT(j) end do ! Back for another iteration. goto 10 ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end subroutine POWELL *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** subroutine LINMIN(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,P,XI,N,FRET,TOL) ! Given an N dimensional point P and an N dimensional direction XI, ! moves and resets P to where the function FUNC takes on a ! minimum along the direction XI from P, and replaces XI by the ! actual vector displacement that P was moved. Also returns as ! FRET the value of FUNC at the returned location P. This is ! actually all acomplished by calling the routines MNBRAK and ! PARABOLA. use F1COM implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS logical error CCTK_INT i,j,N CCTK_INT l,m CCTK_REAL XA,XB,XX,FA,FB,FX CCTK_REAL FRET,PARABOLA,XMIN,TOL CCTK_REAL zero CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz CCTK_REAL, dimension(N) :: P,XI external F1DIM ! ********************************************** ! *** ALLOCATE STORAGE FOR SHARED ARRAYS *** ! ********************************************** zero = 0.0d0 allocate(PCOM(N),XICOM(N)) PCOM = zero XICOM= zero ! ************************* ! *** START ROUTINE *** ! ************************* dx = cctk_delta_space(1) dy = cctk_delta_space(2) dz = cctk_delta_space(3) NCOM = N do j=1,N PCOM(j) = P(j) XICOM(j) = XI(j) end do ! Initial guess for brackets. XA = 0.0D0 XX = 0.1D0*min(dx,dy,dz) ! Bracket the minimum. call MNBRAK(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XA,XX,XB,FA,FX,FB,F1DIM) ! Check if function is constant. if ((FA.eq.FX).and.(FB.eq.FX)) goto 10 ! Call 1D minimization. FRET = PARABOLA(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XA,XX,XB,FA,FX,FB,F1DIM,TOL,XMIN,error) ! Construct the vector results to return. do j=1,N XI(j) = XMIN*XI(j) P(j) = P(j) + XI(j) end do ! ****************************** ! *** DEALLOCATE STORAGE *** ! ****************************** 10 deallocate(PCOM,XICOM) ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end subroutine LINMIN *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CCTK_REAL function F1DIM(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XX) ! Must accompany LINMIN use F1COM implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS CCTK_INT j CCTK_REAL XX,FUNC CCTK_REAL, dimension(NCOM) :: XT ! ************************* ! *** START ROUTINE *** ! ************************* do j=1,NCOM XT(j) = PCOM(j) + XX*XICOM(j) end do F1DIM = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XT,NCOM) ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end function F1DIM *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** subroutine MNBRAK(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XA,XB,XC,FA,FB,FC,FUNC) ! Given a function FUNC, and given distinct initial points ! XA and XB, this routine searches in the downhill direction ! (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points) ! and returns new points XA, XB, XC which bracket a minimum ! of the function. Also returned are the function values ! at the three points, FA, FB and FC. implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS CCTK_REAL XA,XB,XC CCTK_REAL FA,FB,FC,FU,FUNC CCTK_REAL DUM,Q,S,U,ULIM CCTK_REAL GOLD,GLIMIT,TINY parameter (GOLD=1.618034D0,GLIMIT=4.0D0,TINY=1.0D-20) ! ************************* ! *** START ROUTINE *** ! ************************* FA = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XA) FB = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XB) ! Switch roles of A and B so that we can go downhill ! in the direction from A to B. if (FB.gt.FA) then DUM = XA XA = XB XB = DUM DUM = FB FB = FA FA = DUM end if ! First guess for C. XC = XB + GOLD*(XB-XA) FC = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XC) ! Check if the function is constant. if ((FA.eq.FB).and.(FB.eq.FC)) then return end if ! Keep returning here until we bracket. do while(FB.gt.FC) ! Compute U by parabollic extrapolation from A, B, C. ! TINY is used to prevent any possible division by zero. S = (XB-XA)*(FB-FC) Q = (XB-XC)*(FB-FA) U = XB - ((XB-XC)*Q - (XB-XA)*S) . / (2.0D0*SIGN(MAX(DABS(Q-S),TINY),Q-S)) ! We will not go further than this. ULIM = XB + GLIMIT*(XC-XB) ! Now to test various possibilities. if ((XB-U)*(U-XC).gt.0.0D0) then ! Parabolic U is between B and C, try it. FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) if (FU.lt.FC) then ! Got a minimum between B and C. XA = XB FA = FB XB = U FB = FU return else if (FU.gt.FB) then ! Got a minimum between A and U. XC = U FC = FU return end if ! Parabolic fit was no use. Use default magnification. U = XC + GOLD*(XC-XB) FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) else if ((XC-U)*(U-ULIM).gt.0.0D0) then ! Parabolic fit is between C and its allowed limit. FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) if (FU.lt.FC) then XB = XC XC = U U = XC + GOLD*(XC-XB) FB = FC FC = FU FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) end if else if ((U-ULIM)*(ULIM-XC).ge.0.0D0) then ! Limit parabolic U to maximum allowed value. U = ULIM FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) else ! Reject parabolic U, use default magnification. U = XC + GOLD*(XC-XB) FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) end if ! Eliminate oldest point and continue. XA = XB XB = XC XC = U FA = FB FB = FC FC = FU end do ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end subroutine MNBRAK *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CCTK_REAL function PARABOLA(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,XA,XB,XC,FXA,FXB,FXC, . FUNC,TOL,XMIN,error) ! Given a function F, and given a bracketing triplet of abscissas ! XA, XB, XC (such that XB is between XA and XC, and F(XB) is less ! than both F(XA) and F(XC)), this routine isolates the minimum ! to a fractional precision of about TOL using inverse parabolic ! interpolation. The abscissa of the minimum is returned as XMIN, ! and the minimum function value is returned as PARABOLA, the ! returned function value. implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS logical error CCTK_INT ITER,ITMAX CCTK_REAL XA,XB,XC,FXA,FXB,FXC,FUNC,TOL,XMIN CCTK_REAL A,B,D,P,Q,S,U,XX,XM,TOL1 CCTK_REAL FA,FB,FU,FX,FP,ZEPS parameter (ITMAX=100,ZEPS=1.0D-10) ! ************************* ! *** START ROUTINE *** ! ************************* error = .false. ! A and B must be in ascending order, though the input ! abscissas need not be. if (XC.lt.XA) then A = XC B = XA FA = FXC FB = FXA else A = XA B = XC FA = FXA FB = FXC end if XX = XB FX = FXB FP = FA ! Main program loop. do ITER=1,ITMAX XM = 0.5D0*(A + B) ! Test for done here. TOL1 = 0.5D0*TOL*(dabs(FP)+dabs(FX)) + ZEPS if (dabs(FP-FX).le.TOL1)goto 3 ! Construct a trial parabolic fit. S = (XX-A)*(FX-FB) Q = (XX-B)*(FX-FA) P = (XX-B)*Q - (XX-A)*S Q = 2.0D0*(Q-S) ! Check if Q is zero. This can only happen if the ! three points are colinear (in which case they where ! not bracketing a minimum in the first place), or ! if two of them are in fact the same point. if (Q.eq.0.0D0) then write(*,*) 'AHFinder: problem in PARABOLA' error = .true. return end if ! Find new point. D = - P/Q U = XX + D ! Check if X was already the minimum. if (dabs(U-XX).lt.ZEPS) goto 3 ! This is the one function evaluation per iteration. FU = FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,U) ! And now we have to decide what to do with our function ! evaluation. if (FU.le.FX) then if (U.ge.XX) then A = XX FA = FX else B = XX FB = FX end if XX = U FP = FX FX = FU else if (U.lt.XX) then A = U FA = FU else B = U FB = FU end if end if end do write(*,*) 'PARABOLA exceeded maximum number of iterations.' 3 XMIN = XX PARABOLA = FX ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end function PARABOLA *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CCTK_REAL function FUNC(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,P,N) ! This is a shell to find the surface integral of the expansion. use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS logical flag CCTK_INT i,l,m,N CCTK_INT iter CCTK_INT getoutpfx CCTK_REAL zero,half,one CCTK_REAL aux CCTK_REAL, dimension(N) :: P character*200 logf save iter,logf ! ************************** ! *** DEFINE NUMBERS *** ! ************************** zero = 0.0D0 half = 0.5D0 one = 1.0D0 ! ************************ ! *** OPEN LOGFILE *** ! ************************ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"/ahf_logfile" if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then open(12,file=logf,form='formatted',status='old', . position='append') end if ! **************************** ! *** FIND {c0,cc,cs} *** ! **************************** i = 0 ! Find {xc,yc,zc}. if (wander) then if (.not.refx) then i = i+1 xc = P(1) end if if (.not.refy) then i = i+1 yc = P(2) end if if (.not.refz) then i = i+1 zc = P(3) end if end if ! Find c0(l). do l=0,lmax,1+stepz i = i+1 c0(l) = P(i) end do ! Find {cc,cs}. if (nonaxi) then ! Find cc(l,m). do l=1,lmax do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then i = i+1 cc(l,m) = P(i) end if end do end do ! Find cs(l,m). if (.not.refy) then do l=1,lmax do m=1,l,1+stepx if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then i = i+1 cs(l,m) = P(i) end if end do end do end if end if ! ********************************************* ! *** CALCULATE EXPANSION IF WE NEED TO *** ! ********************************************* ! Firstcall? if (firstfun) then iter = 1 ! Find horizon function and expansion. call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) ! Save old values of coefficients. xc_old = xc yc_old = yc zc_old = zc c0_old = c0 cc_old = cc cs_old = cs firstfun = .false. ! Not first call. else iter = iter + 1 ! Check if coefficients changed from last call. ! I check this because the minimization algorithm ! sometimes reevaluates the function at the same ! point twice. Also, if only c0(0) changed, the ! expansion will not be affected. flag = .false. if (wander) then if (xc.ne.xc_old) flag = .true. if (yc.ne.yc_old) flag = .true. if (zc.ne.zc_old) flag = .true. end if do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz if (c0(l).ne.c0_old(l)) flag = .true. end do if (nonaxi) then do l=1,lmax do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then if (cc(l,m).ne.cc_old(l,m)) flag = .true. end if end do if (.not.refy) then do m=1,l,1+stepx if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then if (cs(l,m).ne.cs_old(l,m)) flag = .true. end if end do end if end do end if ! If necessary, find horizon function and expansion. if (flag) then call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) end if ! Save old values of coefficients. c0_old = c0 cc_old = cc cs_old = cs end if if (myproc.eq.0) then if (veryver) then write(*,*) write(*,"(A13,I5)") 'FUNC CALL =',iter end if if (logfile) then write(12,*) write(12,"(A13,I5)") 'FUNC CALL =',iter end if end if ! ********************************** ! *** FIND SURFACE INTEGRALS *** ! ********************************** call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) ! Messages to screen and logfile. if (myproc.eq.0) then ! Find inverse of area. Be carefull not to divide by zero! ! Also, a value of 1.0D10 indicates an error in the integration ! routine, and all integrals end up with the same value. ! So dont divide by it or I will be confused later. if ((intarea.ne.zero).and.(intarea.ne.1.0D10)) then aux = one/intarea else aux = one end if ! Screen. if (veryver) then write(*,*) write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2 write(*,*) 'Number of interpolated points: ', . inside_min_count write(*,*) 'Number of those that are negative: ', . inside_min_neg_count end if ! Logfile. if (logfile) then write(12,*) write(12,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea write(12,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp write(12,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2 write(12,*) 'Number of interpolated points: ', . inside_min_count write(12,*) 'Number of those that are negative: ', . inside_min_neg_count end if end if ! ****************************** ! *** WRITE COEFFICIENTS *** ! ****************************** if (myproc.eq.0) then ! Headers to screen. if (veryver) then write(*,*) write(*,"(A20)") ' Shape coefficients:' if (offset) then write(*,*) write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc end if write(*,*) write(*,*) ' l c0_l' write(*,*) write(*,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") 0,' ',c0(0) end if ! Headers to logfile. if (logfile) then write(12,*) write(12,"(A20)") ' Shape coefficients:' if (offset) then write(12,*) write(12,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc write(12,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc write(12,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc end if write(12,*) write(12,*) ' l c0_l' write(12,*) write(12,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") 0,' ',c0(0) end if ! c0 coefficients. do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz if (veryver) then write(*,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") l,' ',c0(l) end if if (logfile) then write(12,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") l,' ',c0(l) end if end do ! cc and cs coefficients (only for nonaxisymmetric case). if (nonaxi) then ! Reflection symmetry on y: some coefficients are not there. if (.not.refy) then if (veryver) then write(*,*) write(*,*) ' l m cc_lm cs_lm' write(*,*) end if if (logfile) then write(12,*) write(12,*) ' l m cc_lm cs_lm' write(12,*) end if do l=1,lmax do m=1,l if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then if (veryver) then write(*,10) l,m,' ',cc(l,m),' ',cs(l,m) end if if (logfile) then write(12,10) l,m,' ',cc(l,m),' ',cs(l,m) end if 10 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6,A1,ES14.6) end if end do end do ! No reflection symmetry on y. else if (veryver) then write(*,*) write(*,*) ' l m cc_lm' write(*,*) end if if (logfile) then write(12,*) write(12,*) ' l m cc_lm' write(12,*) end if do l=1,lmax do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then if (veryver) then write(*,20) l,m,' ',cc(l,m) end if if (logfile) then write(12,20) l,m,' ',cc(l,m) end if 20 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6) end if end do end do end if end if end if ! ********************* ! *** FIND FUNC *** ! ********************* ! The value of FUNC will be equal to the surface integral ! of the square of the expansion or to the surface area, ! depending on what we want to minimize. if (minarea) then FUNC = intarea else if(find_trapped_surface) then FUNC = intexpdel2 else FUNC = intexp2 endif end if ! ************************* ! *** CLOSE LOGFILE *** ! ************************* if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then close(12) end if ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end function FUNC