/*@@ @file AHFinder_output.F @date Fri 2 Aug 2001 @author Thomas Radke @desc Does the output of AHFinder data into files. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" subroutine AHFinder_InitOutput(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS character(len=3) :: ext character(len=200) :: almf,areaf,massf,radf,circeqf,merip1f,merip2f character(len=200) :: asymxf,asymyf,asymzf character(len=200) :: disf character(len=200) :: gaussf, gauss0f, gauss1f, gauss2f myproc = CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH) if (myproc.ne.0) then return end if ! **************************** ! *** BUILD FILE NAMES *** ! **************************** call CCTK_FortranString(nfile,out_dir,filestr) c some compilers cannot trim an empty string, so we add at least one char if (find3) then ext = "_" // char(ichar('0') + mfind - 1) // "." else ext = "." end if almf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_coeff" // trim(ext) // "alm" areaf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_area" // trim(ext) // "tl" massf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_mass" // trim(ext) // "tl" radf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_rad" // trim(ext) // "tl" circeqf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_circ_eq" // trim(ext) // "tl" merip1f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_meri_p1" // trim(ext) // "tl" merip2f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_meri_p2" // trim(ext) // "tl" asymxf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_asymx" // trim(ext) // "tl" asymyf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_asymy" // trim(ext) // "tl" asymzf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_asymz" // trim(ext) // "tl" disf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_d12" // trim(ext) // "tl" gaussf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf.gauss" gauss0f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_0.gauss" gauss1f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_1.gauss" gauss2f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_2.gauss" open(11,file=massf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A14)") '" Horizon mass' close(11) open(11,file=radf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A26)") '" Horizon radius' close(11) open(11,file=circeqf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A26)") '" Equatorial circumference' close(11) open(11,file=merip1f,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A27)") '" Length of meridian, phi=0' close(11) open(11,file=merip2f,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A30)") '" Length of meridian, phi=pi/2' close(11) open(11,file=areaf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A14)") '" Horizon area' close(11) open(11,file=asymxf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A29)") '" Asymmetries on x reflection' close(11) open(11,file=asymyf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A29)") '" Asymmetries on y reflection' close(11) open(11,file=asymzf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A29)") '" Asymmetries on z reflection' close(11) open(11,file=almf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A21)") '# Radial coefficients' write(11,"(A1)") '#' close(11) open(11,file=disf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A18)") '" Horizon distance' close(11) if (find3) then call AHFinder_WriteGaussHeader(CCTK_PASS_FTOF, gauss0f) call AHFinder_WriteGaussHeader(CCTK_PASS_FTOF, gauss1f) call AHFinder_WriteGaussHeader(CCTK_PASS_FTOF, gauss2f) else call AHFinder_WriteGaussHeader(CCTK_PASS_FTOF, gaussf) end if end subroutine AHFinder_InitOutput subroutine AHFinder_WriteGaussHeader(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, filename) use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS character(len=200) :: filename call AHFinder_SetReflections(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) open(11,file=filename,form='formatted', status='replace') write(11,"(A20)") '# GAUSSIAN CURVATURE' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A35)") '# The data is written in a loop as:' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A17)") '# do i=1,ntheta' write(11,"(A18)") '# do j=1,nphi' write(11,"(A27)") '# write gaussian(i,j)' write(11,"(A11)") '# end do' write(11,"(A8)") '# end do' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A40)") '# theta and phi are subdivided uniformly' write(11,"(A26)") '# according to symmetries:' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A36)") '# phi=[0,2 pi] (refx=refy=.false.)' write(11,"(A44)") '# phi=[0,pi] (refx=.false., refy=.true.)' write(11,"(A35)") '# phi=[0,pi/2] (refx=refy=.true.)' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A31)") '# theta=[0,pi] (refz=.false.)' write(11,"(A30)") '# theta=[0,pi/2] (refz=.true.)' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A9,L1)") '# refx = ',refx write(11,"(A9,L1)") '# refy = ',refy write(11,"(A9,L1)") '# refz = ',refz write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A11,I7)") '# ntheta = ',(ahf_ntheta+1) write(11,"(A11,I7)") '# nphi = ',(ahf_nphi+1) close(11) end subroutine AHFinder_WriteGaussHeader subroutine AHFinder_Output(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, report, status, horizon, mtype, intarea_h) use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS integer mtype logical report, status, horizon logical massf_exists, radf_exists, circeqf_exists logical merip1f_exists, merip2f_exists, areaf_exists logical asymxf_exists, asymyf_exists, asymzf_exists, almf_exists CCTK_REAL intarea_h integer l, m, ierror character(len=3) :: ext character(len=200) :: almf,areaf,massf,radf,circeqf,merip1f,merip2f character(len=200) :: asymxf,asymyf,asymzf character(len=200) :: options ! **************************** ! *** BUILD FILE NAMES *** ! **************************** c some compilers cannot trim an empty string, so we add at least one char if (find3) then ext = "_" // char(ichar('0') + mfind - 1) // "." else ext = "." end if almf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_coeff" // trim(ext) // "alm" areaf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_area" // trim(ext) // "tl" massf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_mass" // trim(ext) // "tl" radf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_rad" // trim(ext) // "tl" circeqf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_circ_eq" // trim(ext) // "tl" merip1f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_meri_p1" // trim(ext) // "tl" merip2f = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_meri_p2" // trim(ext) // "tl" asymxf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_asymx" // trim(ext) // "tl" asymyf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_asymy" // trim(ext) // "tl" asymzf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_asymz" // trim(ext) // "tl" ! ********************************* ! *** OUTPUT GRID FUNCTIONS *** ! ********************************* if (ahf_2Doutput.ne.0) then if (.not.find3) then call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahfgrid","IOFlexIO_2D") call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahf_exp","IOFlexIO_2D") else if (mfind.eq.3) then call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahfgrid3","IOFlexIO_2D") call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahf_exp3","IOFlexIO_2D") end if if (ierror < 0) then call CCTK_WARN(2, "Failed to output 2D data! For this to work, you must have IOFlexIO enabled") end if end if if (ahf_3Doutput.ne.0) then if (.not.find3) then call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahfgrid","IOFlexIO_3D") call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahf_exp","IOFlexIO_3D") else if (mfind.eq.3) then call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahfgrid","IOFlexIO_3D") call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod(ierror,cctkGH, . "ahfinder::ahf_exp","IOFlexIO_3D") end if if (ierror < 0) then call CCTK_WARN(2, "Failed to output 3D data! For this to work, you must have IOFlexIO enabled") end if end if ! ************************************************** ! *** OUTPUT ASCII DATA ONLY ON PROCESSOR 0 *** ! ************************************************** if (myproc.eq.0) then ! Mass. inquire(file=massf, exist=massf_exists) if (massf_exists) then open(11,file=massf,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=massf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A14)") '" Horizon mass' end if if (status.and.report) then out_mass = 0.141047396D0 * sqrt(intarea_h) else out_mass = 0.0 end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_mass close(11) ! Radius. inquire(file=radf, exist=radf_exists) if (radf_exists) then open(11,file=radf,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=radf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A26)") '" Horizon radius' end if if (status.and.report) then out_radius = c0(0) else out_radius = 0.0 end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_radius close(11) ! Equatorial circumference. inquire(file=circeqf, exist=circeqf_exists) if (circeqf_exists) then open(11,file=circeqf,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=circeqf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A26)") '" Equatorial circumference' end if if (status.and.report) then out_perimeter = circ_eq else out_perimeter = 0.0 end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_perimeter close(11) ! Meridians. inquire(file=merip1f, exist=merip1f_exists) if (merip1f_exists) then open(11,file=merip1f,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=merip1f,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A27)") '" Length of meridian, phi=0' end if if (status.and.report) then out_meridian1 = meri_p1 else out_meridian1 = 0.0 end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_meridian1 close(11) inquire(file=merip2f, exist=merip2f_exists) if (merip2f_exists) then open(11,file=merip2f,form='formatted',status='old', position='append') else open(11,file=merip2f,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A30)") '" Length of meridian, phi=pi/2' end if if (status.and.report) then out_meridian2 = meri_p2 else out_meridian2 = 0.0 end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_meridian2 close(11) ! Area. inquire(file=areaf, exist=areaf_exists) if (areaf_exists) then open(11,file=areaf,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=areaf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A14)") '" Horizon area' end if if (status.and.report) then out_area = intarea_h else out_area = 0.0 end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_area close(11) ! Asymmetries in x. Coefficients cc with odd m, and ! coefficients cs with even m indicate asymmetries ! on refelction x<->-x. inquire(file=asymxf, exist=asymxf_exists) if (asymxf_exists) then open(11,file=asymxf,form='formatted',status='old', position='append') else open(11,file=asymxf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A29)") '" Asymmetries on x reflection' end if out_asymx = 0.0D0 if (status.and.report.and..not.refx) then do l=1,lmax do m=1,l if (mod(m,2).ne.0) then out_asymx = out_asymx + abs(cc(l,m)) else out_asymx = out_asymx + abs(cs(l,m)) end if end do end do out_asymx = out_asymx / c0(0) end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_asymx close(11) ! Asymmetries in y. Any cs coefficient different from ! zero indicates asymmetries on reflection y<->-y. inquire(file=asymyf, exist=asymyf_exists) if (asymyf_exists) then open(11,file=asymyf,form='formatted',status='old', position='append') else open(11,file=asymyf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A29)") '" Asymmetries on y reflection' end if out_asymy = 0.0D0 if (status.and.report.and..not.refy) then do l=1,lmax do m=1,l out_asymy = out_asymy + abs(cs(l,m)) end do end do out_asymy = out_asymy / c0(0) end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_asymy close(11) ! Asymmetries in z. Any coefficient c0 with odd l, ! or any coefficient cc and cs with odd (l-m) indicate ! asymmetries on reflection z<->-z. inquire(file=asymzf, exist=asymzf_exists) if (asymzf_exists) then open(11,file=asymzf,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=asymzf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A29)") '" Asymmetries on z reflection' end if out_asymz = 0.0D0 if (status.and.report.and..not.refz) then do l=1,lmax if (mod(l,2).ne.0) out_asymz = out_asymz + abs(c0(l)) do m=1,l if (mod(l-m,2).ne.0) then out_asymz = out_asymz + abs(cc(l,m)) + abs(cs(l,m)) end if end do end do out_asymz = out_asymz / c0(0) end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time, out_asymz close(11) ! Expansion coefficients. inquire(file=almf, exist=almf_exists) if (almf_exists) then open(11,file=almf,form='formatted',status='old',position='append') else open(11,file=almf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A21)") '# Radial coefficients' write(11,"(A1)") '#' end if write(11,"(A12,I4)") '# Time step ',cctk_iteration write(11,"(A7,ES14.6)") '# Time ',cctk_time write(11,"(A7,I4)") '# Call ',ahf_ncall if (status.and.report) then if (mtype.eq.1) then if (horizon) then write(11,"(A30,I4)") '# Surface found: Outer horizon' else write(11,"(A31,I4)") '# Surface found: Outer horizon?' end if else if (mtype.eq.2) then if (horizon) then write(11,"(A30,I4)") '# Surface found: Inner horizon' else write(11,"(A31,I4)") '# Surface found: Inner horizon?' end if else if (mtype.eq.3) then if (horizon) then write(11,"(A34,I4)") '# Surface found: Marginal horizon?' else write(11,"(A32,I4)") '# Surface found: Trapped surface' end if else if (mtype.eq.4) then if (horizon) then write(11,"(A34,I4)") '# Surface found: Marginal horizon?' else write(11,"(A30,I4)") '# Surface found: Not a horizon' end if end if out_centerx = xc out_centery = yc out_centerz = zc write(11,"(A15,3ES14.6)") '# centered on: ', out_centerx, out_centery, out_centerz write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(A22)") '# a_lm l m' write(11,"(A1)") '#' write(11,"(ES14.6,2I4)") c0(0),0,0 if (lmax .gt. 0) then out_c0 = c0(1:) out_cs = cs out_cc = cc do l=1,lmax do m=l,1,-1 write(11,"(ES14.6,2I4)") out_cs(l,m),l,-m end do write(11,"(ES14.6,2I4)") out_c0(l),l,0 do m=1,l write(11,"(ES14.6,2I4)") out_cc(l,m),l,m end do end do end if write(11,*) else write(11,"(A18,I4)") '# No surface found' end if close(11) end if ! *********************************************** ! *** OUTPUT AHFINDER DATA IN HDF5 FORMAT *** ! *********************************************** options = "mfind=" // char(48 + mfind) // " mtype=" // char(48 + mtype) if (status) then options = options(1:15) // " status=1" else options = options(1:15) // " status=0" end if options = options // " " if (horizon) then options = options(1:24) // " horizon=1" else options = options(1:24) // " horizon=0" end if if (ahf_HDF5output.ne.0) then call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod (ierror, cctkGH, options, "IOAHFinderHDF5") if (ierror .ne. 0) then call CCTK_WARN (1, 'Error calling I/O method "IOAHFinderHDF5" (I/O method not activated ?)') end if end if end subroutine AHFinder_Output