/*@@ @file AHFinder_leg.F @date April 1998 @author Miguel Alcubierre @desc Associated Legendre functions. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" CCTK_REAL function LEGEN(L,M,X) ! This function computes the associated Legendre polynomial ! P^M_L(X). Here M and L are integers satisfying 0 <= M <= L, ! and X lies in the range -1 <= X <= 1. ! ! The general function is taken from Numerical Recipes. ! However, I hardwired the first few polynomials for M=0, ! and I added a section that tries to use as much information ! as possible from previous calls to the routine to avoid ! having to start from scratch every time. use AHFinder_dat implicit none integer L,M integer LOLD1,LOLD2,MOLD1,MOLD2 integer I,LL CCTK_REAL X,Y CCTK_REAL PMM,PLL,PMMP1,SOMX2,FACT CCTK_REAL factor,aux CCTK_REAL zero,one,two CCTK_REAL XOLD1,XOLD2 CCTK_REAL LEGOLD1,LEGOLD2 save LOLD1,LOLD2,MOLD1,MOLD2,XOLD1,XOLD2 save LEGOLD1,LEGOLD2 ! ************************** ! *** DEFINE NUMBERS *** ! ************************** zero = 0.0D0 one = 1.0D0 two = 2.0D0 ! ************************************************* ! *** HARDWIRE FIRST FEW POLYNOMIALS FOR M=0 *** ! ************************************************* ! Notice that it does not make sense to go much higher ! than L=12 since the explicit expressions for the ! polynomials have large terms with alternating signs, ! so for high L we rapidly loose accuracy in the sum. ! The method from Numerical Recipes that comes below ! is slow, but does not have this problem. Y = X**2 ! Find polynomials for M=0. if ((M.eq.0).and.(L.le.12)) then if (L.eq.0) then LEGEN = one goto 10 else if (L.eq.1) then LEGEN = X goto 10 else if (L.eq.2) then LEGEN = 5.0D-1*(3.0D0*Y - one) goto 10 else if (L.eq.3) then LEGEN = 5.0D-1*(5.0D0*Y - 3.0D0)*X goto 10 else if (L.eq.4) then LEGEN = 1.25D-1*(35.0D0*Y**2 - 30.0D0*Y + 3.0D0) goto 10 else if (L.eq.5) then LEGEN = 1.25D-1*(63.0D0*Y**2 - 70.0D0*Y + 15.0D0)*X goto 10 else if (L.eq.6) then LEGEN = 6.25D-2*(231.0D0*Y**3 - 315.0D0*Y**2 + 105.0D0*Y . - 5.0D0) goto 10 else if (L.eq.7) then LEGEN = 6.25D-2*(429.0D0*Y**3 - 693.0D0*Y**2 + 315.0D0*Y . - 35.0D0)*X goto 10 else if (L.eq.8) then LEGEN = 7.8125D-3*(6435.0D0*Y**4 - 12012.0D0*Y**3 . + 6930.0D0*Y**2 - 1260.0D0*Y + 35.0D0) goto 10 else if (L.eq.9) then LEGEN = 7.8125D-3*(12155.0D0*Y**4 - 25740.0D0*Y**3 . + 18018.0D0*Y**2 - 4620.0D0*Y + 315.0D0)*X goto 10 else if (L.eq.10) then LEGEN = 3.90625D-3*(46189.0D0*Y**5 - 109395.0D0*Y**4 . + 90090.0D0*Y**3 - 30030.0D0*Y**2 + 3465.0D0*Y . - 63.0D0) goto 10 else if (L.eq.11) then LEGEN = 3.90625D-3*(88179.0D0*Y**5 - 230945.0D0*Y**4 . + 218790.0D0*Y**3 - 90090.0D0*Y**2 + 15015.0D0*Y . - 693.0D0)*X goto 10 else if (L.eq.12) then LEGEN = 9.76563D-4*(676039.0D0*Y**6 - 1939938.0D0*Y**5 . + 2078505.0D0*Y**4 - 1021020.0D0*Y**3 . + 225225.0D0*Y**2 - 18018.0D0*Y + 231.0D0) goto 10 end if end if ! *********************************************** ! *** USE RECURSIVE RELATIONS IF POSSIBLE *** ! *********************************************** ! Here I try to optimize the calculation of the Legendre ! polynomials (which is ordinarily very expensive) by using ! the recurrence relations and information from the last ! calls to the routine. if (firstleg) then LOLD1 = -2 MOLD1 = -2 XOLD1 = zero LEGOLD1 = zero firstleg = .false. else ! See if we have the same values of M and X as the last call. if ((M.eq.MOLD1).and.(X.eq.XOLD1).and.(L.ne.M)) then ! If L is the same as in the last call, then ! LEGEN should also be the same. This will ! almost certainly never happen. if (L.eq.LOLD1) then LEGEN = LEGOLD1 goto 10 ! This is the most interesting case L = LOLD1+1. else if (L.eq.LOLD1+1) then ! LOLD1 = MOLD1. if (LOLD1.eq.MOLD1) then LEGEN = X*dble(2*M+1)*LEGOLD1 goto 10 ! LOLD1 = LOLD2 + 1. else if ((L.eq.LOLD2+2).and.(X.eq.XOLD2)) then LEGEN = (X*dble(2*L-1)*LEGOLD1 - dble(L+M-1)*LEGOLD2) . / dble(L-M) goto 10 end if end if end if end if ! ************************************* ! *** NUMERICAL RECIPES ROUTINE *** ! ************************************* ! Compute P^M_M. PMM = one if (M.gt.0) then SOMX2 = dsqrt((one-X)*(one+X)) FACT = one do I=1,M PMM = - PMM*FACT*SOMX2 FACT = FACT + two end do end if if (L.eq.M) then LEGEN = PMM ! Compute P^M_M+1. else PMMP1 = X*dble(2*M+1)*PMM if (L.eq.M+1) then LEGEN = PMMP1 ! Compute P^M_L, L > M+1. else do LL=M+2,L PLL = (X*dble(2*LL-1)*PMMP1 - dble(LL+M-1)*PMM) . / dble(LL-M) PMM = PMMP1 PMMP1 = PLL end do LEGEN = PLL end if end if ! *************************** ! *** SAVE OLD VALUES *** ! *************************** 10 continue LOLD2 = LOLD1 MOLD2 = MOLD1 XOLD2 = XOLD1 LEGOLD2 = LEGOLD1 LOLD1 = L MOLD1 = M XOLD1 = X LEGOLD1 = LEGEN ! ********************************************** ! *** MULTIPLY WITH NORMALIZATION FACTOR *** ! ********************************************** ! For M=0 I use the normalization factor: ! ! sqrt(2*L + 1) ! ! For M non-zero I use the normalization factor: ! ! sqrt( 2 (2*L + 1) (L-M)! / (L+M)! ) ! ! The extra factor of sqrt(2) is there because I ! use a basis of sines and cosines and not the ! standard complex exponential. ! ! With this normalization, I ensure that my basis ! functions f _lm are such that: ! ! / ! | f_lm f_l;mp sin(theta) dtheta dphi = 4 pi delta_mm' delta_ll' ! / ! ! Notice the extra factor of 4 pi. This is there because ! for a sphere, I want the (0,0) coefficient to correspond ! to the radius. factor = dble(2*L+1) if (M.ne.0) then aux = one do i=L-M+1,L+M aux = aux*dble(i) end do factor = two*factor/aux end if LEGEN = dsqrt(factor)*LEGEN ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end function LEGEN